


The rash with amoxicillin is one of the most common drug-induced rashes. It occurs in about 5-10% of patients. In the case of glandular glandular fever, which is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, the rash occurs in 90% of cases. In contrast, other derivatives of penicillin can be administered without the risk of a rash if an allergy has been ruled out. In addition, amoxicillin also increases the likelihood of skin rashes occurring in forms of blood cancer (lymphatic leukemia).

In most cases, this is not an allergic reaction from the penicillin group, which amoxicillin also belongs to.

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An increased incidence of Penicillin allergies after amoxicillin rash there is no.

The non-allergic rash occurs most frequently in the second week of treatment or 5-11 days after the start of therapy, or it can even occur after discontinuation or termination of therapy.

If, on the other hand, there is an immediate reaction of the skin after taking amoxicillin, a general penicillin allergy is suspected, which in fact if ignored life threatening can be. Hence takes place discontinuation of therapy if it occurs immediately.

General information about this antibiotic can be found at: Amoxicillin

root cause

The cause of the Rash under penicillin is still unclear. One suspects an interaction of the pathogens with the drug, which could be the cause of the rash.

If, as already mentioned above, the rash appears immediately after taking amoxicillin, the cause is often allergic.

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A rash may appear when taking the antibiotic.

The rash from amoxicillin manifests itself in Redness, Skin bumps, red knot and stains. Often he is also called measly described. In addition, itching come.

Read more about the topic here: Itching when taking amoxicillin

But it can also be too Inflammation of the mucous membranes come. This is particularly evident in the mouth area dryness or changes in taste.

In very rare cases, severe skin reactions can occur, which can lead to partial or extensive detachment of the skin or blistering (Steven Johnson Syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, Erythema exudativum multiforme).

As a rule, however, it is a completely harmless skin reaction if it is not caused by an allergy. In addition, the non-allergic skin reaction to amoxicillin is the far more common cause.

However, if the rash is actually an allergic form, it can severe allergic reactions come. These include an increase in certain blood cells, the Eosinophils, one Drug fever, nausea, Vomit, Swelling of the skin and mucous membranes (Quincke's edema), Anemia (anemia), Swelling of the larynx and thus narrowing of the airways (Laryngeal edema) or inflammatory changes in kidney and vessels (nephritis and vasculitis). In the worst case it comes to allergic shock (anaphylactic shock), which is life threatening.

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The rash caused by amoxicillin can be a certain typical course observe. Mostly the rash starts about 1 week after starting treatment. If a rash occurs immediately after taking the first tablets, the treatment must be stopped immediately. Then it is probably an allergic reaction. The non-allergic rash, which is relatively common with amoxicillin, often begins first on the stomach. From here it spreads further. The back and extremities are usually also affected. In the course of this, the face can be affected. This rash can spread within a few hours.

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The Duration of the rash with amoxicillin is approx. 4-7 days. Then the rash will slowly subside until symptoms and skin irritations are no longer visible. The symptoms can relieved by cooling measures some external stimuli like sunlight can make them worse. It should in the course of too other symptoms such as nausea and severe illness are a must Doctor called in become. This also applies if the rash after amoxicillin lasts longer than stated. Then there is probably no harmless cause behind the rash, but a problem that requires treatment.

Duration of the excursion

As a rule, the non-allergic rash persists for three days and during that time spreads over all parts of the body. The rash then subsides, which should be completely gone after 2 weeks.


The diagnosis is based on the typical timing of the rash, the physical exam and through the medical history of taking amoxicillin. This makes it easy to differentiate between an allergic and a non-allergic cause.

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If the rash occurs later than after ingestion (after 5-11 days), it is usually not an allergy and the diagnosis cannot be made using an allergy test on the skin or via an Blood collection respectively.

If the cause is allergic, there are different allergy tests that can be consulted. In the case of immediate reactions, you normally use the Prick test in which the allergen is brought into the skin with a prick or a lancet and compared with a positive and negative control. A skin reaction should occur after about 15 minutes if an allergy is present.

Do I have to stop taking amoxicillin?

If a rash occurs while taking amoxicillin, those affected ask themselves the question: Do you have to stop taking amoxicillin? To do this, you have to know that amoxicillin is a skin rash should always be assessed by a doctor. This decides whether you have to stop taking amoxicillin or not. In many cases, you don't have to stop taking it. This is the case when it comes to the simple rash which occurs relatively frequently with amoxicillin. A sign of this is the appearance of spots and redness without itching only after a few days. However, if the rash occurs immediately and will accompanied by other symptomsyou have to Stop taking amoxicillin. This is recommended to first find out what is causing the problem. Is it a allergic reaction to amoxicillin, discontinuing the triggering factor is the most important therapeutic measure.


If the cause is not allergic, the following measures can be taken:

To provide relief from the itching, damp cloths or cooling gels can be helpful. If the itching becomes too severe, drugs from the group of antihistamines can be administered, as the itching is mainly caused by the release of the substance histamine.

Otherwise no further treatment is necessary. The rash will usually go away on its own. If there is an allergic cause, however, further treatment steps must be taken:

First of all, the drug should be discontinued immediately if an allergic cause is suspected (see: discontinuation of cortisone). Depending on the severity of the allergic reaction, other medications such as antihistamines and cortisone may have to be administered.


Cortisone is an active ingredient that is often used successfully for a rash on the skin. It works anti-inflammatory and regulates the immune system. Most often it is used in the form of ointments or taken as tablets. Cortisone makes perfect sense in the rash caused by amoxicillin. Applied locally as an ointment can it help that Relieve symptoms and the Shorten the duration of the rash. Especially in severe caseswho are allergic, cortisone is the agent of choice. Then it's about that systemic administration of cortisone e.g. ponder in pill form or intravenously. However, cortisone should not be used on the skin for too long in order not to damage it.

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Amoxicillin rash on the face

If an amoxicillin-induced rash occurs, that too can Face to be concerned with. Typically, a rash with amoxicillin first manifests itself on the trunk. After a while, spots and redness can appear on the face. The skin manifestations can resemble measles. However, the disease can be distinguished from amoxicillin rash in that the Well-being is virtually unaffected by the drug side effects is. It can cooling creams are used. Nevertheless, especially when it comes to a child or baby, you should consult a doctor for safety and possibly document hypersensitivity to amoxicillin.

Amoxicillin rash on the hands

A rash caused by amoxicillin can sometimes also affect the hands. Show it partly both hands the rash. However, only one side can be affected. The hand infestation is not a cause for concern and one frequent place of manifestation this known drug side effect. The rash affects mostly the back of the hand. If there is reddening of the palms, you have to think of hand, mouth and foot disease in babieswhich is viral. Visit a pediatrician here.

Amoxicillin rash in children / babies

A rash occurs in 5-10% of people taking amoxicillin. This rash when taking amoxicillin can also in the baby or in the child occur. This is where the rash occurs a little more often on than in adult patients. This is because in babies and children the correct dosage more difficult to set is. Nevertheless, the rash here is also due to amoxicillin usually not dangerous. It is about a known side effect of amoxicillinwhich in most cases is not allergic.

The rash manifests itself in reddish spots and slightly raised skin appearances. They can appear all over the body. In addition to the obvious symptoms, it is noticeable in the baby because the baby screams for no apparent reason. The itching be. This can occur parallel to the rash with amoxicillin. As a rule, the treatment does not have to be interrupted despite the rash. Help it cooling compresses or remedies for allergy. Nevertheless, it is advisable to have a rash while taking amoxicillin in a baby or child To see a doctorto rule out more dangerous causes.

Influence of the sun on the rash

The rash from taking amoxicillin can also affect the rash Influence the sun. Usually will If you have a rash on your skin, avoid the sun. The aggressive UV radiation can damage a previously Additionally irritate the skin. This recommendation applies regardless of whether the rash was caused by amoxicillin or something else. It can cause sunburn and one prolonged course of the rash come.

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If you still want to go outside in sunlight, it is advisable to have one for the duration of the rash Apply sunscreen. After the skin irritation has subsided, a normal stay in the sun is no longer dangerous.

Pfeiffer's glandular fever and amoxicillin

Glandular Pfeiffer fever is one caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) induced disease. This leads to severe discomfort, a sore throat and swelling of the lymph nodes. Since the patients can present themselves to the general practitioner with a sore throat incorrectly diagnosed with a sore throat and with e.g. Amoxicillin treated become.

However, glandular fever is allowed definitely not with amoxicillin or ampicillin treated be given these drugs cause a severe rash if infected with EBV can. In contrast to the relatively common, hypersensitive rash caused by amoxicillin, this can even become life-threatening. It is then a serious malpractice. Amoxicillin can only be given if the infection is definitely bacterial. If in doubt, you should use another antibiotic. Pfeiffer's glandular fever itself does not respond to antibiotics such as amocixillin.

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