
Bleeding gums can have a variety of causes. The most important and effective way to stop them is to identify and treat these causes. Most often, bleeding gums occur as part of an inflammation of the gums. If you manage to alleviate the inflammation, the gums and their blood vessels also recover.

Read more on the topic: Inflammation of the gums

Bleeding gums also often occur with inflammation of the entire periodontium. One speaks of periodontitis. General illnesses, hormones and medication can also trigger bleeding gums. Therefore, the first thing to do is to clarify where the bleeding gums are coming from.

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Read more on the subject: Periodontal disease

What are the options for stopping bleeding gums?

The first and most important way to stop bleeding gums is to maintain adequate oral hygiene to prevent gum inflammation and periodontal disease. You can get advice from a dentist, because toothbrushing techniques vary depending on the age of the person being treated and must be learned correctly.

Read more on the topic: Oral hygiene

It is recommended to visit the dentist twice a year for check-ups and, if necessary, to undergo professional teeth cleaning. Some habits, such as a high-sugar diet or smoking, encourage bleeding gums. A change or reduction of these habits leads to a reduced risk of gum inflammation or periodontitis and thus prevents bleeding gums. A balanced diet with sufficient vitamin C is also important.

Mouthwashes and medicated mouthwashes with the active ingredient chlorhexidine have an antibacterial effect and can be used to support the treatment of tooth inflammation and periodontitis. The intake should be discussed with a dentist beforehand.

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Read more on the topic: Therapy for bleeding gums

There are also numerous home remedies that either work directly against bleeding gums or combat inflammation of the gums. Effective herbs are, for example, chamomile, sage, aloe vera and cloves. As an infusion, leg roots and fingerweed are also helpful.

Oil pulling, which is often used with tea tree oil, olive oil, mustard oil, clove oil or coconut oil, also relieves the bleeding of the gums.

Read more on the topic: Home remedies for bleeding gums

The possibilities in detail

The correct brushing technique for adults is the bass technique. Here, the brush head of a non-electric toothbrush is stripped from "red to white", ie from the gum to the tooth, with vibrating movements. The interdental spaces should be cleaned with dental floss or an interdental brush. It often helps to adapt the toothpaste and toothbrush to your own needs. If bleeding gums occur while brushing your teeth, it is advisable to use a softer toothbrush. Mouth rinses with chlorhexidine can be used as support. However, the correct duration of use must be discussed with the dentist

An electric toothbrush is an advantage for patients with coordination problems. Particularly good hygiene is required with prostheses or fixed dentures.

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Chamomile and sage are mostly available as teas. Freshly cooked, the herbs contain even more active ingredients. You should let the infusion cool down and use it like a mouthwash, pull it vigorously through your teeth and then spit it out again. Chamomile is also found in many herbal medicines. For example in Kamisatd Gel, which is applied to the gums.

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The homeopathic globules Chamomolla D 12 also take advantage of the active ingredient chamomile. Five globules are taken three times a day. In addition to the versatile chamomile, aloe vera can be used both as a tooth gel and as a mouthwash.

In the so-called oil pulling, oil, preferably olive oil, is drawn through the teeth and gums for about 8 minutes. Inflammation of the gums is relieved because the oil bonds with the bacterial wall and destroys it. A drop of the mustard oil is massaged onto the sensitive areas several times a day. Coconut oil or coconut fat can be applied directly to the gums. Tea tree oil, on the other hand, should not be applied directly to the oral mucosa. Diluted in water, it can be used as a mouthwash solution. It is the same with clove oil.

A healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet also has a positive effect on dental health. Vitamin C plays an important role in this. Smoking and the consumption of alcohol, on the other hand, increase the risk of inflammation of the gums and thus bleeding gums.

What can the dentist do against bleeding gums?

The dentist usually finds the cause of the bleeding gums quickly. At the beginning of the treatment there is a personal conversation, in which any previous illnesses and medication intake are clarified. Then the oral cavity is inspected. Certain parameters can be used to find out how far the gum disease has progressed and which therapy is the most suitable choice. The dentist also has the option of x-raying and thus determining the extent of the inflammation more precisely.

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People who suffer from malnutrition often have bleeding gums too!

Read more on the topic: Bleeding gums due to deficiency

Treatment therapy usually begins with professional teeth cleaning. In certain cases, mouthwashes are also included, which stop the bleeding of the gums for the time being. In more serious cases, in addition to an intensive cleaning of the teeth holding apparatus, a smear is also taken, which is examined for bacteria in the laboratory. Depending on the result, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. The most important job of the dentist is to control this inflammation at regular intervals so that it does not relapse. It is therefore also important to explain how oral hygiene works in adulthood and what measures are required to relieve the inflammation.

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