
Swollen hands are a non-specific symptom and there are a number of possible causes. Most often, however, these are harmless and the symptoms resolve on their own.

Often it is a matter of accumulations of fluid in the tissue. In some cases, however, swollen hands can also be an indication of an illness.
In addition to connective tissue diseases, diseases from the rheumatic area such as osteoarthritis (wear disease of the joints) or arthritis (inflammatory disease of the joints) are often initially expressed by swollen hands.



Most often, fluid build-up in the connective tissue leads to swollen hands. This in turn can have different causes. For example, blood backflow can be impaired, for example by carrying a backpack on a hike.

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As a result, more fluid remains in the tissue. Such water retention is also called edema. The hands are particularly easily affected due to their sloping position or great distance from the heart. Reduced blood flow can also be caused by a pumping weakness of the heart (heart failure), which leads to edema.

In addition to the hands, the feet and legs are usually swollen. It is typical of edema that a dent can be pressed into the skin and remains for a moment. Even after operations on the hand, arm or shoulder, the backflow of blood and tissue fluid (lymph) is often reduced, resulting in a swollen hand.

During pregnancy, more water can also be pressed into the tissue. However, the cause of the edema is increased blood volume. As a result, more water is pressed into the tissue.

Read more on the topic:

  • Causes of Edema
  • Edema in pregnancy


Allergies can also cause hand swelling. The swelling often occurs locally, for example after an insect bite, but less often as a generalized reaction of the entire body to an allergen.

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In the case of an allergy to an insecticide, the hand can swell acutely with itching and pain, and in particularly severe cases an anaphylactic reaction with respiratory and circulatory problems can occur. Allergenic swelling of the hands can also occur if allergens are absorbed through the air or food. Typically, allergies can lead to so-called “wheals” of the entire skin with small, sharply defined swellings and considerable itching. Therapeutically, anti-allergic drugs, so-called antihistamines with varying degrees of effectiveness, can be used locally on the skin as well as in tablet form.

Other causes

The swelling that can occur on the hand after an insect bite is caused by the increased permeability of the blood vessels, which also leads to the storage of water in the tissue.

Kidney weakness can also lead to water retention due to reduced urine excretion.

Furthermore, inflammatory diseases are a possible cause of swollen hands. Here, too, there are a large number of different diseases that can cause the symptoms. If the swelling of the hands is caused by the many small joints of the hand, a distinction is made on the one hand between wear diseases called osteoarthritis and inflammations, which are then called arthritis. Both are among the so-called rheumatic diseases.

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While these usually occur on both sides, inflammation caused by bacteria usually only affects one hand and causes severe swelling with pain.
One speaks of a Erysipelas In such a case, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible in order to prevent tissue and bone destruction through antibiotic treatment.

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Read more on the topic:

  • Lymphedema of the arms
  • Rheumatic diseases


Swollen hands can be noticed by a feeling of pressure. Often the swelling is also visible.

Usually the mobility of the hands is restricted, which leads to a corresponding impairment in everyday life.

In addition to swelling of the entire hand, individual fingers can also be swollen.

Read more about this under: Swollen fingers

Depending on the degree of swelling in the hands, pain can also occur.
This is particularly pronounced in the case of an infection by bacteria. The hands are often additionally overheated and reddened. In this case one speaks of an erysipelas.
There is a particular danger if one leads oneself uncomfortably and feverishly. It can indicate that the pathogens are spreading in the body, which can lead to blood poisoning.

Other possible symptoms depend on the cause of the swollen hands. For example, if the blood return flow is disturbed due to a weak heart (Heart failure) Often feet and legs are also swollen.

Read about this too Swollen wrists


Water retention in the hands does not initially cause pain.

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The swelling often occurs over several hours and gradually, possibly with a feeling of skin tension and an increasing heaviness of the arm. In the course of time, however, the restricted movement of the wrist can cause pain. In the long term, venous insufficiency can lead to sequelae with painful skin ulcers and other complications.

If the swelling is due to an acute trauma to the hand, the accompanying pain results from the injuries. An injury to the bones of the wrist can be accompanied by diffuse swelling and severe pain, although it is likely to be a bruise.

More on this: Orthopedic diseases of the hand


A typical explanation for swollen and itchy hands is insect bites.

The secretion secreted by insects such as mosquitoes, wasps or bees leads to increased permeability of the blood vessels and thus to water retention and swelling. However, an insect bite is limited in its spread, so swelling of both hands requires at least one sting on each hand.

An exception is an allergic reaction that affects the whole body and can be life-threatening. In addition to swelling of the hands and other parts of the body as well as itching, restricted breathing and circulatory collapse can occur, which is why an emergency doctor must be alerted immediately.

Another cause of swollen hands with itching is so-called allergic contact eczema. This is an allergic reaction to certain substances such as latex in protective gloves or nickel in jewelry. The symptoms are triggered by contact with the substance in question and subside if you avoid it. A dermatologist should be consulted.

Furthermore, contact with certain plants can lead to swelling of the hands with itching. In addition to nettle, these include poison ivy and poison oak. Most of the time, a rash also forms.

Read more about this:

  • Symptoms of an allergy
  • Insect bite - first aid and emergency measures
  • Rash from an allergy


Advanced edema of the hands can be associated with functional impairments in muscles, joints, blood vessels and nerve structures.

The water retention and the pressure on the soft tissue can lead to unpleasant pain and damage to the muscles and nerves in the long term. The latter can be irritated as a result and cause sensitive abnormal sensations such as tingling, pins and needles and a feeling of furiness, in severe cases even nerve pain and complete numbness can occur.

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Evidence of rheumatism

A rather rare explanation for swollen hands is rheumatism.

The swelling is due to a disease of the joints. Rheumatism encompasses a large number of different clinical pictures with correspondingly diverse symptoms.

A rough classification is made into diseases of wear and tear of the joints, known as osteoarthritis, and inflammatory joint diseases (arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis). An important indication of the presence of rheumatism results from the distribution pattern of the affected joints.

Certain other symptoms indicate rheumatism in swollen hands and should result in a medical examination and advice. Typical of some rheumatic diseases is a morning stiffness of the hands and fingers, which improves during the day.

Further information can be obtained through the preparation of an X-ray and blood tests.

Read more on the topic: How do you recognize rheumatism?


If you notice that your hands are swollen and therefore go to the doctor, he will look at your hands, feel them and compare them.

Important information arises from certain questions that the doctor should ask: Since when have the hands been swollen? When does the swelling appear? Are there triggers or things that will reduce the swelling?

Another important question is whether the swelling is painful. The doctor can then give appropriate recommendations or, if necessary, further diagnostics, for example if he suspects inflammation as the cause.
One possible step in such a case would be one Examination of the blood. If necessary, a X-ray image Provide information about the cause of the swollen hands.


Treatment for swollen hands depends on their cause.

Are these caused by water retention in the tissue, can Massages, Alternating baths using cold water and various home remedies will help.
Even if it sounds paradoxical, you should drink a lot if your hands have water retention (attention: not if a heart or kidney disease is the cause!).

Also cautious stretching and repeated squeezing of the hands may help by stimulating blood flow. A diet that is not too salty should also be ensured, as excessive salt intake promotes the formation of water retention.

Does the swollen hands have a serious condition like that? arthritis before, he can use different drugs and possibly even the inpatient treatment on a specialist ward for rheumatology be appropriate.

In addition to medication, the hands are provided with various supportive measures such as physical therapy, Occupational therapy (active and passive movement exercises of the hands) or one Lymphatic drainage treated.

If the doctor determines that swollen hands are caused by a weak heart or kidneys, the daily Drinking amount reduced in order not to overload the organs.

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Treatment for swollen hands depends on their cause.

Are these caused by water retention in the tissue, can Massages, Alternating baths using cold water and various home remedies will help.
Even if it sounds paradoxical, you should drink a lot if your hands have water retention (attention: not if a heart or kidney disease is the cause!).

Also cautious stretching and repeated squeezing of the hands may help by stimulating blood flow. A diet that is not too salty should also be ensured, as excessive salt intake promotes the formation of water retention.

Does the swollen hands have a serious condition like that? arthritis before, he can use different drugs and possibly even the inpatient treatment on a specialist ward for rheumatology be appropriate.

In addition to medication, the hands are provided with various supportive measures such as physical therapy, Occupational therapy (active and passive movement exercises of the hands) or one Lymphatic drainage treated.

If the doctor determines that swollen hands are caused by a weak heart or kidneys, the daily Drinking amount reduced in order not to overload the organs.

Schüssler salts

An alternative medical measure for swollen hands is the use of Schüssler salts It is about mineral salt preparations.

A scientific benefit has not been proven. According to Stiftung Warentest, Schüssler salts are not suitable for the treatment of diseases. The ingestion of the preparations is harmless to health, provided that no extreme amounts are ingested.

If it is suspected that the swollen hands have a serious illness as the cause, the sole use of Natural remedies as advised against the Schüssler salts. If there is no improvement or if the symptoms even worsen, a doctor should be consulted.

Circumstances of swollen hands

Swollen hands and feet

Often times, if your hands are swollen, your feet are also swollen. Common to both is the peripheral position in relation to the center of the body.

If swelling occurs not only on the hands but also on the feet, this can indicate certain causes, while others are less likely. A simple explanation would be a hike where a backpack was carried and then your hands and feet became swollen.

Furthermore, heart failure often mainly results in swelling of the feet and legs, but this can also lead to swelling of the hands due to the same mechanisms. Less blood is pumped back to the heart and especially in the sloping parts of the body such as hands and feet there is a retention of water and thus swelling.

A local cause of swollen hands, for example as a result of an operation or an infection, is unlikely if the feet are swollen at the same time.
For rheumatic diseases, swollen feet are less typical than swollen hands, so this trigger is not likely to be considered.

Read more on the topic: Symptoms of heart failure

Swollen hands and face

In addition to the hands, the face is also prone to swelling from water retention. All of the causes that lead to this so-called edema on the hands can also make the face swell.

This is especially possible in the morning, as the lying body position means that blood and tissue fluid can drain less. A raised pillow can help prevent facial swelling.

Some causes of the swollen hands are unlikely if the face is swollen at the same time, such as rheumatic disease. In the case of extreme swelling of the eyelids that occurs quickly, however, in rare cases a serious kidney disease may be present, which is why a doctor must be consulted in such a case.

Swollen hands in the morning

Swelling of the hands in the morning can be caused by an awkward sleeping position. It usually helps to move your hands and hold them up for a while so that the water can drain away.

Swelling of the hands, especially in the morning, is also typical of a rheumatic disease, but more harmless causes are more common. One-time or occasional swollen hands that swell soon after getting up are not a cause for concern.

However, if the swelling persists every morning and the hands are also stiff in the morning, a doctor should be consulted to investigate any suspected rheumatic disease.

Read more on the topic: Morning stiffness

Swollen hands at night

If the hands are swollen, especially at night, this is rather unusual. The most common cause of swollen hands, an increased accumulation of fluid in the tissue, usually improves when lying down.

However, the hand and possibly both hands can swell due to an unnatural sleeping position. For example, if you lie on your arm while sleeping, the backflow of blood can be squeezed out of your hand and water is retained in the affected hand.

With this cause, the swollen hand should swell again soon after getting up. If you wake up because of the swollen and possibly painful hands, you should hold them up for a while and move them through.

Swollen hands after exercising

If there is a tendency to water retention, even minor sporting activities can lead to edema of the arms and legs.

Here, too, there is a combination of different factors in most cases. Age and gender, the pumping capacity of the heart and weak veins are the most important factors in the development of edema. Certain sporting activities can also tire and reduce the muscle performance of the veins. In addition to endurance sports in general, sports with special arm exercise such as ball sports, skiing or cycling can quickly lead to swollen hands. The treatment initially focuses on protecting, elevating and cooling the hands and arms.

Swollen hands after hiking

The slow, diffuse swelling of the wrists can often be traced back to previous stress and activity.

The increased stress leads to increased blood flow to the muscles and the extremities, exhaustion of the venous return flow, and possibly to a weakening of the heart muscles with a slight heart failure. All of this leads to a disturbed transport of the blood back to the heart. Due to the congestion of the blood, some of the fluid can penetrate the subcutaneous tissue and trigger doughy, pushable swellings.

Important measures are relief, elevation and cooling of the affected extremity.

Swollen hands in the heat

Swollen hands from water retention are often caused by a chain of factors. Disturbed venous activity, physical activity, cardiac output, gender, time of day and age play important roles. If there is a tendency for water to be retained on the arms and legs, even minor triggers can trigger swelling.

Heat from high ambient temperatures or a visit to the hot tub or sauna can cause the vessels in the hands to dilate and cause venous congestion. Heat generally has a relaxing effect on the blood vessels, which slows down the transport of blood back to the heart and can lead to a dangerous stoppage of blood flow in the veins. In addition to water retention, thromboses with dangerous complications can result.

Swollen hands after an operation

Surgery is a very common and typical cause of hand swelling.

This can sometimes lead to postoperative complications, which can be prevented by various measures. An operation often results in immobilization and bed rest for a few days at a time. The inactivity and the pressure from lying down can lead to a disturbed return of the blood and a venous congestion. In addition to swollen hands, this can also lead to thromboses, which can cause dangerous complications such as pulmonary embolism.

Important measures to prevent such complications are early activation and mobilization, as well as thrombosis prophylaxis in the form of syringes.

You may also be interested in this topic: Drugs for thrombosis prophylaxis

Swollen hands in children

If children have swollen hands, this can be caused by insect bites or contact with some plants such as poison ivy or poison oak. The suspicion is obvious if the children were playing outside.

The skin should be examined for a rash and blisters. Mostly there is also itching. There may also be a bacterial infection (erysipelas), especially if the hand is injured, which encourages the penetration of germs. Usually only one hand is affected and the children are in pain. Further abnormalities are redness and overheating. There may also be a fever as well. In such a case, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.

A possible but less common explanation for swollen hands, as in adults, is rheumatic disease in children too.

Swollen hands during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a number of remodeling processes take place in the woman's body, which, among other things, can result in swollen hands.

For example, the amount of blood circulating is increased. This can make it easier for fluid to be forced through the blood vessel walls into the tissue. The resulting water retention is particularly evident on the feet and legs. But swollen hands can also be affected by this so-called edema.

After pregnancy, the body's remodeling processes are reversed within a few weeks and this cause of the swollen hands disappears. Even if this is the most common explanation of swollen hands during pregnancy, there can of course still be a disease or an infection. A doctor should therefore be consulted, especially if the hands are in pain or if there is severe swelling.

More information on this topic: Edema in pregnancy

Swollen wrists

A swelling that occurs due to water retention is initially noticeable on the wrists.

In the area of ​​the wrists and forearms, the tissue is more flexible, which is why chronic venous weakness and edema occur particularly in this area. Typically, the wrist swelling is not painful. The extensive swellings can only temporarily limit the function of the wrist, and a feeling of tension can occur. More rarely, however, the swelling can be traced back to a bony or muscular injury in the wrist, with the swelling being explained by a bruise. In these cases, increased pain is also to be expected.

You might also be interested in this topic: Broken wrist


A general statement how long swollen hands persist, cannot be hit.
Depending on the cause or trigger, the swelling can reappear quickly regress. In the case of a serious illness, however, the hands can also be constantly swollen and only vary in intensity without appropriate medical measures.

If swollen hands keep recurring or do not go away, it is important to see a doctor.

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