
Anyone who has lost a few pounds as part of a change in diet or sweaty exercise usually has no interest in finding them again. The yo-yo effect describes the often observed phenomenon of weight gain after a diet. An increase always results from the excess of calories over the actual consumption of the body.

If you do not want to gain weight after a diet, you must continue to be careful not to eat above your turnover. It should also be noted that the body's calorie consumption has decreased due to the weight loss. So you are not allowed to eat as much as before or you have to increase your consumption through more exercise and exercise.

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What is the yo-yo effect?

The yo-yo effect describes the increase after a previously successful diet. Like a yo-yo, the lost pounds seem to land on the hip again. Often it even happens that you gain the lost weight and a few extra kilos after a diet. This is pure physiology. When the body receives an excess supply of energy in the form of food, it stores this energy in fat reserves so that it can be used when there is a shortage.

After a diet you consciously or unconsciously eat more carefree, treat yourself to a few extras or lose the motivation to exercise regularly and exercise more. In addition, the lower body weight also reduces the body's basal metabolic rate to a certain extent, as less mass is heated. So you take in more calories than necessary and gain weight again.

Read more about this under: Jojo effect

What do I have to watch out for during the diet in order to avoid a yo-yo effect?

There are some helpful ideas that can be taken into account during the diet phase in order not to fall victim to the yo-yo effect after it has ended. Ultimately, however, it is crucial how consistently you monitor your calorie balance after the diet. The intake should not exceed the consumption in order to maintain the weight. The following points can help to prevent the yo-yo effect:

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  1. Prefer a moderate diet: Those who restrict themselves too much in the diet phase can achieve faster results, but are also more likely to be plagued by cravings. Especially after a strict diet, you want to reward yourself extensively afterwards. Unfortunately, because of the extra calories, you quickly regained your initial weight. A well thought-out change in diet can lead to habituation, and healthier options or smaller portions can also be used after the diet (see also: Lose weight by changing your diet).

  2. Find a sport that is fun: Exercise is a real turbo in weight loss. If you move around a lot, you increase your energy expenditure, muscles burn more energy than fat even when you are resting. However, you should discover the fun of sport and let it become a routine after the diet. In this way, the energy expenditure remains increased and minor missteps in the diet are more easily forgiven. Read more about this under: Lose weight with exercise

  3. Build habits: In addition to exercise and sport, small changes in habits can also help with weight loss and maintaining the target weight. If these are maintained after the diet and not replaced by unhealthy alternatives, the yo-yo trap can be avoided. This includes, for example, drinking water and unsweetened teas instead of soft drinks, replacing dairy products with fat-free alternatives, opting for lean products and so on. Even small changes can help you reach and maintain your dream weight.

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What do I have to consider after the diet?

As already mentioned several times, it is crucial not to eat more than your daily calorie requirement after the diet. One should note that the basal metabolic rate has decreased due to the decrease. If you want to continue counting calories, you should recalculate your needs. In general, you can also increase your needs through physical activity and more exercise.

What may have been completely forbidden in the diet before should not be on the menu every day afterwards. Burgers, pizza, chocolate and co. should still be an exception that you can treat yourself to. However, the calorie balance should be kept in mind. If you have allowed yourself more on a day, you should compensate for this with a slightly tighter following day or do an extra sports session. Those who gain weight after the diet should check their diet for small pitfalls. It can help to keep a food diary here.

Lose weight slowly

Which method you used to lose weight is rather unimportant if it is an actual loss of fat reserves. Those who lose weight slowly have the advantage, among other things, that they have to accept less strict restrictions and have a high learning effect, i.e. possibly continue the healthy lifestyle over the long term. This reduces the likelihood of falling victim to the yo-yo effect.

Does sport help against the yo-yo effect?

Exercise is a proven way to support weight loss. Exercise can also help to increase the body's energy expenditure in the phase afterwards. This gives you a little more leeway in your diet and strengthens your body, mind and health. However, one should not overestimate the effect of exercise. Especially after a purchase, the achieved turnover also falls here. Sport is not a substitute for a sensible diet.

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You might also be interested in: Abdominal muscle training for women - Reach your goal quickly and without the yo-yo effect!

Does hypnosis help against the yo-yo effect?

If you do not want to gain weight again after a diet, you have to pay attention to your calorie balance. There are many forms of assistance and forms of motivation, probably also unconscious mechanisms, that can be addressed through hypnosis. Ultimately, however, it takes willpower and your own drive to stay on track and not fall back into old, unhealthy patterns after a diet.

Read more about this under: Weight Loss With Hypnosis - Does It Really Work?

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