
Protein bars are now a dime a dozen. It does not matter whether after training, before training or as a snack, for example on a low-carb diet.
Protein bars are very popular and are being consumed more and more frequently by athletes than by non-athletes. But are the small bars really what they promise or are there something to consider when taking them. This article aims to clarify these and other questions.

When should you take protein bars?

Protein bars are a dietary supplement that can contain proteins and sometimes other nutrients, vitamins or trace elements in combination. While it is debated whether the protein bars are by and large a positive or negative addition to the diet, the decision for or against depends mainly on personal goals and circumstances. These include eating habits, fitness goals and also the financial situation, since protein bars are not a cheap alternative to food.

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Anyone who should take protein bars, or rather for whom the intake of protein bars can be useful, can best be derived from the positive properties of the protein bars. In the body, protein is responsible for:

  • the formation and maintenance of muscle mass

  • Supports the immune system and produces new red blood cells

  • Wound healing promotion

  • Formation of hormones and enzymes

Protein bars do not have to be stored refrigerated and are therefore an ideal snack or meal replacement for on the go. Due to the low number of calories, they are particularly suitable for athletes and people who want to watch the number of calories and lose weight.

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When shouldn't you take protein bars?

While protein bars seem to have many benefits, it is important to think carefully about your goals. As a rule, the daily protein requirement is well covered by a balanced diet, so that supplementation is not necessary. There are also cases in which protein bars are even contraindicated. These are for example:

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  • People with kidney damage

  • People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

  • Children under 12 years

  • as a pure diet product, otherwise there is a risk of deficiency in other important vitamins and trace elements.

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At what time (before, during, after training) should you eat protein bars?

The right time to take protein bars as part of training is controversial.
To build muscle, the protein contained in the bars is needed primarily during the regeneration phase, i.e. after training, as it is involved in the formation of new muscle fibers and the healing of muscle injuries. Knowing this suggests that the best time to take the protein bars is immediately after training. However, since the regeneration process takes several hours to days, it can also be useful to take a protein bar at regular intervals after training so that the body always has enough protein available for regeneration.

Nevertheless, taking the protein bar before training can be useful. Energy is required for training. It is well known that eating immediately before training is more of a hindrance, as the body is otherwise busy with digestion and side effects such as nausea can occur. A protein bar, on the other hand, is just a small snack and can satisfy the feeling of hunger before training without filling it up unnecessarily. The athlete has more energy and strength for training.

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Taking the protein bars during training does not have any immediate effect, so that the time of intake should normally be after training and in exceptional cases before training.

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Read more on the topic: Protein and exercise

How many protein bars should you take?

How many protein bars you take depends on your goals.
To help you lose weight, the protein bars are usually used as a snack to satisfy hunger and to bridge the time until the next main meal. Particular care is required here not to eat too many bars. The calorie intake then slightly exceeds the requirement. The rule here is that it is best to only eat one protein bar at a time. That can be 2-3 snacks per day.

If the protein bar is used for strength training, the most important thing is the amount of protein it contains. As a guideline, it is said that 1-2g of protein per kg of body weight is appropriate. Depending on this, that means that 1-2 bars should be eaten after a training session. If you use the protein bar as an energy booster before training, you should limit yourself to one bar. When taking the bars, you should be disciplined and not follow the principle that a lot helps a lot. A protein bar is also no substitute for a full meal and should only be taken as a support or as a snack.

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Protein bar for building muscle

Protein is essential for building muscle. The amino acids contained in protein are involved in the formation and repair of muscle fibers. Without the appropriate stimuli, in the form of strength training, a protein bar does not promote muscle building. To illustrate how a protein bar can support muscle building, muscle building itself is described below:

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  1. Stimulation: If the muscles are stimulated through targeted training and this leads to small tears in the muscle, this signals to the body that the muscles must become stronger. Basically, muscle building is an adaptation effect of the body to stimuli of varying strength.

  2. Regeneration phase: In this step, the body has to recover from the small injuries in the muscles. The regeneration takes place mainly during rest phases and while sleeping. The body needs energy and proteins for this.

The intake of protein bars to build muscle is particularly advisable after training so that the regeneration phase is supported and shortened as best as possible. When used correctly, protein bars can definitely support muscle building positively.

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Protein bar for weight loss

Protein bars are a popular choice as part of a diet. The high protein content, as well as the many different flavors, give those who want to lose weight the feeling of not having to completely do without snacks and being able to satisfy the small hunger in between without a guilty conscience. This principle can work, but there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • the protein bars, like all other snacks, should be eaten in moderation. If consumed in excess, not only can side effects occur, but the daily calorie requirement can easily be exceeded

  • it depends on the ingredients. Therefore, the label on the back should always be read to see how much carbohydrates, sugar and fat are contained in the protein bars.

  • Protein bars are not a complete substitute for a full meal. They should rather be used as a snack to satisfy the feeling of hunger until the next main meal.

As a conclusion, the question of whether protein bars are suitable for losing weight cannot be answered clearly. In principle and when used correctly, they can certainly support a diet. However, the user must have a precise idea of ​​which amounts of protein bars are useful and, above all, which of the numerous products are suitable. Other factors that should be taken into account are age, previous illnesses, fitness level and personal discipline.

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Low carb protein bar

Low carb protein bars are also part of the new fitness and diet trend. As the name suggests, they should have a particularly low proportion of carbohydrates (carbohydrates). In the body, carbohydrates are used for the smooth running of all body functions and as energy stores.
During physical exertion, the body uses the carbohydrate stores to gain new energy. The aim of the low carb diet is to adjust the metabolism so that only so few carbohydrates are absorbed that the body draws its energy from other reserves (especially fat reserves). Low carb protein bars are therefore attractive for athletes and diet enthusiasts for two reasons:

  1. Lots of protein to build muscle quickly, to maintain it and to have more energy during training and

  2. Few carbohydrates, so that fat burning is promoted and the weight loss process is positively supported.

However, low carb protein bars should also be carefully examined before buying. The information on the ingredients often provides information about the sugar content, the total amount of carbohydrates and additives used, so that products that make more promises than they really are can be avoided.

Also read: Low carb diet

What are the side effects?

Since protein is a naturally occurring substance in the body, normally no side effects are to be expected with normal consumption. However, if protein bars are excessively distorted or if there are pre-existing conditions, side effects may still occur. The side effects can then be expressed as follows:

  • Stomach pain or pressure

  • a laxative effect due to the sweeteners often contained in the protein bars

  • Proteinuria (excessive excretion of protein in the urine because the kidneys cannot use the amount of protein)

  • Deficiency in other vitamins and trace elements when protein bars are the only sources of energy for the body

  • unwanted intake of hidden carbohydrates when manufacturers use the net carbs label

Despite the multitude of possible side effects, as already mentioned, these are not to be expected in healthy people with normal use. Allergy sufferers and vegans should pay close attention to the ingredients. In the event of concerns and uncertainties, the taking of the bars can be discussed in advance with a specialist.

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How can you make a protein bar yourself?

Making protein bars yourself is easy and has many advantages over buying a solid product:

  • The ingredients can be selected by yourself, so undesirable additives such as preservatives and colorings are avoided

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  • The number of recipes is huge, so the protein bars can be baked according to personal preferences

  • The bars can be kept in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks. So if you bake a large amount yourself, it is usually much cheaper than the corresponding finished product.

To make the protein bars yourself, of course, you need a recipe. There are also tons of them on the Internet and in various cookbooks. The ingredients for a basic recipe are listed below. Of course, there are hardly any limits to the imagination, so that the bar can be put together according to your own wishes.

1. Oatmeal or quinoa flakes

2. Nut or seed butter of your choice (e.g. peanut butter, almond butter)

3. a sticky sweetener like agarvene nectar, maple syrup, or honey

4. Your personal favorite protein powder

As already mentioned, other ingredients can be added so that, for example, vegan, vegetarian, sweet or low-carb protein bars can be easily made yourself.

What other forms of protein supplementation are there?

In addition to protein bars, there are a few other ways to supplement protein. These are listed below with a brief description:

  1. Protein powder, this is available in different flavors and types. Whey, milk, egg white, soy, rice or multi-component protein powder are often used. The powders are easy to dose and can be taken in various ways. It is popular to take it in the form of protein shakes or dissolve it in drinks. Protein powder can also be used when baking protein bars.Numerous manufacturers are available, so that you should research carefully in advance to find the right powder.

  2. Protein capsules are also a popular supplementation method. They also contain protein powder. The advantage over the powder, however, is that the capsules are very handy and can be taken comfortably on the go. You can also bypass the taste of the powder itself. However, these advantages are also reflected in the relatively high price of the capsules. The BCAA capsules are very popular here.

  3. Combination preparations also often contain protein or the amino acids contained in protein. An example of this are BCAA capsules, which are also primarily used to build muscle.

Due to the multitude of possibilities to supplement protein, one should first be clear about which goals are being pursued and which type of supplementation suits them best.

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What should you consider when buying?

The market for products containing protein is large. Protein bars in particular are currently in vogue and are even offered in supermarkets and drug stores. There are numerous providers on the Internet with large price differences, both domestically and abroad. With the large selection of products, there are consequently great differences in quality. To make the choice easier, there are a few indicators that speak for a good quality of protein bars:

  • Amount of protein contained (at least 20g)

  • Type of protein contained (whey protein or a whey / casein mixture)

  • Ratio of protein to carbohydrates (protein content should make up more than 50% of the bar)

  • How much fat is there (enough to satiate but not too much to exceed the calorie requirement)

  • the fewer ingredients the better

Basically, products that are made in Germany are usually exposed to higher quality standards than comparable products from abroad, so that the bar made in Germany is a good indicator of a quality product. There are many sites on the Internet that provide detailed test reports and reviews of protein bars from various manufacturers. These can serve as a first point of contact when choosing a suitable protein bar.

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