
The prospect of 500 g weight loss a week that promises sensible concepts for weight loss is not enough for many. Therefore, the Fasting and crash diet advertised with extremely low calorie intake promising up to 1 kg fat loss per day.

However, fasting cures are not suitable for weight loss because, unlike a sensible diet, they do not cause long-term changes in eating behavior. Not a single so-called crash diet (lose weight quickly and a lot in the shortest possible time ) can do that.
The extremely low calorie intake at Fast creates stress in the body and in response to this it drops its basal metabolic rate. As soon as you eat normally again, you gain weight faster than before (Jojo effect)
Fasting cures promote the breakdown of Muscle mass and this also reduces the basal metabolic rate.
The statement that you want to purify your body with fasting cannot be scientifically justified. Normally, waste products do not collect in the human body but are excreted as metabolic end products.
Even healthy people should fast under medical supervision, if at all, and not view this as a solution to weight problems.

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Course of the diet

Diet or dietetics comes from the Greek and stands for "way of eating". This therefore includes all types and concepts of certain diets and therefore fasting too. What is important, however, is that Fast not to be confused with the term "diet".

When fasting, the No solid food, which is why all the nutrients and vitamins that are important for the body are supplied through drinks. Fasting is roughly divided into three phases: Relief phase, fasting period and building phase.

During the relief phase, the body should slowly the state of decreased food intake get used to, because such a change should not overwhelm the body. In this first phase, the fasting person should drink enough fluids and already some Substances polluting the body, how nicotine, caffeine, alcohol or Refrain from sugar. The relief phase serves the initial "Detoxification"Of the body and the"Wash out" from Toxins.

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In the second phase, the actual Lent, solid food is already completely avoided. Now only liquids may be consumed. There should be several different drinks, such as water, fruit juices, teas, broths or vegetable juices, in order to absorb all the important vitamins and nutrients as possible. This second phase can also be accompanied by intestinal cleansing procedures such as enemas or Glauber's salts.

In the last phase, the build-up phasethe fasting person should get used to his / her original diet again. However, this should initially be done with light and low-fat dishes, as the body is no longer used to solid food and digestive disorders can otherwise occur.

How Long Should You Fast?

A classic fasting cure as already mentioned, in three phases assigned. The duration of a cure depends mainly on the length of the actual fasting period. This varies depending on how well the cure is tolerated and how often you have already fasted, usually between five and 14 days, but can last for four weeks. The relief phase usually lasts one to three days, while the build-up phase depends on the fasting period and can last between two and seven days.

What are the build-up days?

The construction days, also "Breaking the fast“Called, denote the time after the actual Lent, in which one Weaning off fasting and a Getting used to the actual diet should be achieved. The build-up phase should rather take too much time than too little time. she should about a third of the time of the fasting days take advantage of. The reason for this is that the body reacted to the consumption of pure liquid food by reducing the production of digestive secretions. The digestive system is no longer used to solid food and may not respond appropriately to a sudden change. That's why it's important initially only light fare for a while to take in and this to chew as well as possibleto relieve the intestine of some of its work. Another important aspect of the build-up phase is to change your lifestyle and diet permanently. This reduces the yo-yo effect and maintains the positive effects of the fast.

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Colon cleansing

With colon cleansing, that is intentional provoking of more fluid stool or even diarrhea meant. The bowel is supported in removing stool and intestinal contents. In addition, the liquid content may tear further Substances sticking to the intestinal wall with itself and thus cleanses the intestines.

However, whether the intestine can do this without liquefaction is controversial and not sufficiently clarified. What is certain, however, is that the body will be given a helping hand through the support of removal and that more energy and strength will be available for other activities or regeneration.

There are various possibilities a colon cleanse. Often oral laxative given. These differ in less aggressive methods such as certain teas, juices or flea seeds and more powerful laxatives such as Glauber's salt or Epsom salt.
In addition to the oral laxatives, there is also the possibility of literally approaching the matter from the other side by Enemas used. In this case, liquid is passed several times into the intestine via a hose system from a water bag and this rinsed out. However, this application is usually described as rather uncomfortable and requires some practice at the beginning.

Does an enema make sense during a fast?

With an enema, liquid is introduced into the intestine through the anus via a hose system and a type of pump. This leads to the liquefaction of the stool and has an emptying and cleansing effect after repeated use. Enemas are used during a fast in the second phase, the fasting period. The aim of the enemas is to provide additional support for colon cleansing and to promote detoxification and the removal of waste products. The theory of fasting states that substances and feces have settled in the intestine and cannot be removed. These are flushed out through pure fluid intake and enemas. Since the intestine hardly has to work during fasting, an enema can be highly recommended to promote intestinal activity and to ensure that the intestine is cleansed.

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Use of Glauber's salt

Glauber's salt or chemically “sodium sulfate” is a strong laxative powderwhich in medicine in case of constipation and before intestinal surgery is applied. It has an "osmotic" effect in the body, that is to say it attracts water, which is why it liquefies the intestinal contents strongly. To counteract the high water loss through the stool, should drank a lot during treatment will.

Glauber's salt is dissolved in water and then drunk. It usually takes about three hours to take effect. To reduce the unpleasant taste, another glass of water should be available for neutralization.

Side effects of the diet

Side effects occur with a fast especially in the first phase of fasting and can sometimes decrease or even disappear over time.
The most common side effects of fasting are Hyperacidity, Bad breath, Body odor, fatigue, low blood pressure, dizziness, a headache, Poor concentration, dry skin, Muscle breakdown, Weight loss and Menstrual irregularities.
Acidification is a common problem, as the body's own fats and proteins are increasingly broken down into so-called "ketone bodies". Besides the physical side effects comes the psychological stress on the fasting person. People who suffer from depression or severe stress should therefore refrain from fasting. When planning a longer fasting cure, a medical assessment by a doctor should always be carried out beforehand possible risks and Exclusion criteria note that fasting is contraindicated in some organic diseases.


With gout, one occurs Deposition of "uric acid" and "uric acid crystals" in peripheral tissues and joints, causing painful "gout attacks". The already mentioned acidification of the body during fasting leads to a reduced excretion of uric acid via the kidneys. In addition, the function of the kidneys in gout patients is often impaired, which is why acidic substances can be excreted more difficult and fasting can lead to over-acidification all the more. People who suffer from gout or high uric acid levels should therefore under no circumstances fast, otherwise there is a risk of triggering an attack of gout and causing deterioration.

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  • gout
  • Attack of gout

What are the risks / dangers of this diet?

As mentioned with the side effects of fasting, it is one rather more side-effect diet method. The greatest dangers arise from the severe muscle loss and depletion of body reserves. This can lead to gout attacks and dangerous cardiac arrhythmias, among other things. In any case, a health check by a doctor should be carried out beforehand in order to ensure the suitability for fasting. Only absolutely healthy people should start a fast. In order to keep the risk as low as possible, you can carry out a fast in a clinic under constant medical supervision and at the same time make sure to start the fast carefully and then slowly end it again.

Criticism of the fast

Lots of medical professionals and also the German Nutrition Society (DGE) are fasting or "therapeutic fasting" critical of. The reason for this is hardly any existing and insufficient studieswhich prove the positive effects of fasting. In addition, only healthy people should take such a cure, otherwise the risk of serious side effects is too high. At the same time, however, a fast should have positive effects, especially for chronic diseases.

Another point of criticism is the so-called "Detox“Because this term does not exist or cannot be explained in conventional medicine. "Slags" describe metabolic end products that the body cannot get rid of and from which one should be freed during a fasting period. However, this cannot be confirmed medically, since unusable or toxic breakdown products are usually excreted immediately via the kidneys or stool and do not accumulate in the body. Fasting is said to make this effect worse.

The positive effects of fasting are also Weight loss and the mental well-being during the cure. However, these are effects, which too via other, healthier methods can be achieved and should not be the primary focus of the fasting cure.

Medical evaluation of the diet by

Fasting and fasting in general is medical definitely to be viewed critically. There are few and inconclusive studies on the positive effects of a fast. However, an unlikely number of people say they have found a fast to be very intense and relaxing. In this case one speaks of so-called "fasting high". Researchers assume that the hormone "Seretoninmore poured out and leads to positive emotions.

Many patients with chronic illnesses such as rheumatism, diabetes and migraines also report that their symptoms have improved. In spite of all this, it is one very radical kind a diet in which a artificial "starvation" the body is provoked to detoxify the body. It comes to numerous side effects, which is why many fasters want or have to stop a cure.

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In addition, the theory of fasting is not compatible with school medicine, since "slag" is spoken of, which is not clearly defined and proven. Of the The body excretes toxic and unusable metabolic end products through the kidneys, which is why they cannot accumulate in the body. However, if there is a strong motivation for a fasting cure and a doctor's “OK” is present, a cure can be useful, as it can have a positive effect on the psychological feeling and this plays a very important role in chronic illnesses.

How much can I / should I lose weight with a fast?

There are many different fasting regimens that also differ greatly in the amount of weight loss. There the numbers usually fluctuate between four to six kilos in a week. However, this is strongly related to what nutritional status you have at the beginning of the fast, how long the cure lasts and how much you move during it.
However, many fasting leaders and doctors agree that the Weight loss while fasting is not primarily a priority should stand and can therefore rather be achieved through various other diets. Especially since fasting often involves the so-called "Jojo effect“Comes.

How can I avoid the yo-yo effect?

The yo-yo effect describes the abrupt weight gain after dieting and fasting periodsthat can even go beyond the previous level. Avoid can this be done through the permanent change in lifestyle. Anyone who falls back into their habitual behavior after fasting is subject to the yo-yo effect. So dieting or fasting should be the starting point for change. It plays a lot of exercise and sport play an important role. In addition, there is a balanced and healthy diet, with which especially a lot of protein and vegetables should be consumed. Fats and carbohydrates should be reduced be included.

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What is the cost of a fast?

The cost of a fast varies greatly. Usually this is one Treatment in a designated hotel. The Costs between € 70 and € 200 per day.

Another option is therapeutic fasting in a medical clinic under the constant supervision of doctors. This is especially suitable for people with chronic illnesses and the costs are about the same.

Additionally there are also offers Fasting yourself and without supervision. For this you can buy certain guides and drink supplements on the Internet. However, this is not advisable in individual cases, as it can lead to numerous side effectswhich may overwhelm the fasting person.

There is also the possibility that a Fasting is covered by health insurance becomes. However, this is only in individual cases possible and requires a detailed medical certificate. In addition, it must then be clarified which entity will assume the respective costs.

Fasting on the North Sea or Baltic Sea - How useful is it?

Many studies have already shown that Marine climate has a positive effect on health. There are many reasons for this, such as the strengthening of the immune system, the pure air, the high salt content, the higher solar radiation and thus the vitamin D content and much more.

The North and Baltic Seas are very similar, but they also differ in a few criteria. This is the case with the North Sea windier and both that Sea water and the air are salty, which is why one can say that the stimulating climate is increased there.
The Baltic Sea air less allergens, which is why the protection factors are cheaper there. Roughly speaking, the Baltic Sea air is better suited for people who are sensitive to wind or patients with high blood pressure, while the North Sea is beneficial for skin diseases such as neurodermatitis.

What alternative diets are there for fasting?

In order to find a suitable alternative to fasting, one must first ask oneself what goal one would like to achieve with fasting. If the focus is on purifying and detoxifying the body, then diets are rather poor. In order to achieve detoxification, as in classic fasting, a nutritional abstinence must be part of the nutrition plan.

An alternative to fasting is what is known as "intermittent fasting" or interrupted fasting. Episodes of fasting alternate with “normal” nutrition. This usually also prevents the yo-yo effect.

However, if weight loss is the main focus, diets are even better than a fast. The reason for this is that a cure is short-lived. The body loses weight not only through fat, but above all through lost muscle mass. With longer-term diets, the weight loss occurs through the consumption of fat deposits and at the same time reduces the yo-yo effect. The range of diets is unbelievably large and which diet is ultimately the right one depends heavily on body, character and environmental factors.

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  • Losing weight without exercise and diet - is that possible?
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The most popular fasting cures are briefly described below:

Fasting according to Buchinger

Otto Buchinger was an internist in the early 20th century and is called the Founder of therapeutic fasting designated. He himself suffered from rheumatism and felt an improvement from fasting. It is the most frequently performed cure and corresponds to the classic idea of ​​a fasting cure. She will be in three phases assigned: Relief phase, fasting period and building phase.

Throughout Lent it will only liquid food consumed. These are mainly teas, vegetable broths, fruit juices and honey. It should daily around 200-300 Calories, but not more than 500 calories in order not to starve the body completely.

In addition, the Lent accompanied by colon cleansing enemas. During the relief days, additional light costs such as fruit, vegetables, rice or potatoes can be consumed in order to slowly get the body used to the hunger period. At the end of the cure, additional solid food such as apples, applesauce or potato soup is allowed in the form of the build-up phase in order to get the body used to the solid food in the future. Overall it fluctuates Duration of the Buchinger cure between 7 and 20 days, depending on how much time is planned for the actual fast.

The therapeutic fasting according to Buchinger should be carried out for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Relief of the organs and freeing the body from toxins and waste products are in the foreground.

The fasting cure starts with a fruit day, followed by a colon cleansing with Glauber's salt.
Small amounts of fruit or vegetable juices and sweet whey are allowed during the fast.
Eating a so-called fasting soup (vegetable broth) in the evening is also sometimes practiced.
The need for essential nutrients is not met.

Fasting cure according to Hildegard von Bingen

Hildegard von Bingen was a Benedictine nun who lived in the monastery in the 12th century and was mainly concerned with Naturopathy, Herbalism and the Treating the sick busy. At that time, the monastery had mandatory fasting for 150 days, which is why she was able to make many observations about fasting. She realized that everyone is different and should fast accordingly. She developed four different fasting cures, the "Spelled Fruit Vegetable Fast", the "Reduced spelled diet", the "Spelled Bread Fast"And the strict"Hildegard juice fast". A Hildegard von Bingen fasting cure lasts on average between six and 12 days and differs depending on the type of fasting cure. All cures have in common the goal of purifying the body, flushing out toxins, losing weight, strengthening the immune system, clearing the mind and releasing the body from mental blocks such as fears and worries.

Fasting cure and colon cleansing according to F.X. Mayr

Death sits in the gut“Claims the founder of this fasting cure for the healthy and the sick, the Austrian doctor and researcher Dr. Franz Xaver Mayr. The intestine is the cradle of our well-being and health, Beauty and vitality are closely related to digestion. The nutritional concept is intended to restore the intestines from the ground up and make them healthy.
Kursemmeln are stale rolls that are eaten with milk (teaspoon by teaspoon). It is important to chew the bread roll thoroughly until it becomes a sweet porridge. By chewing enough, the feeling of being full is felt more clearly again.
There is also plenty of water and herbal teas. Glauber's salt against indolence.
During this cure, you lose weight relatively quickly, but there is no adequate supply of nutrients. The eating and exercise habits are not changed.

After the introduction of Dr. Mayr, the human body organism is said to be totally acidic and he tries to compensate for this acidity with base-forming foods such as roll rolls and milk.

Cabbage soup diet

As the name suggests, this diet consists mainly of vegetable soups.
Besides cabbage soup there is salad, fruit, vegetables, rice, fish or poultry.
The diet is rich in protein, vitamins and fiber. Contains a lot of meat and therefore not suitable for consistent vegetarians.

A gentle breathing and exercise program should provide support. This form of nutrition is not sensible or feasible in the long term.

Possible as a leap day or as an introduction to a more sensible diet on one day a week.

What is the difference to therapeutic fasting?

The concept of "Fasting“Was already a term in ancient Egypt and has since been used in various areas. Fasting generally describes that partial or complete renunciation of food and luxury goods. However, there are many different occasions that lead to fasting. These can be of a religious, spiritual or medicinal nature.
And that's exactly where the difference lies. At the Therapeutic fasting solid food is avoided for a while in order to avoid the To purify and detoxify your body and to relieve your mind and soul. Therapeutic fasting thus serves the purpose of recovery and is often used by people with chronic illnesses to alleviate them. A fasting cure is a fixed program according to a certain concept, which is offered by various spa hotels or spa clinics and in which one can participate. The therapeutic fasting and the fasting cure are thus like the vacation and the travel offer. They are not mutually exclusive, but strive for the same goal, namely relaxation, regeneration and detoxification of the body.

More diets

  1. Overview diet
  2. The best known low-energy mixed food diets
  3. The Glyx diets
  4. The low-fat diets
  5. The fat burner diets
  6. Fasts and crash diets
  7. The formula diets
  8. High protein diets
  9. Dinner cannelling
  10. The 5-element diet
  11. The Ayurvedic Diet
  12. The blood group diet
  13. The food combining diet
  14. The cabbage diet

Further information

You can find more here General information on the subject of losing weight

  • Lose weight
  • Food pyramid
  • Determination of body fat
  • Endurance sports and fat burning
  • Weight training and fat burning
  • Obesity
  • Therapeutic fasting

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