
BoxaGrippal® is a drug that contains the active ingredients "Ibuprofen" and "Pseudoephedrine". BoxaGrippal® is one of the drugs that can be bought in pharmacies without a prescription. Boxagrippal® is a medicine that contains the active ingredients "ibuprofen" and "pseudoephedrine". They mainly have a decongestant and analgesic effect, but they also have other effects.

It is available as a tablet with a strength of 200 / 30mg per tablet in Germany, Austria and Switzerland under the same name. The pack size is 20 tablets per pack. Manufacturer is the Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG.

A preparation with the same combination of active ingredients is not yet available.
As the name suggests, BoxaGrippal® is used in the treatment of flu or colds with all their typical symptoms such as runny nose, sinus infections, fever, as well as headache and body aches. The drug combats these complaints for the duration of the effect and leads to short-term strong improvement in well-being. It is approved for use in adults and adolescents aged 15 and over.

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Ingredients of BoxaGrippal

Boxagrippal® is a so-called combination preparation made from 2 active ingredients.

On the one hand, it contains the so-called pseudoephedrine (30mg per tablet). This active ingredient is one of the sympathomimetic substances. Pseudoephedrine increases the effect of the messenger substances adrenaline and noradrenaline in the body.

These substances cause the body to narrow blood vessels, accelerate the heart rate and increase blood pressure.

In Boxagrippal®, it unfolds its effect primarily in the nasal mucous membrane, where it allows the nose to breathe freely again by constricting the numerous small blood vessels and relieves the discharge from a cold. If there is a sinus infection, the mucus can flow out of the sinuses better. You are relieved and pain less. In addition, pseudoephedrine can widen the bronchi and make breathing easier at times. For some people it is slightly stimulating.

The second active ingredient ibuprofen (200mg per tablet) is one of the so-called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the NSAIDs. Like the other active ingredients from this group, ibuprofen, Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), naproxen and diclofenac pain, fever and inflammation and thus many of the symptoms of flu or cold.
This effect lies in the inhibition of the so-called Cyclooxygenase, an important enzyme in the body. This unfolds the above-mentioned effects mainly by reducing the formation of so-called Prostaglandinsthat play an important role in the body in fever, pain and inflammation. Boxagrippal® contains a relatively low dose of 200 mg ibuprofen. A single tablet therefore only effectively relieves mild pain. The effect lasts up to 6 hours.

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Both active ingredients together thus complement each other and thus effectively fight colds, headaches and body aches as well as fever. In addition to these active ingredients, lactose, cellulose, starch, magnesium, macrogol and other binders are also included as additives without medicinal effects. During breastfeeding, small amounts of ibuprofen breakdown products are also passed into breast milk, which also leads to the advice against ibuprofen during breastfeeding.

Dosage of BoxaGrippal

Boxagrippal® tablets may be taken by children from the age of 15 at a dose of 1 tablet every six hours if necessary.

BoxaGrippal® available in pharmacies usually contains 200 mg ibuprofen and 30 mg pseudoephedrine.

In the case of severe symptoms, two tablets may be taken at the same time in exceptional cases, as long as the maximum daily dose is not exceeded. This therapy may only be carried out for a maximum of 5 days in order to avoid kidney damage.

This applies to ibuprofen as it does to all NSAIDs. Due to the ingredients, the maximum tablet intake is 6 tablets per day, which corresponds to the applicable maximum dose of 1200mg ibuprofen and 180mg pseudoephedrine.

In any case, this dose should not be taken unauthorized but only in consultation with the attending doctor or pharmacist. Boxagrippal® should never be taken with alcoholic beverages. It is better to take it with a glass of water with meals.

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Indications for BoxaGrippal

BoxaGrippal® contains, on the one hand, a predominantly pain reliever and, on the other hand, a vasoconstrictor active ingredient that can reduce colds and swelling of the mucous membranes.

This is why it can be used when pain occurs together with a runny nose, a blocked nose or a sinus infection.

In most cases, BoxaGrippal® is used for a simple cold caused by viruses. After ingestion, typical cold symptoms such as headache, limb pain and sore throat, runny nose and pressure over the sinuses should improve within 30-60 minutes.

BoxaGrippal® can also temporarily reduce fever. In addition to the common cold, BoxaGrippal® can be used to support a solid flu or if pain and an allergic runny nose occur at the same time.

It has the same effect: pain, runny nose, impeded nasal breathing and pressure over the sinuses improve. It is important that BoxaGrippal® should only be used if pain and symptoms occur simultaneously in the nasal mucous membrane. Better drugs exist for isolated symptoms.

It should also be noted that BoxaGrippal® does not combat the underlying disease - it only alleviates the symptoms. The duration of the illness is therefore not influenced by the drug.

BoxaGrippal® against coughs

BoxaGrippal® contains no cough suppressant. It therefore does not affect a cough, or only to a very minor extent. However, this makes sense: if coughing occurs as part of a cold or the flu, it often brings out phlegm.

If the cough is suppressed by medication, mucus will remain in the lungs and form a good one there Breeding ground for pathogens.

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Correspondingly, it makes more sense for colds not stopping the cough, but using an expectorant.

Exception is one Dry cough without phlegm. If this is very annoying, it can be suppressed with cough suppressants.

BoxaGrippal® against sore throats

BoxaGrippal® can against sore throat be taken as part of a cold. The active ingredient contained Ibuprofen is pain reliever and should alleviate the symptoms within 45 minutes of ingestion.

However, if you have a sore throat without accompanying symptoms such as runny nose, pressure above the sinuses or a blocked nose, you should not take BoxaGrippal® not useful. Instead, other drugs should be used that can isolated against sore throat and do not contain any other active ingredients that are superfluous for these symptoms.

Alternatives are, for example Ibuprofen pain reliever or Diclofenac. Lozenges from different manufacturers can also temporarily improve the pain.

BoxaGrippal® against colds and colds

The cold is the most common reason for taking BoxaGrippal®. It is for use with rhinitis in combination with further Cold symptoms such as sore throat, headache and body aches well suited.

BoxaGrippal® usually leads to one 30-60 minutes after ingestion Symptom relief. The runny nose is caused by the vasoconstricting effect of Pseudoephedrine stopped that Pain by Ibuprofen mitigated.

BoxaGrippal® contains no antibacterial or antiviral agent and therefore do not fight them Cause of a cold. The duration of the illness is not shortened.

BoxaGrippal® in children

BoxaGrippal® is allowed for children not administered under 15 years of age become. One of the reasons for this is that there is no experience with the use of the drug in children and the administration accordingly risky is.

If the pain is mild, if the parents have experience, a pain reliever such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen administered. The dose of these drugs depends on the person Child's weight from.

Ibuprofen is allowed first from the 6th month of life administered paracetamol shortly after birth. Good alternatives for BoxaGrippal® are nasal sprays or nasal drops with a decongestant such as for a blocked nose and a cold Xylometazoline.

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If children complain of severe pain from a cold or behave abnormally, a doctor should be consulted. The symptoms can then be an indication of a serious illness.

BoxaGrippal® during pregnancy

Pregnant and breastfeeding women are allowed no Take BoxaGrippal®, as insufficient data are available for this time. This is especially true for the active ingredient ibuprofen.

One is also conceivable Inhibition of labor and an extension of pregnancy and birth by inhibiting the formation of so-called prostaglandins by ibuprofen.

Furthermore, kidney damage to the child and an increased tendency for mother and child to bleed lack of prostaglandins conceivable. A combination of all these possible side effects leads to a complete warning in the pregnancy.

BoxaGrippal® and alcohol - are they compatible?

Basically, BoxaGrippal® not before or after drinking alcohol be taken. Alcohol and the active ingredients of BoxaGrippal® influence each other - taking them promptly can lead to various undesirable effects.

Alcohol can do that Reduce the effects of ibuprofen and pseudoephedrine and thus make the drug practically obsolete. BoxaGrippal® can intensify the effects of alcohol and thus become unexpected strong intoxication to lead. In addition, the combination of BoxaGrippal® and alcohol can do that Risk of bleeding due to a decrease in blood clotting increase.

With very heavy alcohol consumption, BoxaGrippal® can lead to Liver damage to lead. Acid alcoholic beverages such as wine in combination with BoxaGrippal® occasionally cause Damage to the lining of the stomach and thus stomach pain.

The consumption of a glass of beer or similarly small amounts of alcohol usually only leads to minor interactions with the drug, but due to the potentially dangerous risks it should also waived become.

If BoxaGrippal® is taken during a cold, it should also renounced alcohol because it can have a negative effect on the healing of the disease.

BoxaGrippal® and pill - are they compatible?

BoxaGrippal® should none or one negligible small effect on the effects of the pill. There are no known interactions between the active ingredients of BoxaGrippal® - ibuprofen and pseudoephedrine - with the active ingredients of the pill.

It is unimportant whether it is the common combination pill with an estrogen and progestin or an estrogen-free, progestogen-containing pill. In addition, there are no known interactions between BoxaGrippal® and 2- or 3-step preparations.

Even a typical cold - the most common reason for taking BoxaGrippal® - usually has no influence on the effectiveness of the pill. Occur as part of the infection, however Vomit or diarrhea on, caution is called for. In the case of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, the preventive effect despite taking the pill properly no longer guaranteed become.

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In this case, one should have sexual intercourse additional contraceptive method how to use the condom. If an antibiotic is prescribed for the common cold, the attending physician should be made aware of taking the pill. Frequently used Antibiotics like penicillin can they To a large extent cancel the effect of the pill.

Contraindications to BoxaGrippal®

Boxagrippal® should be used by known Allergies or Hypersensitivity reactions against one of the ingredients ibuprofen or pseudoephedrine are not taken. Asthma should also lead to caution against ingestion, as many painkillers are so-called painkillers Asthma attacks can trigger.

Ibuprofen counts as Anti-inflammatories like many other substances of this class to the triggers of discomfort and bleeding in the Digestive tract. Patient with Stomach ulcer or risk of bleeding should not take Boxagrippal®. As the different anti-inflammatories all of the Gastric and intestinal mucosa Boxagripppal® should not be taken when taking other anti-inflammatory drugs of the NSAID group (e.g. diclofenac or naproxen).

Due to the breakdown in the body, especially here liver and kidney diseases in one of these two organs should lead to increased caution when handling Boxagrippal®. At acquaintances Liver and kidney dysfunction Boxagrippal® should only be taken in consultation with the attending physician.

Also unexplained Blood disorders should lead to the abandonment of Boxagrippal®.

The ingredient pseudoephedrine is used in diseases of the Cardiovascular system Caution should also be exercised as this system is stimulated by pseudoephedrine. If you have known high blood pressure, Boxagrippal® would, for example, by constricting blood vessels to further increase the Blood pressure and further increase the risk of stroke and heart attack.

A previous stroke or an increased risk for one stroke should lead to the abandonment of Boxagrippal®.

Also the presence of heart failure, Cardiac arrhythmias, one Heart attack or chronic heart disease should lead to waiver, as further stress on the circulation through the pseudoephedrine would not be justifiable.

The effect of pseudoephedrine on the bladder also applies Urinary retention as a contraindication to taking Boxagrippal®, as Boxagrippal® could lead to the complete inability to empty the bladder and thus to urinary retention.

Also Thyroid disease have enormous effects on the cardiovascular system and an overactive thyroid leads to increased sensitivity of the cardiovascular system to pseudoephedrine and the intake of Boxagrippal® can lead to palpitations and, with corresponding previous illnesses, to life-threatening changes in the circulatory system up to heart attack or cardiac arrhythmias . With an overactive thyroid gland, Boxagrippal® should only be taken after consulting the attending physician.

A combination with other die Vessels Narrowing drugs should be avoided. Which includes Bromocriptine, Pergolide, Lisurid or Ergotamines as well as other those Decongestant substances in the nasal mucous membranesuch as those found in decongestants Nasal sprays are included.

When taking additional other drugs, especially those with mental illness used MAOIs (MAO = Monoamine oxidase, an enzyme in the breakdown of various circulatory-enhancing enzymes), e.g. Tranylcypromine. Boxagrippal® must not be used here in order to avoid extreme circulatory stress. It is also important to take these medications within the last two weeks, even if the medication has already been discontinued because the effect this medication over this time even without further intake persist can.

Other equally dangerous interactions can arise from many other drugs. Cardiac glycosides, Methrothrexate and other drugs that inhibit the immune system, Antiplatelet drugs and other drugs for mental illness are just a selection. Due to the possible blood pressure-increasing effect, Boxagrippal® should not be taken a few days before a surgical or dental procedure.

Since Boxagrippal® also contains lactose, patients with a intolerance of Lactose (= milk sugar) Boxagrippal® also do not take.

Other diseases that prohibit the ingestion are known Convulsions how epilepsy or also a glaucoma (= Eye diseases), Lupus or others Autoimmune diseases With Joint discomfort or Skin changes.

Side effects of BoxaGrippal®

The possible side effects of BoxaGrippal® result from the Side effects of the active ingredients Ibuprofen and Pseudoephedrine. In general, serious side effects rarely occur when taking this drug for a short time. If BoxaGrippal® is used in very high doses or over several weeks taken, it increases Risk of many side effects drastic.

Due to the effects on the mucous membrane of the Gastrointestinal tract side effects are predominant on these in particular. Above all here Indigestion, heartburn, stomach pain, Flatulence, nausea, diarrhea such as Vomit and in extreme cases gastric and intestinal bleeding. Existing inflammation of the gastric mucous membranes, ulcers or existing intestinal inflammation such as in the context of a chronic inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease or the Ulcerative colitis can damage the mucous membrane of the Ibuprofens be reinforced. After long use, the appearance is one Gastric ulcer possible.

Through the pseudoephedrine it can through the vasoconstricting and circulatory stimulating effect to high blood pressure, Headache, palpitations, insomnia or urinary retention come.

As with all drugs, hypersensitivity reactions or Allergies With itching, Wheal formation or circulatory problems occur. In the event of such complaints, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. It is not uncommon for asthmatics to experience the so-called Pain reliever asthma on, a pain medication induced Asthma attack. If one of these or other side effects is observed, a doctor or pharmacist should be consulted.

It should be noted that BoxaGrippal® should not be taken if there is pain, a runny nose or a sinus infection separately exist. The reason is that to combat the isolated symptoms Medication with only an active ingredient should be used to reduce the risk of side effects.

BoxaGrippal® interactions

If different drugs are taken at the same time, they can influence each other's effects. Some active ingredients then have a stronger effect, others weaker.

When taking BoxaGrippal®, such interactions with many drugs can occur. They rarely play a decisive role, but they can serious side effects to lead. It is therefore important to ask a doctor or pharmacist about the compatibility of other medications that must be taken. BoxaGrippal® must never be used together with the medication due to potentially strong interactions Apraclonidine, methylphenidate, selegiline and Tranylcypromine be taken. If other pain relievers or vasoconstricting drugs (such as nasal sprays) are used, BoxaGrippal® should only be taken after consulting a doctor or pharmacist.

Difference between BoxaGrippal® and Grippostad®

Boxagrippal® and Grippostad® are drugs that are mostly used for Symptom relief for common cold symptoms such as sore throats and headaches, runny nose and fever are used.

The two drugs contain completely different active ingredients. Grippostad® is offered in various forms - for example, “Grippostad C” and “Grippostad Tag” are also available in pharmacies.

The active ingredients can be found in most formulations Paracetamol and Caffeine. In addition, Grippostad can contain vitamin C, vasoconstricting substances or an anti-allergic agent. Whether and how the effect of Boxagrippal® and Grippostad® differs from person to person. From a pharmacological point of view, Boxagrippal® Pain more effective fight while Grippostad C® because of its potentially tiring effects to a better night sleep should lead.

How well the drugs influence colds and a stuffy nose in comparison, or how strongly stimulating they are, is difficult to estimate from conventional medicine. As there is a whole range of other drugs in addition to Boxagrippal® and Grippostad® that can be used to combat the symptoms of a cold, it is advisable to test out various drugs before finally choosing a suitable remedy.

Does BoxaGrippal require a prescription?

BoxaGrippal® does not require a prescription. It can therefore be bought in pharmacies or ordered from online pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. The reason for this is the low dosage of the respective active ingredients. Medicines with higher doses of the same active ingredients require a prescription in Germany.

Although BoxaGrippal® can be bought without a prior doctor's visit, a doctor should be consulted if symptoms are unusually severe or persistent. In older people in particular, a cold can quickly lead to a significant deterioration in the condition or even be mistaken for pneumonia.

BoxaGrippal® price

In contrast to prescription drugs, the legislator has not set the price for drugs available without a prescription. This means that every pharmacy sets the price of BoxaGrippal® itself and the prices differ between pharmacies.
On average, 10 BoxaGrippal® tablets cost € 5-10, 20 tablets between € 7 and € 15.

Medicines are often offered cheaper in online pharmacies. In most cases, however, due to the high delivery costs, buying online is only worthwhile if several drugs are purchased at the same time.


The intake of Boxagrippal® can lead to temporary circulatory weakness or visual disturbances. Driving a vehicle or industrial machinery is temporarily restricted while taking Boxagrippal®.

In the event of an overdose, a doctor should be consulted immediately. If there are signs of gastric or intestinal bleeding such as bright red or black stools or bloody vomiting, as well as signs of an allergic reaction such as shortness of breath and wheals, a doctor or rescue service should be informed immediately, as both side effects can lead to life-threatening conditions.

Patients with damaged kidneys should only take Boxagrippal® after careful consultation with the treating doctor, as kidney damage can worsen from taking too much ibuprofen and concomitant diseases such as diabetes mellitus can accelerate the deterioration of kidney function .

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