Homeopathic medicines

As homeopathic medicines the following are possible:

  • Arsenicum album,
  • Phosphorus
  • Lycopodium
  • Acidum fluoricum (aqueous hydrofluoric acid)
  • Hepar sulfuris (calcium sulphate liver)

Arsenicum album (White Arsenic)

Prescription up to and including D3!

  • Pronounced weakness with anxious restlessness
  • Exhaustion after little exertion
  • Emaciated patients with great thirst
  • Scalp itchy, burning at night
  • Dandruff
  • The scalp is very sensitive and does not tolerate combing and brushing
  • Aggravation at night

Typical dosage of Arsenicum album (White Arsenic) with hair loss: Tablets D6

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Further information is also available at: Arsenicum album

Important NOTE

If the symptoms are severe and persistent, there is one homeopathic self-treatment is not indicated. Caution especially with children and older, debilitated people. Danger of dehydration!

Lycopodium (Bärlapp)

  • Progressive, chronic diseases make the patient look prematurely aged
  • Visible hair loss and premature hair graying
  • Pronounced forehead wrinkles reinforce this impression
  • Can also be used for hair loss after Childbirth
  • Disgruntled patients

Typical dosage of Lycopodium (Bärlapp) with hair loss: Tablets D6

Further information is also available at: Lycopodium (Bärlapp)

Phosphorus (yellow phosphorus)

Prescription up to and including D3!

  • Exhausted and very tired after an illness
  • Hair loss in clusters, also occurring in spots
  • Patients with fine hair who appear prematurely aged
  • Fear, anxiety, depressions
  • Phosphorus applies in the homeopathy also called the "grief remedy".

Typical dosage of Phosphorus (yellow phosphorus) with hair loss: Drop D12

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Further information is also available at: Colocynthis Phosphorus

Acidum fluoricum (aqueous hydrofluoric acid)

Prescription up to and including D3!

  • Here, too, the patients look prematurely aged
  • In the hairless part of the scalp, the skin is thin and dry (old people's skin)
  • The general hair loss increases in the summer months
  • Heat is badly tolerated.

Typical dosage of Acidum fluoricum (aqueous hydrofluoric acid) for circular hair loss: Drop D6

Further information is also available at: Acidum fluoricum

Hepar sulfuris (calcium sulphate liver)

  • Patients prone to suppuration
  • Very sensitive to cold, especially on the head, cold drafts are perceived as extremely uncomfortable
  • The scalp is very sensitive to touch, itching and burning
  • Great sensitivity to pain
  • Relieve sweat, smell bad
  • Very irritable and difficult people

Typical dosage of Hepar sulfuris (calcium sulphate liver) for circular hair loss: Tablets D6

Further information is also available at: Hepar sulfuris

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