You can also find more information on this topic under our neurological topic Nerve Pain.

Nerve pain after surgery

Bellis perennis / Daisies

For pain that feels "bruised". A feeling of bruisedness in the neighboring muscles often occurs. The pain is improved by light movement and massage, while it is worsened by cold.

Staphisagria / Stephanskraut

For pain after surgically placed wounds. These patients are usually irritable and moody. You are also shy of people and easily offended. When you wake up in the morning, you are tired and miserable. Most of the time, you are also pale and hollow-eyed. Typical of Staphisagria is also the increased sexual irritability, especially in women.
The discomfort is made worse by anger and grief. In the morning hours after getting up you are more pronounced.

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Araneus ixobolus / Black night spider

In patients with great restlessness, hasty behavior and inner tremors. In addition, there is a reduction in concentration and poor sleep.
Neck stiffness and pain in the lumbar spine area also occur. In addition, there are muscle twitches and cramps in the arms and legs. A feeling of cold all over the body is also present.
All complaints are aggravated by rest, cold, alcohol consumption and when getting up in the morning. An improvement is achieved through exercise such as Achieved backward bending, stretching, and stretching.

Arsenicum album / White arsenic

Patients are characterized by general weakness, emaciation and frailty. In addition, their skin is very pale and blue in color. In addition, there is great restlessness and fear up to and including fear of death. Cold sweat and dry mucous membranes accompany it. The nerve pains are of a burning character.
All complaints worsen around midnight and at rest. An improvement is achieved through warmth.
Prescription up to and including D3!

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Colocynth / Colocinth

Violent, shooting nerve pain that occurs primarily in the head. However, these also occur in the area of ​​the hip joint (Sciatic nerve) on. The patient also describes pain as if parts of the body had been clamped in a vice.
The symptoms improve calm and warmth. An aggravation of all complaints arises from movement, anger and shock.
Prescription up to and including D3!

Magnesium phosphoricum

Patients suffer from shooting nerve pains, which are often accompanied by muscle spasms. Typical for Magnesium phosphoricum is the fact that the pain is relieved by counter pressure.
The symptoms come and go and can be relieved by warmth.

Nerve pain in the face

Spigelia/ Wormwort

For pain of a decidedly stabbing character that feels as if a glowing needle has been stabbed. They're suddenly shooting in and keep coming and going. Often the pain is pronounced on one side, right or left of the face. The face looks contorted and puffy. Most of the time it is red and sweaty and it seems as if the skin is about to burst.
The symptoms increase with the heat / sun and worsen during the day. In the morning these are less pronounced. All complaints are made worse by shock, movement, touch, loud noises and changes in the weather.

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Nerve pain is treated with Schüssler salts, among other things. For detailed information, see: Schüssler salt No. 21: Zincum chloratum

Gelsemium / Wrong jasmine

In case of irritation of the facial nerves (Trigeminal nerve) and also of the optic nerve. There is occipital pain, drowsiness and drowsiness. There are also attacks of shooting pain with twitching of the muscles. Dizziness, dilated pupils and double images also occur. Headaches that start in the neck and move over the head are also present.
When upset and frightened, patients tend to have abdominal pain and diarrhea. All ailments are aggravated by warmth, sun, exercise, excitement, fear and shock.
Prescription up to and including D3!

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More information on dizziness and tremors can be found here.

Aconite / Blue monkshood

Nerve pain in the face, which arose as a result of the cold in a dry and cold east wind. This pain begins in attacks, behind the eyes, lower jaw, and cheeks. The character of the pain is described as violent, burning, stabbing, and unbearable. It feels like everything is cramped, plus a numbness and a tingling sensation. The patients are extremely restless and anxious.
The complaints are made worse by cold air, when chewing, by noise and at night.

Mezereum/ Daphne

In patients with nerve pain that is felt to be stabbing, tearing and sharp. A feeling of numbness and coldness in the affected areas is also possible. There is also great sensitivity to touch and cold.
The pain is made worse by cold air, drafts, and touch. The symptoms can be alleviated by warmth.
Drops D4 are particularly used for nerve pain.

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Nerve pain after dental surgery

Belladonna / Deadly nightshade

In patients who have sudden throbbing pain. The general well-being is severely impaired and you sweat a lot. It is characterized by a red head and crimson, dry mucous membranes in the mouth. There is a strong desire for cold drinks, although even small sips make the pain worse.
The pain is aggravated by cold, drafts, excitement, and any strong sensory input.
Prescription only with including D3!

Read more about inflammation of the mucous membranes.

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