
Every year, when summer is just around the corner, the desire for the bikini figure comes into focus. There are thousands of offers on the Internet and in advertising on the best way to lose weight and achieve your bikini figure.
But what is really important when losing weight and which weight loss tips work? In order to lose weight successfully, you usually need to change your diet and exercise habits.

How do I get a bikini figure?

The rule for weight loss and bikini figure is actually very simple. You have to eat fewer calories than you use. However, this is easier said than done. There are several ways to achieve this.

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The first step is to change your diet. High-fat and high-sugar products should be avoided. It is best to cook here yourself. There are numerous light dishes on the Internet. For example, salads or vegetable soups are suitable. However, it is important to make sure that you do not feel hungry while losing weight. Otherwise you will be tempted much faster and increase the risk of a yo-yo effect after stopping the diet. Healthy, low-calorie dishes that keep you full for a long time are recommended. These include high-fiber foods such as vegetables, salads or whole grain products.
For the drinks, water and tea are primarily recommended. Drinking plenty of food with your meals is an advantage. The stomach is stretched more, which contributes to the feeling of satiety.

In addition to lower calorie intake, the body's calorie consumption should also be increased. Endurance sports such as swimming and jogging are best suited here. Because with only short physical exertion, the body draws on its sugar stores and not on its fat reserves.
But strength training should also be included in the sports program. Because if a lot of weight is lost, if you do not exercise enough, you will also lose muscle mass, which should be avoided. Muscles give the body a better shape.

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How long will it take to have a bikini figure?

The time it takes to achieve a bikini figure varies greatly from person to person. But in all cases it takes a lot of patience and perseverance.
As already explained, one kilogram of fat tissue requires 7,000 kcal. Depending on how many kilograms you want to lose and how much sport you do, the duration can vary greatly. If one assumes a weight loss through pure adipose tissue reduction, around 500g per week is realistic in order to achieve a long-term result. These 500 g per week are possible if you reduce your energy consumption by around 4,000 - 5,000 kcal per week and do sports two to three times a week.

Of course, you have personal leeway here and can lose more weight. However, you shouldn't set yourself too high goals as this can quickly become frustrating. That's why you should find out for yourself how much can be individually achieved.

Which special training is suitable for this?

Both endurance sports and strength training are recommended.
A lot of energy can be consumed in a short time through strength training. In contrast to endurance training, however, it cannot be held out for so long. When doing strength training, one should make sure that all parts of the body are trained and that the exercises are carried out correctly.
Correct posture is particularly important when training with weights in order to protect your joints. But you can also train with your own body weight. Exercises in which the whole body is used and not just individual muscle groups are e.g. Push-ups, sit-ups, forearm-support exercises, burpees (push-ups where you stand up and jump up after each push-up), skippings and squats. It is best to combine different exercises in a circuit training.
It is an advantage to choose a sport or exercise that you personally enjoy. This makes it easier to maintain motivation.

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Also read about this: Abdominal muscle training, successful weight loss through strength training & weight loss through jogging

Why should I start for the bikini figure in winter?

The body's adipose tissue is a very efficient form of energy storage. To lose one kilogram of fat tissue, 7,000 kcal have to be consumed. On average, we have a basal metabolic rate of around 2,000 kcal per day - women rather less, men a little more.
This can be increased significantly through sport. In order to lose one kilogram of fat tissue, a lot of energy has to be consumed. This cannot happen overnight and takes time. That's why you should start for the bikini figure in winter.

What to think of advertising a bikini figure in 3-6 weeks?

Advertising for a bikini figure in 3-6 weeks should always be questioned critically first and is usually unrealistic.
Some weight can be lost in a short period of time through a large amount of water lost, muscle breakdown and emptying of the gastrointestinal tract. A weight loss of 5 to 6 kilograms is even possible here. But this is not a gain in the long term and does not reduce our fat tissue. Don't let this fool you.
With starvation diets, it should be remembered that the body shuts down its entire metabolism and, as a result, the overall turnover of the body decreases. A strong yo-yo effect is also to be expected here. This means that after finishing the diet, you gain the weight you lost or even more.

No matter how much fat tissue has actually been lost, the real challenge is to maintain the weight. For this reason, once you have lost your weight, you should never revert to the way you lived before you lost your weight, which is easily the case after a crash diet. A change in diet and exercise are necessary for long-term success.

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Bikini figure by Almased

Almased is a very well-known formula diet. The meals are completely or only partially replaced by ready-made drinks. As a result, the calorie intake is greatly reduced and weight can be lost quickly. The advantage here is that you don't have to deal with your diet in detail.
However, it is possible that you may feel very hungry while dieting. After the diet there is very often a yo-yo effect if the diet is not changed. That's why formula drinks alone are not a long-term solution.

Please also read: Lose weight using tablets or capsules, acupuncture slimming

Bikini figure by Gymondo

Gymondo offers online fitness classes that you can take at home with your laptop. There are various fitness programs that can be selected and then followed over several weeks. In addition, there are separate statistics for personal motivation, as well as nutrition tips and programs.

Gymondo covers the two most important areas for weight loss: exercise and nutrition. Gymondo can be a good solution for many, as the program gives them sufficient motivation and support. But even Gymondo can only help to achieve a bikini figure over a longer period of time over several weeks and months.

Is it possible to have a bikini figure without exercising?

Weight loss alone is also possible without exercise - but not recommended, as exercise generally has a positive effect on the body and health.
If you only reduce calories, the body breaks down not only fat tissue but also muscle tissue. Some body weight is also lost through muscle breakdown. Furthermore, with starvation diets, the metabolism is reduced and the body uses even less energy. This makes it difficult to lose weight.

Since you not only want to lose weight for the bikini figure, but also want to gain muscle, you should always do sports. Little sport is also better than no exercise, as sport stimulates muscle building. A higher muscle percentage also increases the body's basic energy metabolism. Exercise also helps you to feel better about your body, you feel fitter and less likely to get sick.

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