What is ovulation bleeding?

Ovulation bleeding is bleeding that occurs through a small tear in the tissue of the ovary during ovulation.
In the vast majority of cases, however, this bleeding is so small that women do not notice it. The smallest amounts of blood are absorbed by the surrounding tissue and cells before they can be noticed vaginally. If it is more severe than expected, women will notice it about two weeks after their normal menstrual period. However, it is much weaker in its intensity.

root cause

The cause of ovulation bleeding is tissue damage to the ovary.

In each cycle of a woman, an egg cell matures until ovulation. This means that every month an egg cell is selected by the body, which grows with its surrounding structures until it is finally released. The increase in volume causes parts of the ovarian tissue in which the egg cell matures to be displaced. From a visual point of view, this process involves the tissue stretching over the egg cell, which is becoming larger, and thinning. If the pressure is high enough and the sex hormones also ensure that the tissue of the ovary becomes looser, the now thin layer over the egg cell tears. The egg cell has "jumped".

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This process is perfectly natural. Nevertheless, it means an injury to the ovary. As with a normal wound on the skin, the defect bleeds and goes through all stages of wound healing. It should be noted that the human egg cell is so small that it can only just barely be seen with the human eye. The wound is therefore to be regarded as relatively small and also rather superficial.

Also read:

  • ovulation
  • Can you feel ovulation?

When does ovulation occur?

Theoretically speaking, ovulation bleeds 14 days after menstrual bleeding. This is because a woman's cycle averages 28 days and ovulation is exactly in the middle of the fourteenth day in terms of time. The length of the cycle can, however, vary from woman to woman, so that half of the days between two menstrual periods are used as a guide.

It is very important to know that ovulating is not a woman's normal menstrual period. The menstrual period is noticeable once a month as a long period of marked vaginal bleeding. It is a withdrawal bleeding that causes the lining of the uterus to bleed off because pregnancy has not occurred.

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Ovulation bleeding as a result of ovulation is a prerequisite for a possible pregnancy. It usually goes unnoticed, as the little blood is absorbed by the surrounding tissue and the cells it contains. If it is manifested by vaginal bleeding, it is similar to spotting with a very low intensity. Women who are not of childbearing age do not ovulate.

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Does ovulation bleed before or after ovulation?

Ovulation bleeding always takes place after ovulation.
If no egg is released from the ovary, there will be no small tear in the ovarian tissue. As a result, there is no ovulation bleeding. The time sequence is therefore precisely defined. As already mentioned, however, in the vast majority of cases the bleeding is so small that it goes unnoticed by those affected.

Is there always ovulation bleeding?

From a medical point of view, there is always ovulation bleeding, as there is a small injury to the ovary every time you ovulate. How heavy the bleeding is, however, depends on the structure of the ovary and the egg cell.
In most cases it is so small that women do not notice it. If anything, it manifests itself in a day of spotting.

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More information can be found here: Spotting

How heavy is ovulation bleeding?

Ovulation bleeding is minimal. It can be compared to a small skin scratch that heals very quickly and easily.
Any suspected ovulation bleeding that occurs in the middle of the cycle should be evaluated by a doctor if it occurs repeatedly. Compared to menstrual bleeding, however, it is very much weakened and rarely leads to vaginal discharge or vaginal bleeding. This then often points to a disease-causing process, which often turns out to be a harmless cycle irregularity.

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Also read: Menstrual irregularities

How can I tell if the blood is from ovulation bleeding?

If you want to be sure that the blood is from ovulation, you should watch your own cycle closely as a woman.
It is often helpful to enter the days of your menstrual period in a calendar and thereby determine your own cycle length. It is defined by the number of days from the first day of the last menstruation to the next. Ovulation occurs exactly in the middle of this period. So it is very easy to use a calendar to determine whether it is ovulation bleeding.

What color is ovulation bleeding?

The color of ovulation bleeding cannot be precisely determined.
Any fresh bleeding - as well as that on the ovary due to ovulation - is initially marked by red blood. As soon as the blood clots, it takes on a reddish-brownish color. Depending on how old the bleeding is, it changes color. In any case, it is a mistake to think that one can distinguish ovulation bleeding from normal menstrual bleeding based on the color of the bleeding. Any blood that flows down the uterus clots and can turn red to brown in color.

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Ovulation bleeding usually lasts no more than a day. This is because it is only a small tear on the ovary caused by the cracked egg.
The small tear is quickly closed by clotted blood and repaired by inflammatory cells. Usually this process is not even noticed by women. However, if bleeding does occur, this manifests itself in a slightly discolored vaginal secretion.

Also read the article: The duration of ovulation.

What are the symptoms of ovulation bleeding?

Ovulation is triggered by female sex hormones. However, these hormones act not only on a woman's ovaries, but also on other organs and target structures in her body.
The female sexual organs in particular are subject to this influence. This explains an increase in the size of the chest with accompanying pulling, as well as lower abdominal pain.In addition, many women also feel a sensation of warmth that suddenly occurs. It can be explained by an increase in temperature in the context of the hormone fluctuations around ovulation.

You can also find important information here:

  • These symptoms cause my ovulation
  • Ovulation and temperature - what is the relationship?

Middle pain

All pain that occurs around ovulation is referred to as middle pain.
The time component of ovulation is eponymous here. This is because it occurs right in the middle of a woman's cycle. So if symptoms occur in this time frame, they are described as middle pain. From a mathematical point of view, the pain therefore occurs 14 days after the last menstrual period and lasts for a maximum of 2-3 days. However, it is typical for middle pain that it is only associated with discomfort for one day.

Also important pages to read: Ovulation pain


Usually, both middle pain and ovulation bleeding do not require treatment. In most cases, waiting patiently and, if necessary, symptomatic therapy is sufficient.

This can be done well through physical restraint, the application of heat and, in the case of severe complaints, with painkillers. It is up to each woman to find out how to deal with the complaints correctly. Medication should be used as the last step in pain. If the symptoms persist, an exact cause should be clarified by the gynecologist.

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Is Ovulation Very Fertile - Myth or Truth?

A woman is only fertile when she is ovulating.

The cracked egg is the prerequisite for pregnancy. It jumps once a month and is only able to be fertilized by sperm for a short time. If a sperm penetrates the egg cell and begins to divide with it, it is fertilized and new life arises. Hence, it is the truth that ovulation bleeding represents fertility.

At this point, however, it is important to know that normal ovulation bleeding is not perceived by a woman. The bleeding is too little for that. An assumed ovulation bleeding can therefore also be an intermenstrual bleeding, which stands for an unregulated cycle. In this case it is important to consult the gynecologist.
Heavy ovulation is more likely to indicate a physical problem that should be clarified. However, the fact that ovulation causes minimal bleeding in the body is beyond dispute. But this bleeding cannot be called “real bleeding”. Hence, there is also some myth in this statement, as it suggests visible bleeding as fertile. A woman shouldn't be misled by this. To put it simply: ovulation means fertility, a (monthly) bleeding does not mean pregnancy.

Also interesting for you:

  • Ovulation-inducing injection
  • Fertile days

Can you ovulate despite taking the pill?

The principle of the pill is to suppress ovulation. If the pill is taken regularly and in accordance with the instructions, ovulation will not occur and therefore will not ovulate.
Only when an egg is released from the ovary can ovulation bleeding take place. If intermenstrual bleeding or spotting occurs while taking the pill, this usually indicates an incorrect dosage of the hormones and requires adjustment.

You can find additional information at: Ovulation despite the pill

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