
Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease that leads to itchy rashes. There are general treatment measures that are easy to implement. For example, cold air should be avoided or excessive sweating during exercise.

The therapy is based on a graded scheme which divides neurodermatitis into four degrees of severity. In the first degree of severity, only general measures should be carried out, while in the fourth degree of severity, a systemic, i.e. the whole body, therapy must be carried out.

These creams can help

The skin of atopic dermatitis patients is usually irritated and dry. The basic therapy includes nourishing creams that, depending on the active ingredient, inhibit inflammation and itching or simply provide the skin with moisture.

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In an acute atopic dermatitis attack, the skin is open and wet. At this stage, preference should be given to creams with a high water content. They have a cooling effect and relieve itching. In the chronic phase, oily creams should be used to supply the skin with sufficient moisture and to strengthen the skin's natural barrier function.

To relieve itching, creams that contain polidocanol can be used. Another option is cortisone creams. However, caution is advised with cortisone, as long-term use leads to a thinning of the skin (so-called parchment skin). Cortisone creams should only be used after consulting a dermatologist. Creams with calcineurin inhibitors are also available. Calcineurin inhibitors suppress the own immune system and consequently reduce the body's own inflammatory reaction.

Find out all about the topic here: These creams can help with atopic dermatitis or skin care for atopic dermatitis.

Cortisone in the treatment of neurodermatitis

Cortisone is a popular treatment for acute eczema attacks. However, an attack is different in each patient, so that atopic dermatitis is divided into four different levels and the corresponding cortisone preparation is administered.

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The first stage is mildly pronounced neurodermatitis, for which a weakly effective cortisone is prescribed, the so-called hydrocortisone.
In the second stage, moderately effective cortisones, such as betamethasone, are prescribed. In the third stage, highly effective cortisones such as mometasone fluorate are given. If the atopic dermatitis is very pronounced, very strong cortisones (clobetasol propionate) are prescribed accordingly.

The use of cortisone can cause many side effects and should not be used for long periods of time. For this reason, you should always consult a dermatologist.

Also read the article: Cortisone in atopic dermatitis.

These home remedies can help

Conventional home remedies can also provide relief for mild atopic dermatitis.

A mask made from yogurt or quark with honey can soothe the skin and reduce itching. The mask is easy to apply and, after it has dried, can be washed off with water. Aloa vera gel is another alternative. Aloa vera is a medicinal plant that the ancient Egyptians used because of its effects. It is said to have anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. The gel also has a moisturizing effect. The hyaluronic acid gel also has a moisturizing effect and can help with dry skin.

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Evening primrose oil in capsule form is also suitable for internal use. The unsaturated fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect and lead to a regeneration of the skin in the long term.

Since every neurodermatitis is different, it should be tried out individually what helps.

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Find out more about the topic here: Home remedies for atopic dermatitis.

Olive oil

Since the skin is particularly dry with neurodermatitis, olive oil can provide moisture and alleviate the symptoms. In addition, the olive oil increases the elasticity of the skin and leads to regeneration. The affected skin barrier is strengthened in this way.

The affected areas can be rubbed with olive oil or, alternatively, the olive oil can be added as a bath additive.

One of the most common places for atopic dermatitis is the crook of the elbow. You can read more about the topic in the next article: Neurodermatitis in the crook of the arm

Homeopathy for neurodermatitis

There are no studies that confirm the effectiveness of homeopathy. However, homeopathy can be taken as an accompanying therapeutic measure, as there are certainly patients who have had positive experiences.

The treatment of atopic dermatitis depends on the appearance of the symptoms and complaints. If the skin is dry and has rashes, use with Arsenicum album or Calcium carbonicum.
Antimonium crudum or Graphites can be used for weeping rashes. If the rashes become encrusted, you can take Antimonium crudum or Arsenicum album. Acidum nitricum is suitable for dry peeling of the skin.

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Find out all about the topic here: Homeopathy for atopic dermatitis.

The gloves for neurodermatitis

Triggering factors should be avoided in atopic dermatitis. These factors vary widely from person to person and often cannot be avoided without further ado. For this reason, the skin should be protected accordingly. Cotton gloves are particularly suitable for this as they absorb sweat and counteract irritation of the skin.
Cotton gloves can also be worn under other gloves without any problems.

There are also special gloves that can be worn at night. They prevent the skin from being scratched during sleep. This avoids mechanical irritation and the skin can regenerate better at night. In addition, the nourishing creams can be absorbed better and are not smeared on the bed linen.

Read more about the topic here: Atopic dermatitis of the hand.

Can you treat neurodermatitis through diet?

Affected patients report that atopic dermatitis worsens when they consume some foods. These foods can differ from person to person and must be clarified individually. Foods that are related to negatively affecting atopic dermatitis include:

  • Milk and soy products
  • Wheat products
  • Industrially produced food / confectionery
  • Foods high in histamine, such as fish, cheese, and alcohol
  • Nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts ...)
  • Meat and sausage - especially pork

To find out which foods actually worsen neurodermatitis, a diary should be kept. Food consumed daily and external circumstances (e.g. stress) should be noted. Often an elimination diet is also suitable, but should only be carried out under the supervision of nutritionists.

Learn more about this topic: The diet for neurodermatitis.

How can you prevent neurodermatitis?

To prevent atopic dermatitis, attention should be paid to avoiding potential (possible) triggers at an early stage. These triggers (antigens) are divided, for example, into nutritive (nutritional-specific), skin-irritating and aerogenic (airborne) antigens. A low-allergen diet and appropriate clothing should be observed. Here it is recommended to wear pure cotton and to use only a little washing powder and no fabric softener when washing the laundry.

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When it comes to skin care, you should also use the right care products. Oily shower lotions, for example, are recommended because of the dry skin of the patients.

Treatment in children

Especially when the disease with neurodermatitis starts early, the diagnosis is often a heavy burden for the parents of the affected child. With modern therapy and early diagnosis, however, symptoms of neurodermatitis can be well contained and enable a normal life.

Some basic measures should be taken to prevent the skin from drying out. This includes intensive skin care with ointments and creams, which should always be used. The different creams differ greatly in their ingredients. As a guide, it can be said that ointments with a high percentage of fat are best for the dry areas of the skin, whereas creams with a lower percentage of fat are better for the moist areas.

The basic non-drug measures also include careful handling of the skin when it comes into contact with water. So hot showers or baths should be avoided. Overall, everything should be done to protect the skin from drying out and against factors that can trigger an atopic dermatitis flare-up.

Depending on the severity, it may be necessary to initiate drug therapy in children with neurodermatitis. Children can and are treated with the classic neurodermatitis treatment, cortisone. Ointments are usually used, which are applied locally to the skin once or several times a day, depending on the doctor's prescription.

In some cases it may be necessary to resort to medication, which severely weaken the immune system and which are taken in the form of tablets. So-called immunosuppressants such as ciclospoprin A. attack the immune system and can thus alleviate the excessive reaction of the body in the context of neurodermatitis.

Also read the article: Atopic dermatitis in babies

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