
Very sweaty feet can usually be treated well.

Sweaty feet can appear as a sign of pathological overproduction of sweat, but can also be provoked by incorrect use of shoes and stockings in conjunction with insufficient removal of sweat from the foot. What is to be considered in detail and how you can proceed against it is now explained in the following.


The typical symptoms of sweaty feet are a noticeably excessive production of sweat on the foot, especially on the soles of the feet and between the toes. In the event of a pathologically increased sweat production, a limit value for sweat produced at a certain part of the body, in this case the feet, is set. But excessive sweating on the foot, which is perceived as uncomfortable and annoying, also leads to sweaty feet.

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Since the sweat glands on the foot are innervated by a nerve of the sympathetic nervous system, which is more active during stress and exertion, high amounts of sweat can suddenly be released in these situations. As a result, there is a feeling of wetness on the foot and possibly also of the cold when the stockings and shoes are soaked through.

In addition to sweaty feet, symptoms such as an unpleasant odor, which is caused by the decomposition of sweat by certain bacteria, and itching can occur.

In addition, other parts of the body can also be affected by excessive sweating, for example the palms of the hands or the armpits.

Since sweat on the feet is a favorable place for pathogens such as bacteria and fungi to settle, sweaty feet can become infected more often.

In severe cases, the symptoms mentioned are either accompanied by a change in the cornea, as constant sweat can attack the layer, or by eczema with red pustules on the sole of the foot. In any case, a clarification with a doctor or a foot specialist is recommended in order to inquire about the correct handling and treatment measures for sweaty feet.

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Sweaty feet arise either through excessively large sweat glandsthat can accordingly produce more sweat through a increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which then stimulates the sweat glands on the foot too much or through wrong footwearwhich does not allow the foot to get rid of the sweat and it instead builds up on the foot.

The places at the Sole of the foot and in the Space between the toes Particularly predestined for this because sweat can easily accumulate in the spaces between the toes, when skin is on the skin, and so-called on the soles of the feet as well as on the palms of the hands Inguinal skin is located the one special type of sweat glands owns. Unlike, for example, the sweat glands of the rest of the skin, these are supplied by a vegetative nerve, in this case the sympathetic nerve. This stimulates the sweat glands to a greater extent, especially when one Stressful situation or some effort present. The processes mentioned are based on a pathological overactivity of the autonomic nervous system.

You can also go through wrong footwear and Synthetic fabric stockingshow about out nylon, also cause sweaty feet, especially the accompanying smell of sweat. The problem with this is that the sweat produced not evaporate or otherwise can be given and then accumulates in the shoe.

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In the Therapy of sweaty feet In the first step, one differentiates between sweaty feet, one organic cause have, for example, the increased activity of the autonomic nervous system and enlarged sweat glands on the feet and on the other hand the shape of sweaty feet, which by Wear airtight shoes and Stockings be evoked.

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For the latter, the recommended therapy is the Wash feet every evening and then to dry carefully. Also Foot baths with additives like sage can help. It should also be done as often as possible barefoot which is more suitable for the summer. Otherwise it should be ensured that Cotton stockings be worn and that the footwear is adequate breathable or that it at least has enough time to air out after wearing it. S.

teck one Hyperfunction of the sympathetic nerves Behind the sweaty feet, active ingredients can be applied from the outside to the affected area on the foot, especially to the sole and the spaces between the toes, which are intended to prevent excessive perspiration. This includes, among other things Aluminum chloridewhich is often found in Antiperspirants finds. So-called "tap water iontophoresis" can also be used in the treatment of sweaty feet. The medical therapy mainly affects the vegetative nervous system, more precisely the Blockage of the sympathetic nerve, as this stimulates the sweat glands too much. But also various psychotropic drugs should curb sweaty feet. Before taking it, you should definitely do this with a informed by a competent doctor become.

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This counts as an alternative to taking medication Splash of Botox to the causative sweat glands for a time-limited, but nevertheless effective measure in therapy.

If none of this works enough, a surgery may be considered for relief of sweaty feet. Either parts of the glands can be completely removed or the supply of the sympathetic nerve to the sweat glands is severed.

First and foremost, however, you will try through that non-operational measures to treat sweaty feet.

Read more about this topic under: Therapy for excessive sweating

Homeopathy for sweaty feet

Since conventional medicine for Treatment of sweaty feet sometimes only very Medicines rich in side effects has to offer, many sufferers also like to resort to homeopathy.

The main point of attack of homeopathic remedies are Sweat glands itself. The remedy "Calcium carbonicum“Which is obtained from the oyster. It is also mostly well tolerated by children. Also "Salvia officinalis“, The sage, is used for sweaty feet.

There are also other homeopathic remedies, such as the Silica Silicea, No. 11 of the Schüßler Salts, which is often used in the D12 dosage and is also used to strengthen the connective tissue.

Homeopathic remedies usually have one good effect have to be recorded few side effects and should be taken regularly for a long time for effective treatment. Which homeopathic remedies are possible and individually suitable and in which dosage they should then be taken must be a Professional decide. Hence a Clarification with a homeopath or one doctor Highly recommended, as this also includes additional measures, such as Foot baths and the like can be discussed for the treatment of sweaty feet.


To diagnosis on the one hand, the query by the doctor or Podiatristhow it comes to sweaty feet and whether other complaints, such as excessive sweating in another part of the body or the Infection of the footare available.

In order to better identify the abnormal, excessive sweat production on the foot, one can use Blotting paper, which is put on the foot, the Measure amount of sweat. If after about five minutes more than 100g Sweat is released, there is an overfunction of the sweat glands or the vegetative nervous system.

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As an alternative to this method, which defines the diagnosis based on the amount of sweat, you can use the so-called "Iodine Strength Test“Assess sweat production. The feet are coated with a specific iodine solution and then covered with starch powder. If the sweat is too strong, the applied substances change color blue to black. This test can determine whether the amount of sweat is too much not exactly specify how the method with the filter paper.


Become suitable measures against sweaty feetsuch as medication or proper foot hygiene, carried out regularly and the prognosis is usually quite good. Although it usually requires constant effort to treat sweaty feet, the Results are generally satisfactory.


Around To prevent sweaty feet and to practice prophylaxis, it is already helpful for the feet wash every evening and subsequently dry thoroughly. Also should Cotton stockings and breathable shoes be worn so that the sweat produced can evaporate and not build up.

It is also recommended for warm temperatures barefoot, or in suitable for sweaty feet open shoes to go.

Sweaty feet in children

Sweaty feet are also a big topic Children. What is special about children is that they are a proportionate high number of sweat glands own on the sole of the foot. This fact alone means that children are more prone to sweaty feet, because more glands produce more sweat.

In addition, there is also a part here inadequate footwear is present that is not sufficiently breathable and the foot sweat then collects in the shoe. Also Synthetic fabric stockings can provoke sweaty feet in children.

This is therefore recommended for children with sweaty feet warm temperatures as often as possible barefoot let go and otherwise your feet are best wash every evening, dry thoroughly, possibly with a Maintain the cream and Cotton socks to wear.

It can be helpful for this special shoesthat allow the foot to shed sweat, use and a pair Change shoes to be purchased so that the shoes can ventilate adequately after wearing them.

Certain homeopathic remedies can also be used for sweaty feet in children. However, it should not without prior clarification happen with a professional.

Sweaty feet from wrong shoes

Non-breathable feet and socks lead to excessive accumulation of sweat.

Shoes are in many cases the Cause of sweaty feet, not for those caused by the body, but for those favored by external influences. The shoes are particularly problematic if they are made of a material that not breathable is and therefore neither Absorb or give off sweat can.

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In addition, the shoes worn are often followed not ventilated long enoughso that the next time you wear it, there will still be a residual portion of the sweat in the shoe that was formed by previous wear.

Are ideal for avoiding sweaty feet breathable shoes or insoles for the shoes, which you can also use and which also serve to keep the foot dry. The advantage of such deposits is that you can get them change as needed can.

Sweaty feet in sandals

Sweaty feet can also be used in Sandals occur. Even if the feet in sandals seem to have the opportunity to give off their sweat in the air, it is actually the case that they are high density of sweat glands on the sole of the foot located most of the time dem Footbed of the shoe rests.

Well, the footbed of sandals is made up in many cases non-breathable materialsuch as synthetic leather or the like that cannot absorb sweat from the foot. As a result, this accumulates between the foot and the sandal, which can be felt by a slight wetness on the foot.

Sweaty feet are therefore caused by both warm temperatures in summer, when the sandals are worn, as well as additionally through the sweat produced when walking.

Of course, there are also sandals that have a footbed made of material that can absorb sweat and thus protect the feet from it. At the Buying sandals You can either pay attention to the material used for the footbed yourself and try it on to test whether you tend to sweaty feet in it or you can contact one Shoe salesman for advice.

In general, it is not only important to avoid sweaty feet after wearing the sandals Clean feet and sufficient too drybut also to keep the shoes dry.

In toddlers and babies

At a infant and one small child it is with the sweaty feet similar to older children. Again, they are mostly due to the fact that seen on their small feet in relation to their size much more sweat glands than, for example, an adult. This alone produces a baby, as well as a toddler, on the feet more sweat.

This is then broken down by certain bacteria and can under certain circumstances smell unpleasant. It is therefore important that Wash sweaty feet regularly and to dry thoroughly, such as Socks made of cotton to use. You can usually get the situation under control relatively well with the measures mentioned.

However, if the sweaty feet are very pronounced, the problem can be clarified with Pediatrician help.

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