
Pregnancy stress, pregnancy depression, distress, eustress

English: stress

Stress in Pregnancy

Persistent stress during pregnancy has long-term and serious consequences for the unborn child.

The long-term increased stress hormone level doubles the risk of the unborn child to develop attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) later. The same applies to the development of depression and learning difficulties. There is also evidence suggesting a connection with stress during pregnancy and schizophrenia and autism. Extreme stress during pregnancy can have some serious effects on the health of the unborn baby. These include, among others a premature onset of labor, an increased risk of miscarriage, or an underweight baby. Prenatal stress also carries the risk of having an asthmatic or allergic baby.

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Also read our topic: How can you reduce stress?

Yoga can also help against stress during pregnancy. Find out more about the topic: Yoga during pregnancy

In summary, it can be said that a mother can transfer stress to her child or consciously protect it from too much stress. Inner security, the ability to confront, but above all contentment and inner balance can strengthen the unborn. Too much stressful stimuli is perceived by the child in the womb as stress, which can also be harmful. The calming heartbeat of a balanced, satisfied mother who is looking forward to her child promotes emotional and healthy development. The most important thing for the child is that they feel accepted, loved and wanted.

Read more on the topic: Insomnia During Pregnancy

Maternity protection is particularly important when the mother-to-be is still working. In many professional fields, the pregnant woman has contact with substances that are potentially dangerous for the baby.

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Find out more at: Maternity leave - you should know that!

You can find more information on coping with stress during pregnancy here: Stress during pregnancy

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