
Age spots are common on the hands.

The term age spots describes a mostly harmless, dark brown, pigment change in the skin. As the term suggests, these changes occur more frequently with age, which is why a large proportion of the population between 40 and 50 already has age spots. As these changes occur more frequently on areas exposed to sunlight, age spots on the hand are particularly common. Although these pigment changes are usually harmless, many people are bothered by the stains on their hands.

For more information on hand age spots, see the main page: Age spots

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The spots on the hand do not differ in their appearance from other age spots on the body. Age spots can be very different in their shape, size and brightness. The diameter of the individual age spots ranges from Fractions of a millimeter to a few centimeters. The edge of the spots can be easily delimited, so that the spots are usually well separated from the surrounding skin. The brightness usually decreases continuously due to the increasing pigmentation of the skin areas. The shape can also be very different from spot to spot. So is one oval shape is typical, however, the spots can be shaped quite differently. Care should be taken to see if the spots change over time as a Changes in size, shape and color always examined dermatologically should be.


Two factors in their combination contribute greatly to the appearance of age spots. For one thing, the name suggests again the age of the person concerned a major role. On the other hand, the occurrence can be strongly related to the Long-term UV exposure of the affected body part be associated. Since gloves against light exposure are rarely worn in the western world, the accumulation of age spots on the hands is not surprising.

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Other factors that could be linked to the appearance of age spots are the Consumption of alcohol and cigarettes. It seems logical that the Use of tanning salons, greatly increases the risk of age spots appearing. On the sunbeds one is consciously exposed to UV radiation in order to tan the skin. At the same time, however, the risk of causing pigment changes in the skin, such as age spots, increases.

The so-called Melanin is a substance that our skin produces more when exposed to UV. The melanin is often desired for Tan responsible in summer, however, plays also in the development of age spots a role. Normally, melanin is said to be the cells of the skin protect against dangerous UV radiationwhich is why it is produced more when the skin comes into contact with radiation. Due to the long-term UV exposure of the skin on the hands, the Melanin-producing cells are increasingly present there. It arise Deposits of the substance lipofuscinwhich appear on the surface as age spots.

From a purely biological point of view, it works no risk of age spots, as these are not degenerate cells that can damage the body through metastasis or the like.

At what age do age spots appear?

Since age spots are spots on the skin that are caused by increased pigment deposition, in addition to increased UV radiation, it also takes a certain amount of time, which must first act on the skin so that age spots become visible.

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The older the person gets and the more solar radiation has wrapped up on the respective skin area over time, the more likely it is that there is increased pigment deposition there. In general, it can be said that they are more common in people over the age of 40, but they are almost the rule in people around 60.


The doctor can distinguish pigment spots from other skin changes.

Should sudden changes in pigmentation, i.e. areas that are clearly different from the surrounding skin, are perceived on the hands, should definitely be one dermatological examination the skin.

When the changes early, i.e. before the age of forty, is determined medical examination particularly important. The exam can usually be done by either a dermatologist or general practitioner. Clarification by a doctor is important because Age spots are harmless changes represent, but one Confusion with malignant changes quite possible is. Especially a mix-up with the so-called Lentigo maligna, a form of black skin cancer, as well as that actinic keratosis, are possible. If these diseases occur on the hand, in contrast to age spots, therapy must be started as soon as possible.

A confusion, albeit harmless, can also be made between age spots and Freckles occur. The freckles, which also appear on the hand, are, however, sometimes stronger, sometimes less visible, depending on the sun exposure, in contrast to age spots, which remain constantly visible throughout the year.

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In order to be able to reliably diagnose age spots in relation to other phenomena on the skin, a special lamp used. This lamp enables a precise examination of the area to be examined.


Although age spots on the hand and other parts of the body are generally not dangerous, many people are bothered by the appearance of the spots. That is why there are now some therapy options that enable the removal of age spots on the hand.

There are some creams that can cover the annoying spots, similar to makeup.

Other therapies deal with the actual removal of the age spots. In laser therapy, the laser beams used cause the deposited substances in the skin to burst. After the therapy, the body breaks down the stored lipofuscin. However, the therapy also has risks. So it is important to rule out that there are no malignant diseases behind the pigment change, as these could metastasize as a result of the treatment.

The therapy of choice is usually the use of creams that can whiten the affected areas. In Germany, the active ingredients hydroquinone, tretinoin and hydrocortisone are contained and approved as a combination in these creams. The disadvantage of this therapy is that it damages the skin in the long term and can therefore only be used for a short time.

Other methods of removing age spots, which should only be done by an experienced dermatologist, are freezing or mechanical scraping under local anesthesia. In addition, acidic peelings can be used, which penetrate deeper layers of the skin and destroy the pigments responsible for the age spots there.
In general, all of these methods cause skin irritation and there are certain things to consider in order to allow recovery after the procedure. The doctor's instructions such as avoiding exposure to the sun must therefore be strictly observed after treatment.

  • Find out in detail about this method of removing pigment spots: Fruit acid peeling

It is advisable to consult a doctor and to discuss the therapy options, since many over-the-counter creams in studies have shown no effect despite their high price.

Read more on this topic at: Therapy of age spots

Therapy with creams

One means to combat age spots is through the use of Creams, the A Bleaching of the pigment deposits can cause. Once the age spots are there, complete disappearance of the age spots cannot usually be achieved, as the creams only reach the superficial layers of the skin and not the deeper ones, in which the pigment-producing cells can also be found.

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In these bleaching creams there are often substances such as Watercress extract or vitamin C that ultimately reduce pigmentation. However, care should always be taken to ensure that the creams are only applied to the area of ​​the age spots and not to normal skin, otherwise this can also lighten.

Bleaching of age spots

The bleaching of age spots can be done both with natural means Lemon juice, vinegar or Buttermilk (here the lactic acid works), as well as with medically applied, synthetically produced creams, which can bring about a lightening of the age spots.

The lightening is caused by the fact that the acids contained in the agents remove the uppermost layers of the skin, but the pigment spots do not completely disappear because the melanin-producing cells are deeper.

Do home remedies help against age spots?

Once the age spots are there, it is usually difficult to remove them - except with laser treatment.

Accordingly, the use of home remedies is often unsuccessful. Lemon juice, vinegar or buttermilk can be tried as natural lightening agents, which are applied to the age spots or with which age spots are regularly required


Since the age spots are mainly triggered by long-term UV exposure, the Use of a hand cream with high UV protection advisable to prevent the formation of stains. Even in the transitional months, the risk of dangerous radiation can be higher than it possibly appears, which is why Such a cream for hands is recommended all year round is. Visits to tanning salons should be avoided, as well as long exposure of hands to direct sunlight. Especially if you have a light skin type, which is particularly risky for the appearance of age spots, it is important to take precautionary measures early on.

Since the long-term consumption of alcohol and cigarettes could also be associated with age spots, it is considered as a prevention of age spots, and of course other diseases, not to take these substances.

Prophylaxis against age spots on the hand is recommended twice, as most of the causes for the appearance of age spots are also the cause of malignant diseases of the skin and should therefore be avoided if possible.

Further topics from this area

Age spots

Age spots are benign pigment discolorations that occur especially in older people. They occur preferentially on skin areas that frequently come into contact with solar radiation. Here you get to the topic: Age spots

Age spots on the face

Age spots are a natural change in the skin that shows up over the course of life. The pigment deposits tend to appear on the face, as the face is often exposed to UV radiation. Here you get to the topic: Age spots on the face.

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Remove age spots

Age spots are a natural appearance of the skin that mainly show up at an advanced age. Many people find these pigment deposits annoying and look for ways to remove them. Here you get to the topic: Remove age spots

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