
A rash on the foot can develop based on many different causes. The appearance of the rash can vary widely. The most common places where a rash develops on the foot are the back of the foot, the sole of the foot and the spaces between the individual toes.

The rash usually spreads flat and reddish or white spots form on the affected areas, which can appear both flat and raised. In addition, fluid-filled vesicles or purulent pustules can appear, from which scales, crusts and tears in the surface of the skin develop.

Causes of a rash on the foot

In most cases, rashes on the foot occur as a result of an infection or a defense reaction of the body to invading pathogens such as bacteria, viruses or fungi.
Possible infections are measles, chickenpox, hand, mouth and foot disease, herpes, or athlete's foot. An intolerance to certain medications, allergies or contact with harmful substances can also lead to a rash on the foot.

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Redness also occurs in connection with excessive exposure to the sun. Above all, skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, psoriasis or hives are often the trigger for rashes in the foot area.
Other causes are autoimmune, vascular or tumor diseases.

Read more under Causes of a rash

Rash from sweating

Sweating profusely or excessively can contribute to the development of a rash on the foot for many people. Wearing athletic shoes leads to excessive sweating of the feet Sweat jambecause it cannot evaporate sufficiently.

Skin irritation can occur anywhere where the skin rubs against each other. If the sweat cannot evaporate, it accumulates and creates an ideal nutrient medium for bacteria and fungito accumulate and multiply. also opens he the Skin pores and enables the Pathogens thereby one undisturbed entry. The Saltscontained in sweat, dry out the skin.

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In order to properly diagnose a rash on the foot, it is important to experience, when the rash started and how it has changed over time. Even existing ones Allergies, General or skin diseases, as well as recently Medication intake can provide crucial clues as to the cause of the rash.
In the area of ​​the feet, an extensive clinical examination should be carried out and it makes sense to do one smear to identify the possible pathogens. Depending on the suspicion, allergy tests or further blood tests can be carried out.

Symptoms of a rash on the foot

The most common accompanying symptom with skin rashes in the area of ​​the feet is a strong, very unpleasant one itching on. It is only possible for those affected to get relief by scratching the affected area. The skin appears often very dry and scaly. The areas affected by the rash can also burn, overheated or swollen as well as cause pain.
Take care of the feet severe swelling and Pain for one limited mobility and can make walking difficult.

Is the rash a Result of infection, other symptoms may like fever, general Exhaustion, increased tendency to perspire and Lymph node swelling occur.

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Rash with red spots

A rash on the foot can be accompanied by a general, extensive reddening, but also with isolated red spots or spots. The red dots on the foot appear as Result of irritation or an inflammatory process on the surface of the skin. The red points can appear both flat and raised.
In addition to an allergic reaction, one should notice the appearance of red spots on the feet of Children always on contagious infectious diseases think. At Adult Red spots and dots on the feet can also reflect STDs be.

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Itchy rash

Itching is that most common accompanying symptom for rashes on the foot. In most cases, scratching the affected areas provides relief for the time being, but this does not last long.
Especially infectious rashes, the by bacteria or fungi usually cause one in the spaces between the toes severe irritation and irritation of the skinassociated with itching. As a result of the damage to the skin cells, the body releases a messenger substance called histamine free, which is responsible for the itching.

Rash with water blisters

Water blisters associated with a rash on the foot may appear in Result of an infectious disease arise. The small vesicles can appear both individually and in groups and in addition to liquid infectious secretion contain.
If these small fluid-filled bubbles burst, the secretion can escape and infect and infect other areas of the skin. Water bubbles can also be in Result of an increased pressure load, for example if shoes are too tight or do not fit properly.

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Weeping rash

A rash on the foot that appears oozing is most often a sign of a prevalent one inflammatory or infectious events. If the affected skin areas oozing, that speaks for a severely irritated and damaged surface.
The secretion of fluid creates a moist environment that an optimal medium for pathogens offers to grow. If there is an existing skin infection, other germs can settle on the main weeping ground and also colonize the damaged skin of the foot.


Treatment for a rash on the foot depends on the cause.
Antibiotics, antifungal agents or anti-inflammatory drugs are used for infections caused by pathogens.
In the event of an allergic reaction, it is important to give decongestant medication and to do an allergy test to identify the allergen causing it.
If the rash is the result of an autoimmune or vascular disease, it is not enough to treat the rash locally. Care should always be taken to ensure that the underlying disease is adequately treated.

Read more on the topic Treat rash with ointments and creams

Many herbal remedies also help relieve symptoms such as itching and burning by moisturizing the skin and being anti-inflammatory.

More information is available here : Home remedies for a rash

Rash on the back of the foot

A rash on the dorsum of the foot can be extensive or locally limited. In most cases he is with itching and the Formation of small blisters or crusts socialized.
It is often caused by a Fungal disease triggered. The rash appears reddish and the skin starts to open slightly dandruff. Overall, the skin is very dry and rough. Also in the context of Circulatory disorders rashes often occur on the back of the foot, which can spread to the ankle, along the damaged vessels. By Exposure to heat or too long exposure to the sun can also cause a flat rash on the back of the foot.

On the back of the foot, the rash can be itchy as well Swelling and Pain cause. Wearing tight shoes and walking can be made difficult. Tight shoes put pressure on the damaged and irritated areas of the skin, which leads to cracks and a Blistering which can make the symptoms even worse.

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Rash on the sole of the foot

In most cases, a rash on the sole of the foot results from a fungal disease or from excessive sweat production in the feet. The athlete's foot spreads preferentially in the forefoot area and the spaces between the toes, since sweat production is strongest in these areas of the foot and the fungi are thus offered an optimal breeding ground.
A rash that appears reddish to a limited extent and is painful can also indicate an uncomfortable pressure point. Long-term contact with harmful substances can cause contact eczema on the sole of the foot. This often turns into a chronic course, so that the rash does not heal properly, but flares up again and again or turns into an inflammatory process with the formation of crusts and small tears in the skin.

Read more on the topic: Rash on the sole of the foot

Rash on the foot in HIV

A rash on the foot can be a possible HIV Indicate illness. HIV disease is one Viral diseasethat become a Damage to the immune system leads.
As with all immune diseases, HIV can manifest itself in the skin and cause specific symptoms there. In most cases, the rash occurs initially on the face or on the trunk of the body but can also affect the hands and feet.

The rash on the foot presents itself in the form of small, blotchy or nodular structures that appear slightly whitish. These nodules can be itchy and usually appear in the first phase of the disease after a recent infection. As it progresses, the small nodules and rash go away and it manifests itself small inflammatory changes predominantly in the area of ​​the mucous membranes.

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