
An inflamed oral mucosa is usually associated with pain.

Of the mouth is the connection of the Digestive tract to the outside world. This means that the area of ​​the oral cavity is exposed to a great number of external stimuli and influences. The mouth has to be able to withstand hard and hot food and it has to deal with various pathogens such as bacteria, Mushrooms and other microorganisms. So that this is guaranteed, the entire Oral cavity with a Mucous membrane lined. The oral mucosa (lat. Tunica mucosa oris) thus covers the inner surface of the mouth.

The oral mucosa usually meets the demands placed on it by food and microorganisms very well. The cells can divide quickly, so they are Wounds heals faster than anywhere else on the human body. In a healthy state, the oral mucosa is moist and rosy. The mucous membrane consists almost entirely of keratinized and partially keratinized squamous epithelium, the Gums and the back of the tongue and the hard palate are covered with a keratinized squamous epithelium because of the mechanical stress of chewing and swallowing food.

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Primarily in the uncorrupted part are small ones Salivary glands stored, which in addition to the large salivary glands (Sublingual gland, Submandibular gland and Parotid gland) keep the mucous membrane moist. In the epithelium of the tongue taste sensors are also embedded in the epithelium. In general, there are sensory receptors in the oral mucosa that enable tactile sensation, pain perception and temperature sensation. The fact that the oral mucosa is constantly kept moist by the saliva protects it from external influences.


Inflammation of the lining of the mouth (Stomatitis) is usually associated with pain. These can vary from weak to very strong. The pain can be so severe that it may be impossible to eat. The pain can also manifest itself as a burning sensation or the burning sensation occurs additionally. The inflammation may also itch or sting. The mucous membrane is reddened with inflammation and can be swollen. With swelling of the mucous membrane, this swelling can also cause it to difficulties swallowing come. This can make eating and drinking difficult. It can also be a whitish or yellowish coating form.

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The coating can occur selectively or over a large area. This can further lead to a Bad breath to lead. If the inflammation is severe, it can also Mucosal bleeding come. Another important symptom is lesions, which are injuries to the mucous membrane caused by the inflammation. The mucous membrane can get cracked and tear, so-called Ulceration (Ulcer). In the case of very pronounced inflammation, it can then Necrosis (Cell death) the oral mucosa, which means that parts of the mucous membrane die off.

Also can Canker sores occur. These are mucosal defects. The canker sores have a round shape and are yellowish or whitish in the center and surrounded by a reddened edge. They can appear in groups or individually. Canker sores are usually very painful, but apart from the pain, they are harmless. The inflammation of the lining of the mouth can lead to a feeling of numbness inside the mouth, as well as a decrease or loss of taste. In rare cases and with certain diseases, blisters can also form. In general, the inflammation of the oral mucosa can be limited to a certain area or affect the entire oral mucosa.


The causes of inflammation of the oral mucosa are very different. The various causes can be broken down as follows:

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Infectious causes

Inflammations of an infectious cause are caused by certain pathogens. These are microorganisms that normally occur in food etc. and with which humans come into contact. They are a group of pathogens bacteria (for example: Borrelia vincentii). Furthermore, inflammation of the oral mucosa can occur Viruses triggered (for example by Herpes viruses (HHV-1 and HHV-2)). The first contact specifically with the Herpes simplex virus leads to the so-called Herpetic gingivostomatitis (Synonym: Mouth rot), a very painful inflammation of the lining of the mouth that leads to blistering. The blisters itch and burn. Additionally kick high fever and Lymph node swelling on the neck.

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Another group of pathogens are the Mushrooms. Usually this is the one Candida albicans yeast responsible. This fungus belongs to the normal oral flora of humans and can be called Oral thrush trigger. In oral thrush, the oral mucosa is covered with whitish coatings. Oral thrush usually only occurs in people whose immune system is weakened as a result of illnesses or certain therapies. Viral and bacterial inflammation usually develop due to an already existing weakening of the immune system or due to previous damage to the oral mucosa.

Allergies can also cause the inflammation.

Other causes

The non-infectious causes of various origins are summarized here. It can be through a allergic reaction to a so-called Contact stomatitis come. This is caused by contact with a substance that does not trigger such a reaction in healthy people. Furthermore, the effects of poisons can lead to inflammation of the oral mucosa. The triggers here are, for example, acids, which are a Chemical burn or metal compounds that can trigger a poisoning can trigger. Physical influences are another source of danger. Cause too hot drinks and food Burnswhich can then turn into inflammation of the mucous membrane. In addition, mechanical damage can result from food that is too hard or sharp-edged (crispbread, popcorn, chips, hard candy, etc.) or, for example, the improper use of a toothbrush.

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Such injuries to the mucous membrane can then lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane. Bacteria can also settle in such openings in the mucous membrane and promote inflammation of the mucous membrane. Also diseases that affect the whole person (systemic diseases) can manifest in the form of inflammation of the oral mucosa. Examples are the diseases of the connective tissue or the Gluten intolerance (Celiac disease) or the inflammatory bowel disease (Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease).

Also leukemia and Clotting disorders can cause inflammation of the lining of the mouth. Furthermore, there are diseases that are triggered by bacteria and which, in addition to systemic symptoms, can also manifest themselves through inflammation of the oral mucosa. The sexually transmitted diseases like Gonorrhea and syphilis can cause inflammation of the lining of the mouth. The oral mucosa can also manifest itself through a deficiency. Here are especially those Vitamin deficiencies to call. For example, people with vitamin C-Defect (scurvy) Bleeding gums and inflammation of the mucous membranes.

risk groups

There are certain groups of people who get inflammation of the oral mucosa much more often than healthy people. Often certain external influences on the body are risk factors for the development of an inflammation of the oral mucosa. Often these are specific Medication. For example, can Antidepressants, Antibiotics and Gold compounds cause inflammation of the stomach lining. Even the treatments against Tumor diseases increase the risk. cancer usually comes with a chemotherapy treated, the substances administered as chemotherapeutic agents mostly inhibit cell growth and thus prevent the oral mucosa from regenerating.

Also the additionally used radiotherapy burdens the body and can cause inflammation of the oral mucosa. Even patients treated with drugs that contain the immune system inhibit are particularly at risk. Furthermore, certain occupational groups have a significantly increased risk of getting an inflammation of the oral mucosa, here people who come into contact with heavy metals and metals should be mentioned. Also, people are exposed to extreme heat or caustic agents are particularly at risk. Certain groups of people have an increased risk of oral mucosal infections due to their age alone, on the one hand infants and on the other hand the elderly. Furthermore, people who Dentures wear is at risk of inflammation of the oral mucosa, as this can irritate the mucous membrane. Ultimately, that also increases the risk Smoke from cigarettes or the like. Also the excessive consumption of alcohol can promote the development of an inflammation of the oral mucosa.

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Inflammation of the oral mucosa, as a rule, occurs from the local application of drugs. One can disinfect the inflammation with Mouthwashes clean. Besides, you can locally anesthetic drugs consume to relieve the pain. Here, for example, the ointment is suitable Solcoseryl® acute. Furthermore, one can inhibit the inflammatory reaction, this is with the help of Glucocorticoids and Antihistamines possible. At Vitamin deficiencies you should get the missing vitamin to take in. In general, the underlying disease should be treated, if any. So you can do one bacterial infection treat with antibiotics, viral inflammation the oral mucosa can be treated with antiviral drugs and a colonization of the oral mucosa with fungi (Oral thrush) can with Antifungal drugs be treated.

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