
Babies begin to have teeth within the first few months of life. Colloquially this is often referred to as "teething".
Again and again, parents report a rash on their baby during teething. In fact, there is often a temporal connection between teething and the appearance of a rash that cannot be traced back to another cause (neurodermatitis, infections such as scarlet fever, chickenpox).


The rash manifests itself in the form of reddening of the skin, which can either be uniform or patchy over the entire area. In general, it is not restricted to certain body regions, but in the vast majority of cases it occurs in the joints of the joints, on the mouth (due to the often increased salivation at the same time) or on the buttocks. Since the rash is often accompanied by itching, it can become a major burden for both child and parent. Teething is very straightforward for some children.

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A teething rash is not defined as such. A rash is also not common. Occasionally there is slight reddening of the cheeks. However, rashes that affect other parts of the body or are accompanied by other symptoms such as fever are more likely to indicate the presence of another disease.

Read more on the topic "Teething" under: Teething in the baby


Skin rashes are not uncommon in babies. Harmless infections are particularly common at the time when the children are starting to get their first teeth. The children's immune system develops and keeps getting to know new viruses and bacteria. Rashes and other symptoms are therefore common. However, one should not mistakenly associate this with teething: teething does not in itself lead to rashes. However, rashes often appear at the same time as new teeth grow. Viruses are usually responsible for this.
Other skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis in babies can also cause rashes in babies.

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A clearly defined relationship between rash and teething in babies can only be described for certain locations of the rash. The breaking through of the tooth creates a gateway for pathogens to penetrate, which leads to inflammation of the inside of the mouth, especially the gums. This inflammation alone can lead to swelling and reddening of the baby's cheeks, which can resemble a rash. However, the inflammation also results in increased saliva flow and thus increased "drooling". The permanent moistening of the skin around the mouth eventually leads to the typical perioral (around the mouth) rash.

A rash on the buttocks during teething is attributed to the fact that the emergence of the penetration ports described above enrich the saliva with germs, which eventually get into the stool and urine by swallowing the saliva. The situation is different with a rash in the flexor joints during teething. This can reflect what is known as teething atopic dermatitis. The term neurodermatitis (atopic dermatitis) describes the increased predisposition in some people to develop non-infectious skin rashes. Atopic dermatitis often manifests itself for the first time during teething, as the latter is a heavy burden on the baby's organism. The skin rash in the context of teething atopic dermatitis is more blotchy (the spots are about the size of 1 euro coins, for example) than a large rash.

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Read more on the topic: Baby rash - what's behind it?

Other accompanying symptoms

Teething is very individual from child to child. In some babies, the process is very uncomplicated, so that the parents hardly notice the teething. With other children, teething becomes a nerve-wracking thing.
Reddened and swollen gums are typical. Reddening of the cheeks is also possible. Because teething weakens the baby's immune system, the child is more prone to infection. These are most likely to be expressed by a fever, which should be the reason for a consultation with the pediatrician. Due to the pain and inflammation in the mouth, the baby may refuse to eat or at least greatly reduce it. In this case, it is particularly important to ensure that the child absorbs sufficient fluid. Since teething is a strain on the child's body, it often also has an impact on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Some babies develop diarrhea due to increased bowel activity, while other babies are more likely to suffer from constipation.

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Read more on the subject at: Diarrhea while teething

Another indication of teething in the baby is increased salivation - the baby is drooling more often.
More frequent screaming or whining are also typical of teething in babies.

A slightly elevated temperature can also occur. However, the temperature increase should not last longer than a day. Feverish children should definitely be presented to a pediatrician, as there must be another cause.

Other accompanying symptoms are more frequent waking up and an increased urge to suck on the baby.

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Localization of the rash

Rash on the face

A rash on the face will develop around the mouth in the vast majority of cases during teething. This can be explained by the increased flow of saliva caused by the irritation of the inside of the mouth. Constant drying of the mouth area is crucial for relieving the rash. In the real sense, however, it is not a rash, but rather a slight reddening in the area of ​​the cheeks. This is quite normal and occurs in many children at this stage. However, if you have a fever or other symptoms, it is more likely that there is an illness.

Colds are not uncommon in babies, especially at the age at which teeth begin to grow. Weaning babies no longer get the maternal nest protection and are more susceptible to minor infections. Therefore, if you have a real rash on your face, it is advisable to see a pediatrician. Other skin diseases such as neurodermatitis in babies should also be considered, especially if the skin symptoms persist.

Baby acne should be distinguished from the rash during teething. It occurs in the first few weeks of life (i.e. well before teething) and manifests itself as a purulent reddish rash. Chickenpox also manifests itself through a rash on the face. Initially, small reddish spots appear in the mouth area, which develop into fluid-filled blisters within a short time (hours). The pronounced itching is characteristic. The rash quickly spreads from the face to the entire body. Herpes can also show up in babies' mouths and creates very similar sores on the mouth as in adults.

Read more on this topic at: Rash On The Face - What Is The Cause?

Rash on the back

A rash on the back is totally atypical for teething in babies. Teething as such does not trigger a rash on the baby's back. A maximum of slight reddening occurs on the face. It is therefore likely that the rash on the back was caused by something else. However, there is a common misconception that teething causes skin rashes. If there are additional symptoms such as fever or fatigue, other causes should be considered. Such causes can be, for example, childhood diseases such as rubella, rubella or measles.

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Other infections can cause back rashes and are very common at the age babies are teething. Therefore, while the rash appears at the same time as teething, it is likely that it is not caused by teething. Certain medications (e.g. penicillin) can also trigger such a localized rash in some babies. is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. Shingles can manifest in the abdomen and back and is a secondary infection with the chickenpox virus. The ribbon-shaped, extremely painful rash is usually preceded by a slight fever. If a skin fungus is the cause of a rash on the back, it is usually a circular rash that increases in size over time.

Rash on the abdomen

A rash on the abdomen is not caused by teething in the baby. Rather, a rash on the stomach suggests another cause such as an infection or an allergy. In particular, the appearance of other symptoms such as fever or itching suggest the presence of other causes. Constant mechanical (rubbing of the diaper or clothing) or chemical (sweat, especially in abdominal folds) irritation can lead to a rash on the stomach.

If the rash on the abdomen appears as a round structure, the most likely to think of a fungal infection. On the other hand, a ribbon-shaped rash suggests shingles, i.e. a second infection with the chickenpox virus. For example, an itch mite infestation can manifest itself on the stomach as a rash with itching.

However, other diseases are also possible and should be clarified by a pediatrician.

Please also read: Rash from mites

Rash all over the body

A rash all over the body (Rash) is not caused by teething. It is often mistakenly believed that teething can cause a rash.
However, this is not true. Teething is a natural step in development and not a disease. A rash all over the body is more likely to be an infection or an allergy.
A drug intolerance can also cause a rash all over the body (Drug eruption) cause.

If a rash occurs all over the body, there are several causes to consider. Also, since such a widespread rash represents a high burden for the baby due to the large extent alone, a visit to the pediatrician should take place in this case.

Read more on the topic: Drug Eruption - Signs and Treatment


The diagnosis of a rash is made by a pediatrician.
Have your child examined and watch out for any accompanying symptoms such as unwillingness to drink, fatigue, restlessness or the like. A cough and runny nose can also indicate a viral disease. However, a rash that affects the whole body is not caused by teething. However, slight reddening of the face is possible.
The pediatrician in charge will examine the child and can often narrow down possible causes based on the appearance of the rash. In case of doubt, a blood or stool test and, if necessary, further tests (e.g. allergy tests) can clarify the situation. If certain diseases are suspected, such as neurodermatitis, further special examinations are carried out.

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If the skin rash in the baby is actually to be assessed in connection with the teething and other causes (especially infections) could be ruled out, then skin care for the affected body regions is of central importance. Various ointments and creams are available, some of which are based on vegetable substances. Consultation in the pharmacy is recommended.

Since teething is not a disease but a natural step in development, it does not require any therapy or treatment. Parents should approach teething with serenity and calm. This also helps calm the child. Gently massaging the swollen gums or offering teething rings can help ease the baby's discomfort. Alternatively, the baby can also be given cold carrots or breadcrumbs to nibble: The pressure on the gums is often perceived as pleasant, as it counteracts the pain caused by teething.
A rash during teething also does not require therapy, as long as it is the slight reddening of the facial skin that can occur during teething. However, real rashes are not caused by teething, but have a different cause. Depending on the cause, the rash will then be treated. It is best to seek advice from your pediatrician. The baby may need special skin care or something similar. If there is a rash around the mouth or on the bottom, it is important and very effective to ensure that the skin is kept dry over the long term. In the buttock area, for example, insoles are suitable.

Babies have a tendency to stick fingers in their mouths and bite on them during teething. This results from the fact that stress on the jawbone from biting relieves the jaw and thus alleviates the pain. However, since pathogens can get into the already irritated interior of the mouth with the fingers, the use of biting aids is recommended. For this purpose, e.g. commercially available teething rings or teething toys or even violet roots. These can be chewed for a long time and give off a mildly pain relieving substance. If nothing of the kind is available, a carrot or cucumber can of course also be used, but only under supervision because of the risk of swallowing.

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