
Eating a healthy diet during pregnancy is very important for the child's well-being.

A healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle is very important in every phase of life. Diet and adequate exercise keep the body healthy and the important processes in place.

But these factors play a special role, especially in preparation for and during pregnancy.
During this time, nutrition and behavior not only have an impact on the mother's body, but the supply of all important nutrients is also important for the child's maturation.
The child receives the important nutrients through the mother.

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Therefore, the mother's energy requirement increases somewhat, especially from the fourth month of pregnancy, in order to cover the child's energy requirements. During this time, the pregnant woman should eat a conscious, varied and balanced diet.

Basics of nutrition during pregnancy

For an adequate and balanced diet during pregnancy, a few basics can first be listed that help ensure a healthy diet for the pregnant woman.

More attention should be paid to quality instead of quantity. Since many pregnant women often worry about enormous weight gain, they can rest assured. Pregnancy doesn't mean that from now on you have to eat for two people.

As a rule, the daily nutritional requirement only increases by about 200-300 calories. The pregnant woman can therefore eat a little more, but does not have to include extra portions in her menu. It is also important that the pregnant woman eats regularly and avoids prolonged periods of hunger. Five to six meals spread over the day have proven to be ideal. This also provides the child with all the important nutrients and nutrients on a regular basis Vitamins provided. It also receives regular energy to drive its growth process.

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The regular meals also keep the Blood sugar the mother is stable and she avoids the often feared food cravings, in which one often falls back on something unhealthy.
Smaller meals are also helpful when the pregnant woman is nearing the end of her pregnancy. The unborn child has now grown so far that it takes up the largest part of the abdomen. The internal organs of pregnant women then especially press on the stomach. Smaller but more frequent meals prevent the uncomfortable feeling of fullness or even nausea. Some pregnant women can do this to you too heartburn reduce during this time and get a grip. She should consume plenty of calorie-free or low-calorie drinks. Of the Fluid requirements of a pregnant woman elevated and should be covered with healthy drinks. You should at least if possible 2.5 liters of liquid to take in. In addition to water, unsweetened tea and fruit juices are also suitable. Plant-based foods are also suitable for supplying the body with important nutrients and minerals.

On the other hand, the consumption of animal products should be restricted. If the pregnant woman decides to consume animal products, she should increasingly choose low-fat dairy products, low-fat meat and high-fat sea fish. It is better propagated unsaturated fatty acids as they are particularly common in fish.

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Many pregnant women fear an extreme increase in weight during pregnancy.

Read more about the topic here When does the belly grow during pregnancy?

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This can be prevented if the right choice of food is observed and at the same time the body still receives what it needs. The diet should balanced be and therefore also can Sweets and snacks in moderation to be enjoyed. Basically, the pregnant woman can eat everything in moderation and especially what she feels like. For fear of gaining weight, the pregnant woman should by no means stick to a diet, but rather eat smaller meals regularly. A certain increase in body weight is normal during pregnancy and can be reduced again afterwards.

Important nutrients

During pregnancy, women need more nutrients and minerals. These include folic acid, iodine and iron. Despite a balanced diet, some nutrients cannot be covered and must be supplied separately during this time.

Read more on the topic Vitamins in Pregnancy

Folic acid

Folic acid is a vitamin that is only activated in the body by vitamin B12. Folic acid plays a very important role in cell formation and therefore cell division as well as cell protection and is essential. Women who are of childbearing age and want to have a child can support a pregnancy in advance if they consume enough folic acid. At the same time, folic acid is said to significantly reduce the risk of malformations. During pregnancy, the need for folic acid increases by another 50 percent. After all, millions of new cells are formed during pregnancy. Well-known deformities such as the neural tube defect occur particularly during the first trimester of pregnancy. A sufficient intake of folic acid is therefore particularly important and essential.

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The need can be met with various folic acid preparations in the form of tablets. Preparations that also contain vitamins B6 and B12 are particularly suitable. Vitamin B12 is very important for activating folic acid in the body. In addition to the folic acid contained in the diet, an additional 400mg is added daily. Depot preparations also prove to be particularly good. They gradually release the substances into the digestive tract, which makes it easier to control the dosage. Excess folic acid is then simply eliminated directly. Dosage and choice of a suitable preparation should be discussed with the attending physician.

You can find out more about the topic here: Femibion®


During pregnancy, the mother supplies the unborn child with blood and the oxygen it contains via the umbilical cord. Iron is particularly important for hemoglobin, the blood pigment which is located in the red blood cells and which binds oxygen. In addition, iron is contained in many proteins and enzymes and is important for their functionality. Because the child is also provided for, there is an increased risk of developing an iron deficiency in pregnant women. Iron deficiency manifests itself with pale skin, difficulty concentrating, decreased performance, tiredness and headaches. The lack of hemoglobin also means that the blood can bind less oxygen. This affects the supply of the tissue and organs with oxygen and at the same time the removal of carbon dioxide. The doctor, a gynecologist who looks after the pregnant woman, measures the hemoglobin value (Hb value) among other things in the regular routine examinations. This provides information about the iron stores in the body.

Further information: Iron Deficiency During Pregnancy

To prevent iron deficiency during pregnancy, iron tablets can also be taken in addition to the diet. An iron intake of 30 mg per day is recommended for pregnant women. Not every woman tolerates the iron supplements very well, as they can occasionally lead to stomach pain, constipation and nausea. Here the pregnant woman can get adequate advice from the treating gynecologist.

If the symptoms occur, you can switch to another preparation under these circumstances. Some foods such as legumes, whole grains, red meat, spinach, beetroot, kale, zucchini, lettuce, chives and watercress are particularly suitable for ensuring the supply of iron. When preparing red meat, however, you should always ensure that the meat is cooked through very well. Various bacteria and viruses can be found in meat, so there is an increased risk of infection, especially for the fetus.

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  • Iron Requirements During Pregnancy
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  • Herbal blood


The need for additional iodine can also only be met with difficulty through diet. Pregnant women need more iodine from the start. Iodine is needed for the production of thyroid hormones by mother and child. Only from the twelfth week of pregnancy is the unborn child able to produce its own thyroid hormones, but it still needs iodine intake from the mother. This is also necessary during breastfeeding. In addition to the use of iodized salt and the daily consumption of dairy products, it is recommended to take an additional 100-150 micrograms of iodine. There are also some iodine preparations in the form of tablets.


Calcium is a mineral that occurs in very large quantities in the human body. About 99 percent are integrated into our bones. But it is not only needed in the bones, it also plays an important role in movement. Calcium is urgently needed for movement during the metabolic processes in the muscles. During pregnancy, the fetus needs calcium for bone growth, and most of the mineral is obtained from the mother's intake. If the mother suffers from calcium deficiency, there is not only an increased risk of developing osteoporosis, but the unborn child is also at risk. The supply of calcium to the child is then ensured by the mineral substance being additionally released from bones and teeth. To prevent this from happening, the pregnant woman should make sure that she is consuming enough calcium. The calcium is also checked in the course of blood tests and the doctor can therefore quickly discover a calcium deficiency. Again, there are enough preparations that are suitable for supplying calcium during pregnancy.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, whose derivative is called retinol, is a fat-soluble vitamin. It performs important functions such as maintaining functions in the eye, skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin A is supplied through the consumption of animal products. These include, for example, fish and liver. However, since a pregnant woman should avoid certain types of fish and liver because of other risks, it is better to use cheese and carrots to meet the vitamin A requirement. Certain fruits and vegetables such as spinach, tomatoes, broccoli and apricots also have the vitamin. One should take into account that vitamin A can be better absorbed by the body if one also eats a small amount of oil, such as olive oil, with it.

Learn more about this at: Dietary Supplements During Pregnancy - What You Should Know!

Coffee consumption during pregnancy

Coffee must be consumed during pregnancy Attention to be enjoyed. It is believed that the effects on the unborn child are similar to that of alcohol and cigarettes. Accordingly, the caffeine in coffee should become one Reduction in weight of the child. Caffeine leads to one decreased blood flow to the placentaAs a result, the child is also supplied with less blood and the nutrients it needs for life. This results in poor growth of the child.

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It is also believed that caffeine activates a transmitter substance that transmits the Cell growth reduced. The caffeine from caffeinated teas or soft drinks such as cola and energy drinks also has a similar effect. Experts often advise reducing caffeine consumption when trying to have children and, in the best case, avoiding it.

Alcohol and Smoking During Pregnancy

It is best to completely avoid alcohol during pregnancy.

Doctors also recommend small amounts Alcohol during pregnancy from. What the mother ingests, the child also receives through the umbilical cord. Many substances that are not a problem for an adult can still be found in an unborn child not degraded because the organs responsible for this are not yet fully developed.
These are therefore very toxic to the fetus. Alcohol can be too severe developmental disorders to lead.

It has an effect similar to nicotine (please refer: Smoking during pregnancy) on the unborn child. Not only can the child be born with a significantly reduced weight, there is also the risk of deformities and mental retardation.
Many children who have been exposed to nicotine or alcohol while developing in the womb are born premature babies. These children can be organically healthy, but usually lag behind their peers in development.
During school time, this is often expressed in various learning and concentration difficulties.

Raw food

Man is in constant contact with in everyday life bacteria and Parasites. They are in the air, on plants, on food and on numerous objects that we come into contact with very often. So there is always a certain danger in one infection to get sick. Yet people are not sick all the time. This is due to a good one immune systemwhich protects us from infections. During this time, the immune system gets to know and remembers many pathogens. This allows it to react directly with countermeasures. Adults therefore have a very reliable immune system.

On the other hand that is of Children and especially that of one unborn child very susceptible against infections. Accordingly, some infections that cannot affect a pregnant woman can be dangerous to the fetus. Bacteria like Listeria or the Toxoplasmosis pathogens, a parasite, can in some cases cause serious consequences and complications.


Listeriosis is one Infectious disease, by bacteria called Listeria. Similar to toxoplasmosis, it is a disease that is transmitted through infected food. Pregnant women, the unborn child, the elderly and severely immunocompromised people are particularly at risk. It usually leads to an infection triggered by food stomach pain and Diarrhea. In addition, various organ systems can be affected. In the further course, inflammation of the brain and meninges (meningitis) come. This then occurs Paralysis, Tremble, Misalignments of the body and Drowsiness on. In the worst case, listeriosis can lead to a pregnant woman Miscarriaget lead. Furthermore, it can also become a intrauterine death of the fetus, that is, the fetus dies while still in the womb. If the unborn child survives, it can also suffer considerable damage. The symptoms can appear immediately after birth or not until much later.

Despite intensive medical treatment, they have early infections often one very bad prognosis. Later infections after birth, they often manifest as meningitis. With an appropriate therapy, the chances of recovery are here not that bad. The death rate of the fetus is particularly high in the first trimester. But later infections can also lead to Abortion (abortion) to lead. In addition to raw meat, listeria can also be found particularly frequently in various types of cheese. These include cheeses such as brie with white rind, camembert, blue cheese and gorgonzola. These cheeses should not be consumed by pregnant women. In addition, when preparing red meat, it is important to ensure that it is well cooked.

Vegetarian diet

Vegetarians usually want to follow their usual diet during pregnancy, so they continue to forego meat. Meat provides a lot of iron, which is an important mineral for the body because it is for many people Metabolic processes, Proteins and Enzymes is needed. The need for iron is higher during pregnancy as both mother and child need it. Vegetarians must therefore make sure that they get enough iron with other foods without consuming meat. Milk and dairy products as well as whole grain products, legumes and spinach should definitely be integrated into the menu. So that the iron can be better absorbed in the intestine, care should be taken to ensure that there is an adequate supply of vitamin C. Vitamin C promotes iron absorption. So it can be beneficial to drink orange juice with food. In addition, the iron levels should be checked regularly by the doctor. If the values ​​are too low, they can be normalized with iron supplements. A purely plant-based, i.e. vegan, diet, on the other hand, should be viewed more critically, because a lot of foods that contain essential substances and minerals are omitted. Replacing these is very difficult. Avoiding meat and animal products therefore carries increased risks that the unborn child with necessary substances under-supplied becomes. Damage to the health of the child as well as the mother-to-be can occur. If a vegan wants to follow her diet despite everything, she should be looked after and examined regularly and closely by a doctor. In this way, deficiency symptoms can be discovered more quickly and treated accordingly in order to avoid complications. A nutritionist can also help.

Also read our topic: Vegan diet during pregnancy


Toxoplasmosis is a pathogen called Toxoplasma gondii. The main host of these parasites is actually the cat. When cats first become infected, they excrete infectious oocytes. These oocytes can then get into humans through contaminated food or water. Sporozoites are released in the intestine. These are able to pierce the intestinal wall in order to subsequently attack various organs. This initial infection is particularly dangerous during pregnancy. The pathogens can attack the unborn child and cause considerable damage. The central nervous system, the eyes and the female genital organs are particularly affected by the infestation. After a while, cysts develop in the muscles, the heart and the brain. Congenital, i.e. congenital toxoplasmosis can cause severe organ damage to the liver, lungs, brain and heart muscle. The children can suffer from intellectual disabilities, hydrocephalus, spasticity and epilepsy. In the first trimester of pregnancy, an infection of the unborn child can, in the worst case, lead to a miscarriage. This occurs in 70 percent of the cases.Since toxoplasmosis pathogens are also often found in raw meat, pregnant women should refrain from consuming undercooked meat.

In this way, you can considerably reduce the risk of infection with toxoplasmosis pathogens. If there is a cat in the household, it does not necessarily have to be given. Here, too, the pregnant woman can reduce the risk of infection by strictly observing a few hygiene rules. So she should always wash her hands well after contact. The pregnant woman can leave the cleaning of the litter box to other members of the family. Otherwise she should wash her hands thoroughly after contact. The mother's blood can also be checked for antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii during a medical examination. If antibodies are present in the blood, this indicates that contact has already been made with the pathogen. In this case the pregnant woman is immune.

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