
Around every second German has had at least one inflammation of the gums or bleeding after brushing their teeth. But that need not be. Chlorhexamed® forte with the active ingredient chlorhexidine digluconate is not only used in the dental practice for over 50% of treatments, it is also often found in the bathroom at home.

Read more on the topic: Inflammation of the gums

Due to its strong bactericidal (bacteria-fighting) effect, it can quickly counteract infections in the mouth and throat and also, as a prophylactic application in between, demonstrably promote dental and oral health.

Effect of Chlorhexamed® forte

The active ingredient chlorhexidine digluconate is responsible for the effect of Chlorhexamed®. It penetrates the bacterial membrane and can change it, in high concentrations even destroy it and is therefore bactericidal. Chlorhexamed® is particularly effective against the bacterium Streptococcus mutans, which is responsible for tooth decay. The antiseptic also works against some types of viruses, which is why it is often used for sore throats and throat infections.

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The molecule chlorhexidine digluconate adheres to the teeth due to its negative charge and can therefore remain in the mouth longer and work while other rinsing solutions have long since disappeared from the oral cavity. The negative charge also ensures that chlorhexidine adheres to the oral mucosa, but does not penetrate it and get into the bloodstream, which is why the preparation only works locally. Even if chlorhexidine is accidentally swallowed or the gel reaches the gastrointestinal tract, it is not absorbed through the intestinal mucosa but is completely excreted.

Indications for Chlorhexamed® forte

The effects of chlorhexidine digluconate have been known for 40 years. In general, it can be said that any bacterial inflammatory process in the mouth and throat (including tonsillitis and sore throat) is one of the areas in which Chlorhexamed® forte is used. These include diseases such as gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums in which the gums hurt, redden and swell. Furthermore, periodontitis, a generalized inflammation of the entire periodontium, is also an indication for the use of Chlorhexamed®.

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Read more on the topic: Periodontal disease

The active ingredient is particularly effective against the bacterium Streptococcus mutans, which is the bacteria that Caries caused. Therefore, chlorhexidine digluconate can be a Germ count reduction Achieve in the entire oral cavity, which helps to brush your teeth to less caries diseases. However, Chlorhexamed® cannot treat or even reverse an existing caries.

Furthermore, the preparation is at limited oral hygiene ideal, for example, for old or disabled patients whose ability to practice good dental care is limited. In addition, Chlorhexamed® has Bad breath a proven positive effect.

All surgical interventions within the oral cavity that involve sutures are a further indication, as the sutures are bacteria catchers and rinsing with chlorhexidine denotes Promote wound closure can. Rinsing is also preferred before surgical interventions, as this ensures a relative sterility within the oral cavity.

Caution should be exercised in postoperative behavior after tooth removal, as excessive rinsing is contraindicated for the healing process.

Side effects of Chlorhexamed® forte

Most of the side effects of Chlorhexamed® are reversible, that is, reversible. Patients who use the drug for an extended period of time often overcomplain Taste disordersthat almost metallic are. The general taste sensation is disturbed. Furthermore, the tongue, the teeth and the Greyish gums to discolour brownish and deposits can form. In rare cases it can also happen that the uppermost cell layer of the oral mucosa separates, which is known as Desquamation and causes an uncomfortable feeling in the mouth.

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However, the side effects mentioned are reversible and completely disappeared as soon as the preparation is discontinued. Probably the strongest side effect is the allergic reaction This can be a reaction to a component within the solution, up to a anaphylactic shock and can end life-threateningly. Therefore, the exact list of ingredients must be compared with the individual allergies.

Chlorhexamed® forte for sore throats

Some studies have shown that Chlorhexamed® against Throat infections helps. The antibacterial and antiviral effect is so potent that the number of germs inside the oropharynx is minimized by simply rinsing and gargling. In the case of a sore throat, it combats the signs of inflammation and relieves difficulty swallowing. The active ingredient can adhere to the teeth and is thus effective in the oral cavity for a relatively long time, while other rinses only work for a short time. Repeated use in the event of an acute throat infection is recommended, but not for a period of more than 2 weeks

Chlorhexamed® forte after wisdom tooth surgery

Whether rinsing with Chlorhexamed® after wisdom tooth surgery ensures faster wound healing is a matter of dispute. After a Tooth extraction should generally only careful and little rinsed because a clot of blood forms in the empty tooth socket, which is converted into tissue cells. If too much is washed around, the blood is removed and the Wound healing difficult yourself, also with Chlorhexamed®. Therefore, only brief, careful rinsing is effective and advisable, if at all. The medication should be slowly introduced into the oral cavity and a slight turn of the head is enough to wash around.

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Chlorhexamed® forte for tonsillitis

Chlorhexamed® is used for all inflammations in the mouth and throat and, thanks to its potent effect, achieves rapid relief from clinical pictures. With illnesses like one Tonsillitis, one angina, Lateral cord angina and Sore throat Gargling and rinsing with the solution can be pain relieving and anti-inflammatory. The active ingredient chlorhexidine digluconate can accelerate the healing process and alleviate the symptoms thanks to its bactericidal effect as a support for medical therapy. The use should be used in addition to an ordered medication, but not as a stand-alone application.

Chlorhexamed® forte after tooth extraction

Due to the versatile positive effects of Chlorhexamed®, those affected try to achieve faster wound closure by rinsing with the solution after tooth extraction. However is jRegular rinsing after extractions is contraindicated. After the tooth has been removed, a blood plug forms in the empty tooth socket, the alveolus. These blood cells develop into tissue cells and thereby close the open wound until, after months, they also convert into bone cells. If you irrigate too vigorously with a liquid, regardless of the active ingredient, the blood clot is removed and the bare bone is exposed in the open wound and can become infected.

This even makes wound closure more difficult. Therefore, the active ingredient Chlorhexamed® should not be actively moved within the oral cavity if it is used. Consultation with the treating dentist is recommended.

Chlorhexamed® forte for gingivitis

The main indication for the use of Chlorhexamed® is gingivitis or gingivitis. This can affect the entire oral cavity or only be localized in a gingival pocket or a tooth. In the case of generalized inflammation, rinsing twice with the rinsing solution after brushing your teeth for 2-3 weeks is the ideal therapy. If the inflammation is localized only in one or a few places, the application of gel or fluid products with the active ingredient can achieve a cure. Therapy should be continued until symptoms relieve. more on the subject: What helps with inflammation of the gums?

Interaction of Chlorhexamed® forte

It is important that there are molecules that can inactivate chlorhexidine digluconate and thus block its effect. These include Sodium lauryl sulfate and Triclosan, both of which are often part of toothpaste. The user must therefore ensure that he is using a toothpaste that does not contain either of the two substances, or that he must wait two hours between brushing his teeth and using Chlorhexamed® in order to ensure that Chlorhexamed® is optimally effective

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Dosing of Chlorhexamed® forte

The most commonly recommended dose is 0.2% and should be used twice a day for several weeks. At a Periodontal disease the treatment period is 10 weeks. However, this concentration is not suitable for long-term use, so there is a rinsing solution with only 0.05% chlorhexidine digluconate, which can be used daily throughout the year. In the case of fluid and gel preparations with a concentration ranging from 0.1 - 1%, local application (twice a day) is recommended until the symptoms of the inflammation are alleviated, after which the product should be discontinued. As a result, almost all products except for the solution with the reduced concentration (0.05%) are only suitable for temporary use.

Price of Chlorhexamed® forte

The price of over-the-counter drugs containing chlorhexidine digluconate varies from pharmacy to pharmacy. Rinsing solutions are available in the usual sizes of 200 ml - 600 ml and cost around 3.50 euros per 100 ml. The gel for application costs about 8 euros on average as a 50g size. Chlorhexidine preparations are also available in drugstores, but in a much lower concentration. The best individual product should be discussed with the dentist.

Alternatives to Chlorhexamed® forte

If there is an allergy to an ingredient in Chlorhexamed®, its use is absolutely not recommended. Are there alternatives with the same effectiveness? There are mouthwash solutions from pharmacies and drugstores, many of which are purely plant-based. However, no mouth rinse solution achieves bactericidal effects within the oral cavity as good as Chlorhexamed®. This is mainly due to the structure of the chlorhexidine digluconate molecule, as it can adhere to the oral cavity for a very long time, while the active ingredients from other solutions are quickly washed out again after the rinsing process.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

If Chlorhexamed® forte is used as intended, the active ingredient is not absorbed to a significant extent. Even if accidentally swallowed, the drug is 100% excreted and does not get to the child. It can therefore be used during pregnancy and while breastfeeding unproblematic.

Does the pill influence the effect of Chlorhexamed® forte?

The active ingredient does not affect hormonal contraception in any way and its use is harmless from this point of view, since the active ingredients within the contraceptive and within the chlorhexidine preparations have no interactions.

Is Chlorhexamed® forte alcohol-free?

All GSK products containing chlorhexidine digluconate have been alcohol-free since 2011. Studies have shown that the alcohol content in rinsing solutions does not accelerate or support the effect and is therefore no longer present in Chlorhexamed® preparations. Therefore, there is no risk to patients who take part Alcohol addiction are ill or could relapse through consumption, as alcohol can be absorbed into the bloodstream even through the oral mucosa. For this reason, Chlorhexamed® products are safe for children from 12 years of age. Nevertheless, the attending dentist should be consulted as there are also products from other companies that contain alcohol. Pay attention to the exact package insert.

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Is Chlorhexamed® forte available without a prescription?

Chlorhexamed® rinsing solutions as well as gels or fluids for application are available in pharmacies without a prescription. The individually suitable preparation for the respective complaint should be discussed with the dentist and the prescribed dosage should not be exceeded.

Is it possible to discolour teeth with Chlorhexamed® forte?

When using Chlorhexamed® rinsing solutions and gel preparations, this can already occur after a few days Tooth discoloration come.Since the chlorhexidine molecule can adhere well to the tooth due to its negative charge properties, discoloration is a possible consequence of the preparation's own color. This phenomenon is only reversible and temporarily, because after discontinuation of the application the molecules lose their holding power and the teeth completely restore their old color. If you wish, you can use a professional teeth cleaning that all discolorations are systematically cleaned.

Shelf life of Chlorhexamed® forte after opening

Like many medical products, Chlorhexamed® is used as a rinse after opening, provided there is no separate expiry date on the packaging 6 months durable. There are also gels with the active ingredient that should only be used 3 months after opening. During this time, the manufacturer guarantees that the product will be fully effective. If the preparation is still used after this period, the effect may only be partially or not at all. This is not advisable.

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