
There are three different skin types:

  • Dry skin
  • Oily skin
  • Normal skin

Most people, however, have so-called combination skin, especially on the face, which is made up of several skin types. It is also not uncommon for different skin types to appear in different parts of the body, such as someone with otherwise dry skin having oily facial skin. Oily skin is characterized by a robust, oily appearance with large, visible pores. Oily skin is most often found on the scalp, forehead and the rest of the face, but not infrequently also on the chest or back.
Oily skin is caused by the fact that the sebum glands in the skin produce too much body fat, i.e. sebum. Their function is usually to protect the skin from the secreted fat, but if the secretion exceeds the usual 1 to 2 g per day, the skin is too oily.

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The oily skin itself is not a disease, but a normal variant or the symptom of another disease.

Since common acne (Acne vulgaris) is always associated with oily skin and occurs in almost all adolescents during puberty, oily skin is at least temporarily one of the most common skin changes that exist. The main time when one suffers from oily skin is around the age of 25. Men and women are roughly equally affected, although in women it can usually be better controlled through cosmetic measures or the birth control pill.

Causes of Oily Skin

Oily skin is basically too much production by the sebum glands, which leads to shiny, oily skin.

Normally, sebum production is responsible for ensuring that the skin does not dry out and get moisture. The overactive sebum glands can now be triggered by different causes.

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Oily skin occurs most frequently during puberty, also in combination with acne.

During puberty, the cause of oily skin is often hormone changes.
These hormone changes cause the skin glands to produce more sebum. This particularly applies to the time at the beginning of puberty between the ages of 11 and 14. Towards the end of puberty at the age of 16, the problem of oily skin usually disappears again.

Hormone changes can also lead to oily skin, especially in women, for various reasons.

The problems with hormone changes result mainly from increased male hormones, the androgens.

The hormonal changes are particularly strong in the following circumstances:

  • during pregnancy
  • after stopping the pill or other hormonal contraceptive methods
    Read more about this at: What happens if you stop taking the pill?
  • one month before the start of your menstrual period
  • after delivery

There are also other causes that generally favor the development of oily skin:

  • Ovarian disorders
  • high humidity and a warm climate
  • Malnutrition
  • Alcohol consumption
  • stress
  • Disorder of the adrenal function
  • Medication
  • family predisposition
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Nervous system disorders
  • in seborrheic dermatitis: this is a skin rash (eczema), which occurs preferentially on skin areas rich in sebum glands. Seborrheic means that there is too much sebum production, i.e. basically oily skin. Accordingly, it occurs more frequently on the face and scalp. Seborrheic eczema is usually chronic or relapsing. The cause of the rash remains unclear. However, it is suspected that the disease is triggered by a skin fungus called Malassezia furfur.

Read more on the topic: Causes of Oily Skin

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Oily skin from diet

A balanced diet can counteract the development of oily skin.

An impure, oily-looking complexion can not only be caused by hormonal changes or a lot of stress, diet also has a significant influence on the health of the skin. Therefore, with an appropriate diet, most of the reasons for oily skin can be eliminated. In order to look healthy, the skin needs the right pH value and sufficient fluids. It is recommended to drink at least two liters of water a day so that the skin is adequately wetted. When it comes to food, particular attention should be paid to the fat content. Fast food contains a lot of unhealthy trans fats and saturated fatty acids, which do not provide the skin with nutritious substances, but rather promote the oily complexion. Therefore, if you tend to have oily skin, you should avoid fast food and foods with a high proportion of saturated fatty acids. Excessive amounts of raw meat also cause constipation in the intestines, so that important nutrients cannot be adequately absorbed there. This leads to the skin becoming malnourished and becoming unhealthy.

White sugar from sweets and wheat flour should also only be consumed in moderation, as these have similar effects on the intestines and thus on the skin. There are foods that are known to quickly increase blood sugar after a meal and then to lower it again quickly so that you feel hungry again. White flour and sugar are examples of this. These have a high glycemic index and play a role in the development of skin imperfections. People who have acne problems in addition to oily skin are advised to switch to products with a low glycemic index.

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Examples of foods with a low index are whole grains and legumes such as lentils and peas. These reduce the skin's susceptibility to inflammation, improve the complexion and prevent food cravings, in which harmful sugar products are consumed. A diet that is suitable for people with oily skin above all includes lots of fresh products. Fresh fruits and raw vegetables contain many important vitamins and nutrients for the body. This is what matters most when it comes to skin care Vitamin A an important role. It strengthens that connective tissue and the structure of the skin. This vitamin is mainly found in carrots, lamb's lettuce, Swiss chard, celery, but fruits such as peaches and oranges also contain a lot of vitamin A. In general, a varied and balanced diet is important, which should contain many high-quality nutrients, and with sugar - and fat content should be observed.

Symptoms of oily skin

Symptoms of Oily Skin

With oily skin, the top layer of skin (Horny layer) thickened (hyperkeratosis). This causes the skin pores to expand. These enlarged pores tend to become blocked, especially in the area of ​​the so-called T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) and in the cleavage, on the shoulders and on the back. The typical symptoms arise: pimples and (inflammatory or non-inflammatory) blackheads (Comedones). In addition, the skin shines, it looks oily and often also poorly supplied with blood and therefore pale; There are only a few lines and wrinkles in the skin.

Seborrheic eczema (an inflammatory skin disease), which is caused by the fact that certain fungi can multiply particularly well and quickly in oily skin regions rich in sebum glands, is characterized by petal-shaped, yellowish-red foci that are covered with scales.

Especially if the scalp is also affected, those affected tend to get greasy hair quickly.


The diagnosis of oily skin is usually a visual diagnosis, which is not difficult based on the appearance. Oily skin between the ages of 10 and 18 with lots of pimples and blackheads is a strong indicator of acne. If the diagnosis is ambiguous, a thorough physical exam should be performed, primarily to rule out another disease or metabolic disorder.

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If there are pimples or pustules, you can take a swab to detect possible pathogens.

Further, subsequent examinations can:

  • Blood tests
  • an ultrasound of the ovaries
  • a magnetic resonance imaging


Therapy of oily skin

Therapy for oily skin includes appropriate skin care, which has already been discussed in detail above.

Basically, one can say that the treatment and care of oily skin depends on the severity of the disease.
For slightly blemished skin, you can use the care described above with soap-free drugstore products for oily skin in the morning and in the evening. Facial tonic or facial steam baths can also help.

However, if the skin is more impure, there are various active ingredients that can be used.
One active ingredient is bezoyl peroxide or drugs containing antibiotics. In addition, there is the possibility of UV radiation, which can ensure cleaner skin.

Bezoyl peroxide is an over-the-counter drug from the pharmacy. It is usually applied in the form of a gel or cream.
The bezoyl peroxide ensures a peeling effect on the corneal cells.

This removes the horny cells that clog the sebum glands. It also has a positive effect against bacteria.
However, one must be careful with the drug, as side effects can occur.
The skin can experience unpleasant burning, itching, drying out and tightness, or the clinical picture can even worsen because the skin reacts in a reflex way.

The active ingredient is obtained in various concentrations of 3-10%.You usually start with a low concentration and see if any side effects occur before increasing the concentration. The skin should also be pre-cleaned before applying the medication.

The gel can be applied thinly to the affected areas a maximum of 2 times a day. You should be careful with the drug due to the bleaching effect, and you should also avoid extensive UV radiation while using the drug.

UV light therapy, on the other hand, is once again a largely outdated treatment option for blemished skin.
Because it has been found that the UV radiation partially removes the impurities. increased rather than alleviate it.

In addition, UV radiation is basically a radiation load for the skin. The skin ages much faster through UV exposure and is damaged. The effect of UV radiation results from the inhibition of the skin's immune system. Here, an overproduction of sebum and horn cells in the skin is suppressed.

An estrogen-based drug therapy, such as the birth control pill, can contain impure skin very quickly and effectively.
The reason for this lies in the predominance of male sex hormones in impure, oily skin. This cause can be counteracted directly with estrogen therapy.

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Another useful form of therapy are relaxation therapies, because the impure skin can also be induced by stress. There are different forms of autogenic training or muscle relaxation therapies.

If the oily skin is another underlying disease, the main priority is of course to treat the underlying disease as well as possible.

Read more on the topic: Proper therapy for oily skin

What to do with oily skin

Everyone's skin is made differently. There are many different skin types, and some people are more likely to have oily skin than others. Oily skin looks oily and usually has poor blood circulation. This makes the skin shine and look pale. This is primarily due to the fact that the sebum glands, which are in the skin of almost all of our bodies, produce too much sebum. Normally, the sebum production is 1-2g per day and the sebum has the important task of protecting the skin from external influences and retaining its own moisture. If the sebum glands are more active than normal, the skin complexion mentioned above occurs. This can have completely different causes.

If oily skin appears again, this should be clarified by a dermatologist. Together with this, it can then be determined which reasons could be possible for the skin reaction. The family predisposition to this usually comes first. Often it is only a short phase in which the skin is sensitive and greasy quickly. This can usually be associated with certain life situations. These include, for example, situations in which there is a hormonal change in the body. For example, the end of a pregnancy or stopping birth control pills are conditions that change hormone levels. But factors such as stress, alcohol consumption and diet also play a decisive role in the development of oily skin.

The onset of puberty, which is also accompanied by strong hormonal changes, is often accompanied by phases with oily, blemished skin. This can also manifest itself in a form of acne that is usually very uncomfortable for the young person concerned. The most common phase of oily skin is between 10-18. Age. In general, boys are more likely to suffer from acne than girls. This is due to sex hormones of the group of androgens, which are responsible for the impure skin appearance. Estrogen therapy can therefore be considered for girls who suffer from severe acne. Under this, the complexion usually improves significantly. However, this can vary from person to person.

In the case of severe bacterial inflammation, a swab should be taken from the pimples / papules in order to test them for the pathogen and, if necessary, to treat them with an antibacterial ointment. If stress is the identified reason for too much sebum production, stress reduction alone can improve the complexion. Appropriate relaxation methods or so-called autogenic training can be learned and be helpful in reducing stress. In the case of hormone fluctuations for no apparent reason, a blood analysis can help to identify the cause of a possible hormone disorder. Together with the dermatologist, it should be determined which reason applies to the person affected and which therapy works best for them. First and foremost, proper skin care is crucial.

You can find a lot more information under our topic: What to do with oily skin

Home remedies for oily skin

There are different home remedies available for one oily skin To remedy the situation.

However, caution is advised here. With masks off yogurt, Quark, honey, Teas or Apples The impurities on the already damaged skin can become infected.
For this reason, degreasing care products that can be purchased in drugstores or pharmacies are usually preferable to home remedies. If these are not tolerated for various reasons or if you have had good experiences with home remedies, these can of course still be used.

Before experimenting “wildly” with home remedies, however, it is advisable to visit a dermatologist and ask them for advice on suitable care and any necessary therapy. Since in some cases permanent scars from acne can remain, which usually occurs together with oily skin, targeted advice and therapy is advisable in these cases.

For more information, see: Home remedies for acne, home remedies for pimples

Proper care for oily skin

Since oily skin is very sensitive and prone to blemishes, care is particularly important for regeneration. Excessive sebum production clogs pores and the skin is prone to inflammation. Special care must therefore be taken to ensure that the pores of the skin remain free.

Otherwise, dirt, bacteria and worn skin cells can lead to recurring problems through improper care.
In addition, pimples and blackheads develop if the oily skin is not properly cared for.

In order to keep the skin clean, you should cleanse the skin well at least in the morning and in the evening.
Common skin care products from the drugstore, a washcloth or a cloth are ideal.
The water should not be hot here. After rinsing with warm water, you should rinse again with cold water, as the influence of warm water promotes sebum production.

You can also use peeling products from time to time to keep the skin pores clearer. The peeling should not be used too often, about once a week is sufficient.
Because excessive peeling can in turn damage the skin. When it comes to skin care products, it is important to choose a product with a low fat content. For mild symptoms, a simple, surfactant-free cleaning water is recommended.

In drugstores there are usually products specially designed for oily skin types. It is best to choose antibacterial and anti-irritant products.

If possible, you should take products with not too high an alcohol content, because this can irritate the skin unnecessarily. Washing oily skin too often is not necessarily good either, as it can dry out the skin too much and change the natural skin flora.

Because this can in turn lead to the skin trying to reflexively protect against dehydration by producing even more sebum, which ultimately leads to increasingly oily skin.

The detergent products contain the following ingredients:

  • Solvents with and without alcohol
  • Soaps, which are alkali salts of fatty acids to anionic (negatively charged), cationic (positively charged), amphoteric (positively and negatively charged) Soaps or non-ionic (uninvited) Soaps.
    You should make sure that the product does not change the natural pH of the skin. Acid cleansers are better in that they improve the skin's protection against acids thanks to a lower pH value.

The best results are usually achieved with a clean washcloth and gentle cleansing milk. After washing, some sebum can be removed with a clean, soft towel. In the drugstores or pharmacies there are products specially labeled for oily skin. Oily creams or ointments as well as those with a high alcohol content should be avoided.

In addition to the cleansing products, after cleansing the face, you can also apply a facial toner with a not too high alcohol content. This is best spread over the face with a soft cotton pad.

You can also use a face mask once or twice a week to also reduce sebum.

A steam bath is also suitable to reopen clogged pores. Lavender, lemon, rosemary, bergamot or rose petals can be added to the steam bath.
The water can be heated in a saucepan and the steam gently applied to the face. If the steam baths also contain chamomile, for example, the skin is soothed.

Special oil-in-water products are available for moisturizing oily skin. These products release water and use it to cool the skin. A balanced layer of moisture remains for the skin. There are also special fat-free gels for daily care.

Powder can be used as a cosmetic effect to make the skin look less greasy.

An important point that is often forgotten is to pay attention to a balanced diet that contains all nutrients. Because malnutrition can also play a role in the development of oily skin.

Read more on the topic: Proper care for oily skin

Cream against oily skin

Proper care should be given to oily skin.

Oily or oily skin is often uncomfortable for those affected. The skin is very sensitive and prone to blemishes. Hence, it is extremely important to take proper care of this skin. The type of care always depends on the reason why the skin tends to increase sebum production and become oily. As a general rule, moisturizing creams should not be used for oily skin. The person affected should also be careful with products containing alcohol, as the skin is sensitive. Care products that provide plenty of moisture and provide the skin with important nutrients are particularly recommended.

Such nutrients are, for example, amino acids, proteins and minerals. This creates a protective film on the skin that the skin recognizes. This reduces the production of sebum and makes it look more matt. However, this effect can take some time. Before applying the cream, the skin should be thoroughly but gently cleaned with a scrub and dried with a clean cloth. Creams that, in addition to moisture, also have a calming effect on the skin are best tolerated. Ingredients such as fragrances or preservatives should be avoided. Ingredients such as provitamin B5, zinc or algae extract have a positive effect on oily skin. It is also important that the cream stabilizes the pH of the skin. Such creams specially developed for oily or acne-prone skin can be bought in any drugstore or pharmacy. In the case of severe acne, the choice of cream should be discussed with a dermatologist.

Oily skin and pimples

Acne is mostly caused by oily skin.

Pimple formation

Pimples are usually the result of oily skin.
The excessive production of sebum by the sebum glands leads to the pores of the skin being blocked by dander, bacteria and dirt.
The male sex hormones overstimulate the sebum glands.
In addition, this often leads to an increased formation of horny cells, which then clog the sebum gland outlets as scales.

In the first phase, complete, uninflamed blackheads are created. Since the sebum production does not stop now, however, more and more sebum forms in the blackhead until the sebum gland is emptied to the outside. A small black point forms in the middle of the blackheads due to the melanin production of certain producing cells (so-called melanocytes). The sebum can drain through these blackheads, which are now open.

Find out more about the topic here: Blackheads - Causes and Treatment

When bacteria start to multiply, the tissue becomes inflamed. This explains the redness, swelling, and local pain from the pimple.
The enzymes of the bacteria break down the sebum. These sebum particles promote the inflammatory reaction. In addition, bacteria promote the production of more blackheads.

Acne disease is a pronounced form of pimples.

The causes of pimples causes

The causes of pimples are to be found in the causes of oily skin.
In other words, it is mostly hormonal influences, especially during puberty, that promote oily skin and the development of pimples.

In addition, incorrect use of care products, certain medications (often sedatives), Stress, smoking, unhealthy diet, alcohol consumption, hereditary risk factors or mechanical influences all play a role.

Since the male sex hormones, the androgens, mostly cause the oily skin and thus the pimples, it is mostly young men who are affected by pimples.

Localization of pimples

The location of the pimples depends on where most of the sebum glands are located. Most of the sebum glands are found on the face, neck, neck, back, upper arms and shoulders, but also under the armpits, in the groin, genital and buttock regions.

Therapy of pimples

The care of pimple-affected skin is similar to that of oily skin. Mornings and evenings, the skin should be washed with a gentle care product specially designed for blemished skin.
Alcohol-containing toner should only be used if the pimple has already become infected.

In addition, you should avoid oily skin creams. The use of soap can also affect and destroy the skin flora.
However, the use of peelings is not advisable for pimply skin. As it leads to further mechanical trauma, with which bacteria can continue to enter the pimply skin.

You should not squeeze pimples, as improper squeezing can worsen the situation, as it can carry bacteria deep into the skin, worsen the inflammation and leave ugly scars.

Read more on the topic: Oily skin and pimples


For active prevention against oily skin Unfortunately, there are almost no options, as it arises from a disposition. You can only generally take care not to expose your skin to excessive chemical, thermal or mechanical loads and to stimulants that are “harmful to the skin” such as alcohol, caffeinated drinks and tobacco to avoid.

Oily skin and makeup

Women under oily skin sufferers should consider a few things when choosing makeup so as not to harm the health of their skin. As explained in more detail above, the fat content of the skin depends on the sebum production Sebum glands from. If these are more active, as is the case with oily skin, it is very important that the increased sebum can drain off well so that it does not clog the pores. In general, attention should be paid to the amount of make-up. Too much of the wrong make-up can reduce the amount of oxygen the skin needs and worsen the complexion. The skin should be cleaned thoroughly before applying makeup. Fat and oily make-up should definitely be avoided on oily skin, as this usually makes the problems worse.

On the other hand, it is recommended to choose a product that binds the sebum in the long term and absorbs the pigments. For that is above all powder make-up suitable. This make-up with a high powder content helps to reduce the shine of the skin and make it appear dull. It is best if the product provides additional moisture. It is extremely important to remove make-up in the evening before bed and to thoroughly cleanse the skin again. To open the pores, a gentle peeling can help remove the last remains of make-up. If make-up residues remain in the pores, this encourages the development of new impurities and prevents the sebum from draining off. To keep the skin hydrated, a clarifying skin mask is often a good after-care product after wearing makeup.

Oily skin during pregnancy

As already described in more detail above, sex hormones often play a crucial role in the development of oily skin.With strong hormone fluctuations such as during puberty or menstruation, women in particular suffer from greasy, shiny skin that is sometimes prone to acne. The possible hormone therapy with estrogens has already been explained.

Pregnancy also represents an extreme change in hormones in the body. These hormones cause the sebum glands to produce more sebum, which makes the skin appear oily and shiny. The pores are clogged and the skin is prone to blemishes and even acne. To prevent these impurities, the skin should be cleaned regularly with a peeling. An oil-free moisturizer is recommended for care. Due to the existing pregnancy, medication should only be taken in consultation with a doctor. The oily, blemished skin usually disappears completely within a few weeks after the delivery.

Oily skin on the face

Oily skin is particularly annoying on the face, as it is often associated with poor hygiene or generally poor skin.

However, this does not necessarily have to be the case:
Usually hormonal fluctuations are the triggering factor - unfortunately women are more often affected by oily skin on their faces than men.
In addition, the face is the part of the body through which a large part of communication takes place - our calling card, so to speak. So it's not surprising that if possible, you don't want to have oily facial skin.

The face is also touched with our hands exceptionally often (be it while eating, gesturing, or simply unconsciously). As a result, a lot of germs get from our hands into the field of vision and lead to a colonization with blackheads.

Care of the face is therefore particularly important. There are many care products for treating oily skin on the face, but care should be taken that the care product does not dry out the skin - i.e. has a slightly greasy component.

Even if that sounds contradictory, fat-free substances such as water also dry out the skin and stimulate it to produce sebum. As a result, the skin becomes even more oily. Hydrogels and moisturizing creams in general are recommended.

Oily skin in men

Oily skin is often caused by the hormonal level.

Like many processes in the body, the complexion of the skin is also regulated by hormones and these have a significant influence on growth processes and regeneration.
The male (the androgens) and female sex hormones (the estrogens) have an effect on the skin.

So it is not surprising that there are differences in the complexion of men and women. This is particularly pronounced during puberty (12-18 years of age) when there is a sharp increase in hormone production in the body.
Although men and women produce both types of hormones, men produce significantly more androgens and less estrogens than women.

Androgens is an umbrella term for the male sex hormones, of which there are many different subtypes.
The most effective form is called dihydrotestosterone. Dihydrotestosterone has an activating effect on the sebum gland of the skin and thus promotes the development of oily, blemished skin.

In addition, they cause a reduced drainage of the sebum by forming a kind of cornification. This creates a clogged pore faster, which forms an entry point for bacteria.
This makes it easier for blackheads to appear, the skin becomes inflamed and looks unclean or shiny.

The estrogens of women, on the other hand, have the opposite effect to the male sex hormones. They inhibit the sebum glands in the skin and thus promote free pores. They also prevent keratinization, so that the naturally formed sebum can drain away.

This article may also be of interest to you: The right skin care for men

It can be explained that especially male adolescents are affected by the skin disease acne. For women with acne, estrogen therapy usually works well for reducing oily skin.

There are now many birth control pills that are suitable for treating acne.
Thanks to their anti-androgenic formula, they promote the effect of estrogens on the skin. In any case, a gynecologist should be consulted.

However, this type of therapy is not possible for men, since the androgens play an important role in their development that cannot be dispensed with.

Read more on this topic at: Oily skin in men

Summary of oily skin in men

Not just a matter of vanity, but a serious problem, oily skin can trigger in men. When the sebum production runs at full speed due to an excessively high activity of the sebum glands, the skin begins to shine, feels greasy and the breathing is treated. Especially in the hot summer months, when there is also sweat and heat in addition to sebum production, the oily skin forms an ideal basis for blackheads, even in men.

If you don't want to let it get that far, the instinctive response is to rinse your face with water. Although this removes the excess sebum, the sebum glands are stimulated at the same time to produce even more sebum in order to replenish the lost sebum layer. It is similar with alcohol-based products, they dry out the skin and lead to a reflex increase in sebum production.

So what to do Moisturizing lotions or hydrogels are also particularly suitable for men. The selection of care products is now almost unmanageable, even for men. You can get professional advice from a pharmacy or, of course, from a dermatologist.

Read more on the topic: Oily skin in men


Since almost everyone will be affected by the problem of oily skin to different degrees in the course of their life, it is important to know how to deal with it. The therapy is of course very individual based on the cause and severity. In principle, fatty ointments and cosmetics should be avoided and special attention should be paid to regular, intensive cleaning.

Adolescents who struggle with oily skin during puberty can be reassuringly said that this will generally improve significantly from the age of 25 at the latest, as the oily skin will recede by itself due to the hormonal change.

If you are prone to oily skin, it is also helpful to avoid certain aggravating factors such as alcohol consumption, poor diet, or stress.

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