Below is one List of many anxiety disordersthat we are constantly expanding.
Do you know a disease that we forgot? Email us at: angst Krankung@.
There are hundreds of anxiety disorders that can now be differentiated.
A list of all diseases of the Letter N. can be found attached below.
Anxiety disorder with the letter N
- Nebulaphobia - fear of fog
- Necrophobia - fear of death
- Nelophobia - fear of glass
- Neopharmaphobia - fear of new ones Medication
- Neophobia - fear of innovations
- Nephelophobia - fear of clouds
- Noctiphobia - Fear of the night
- Nomatophobia - fear of names
- Nomophobia - fear of being out of cell phone contact
- Nosemaphobia - fear of getting sick
- Nosocomephobia - fear of hospitals
- Nosophobia - fear of getting sick
- Nostophobia - fear of returning home
- Novercaphobia - Fear of the stepmother
- Nucleomitiphobia - Fear of nuclear weapons
- Nudophobia - fear of being naked
- Numerophobia - Fear of numbers
- Nyktohylophobia - Fear of dark forests
- Nyctophobia - fear of the dark
Overview of all anxiety disorders from A-Z
Anxiety Disorder A
Anxiety disorder B
Anxiety disorder C
Anxiety Disorder D
Anxiety disorder E
Anxiety disorder F
Anxiety disorder G.
Anxiety disorder H
Anxiety Disorder I.
Anxiety disorder K
Anxiety disorder L
Anxiety disorder M.
Anxiety disorder N
Anxiety disorder O
Anxiety disorder P
Anxiety disorder R
Anxiety disorder S
Anxiety disorder T
Anxiety Disorder U
Anxiety Disorder V
Anxiety Disorder W
Anxiety disorder X
Anxiety disorder Z
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