
Our blood can show us inflammation in our body.

Inflammation parameters, inflammation value, acute phase protein, blood parameters for inflammation, blood value for inflammation

Sedimentation rate

The measurement of the Sedimentation rate (BSG), also Sedimentation reaction or Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), is a very old, but still relevant method for determining the general inflammatory state of a person.

According to the method developed in 1921, 1.6 ml of patient's blood is mixed with 0.4 ml of 3.8 percent sodium citrate solution to prevent the blood from clotting. This mixture is drawn up in a very thin glass tube 20 cm in length and left to stand vertically. Due to the force of gravity, those contained in the blood sink red blood cells (Erythrocytes) slowly to the ground, and in the upper area of ​​the tube there is an almost cell-free area that can be clearly defined with the naked eye. The height of this area (measured in mm) is read off after one hour (for certain questions also after 2 or even 24 hours). In the event of inflammation, the associated blood changes tend to cause the red blood cells to stick together and then, because of the now lower flow resistance, to sink more quickly to the ground.

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One is problematic evaluation the BSG for several reasons. There are many factors that affect ESR.
This is how a decreased number of blood cells (Hematocrit), various Medication (such as Steroids), Age, pregnancy, increased fibrinogen, as well as immunoglobulins and Akute phase proteins to one increased SPAwhile a lot albumin (the most common blood protein), contrast media containing iodine, a lot Endurance sports and misshapen or different sized red blood cells lead to a lower ESR.

The fact that there are so many influencing factors means, on the one hand, that there are many in the case of an increased ESR Diseases (Autoimmune diseases, infections, cancer) or other circumstances may be the cause, and on the other hand, that a normal ESR does not always exclude them.

Furthermore, the specified limit values ​​vary considerably depending on the source.
Researchers also describe a wealth of possibilities, e.g. To obtain different ESR values ​​with the same patient blood due to different temperatures or errors in the measurement of the volume of blood and sodium citrate. After an infection, it takes about 4 weeks for the ESR to return to normal.

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In most cases, the upper limit of the ESR after one hour of lowering time for under 50-year-olds is 15mm for men and 20mm for women, for over 50-year-olds 20mm or 30mm. An ESR value should only be assessed in a clinical context and preferably in combination with other inflammatory parameters.


On numerous health pressures such as Injuries, Operations, Autoimmune diseases, but above all on Infections the body not only reacts locally, but also systemically. An integral part of this reaction - the inflammation - is the change in the concentration of certain cells and substances in the blood.

Some of them - them Inflammation values - are routinely used for diagnostic and therapeutic control purposes in the laboratory measured. Many can now be assigned quite precise tasks within the human Immune system assign.

You can find more information on the topic here: Levels of inflammation in the blood


It will immune system of the person put on alert by a threat such as a germ, the cells that have noticed this danger pour Messenger substances out. These messenger substances stimulate the liver to increased production of Acute phase proteins and inhibit the formation of Anti-acute phase proteins. Acute phase proteins are proteins that are found in the blood to a greater extent in the event of inflammation, anti-acute phase proteins are reduced. All of these substances are released into the blood by the liver cells and transported with it to the furthest corner of the body.

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Likewise, in the Bone marrow increased White blood cells (Leukocytes) - the immune or inflammatory cells - are formed and released into the blood. In this way, the body wants to put itself in a position to be able to better counter the threat. So with more Clotting factors (how Fibrinogen and Factor VIII) The ability of the blood to clot in the event of inflammation increases, due to the formation of Clots (Thrombi) to prevent the pathogen from spreading via the bloodstream in the inflammation area.

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Other substances like that C-reactive protein (CRP) mark intruders and make them more recognizable for immune cells. The immune cells fulfill numerous tasks within the human immune system and, in turn, release many messenger substances in the event of inflammation, which coordinate and regulate the immune response, but also for some disease symptoms such as this fever are responsible.

C-reactive protein

The C-reactive protein is “the” classic Acute phase protein. It is formed in the liver when inflamed and released into the blood. Its job is to attach to dead cells and bacteria and thus make them for phagocytes (Macrophages) to mark. It also activates with the Complement system an essential part of the imprecise (unspecific), solved (humoral), but very fast immune response. This makes it an elementary component of the human defense mechanism.

Similar to an increase in ESR, an increased CRP value indicates an inflammatory process, but does not give any conclusion as to which. In contrast to ESR, however, the CRP value rises much more quickly when there is inflammation and then falls back to a normal level more quickly (after approx. 1 to 2 weeks). Another advantage of the CRP value is that bacterial infections drive it up more than viral ones, and it can therefore serve as an indicator of differentiation. Values ​​of less than 5mg / l are considered harmless.

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Read more about this under: CRP value and causes of increased CRP values

Also, find out about the CRP value in cancer


The white blood cells - also Inflammatory cells, Immune cells or Immune cells called - are im Bone marrow formed and are main constituent of the human Defense system. There are a number of different representatives who perform a variety of tasks. Some of their mechanisms of action and their interaction are still the subject of intensive research today.

In venous patient's blood one can in the context of a so-called small blood count the amounts of redden (Erythrocytes) and white blood cells (Leukocytes), such as Platelets (Platelets) determine. As normal are doing this 4,000 to 12,000 white blood cells pro? l blood viewed. Are more of them observed (Leukocytosis), this is an indication of an infection, but it can also result from other diseases, such as one Blood cancer (leukemia) be. Also permanent enjoyment of Tobacco smoke or long-term use of Steroids can explain a slight increase in white blood cells.

As part of a large blood count (small blood count plus differential blood count) the percentage of the main types of white blood cells in their total amount is determined. This is especially necessary to clarify abnormal white blood cell counts or if blood cancer is suspected. A multiplication of young (rod-like) so-called neutrophil granulocytes (Left shift) can be seen as an indication of bacterial activity.

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