
In principle, one can assume that the therapy one Inflammation of the pancreas (Pancreatitis), regardless of whether it is the acute or the chronic form, lasts a lifetime.

During the acute relapses chronic pancreatitis, or the occurrence of purely acute inflammation, is usually a inpatient hospitalization inevitable. During this stay, the affected patient will have a Venous access (short: PVK) or a so-called Small intestine probe supplied with fluids and all important nutrients. This action is necessary because the inflamed Pancreas relieved must become. Also the external supply of Pancreatic enzymes is a common drug of choice.

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It will be evident that patients must remain under supervision in the hospital for the entire duration of nutrient and hydration. Since a slow diet should take place after the active attack, the duration of therapy for pancreatitis can stretch over days to weeks.

However, to avoid relapse is here patience appropriate because pancreatitis is one very painful, disease that should not be underestimated, which in some cases can even lead to death.

In the first time after the onset of the symptoms, normal food intake must be completely avoided; this measure is carried out over a period of 2–5 days carried out. It may also be necessary to suck out gastric juice.
The patient then goes into a second phase of the Food leave over, in the subsequent 2-3 weeks normal nutrition is gradually restored. Even after the inflammation subsides there is one Change in dietwho will accompany the patient throughout their life is required. The enjoyment of alcohol should be avoided for a while after an acute pancreatitis. Patients who suffer from the chronic form should on alcohol throughout his life dispense.

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In addition to non-surgical therapy, there should also be a surgical Treatment becomes necessary, so it is not uncommon for the patient to last for a long period of time stationary must remain in the hospital.

The Duration of therapy a pancreatitis is therefore relatively long.

Duration of acute pancreatitis

The duration of an acute pancreatitis depends, among other things, on whether it treated will or not. One not treated acute inflammation of the pancreas (pancreas) often takes longer and can life threatening run away. As a rule, the acute phase is often severe pain, loss of appetite, nausea and Vomit connected and usually lasts a few days. However, symptoms can be significantly reduced with medication in the hospital.

In the presence of an acute pancreatitis, treatment in the hospital is very important in the vast majority of cases, as otherwise the inflammation can lead to complications such as Dehydration (Dehydration) and Blood poisoning (Sepsis). Such inflammation must and can be taken very seriously fatal run away. The strongest symptoms usually develop with adequate fluid therapy and with no food within the first few days back. Adequate pain therapy is also important. It usually takes some time until the person concerned has fully recovered several weeks.

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Duration of medication intake (acute)

In acute pancreatitis, the most common Painkiller used. In rarer cases also come Antibiotics for use. How long the pain medication has to be taken depends very much on the extent of the inflammation and how painful the patient is. Some only need painkillers for the first few days, others need them for several weeks.

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Duration of chronic pancreatitis

The disease lies in chronic inflammation of the pancreas permanent before and can no longer fully heal. Nonetheless, many patients with chronic pancreatitis have recurring acute relapses, associated with the symptoms described above. The symptoms, however, are usually less intense and of shorter duration. However, there are also patients who permanently experience problems such as slight pain, bloating and loss of appetite.

Often there is a deficiency in chronic pancreatitis Digestive enzymes in front. These are formed in sufficient quantities in healthy people. In the event of a deficiency, a tablet containing enzymes that aid digestion must be taken before meals. Overall, it is difficult to quantify the duration of chronic inflammation of the pancreas. Basically, it is permanent. However, the symptoms vary greatly from patient to patient.

Duration of medication use (chronic)

For chronic pancreatitis, there are several medications that may need to be taken. Many patients become deficient in digestive enzymes due to the decrease in pancreatic tissue. In healthy people, these are formed in the pancreas and are urgently needed for digestion. If these enzymes are deficient, one speaks of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.

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Those affected have to take tablets permanently, usually with every main meal every day. It must be taken for life. There are also patients in whom the pancreas no longer produces enough insulin due to the permanent inflammation. Insulin is essential to metabolize the glucose ingested with food. If enough insulin is no longer produced, one speaks of diabetes mellitus, also popularly referred to as diabetes. Patients suffering from this type of diabetes must continuously inject insulin.

Length of hospital stay

If you have an acute inflammation of the pancreas, you should always consult a doctor. As a rule, inpatient hospital treatment must be provided. In the first few days, a lot of fluid is fed into the vein, the patient is not allowed to eat, and treatment is given with sufficient painkillers, as the inflammation is often accompanied by severe pain. Depending on the patient's condition and the improvement in symptoms during therapy, a hospital stay lasts between three and seven days. However, if complications arise, stays can be significantly longer, often with treatment in an intensive care unit.

Length of sick leave

As mentioned above, an acute inflammation usually requires hospitalization. This takes 3-7 days if the course is uncomplicated. How long the person concerned has to be on sick leave afterwards depends largely on how severe the symptoms are. Often times the pain therapy helps quite quickly and effectively and is a work ability after 2-3 weeks reached again. A week may be sufficient for short and simple courses. For others, it takes several months before sick leave is no longer necessary.

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