
The most common reason for the unpopular double chin is obesity or advancing age, whereby the connective tissue on the chin weakens, resulting in a sagging skin fold. But younger, slim people can also suffer from a double chin, in which case hereditary factors are decisive.

To make a double chin go away, it is often not enough to lose weight. Although a result is shown on the scales, it is usually not possible to control by dieting at which part of the body we burn fat. In addition, losing weight too quickly can accentuate a sagging skin fold even more unattractively. So, to get rid of the double chin, there are two options: cosmetic surgery and gymnastic exercises. Since a surgical procedure always involves certain risks and is also very expensive, the exercises presented below are definitely recommended.

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What can I do?

In addition to genetic factors that favor the development of a double chin and which cannot be influenced, there are also avoidable factors that cause a double chin. The most important factor here is Obesity, whereby excess fatty tissue is stored especially on the neck and neck. But also strong weight fluctuations like those at Crash diets occur can be the cause of sagging skin under the chin. Obesity and especially strong fluctuations in weight (losing weight too quickly) should be avoided in any case. A healthy lifestyle with sufficient nutrients can help strengthen connective tissue so that it appears firmer and less sagging.

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Furthermore, it is sufficient Sun protection to be careful, as the skin under the chin can be protected from additional wrinkling. In the following some exercises to prevent or reduce a double chin are presented, which can represent a cheap and safe alternative to surgery or "fat-away injections". The prerequisite is the regular and consistent performance of the exercises. In addition, the exercises are more suitable as a prevention and support a still intact connective tissue. Realistically, however, it has to be said that the exercises can neither make fat disappear completely nor restore completely overstretched connective tissue to its old form.

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The exercises aim to activate certain muscle groups of the facial muscles and to tighten the connective tissue through their tension and mechanical stimulation, similar to conventional gymnastics exercises for the abdomen, legs and buttocks (see also Weight loss and weight training).

A first exercise is to put one hand under your chin and use it to press lightly against the resistance of the hand. The chin should remain straight, the lips slightly open and the jaw relaxed. The tension is now held for a few seconds. After a short break, the exercise should be repeated a few times.

Another exercise involves closing your mouth and rolling your tongue up and pressing it against the roof of your mouth as tightly as possible. If you put a finger under your chin, you will notice the tension in the muscles of the floor of the mouth. This exercise should also be repeated several times.

Another exercise is to pull your lips inward (like an old man without teeth) and then pull the corners of your mouth towards your molars. The tension in the neck muscles is immediately noticeable. Now the mouth is slowly opened and closed alternately.

Sticking your tongue out as far as possible and holding it for a minute can also serve as an effective workout.

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In all exercises, this is regular and repeated implementation very important. It is best to do the exercises several times a day in between in order to achieve a visible result after a few weeks.

What can you do with it?

As supportive measures in addition to the exercises against double chin, a healthy lifestyle comes into question. Above all, strong fluctuations in weight should be avoided in order not to wear out the connective tissue. Drinking enough water ensures that the connective tissue is plumped up and does not appear limp. A sufficient sun protection factor prevents premature skin aging with small wrinkles on the neck.

Injection lipolysis

If the exercises shown did not achieve the desired success and the patient refuses a surgical procedure, then as a kind of interim solution, injection lipolysis (so-called "fat-away-syringe") is a less invasive method that achieves good results in 90%.

also read Vibratory lipolysis

A mixture of different subsets of the phospholipids contained in the syringe is extracted from soybeans and prepared for medical use. The active ingredient has originally been used in surgery for over 50 years to prevent so-called "fat embolism" (the term describes the risk that fat, e.g. from the bone marrow, will get into the bloodstream during an operation and thus block vital blood vessels). In injection lipolysis, the active ingredient is used as an off-label use, i.e. that there is no approval for this purpose.

Read more on the subject below Injection lipolysis

Injection lipolysis is performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. After the area of ​​interest has been disinfected and numbed, the active ingredient is injected into the fatty tissue with a thin syringe (injected). At this point, the excess fat cells break down and the fat that is released is metabolized in the liver. Injection lipolysis is therefore generally suitable for people of normal weight with problem areas, but not for weight loss. The unloved double chin is a frequently used and well-suited place for injection lipolysis.
If the double chin does not disappear through a healthy lifestyle or through the exercises described, injection lipolysis can help to reduce the excess fatty tissue on the chin and to tighten the tissue under the chin. A reduction in the circumference of 2 to 4 cm (depending on the body part and individual response) should be possible according to the providers of this treatment.

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Read more about injection lipolysis under Lipoma treatment

Anatomy chin

The chin (lat. Mentum) forms the lower end of the human face and is thus part of the lower face. The anatomical term for the chin region is Regio mentalis. The furthest protruding point of the front chin surface is called the pogonion. The so-called Protuberantia mentalis of the lower jaw (Mandible) represents the bony basis of the chin. Above this protruding bone lies a layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue of varying degrees and above it the skin of the face. The chin is supplied with sensitive nerves by the mental nerve (originally from the 5th cranial nerve, the trigeminal nerve). The arterial blood supply to the chin is ensured by the arteria mentalis from the arteria alveolaris inferior (originates from the arteria carotis externa).

As the lower end of our face, the chin contributes significantly to the aesthetics of our profile and at the same time to the symmetry and evenness of the entire face. Both a recessed chin (e.g. with the clinical pictures of mandibular retrognacy or an underdevelopment of the lower jaw) and a very prominent chin (e.g. with a progeny or acromegaly) are perceived as less aesthetic. For this reason, a chin correction is a relatively common reason for a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon. A double chin, which is made up of excess fatty tissue or drooping folds of skin below the chin, is also a common reason for surgery on the chin region.

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