
Floradix® is a medicinal product that can be obtained over the counter in most pharmacies.
Its function is to replenish iron stores and to compensate for iron deficiency.

Read more on the subject at: Herbal blood

Iron deficiency is one of the most common deficiency conditions worldwide. Up to 25% of people living in Germany have already suffered from iron deficiency or are currently suffering from deficiency symptoms.

With the ingestion of Floradix® can be counteracted. Since iron deficiency is a serious condition, the iron supply should be replenished with a special diet or various means.

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According to the manufacturer, Floradix® can be used with an increased iron requirement or deficiency symptoms. It is a major one herbal remedy and is made special by the manufacturer Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding recommended.

Iron deficiency

A Iron deficiency is, as the name suggests, a deficiency state of the body, which is the Trace element iron concerns.
At first, iron deficiency can be complete symptomless run, although it can be dangerous from a certain point.

The ideal values ​​are included Men In the range of 80-180 µg / dl and at Women In the range of 60-160 µg / dl.
Children (2 to 12 years) must be viewed separately from adults, with gender playing a subordinate role: 22-135 µg / dl Iron should be present in a child's blood depending on age.

The main role of iron is to act as a Part of many enzymes. Iron plays a central role in Myoglobin and hemoglobin.
Hemoglobin is in the red blood cells, the Erythrocytes, included and for the Absorption of oxygen from the lungs responsible. So iron is a vital Trace element.

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Usually, iron deficiency is caused by an Malnutrition, that means that there is not enough iron in the food. But also one Bleeding can be responsible for an iron deficiency.

When bleeding, the red blood cells, which contain the iron-containing hemoglobin, are lost. There are continuous bleeding like Menstrual bleeding in the foreground, less injury bleeding.
Also Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can lead to constant blood loss.

Pregnant women Due to the increased consumption by the growing baby, they also need more iron than other people.

The Symptoms iron deficiency can be complex.
It can too Defects of the skin and mucous membrane come. This is shown in torn corners of the mouth, burning tongue and difficulty swallowing, but also in brittle nails and hair loss.
It can also neurological problems such as headaches, psychological symptoms or poor concentration occur.

By a Iron deficiency anemia, which can arise in severe deficiency states, the symptoms of a Änamie, so Anemia, in addition - fatigue, racing heart, dizziness and possibly shortness of breath.

When an aemia shows up clinically differs from patient to patient and is related to the general state of health and physique of the person concerned.

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Iron deficiency during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women use around 800 to 1200 mg more iron than usual. This difference becomes even more serious when one considers that there is no monthly menstrual bleeding, through which around 20 to 40 mg of iron is lost each time.

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The iron is required to ensure child and maternal growth and to ensure the supply of both. The biggest changes are the increased production of hemoglobin, the iron-containing oxygen transporter in red blood cells, the formation of the placenta, and the growth of the baby itself.

At birth, more or less blood is lost individually, but this is always associated with iron loss. The woman loses up to 250 mg iron at birth.

The body of a pregnant woman adjusts to the changes as best it can and tries to mobilize more iron: more iron is absorbed in the intestine, using existing iron Transferrin Made transportable and the iron store, the so-called ferritin, tapped.
Since the demands on the maternal iron balance are extremely high, it can happen that the mother's reserves are insufficient.

A balanced diet with iron-rich food is important. Since even a balanced diet often does not compensate for iron deficiency effectively enough, the suffering of iron deficiency anemia circulates relatively frequently among expectant mothers.

Read more on the subject at: Foods with iron

Then at the latest, an iron supplement should be used in consultation with the attending physician (family doctor or gynecologist accompanying pregnancy).
The choice is made by the patient and the doctor's recommendation.

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Floradix® is one of the possible supplements and, due to its good tolerance, is often used in the case of iron deficiency during pregnancy.

Read more on this topic at: Iron Deficiency During Pregnancy

Iron deficiency in children

The same symptoms of iron deficiency apply to children as to adults. However, anemia can pose a greater risk to child development than adult humans.

The result is a lack of oxygen in the blood because the lungs cannot produce enough hemoglobin to take up oxygen. As is well known, damage from lack of oxygen occurs more often in childhood than in adults.
There is a threat of mental underdevelopment, motor disorders, psychological problems and behavioral disorders.

Read more on the subject at: Iron deficiency in the child

But iron deficiency can not only harm toddlers and children. If the mother of an adolescent baby is iron deficient, it can have serious consequences for the child.
On the one hand, there is an increased risk that the child will die in the womb before it is born; on the other hand, growth disorders or an undersupply via the placenta can occur.

Ingredients from Floradix

In order for Floradix® to act as an iron donor, the liquid must contain iron. Here it is available as a so-called iron salt, as iron (II) gluconate.
The iron ions are released through the absorption and digestion of the liquid and can be absorbed via the intestine and distributed via the bloodstream.

In addition to the primary active ingredient iron, Floradix® also contains other substances, such as ascorbic acid, i.e. vitamin C.
An extract from a mixture of various herbs, fruits and roots add further nutrients to the liquid.

Since they contain many juice concentrates and fructose syrups, people with a fructose intolerance should avoid taking them.

In any case, the use of Floradix® should be discussed with the treating doctor (usually your family doctor)!
Diabetics should also pay attention to the sugar content of the drug: 15 ml corresponds to 0.3 BE.


Floradix® should not be taken if there is already enough iron in the body or if iron accumulation, an accumulation of the substance, has formed.

If a Iron utilization disorder is available, taking Floradix® is not a means of treating existing iron deficiency conditions.
The list of all ingredients should also be searched for possible intolerances and allergy substances.

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Although Floradix® is available over-the-counter, it must be used especially during the Pregnancy and breastfeeding beforehand Consult a doctor.
Even if these circumstances do not apply, this is still the case Consultation with the family doctor to recommend.

In to severe side effects or interactions with other drugs, the use of Floradix® should be stopped, also with a Overdose with symptoms of intoxication.

Side effects

It can increase when you take Floradix® Side effects come. How strong the side effects are and how the effect is ultimately designed can vary from person to person.
Mostly dominate Gastrointestinal complaints, in the form of Feeling of fullness, constipation and stomach pressure.

It can also lead to a Dark to black color of the chair. As is otherwise the case in medicine, this is not an alarming sign, but is due to the ingestion of large amounts of iron.
If, in addition to the dark stool (also called “tarry stool” in the case of blood in the stool), other atypical symptoms occur, a doctor should nevertheless be consulted.
A possibly existing Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract can with the help of a Stool tests be excluded.

By drinking the liquid it can become too slight discoloration of the teeth that can be avoided through regular dental care.

Aside from the general side effects, it can be too Interactions come with other medication.

Due to the absorption of the iron salts contained in Floradix®, there is often a decreased absorption (uptake in the intestines) of other drugs.
These include various Antibiotics (Tetracyclines, penicillamines, quinolone antibiotics), Parkinson's medication (Levodopa and Methyldopa) and Thyroid medication with existing hypofunction (thyroxine).

The iron uptake in the intestine can be reduced by supplementing the diet with calcium or magnesium-containing preparations.
Also Dairy products, black and green tea, and coffee can produce a similar reduction.

The patient should therefore consume the substances separately from other foods.

Used in addition to taking Floradix® with certain Painkillers (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), the negative effect on the gastrointestinal mucous membrane can increase.

The increased irritation can be caused by common drugs such as ASA (Aspirin®), ibuprofen or diclofenac to be triggered.

Dosage and poisoning

The dosage is the same for adolescents from 10 years and adults.
It will be three times a day, at best half an hour before each main meal, 15 ml Floradix® taken. This corresponds to an amount of 36.8 mg of usable iron.
A slightly weaker dosage applies to children aged 6 to 10 years - 15 ml is only taken twice a day, which corresponds to an amount of iron of 24.5 mg.

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For adults, the amounts of Floradix® that would have to be consumed in order to overdose are unreal. Several liters of the liquid would have to be supplied, depending on the body weight.

Generally are Intoxications (Poisoning) in the context of overdoses rather a Problem of pediatrics, as toxic quantities are reached more quickly.

Poisoning occurs in children 20 mg iron per kilogram of body weight on. For example, if the child weighs 10 kilograms, 250 ml of Floradix® are enough for poisoning.
A bottle with 700 ml content, such as Floradix® is available among other things, contains iron in a potentially lethal amount for young children.

Symptoms of intoxication

The first symptoms of poisoning caused by overdose mainly consist of Gastrointestinal problems.
Kick it Abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea (colloquially tarry stool), Nausea and vomiting on.
The vomit can also contain blood, which is reflected in the appearance of coffee grounds.

Consciousness may be cloudy and a fever may occur. In the context of a shock, the blood pressure drops and the heart begins to race - the child's life is seriously threatened.

Serious poisoning is a life-threatening condition that can lead to death within a very short time (12-24 hours).
Emergency treatment has to relieve the acute symptoms and flush the stomach. Also the gift of one iron binding drug (Deferoxamine) may be necessary.


Floradix® can be bought in different quantities. The price-performance ratio improves with increasing bottle size. There are three different filling quantities: 250 ml are available for around 9 euros, 500 ml for around 13 euros and 700 ml for an average of 17 euros, depending on the provider.


Those who do not want to take Floradix® can either use other iron-containing preparations or pay attention to a special diet that emphasizes an increased iron content.
Meat and sausage are good sources of iron. Liver in particular contains a lot of iron.
In addition to these animal products, the following plant foods also contain increased amounts of iron:

  • cabbage
  • Whole grain cereals
  • nuts
  • Raspberries
  • Beans,
    but also
  • Spices and herbs like
    • parsley
    • thyme
    • black pepper
    • coriander
    • mint
    • Cinnamon.

Read more on the subject at: Foods with iron

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