
Boils on the head can be very uncomfortable and painful.

The term boil is a deep, painful inflammation of a hair follicle. In the course of the inflammatory processes, there is usually an impairment of the surrounding tissue.


Boils are among the five most common skin diseases. They occur regardless of the age of the person affected and their physical condition. There are also no differences in the frequency of occurrence of boils between the sexes.

A boil develops, regardless of its exact location (for example on the head), when bacterial pathogens or skin fungi penetrate the skin's hair follicle through a leak in the skin barrier. In the majority of cases, the development of a boil can be traced back to a staph infection. Boils can often be observed, in particular, on parts of the body where increased perspiration is secreted. For this reason, the anal region, the back and the head are among the most common locations for the development of a boil.

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Although a boil is basically a so-called hair follicle inflammation, the inflammatory processes usually spread to the surrounding tissue. As the disease progresses, the area around the infected follicle fills with fluid. As a result, the affected person will have visible swellings that are typical of a boil. In addition, the skin feels tense and overheated over the inflammatory processes.

In principle, it is a harmless inflammation, but on the head all boils that are located above the upper lip are viewed as a potential risk for the development of meningitis or inflammation of the brain. There is a risk that the pathogens could spread through the venous vessels of the face into the brain area and trigger secondary diseases.

If several boils develop on the hair follicles that are close together, the individual local inflammations can merge into one another. The resulting skin change is called carbuncle designated.

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In many cases heal the boils completely without medical treatment. Those associated with the inflammatory processes complaints however, can mostly be through the Effectively alleviate medication intake.

A boil that comes with extensive inflammatory processes goes hand in hand, but usually has to medically treated become. Melted boils that combine to form a carbuncle also require medical treatment in most cases.

Causes of a boil on the head

The causes of the development of a boil on the head can be varied. As a rule, however, their formation is related to a bacterial infection or a fungal attack on a hair follicle. Infection with bacteria from the strain of staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus) to be watched. In less common cases, a mixed flora can also be detected within the purulent secretion of a boil on the head.

Bacterial pathogens, some of which are also found on the healthy skin surface, succeed in penetrating the skin, especially when the skin barrier is impaired. Frequent hair washes can, for example, disrupt the protective barrier of the skin on the head and make it permeable to bacterial pathogens. In addition, there is an increased risk of developing a boil on the head for people who have a weakened immune system for various possible reasons.

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Read more about this under Causes of a boil

Symptoms of a boil on the head

A boil can appear in any hairy area on the skin. In most cases, however, there is inflammation of the hair follicles on the head, face, neck, armpits, pubic bone and thighs.

The symptoms of an uncomplicated boil on the head are always limited to the affected part of the body. Only in exceptional cases and if the course of the disease is particularly unfavorable can general symptoms arise as a result of a boil on the head.

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In general, it can be assumed that a boil on the head is always preceded by the symptoms of superficial follicle inflammation. In most cases, the formation of a very small pustule is one of the first signs that an inflamed hair follicle (synonym: Hair follicles) Clues. As a rule, on closer inspection of the pus-filled pustule, a small hair, which is surrounded by a local swelling, can be seen in the middle.

In the course of the disease, the inflammatory processes also spread to the surrounding tissue, the original pustule increases significantly in size and grows into a boil. Depending on the severity and localization of the inflammatory processes, a boil can have a diameter of half a centimeter to two centimeters. Larger boils can often be observed on the head in particular. The reason for this is probably the dense hair distribution and damage to the natural skin flora, as can be observed in many people due to the use of aggressive shampoos.

A boil on the head is typically tense and particularly sensitive to pressure due to the inflammatory processes. In the advanced stage of the disease, there is pronounced pain regardless of any possible pressure on the boil.

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As the process progresses, the tissue in the middle of the boil begins to die (so-called necrosis). In the course of this, there is a purulent meltdown of the tissue with a central plug of pus, which at some point breaks through the surface of the skin and in this way spontaneously empties. At this point, the symptoms of the head boil typically lessen significantly. In most cases, the boil on the head does not cause any further discomfort after emptying. For some people, however, there may be a subtle increase in body temperature (slight fever).

Multiple boils on the head, which are fused together to form a so-called carbuncle, usually cause more severe symptoms. In severe cases of illness it can happen that the boil on the head passes over to the lymphatic system. In such cases one speaks of what is known as lymphangitis.

Read more on this topic: Lymphangitis - How Dangerous Is It?

In addition, a boil on the head can open inwards and thus smooth the passage of the causative bacteria into the bloodstream. As a result, blood poisoning may develop (sepsis) come.

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Complications from a boil

The blood poisoning (sepsis) is one of the most feared complications of a boil on the head. In addition, there is a risk of serious complications, especially with a boil on the head, which occurs in the area from the eyelid over the nose to the upper lip. In this context, diseases of the eye socket (so-called Orbital phlegmon), Thrombosis of the cerebral veins and meningitis (meningitis) play a decisive role.

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The diagnosis of a boil on the head is usually a so-called one Eye diagnosis. Already during the examination of the affected skin area typically localized redness and swelling on.

In order to be able to initiate an effective treatment, however, it is particularly important identify the causative agent. Through a smear of the boil on the head and a subsequent one medical laboratory examination, the causative pathogen can usually be reliably determined. In addition, factors that favor the development of a boil on the head should be excluded. In this context, there is one possible in particular Diabetes (diabetes), Tumor disease or HIV a crucial role.

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Treatment of a boil on the head

The choice of the most suitable treatment for a boil on the head depends primarily on the exact location and the severity of the inflammatory processes. In the case of an uncomplicated boil on the head, it is usually sufficient to initiate local treatment. The affected patient's skin should be disinfected at regular intervals and treated with warm compresses. The use of warm compresses helps to promote the spontaneous evacuation of the boil to the outside.

In addition, the treatment of a boil on the head can be carried out by regularly applying pulling ointment. This method of treatment promotes both maturation and the spontaneous, outward emptying of the boil.

Read more about the topic: Ointment for a boil

Affected persons should always ensure that the causative pathogens are prevented from being transmitted to other skin areas and / or the surrounding area. For this reason, if you have a boil on your head, you should always ensure adequate hygiene. The boil on the head should also never be touched with bare hands. In addition, hands must be washed thoroughly after each treatment and ideally also disinfected.

If there is a pronounced boil on the head, local treatment may not be sufficient. Surgical opening can be useful, especially in the case of a boil on the head that causes severe pain. After the treatment, the affected patient must receive antibiotics for a period of approximately five days.

Read more on the subject at: Operation of a boil

In addition, if there is a boil on the head that is located above the upper lip, it should always be ensured that the affected area of ​​the face is not moved if possible. This means that the affected patient should keep bed rest and not speak. In addition, excessive chewing movements through the consumption of soft foods must be avoided.

Regardless of the exact location of the boil, the following applies: A boil must never be opened or expressed on its own.

Read more on this topic at: Therapy of a boil

Home remedies for a boil on the head

With little pronounced boils on the head that is below the upper lip treatment with a home remedy may be sufficient. However, if a boil occurs on the head above the upper lip, for example under the eye or on the nose, this should be done immediately be treated by a doctor. The reason for this is the fact that there is a Boils on the face more serious complications occur. These complications can only be avoided through medical treatment.

The most popular home remedies for boils on the head are warm compresses. These should several times a day be placed on the boil. Warm, moist compresses that are used as home remedies encourage the spontaneous, outward opening of the boil.

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It also counts Kale one of the most popular home remedies for treating head boils. After that Briefly heat the kale leaf it can wrapped in gauze and placed on the boil.

Also Tea tree oilwhich a natural antiseptic effect can be used as a home remedy for a boil on the head. Before use however, should be at one other skin area excluded that an allergic reaction occurs.

Homeopathy for a boil on the head

When using drugs from the field of homeopathy must be noted that these substances not always enoughto effectively treat a boil on the head. The boil is on the head above the upper lip, should No attempted treatment with substances from the field of homeopathy be tried. Serious complications can only be avoided in these cases by promptly consulting a specialist.

A uncomplicated boil on the head, which is attached to a non-critical localization on the other hand, homeopathic medicines can be used. Especially Arsenicum album, Silicea, Sulfur and Thuja occidentalis are suitable for treating a boil on the head.

Removal of the boil

The most effective way to remove a pronounced, painful boil on the head is to surgically open the pus cavity. The boil on the head can usually be removed under local anesthesia.

The attending physician will generously disinfect the affected skin area before the surgical procedure and then the boil with a surgical puncture (Incision) remove. After opening the boil on the head, the purulent secretion can flow outwards. This prevents spontaneous inward emptying.

Following the removal of the boil, the wound must be cleaned and disinfected regularly. For this purpose, local antiseptics and / or antibiotics can be used.

What should I do?

Recurring and / or particularly painful boils on the head can affect those affected very stressful be. For this reason, the question often arises of what can be done about these skin symptoms.

Generally is the firstwhat to do about a boil on your head, that Visit to a suitable specialist. As a rule, a boil on the head is the responsibility of a dermatologist (Dermatologist). Nevertheless, the timely visit to a family doctor (Specialist in General Medicine) be useful if you have a boil on your head. He usually knows what to do depending on the exact location and severity of the boil.

Affected persons can take the time until the next possible doctor's appointment to use Home remedies or substances from the field of homeopathy bridge.

How dangerous is a boil on the head?

Small, uncomplicated boils on the body are in most cases not dangerous. However, if a boil occurs on the head, the exact location of the boil decides whether the skin appearance should be classified as dangerous or harmless. In general, any boil that appears above the upper lip is believed to be dangerous. A boil that forms below the upper lip, however, is usually harmless. (see complications)

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