
Dizziness is a rather non-specific symptom, which means it can have many different causes. Therefore, when administering drugs for the treatment of dizziness, the cause of the symptoms and the treatment field of the respective drug should always be checked for agreement. This also applies to homeopathy and related remedies.

How the vertigo feels and whether it is vertigo (sensation that the surroundings are turning) or positional vertigo (vertigo that only occurs when changing posture) is of secondary importance. First and foremost, the choice of homeopathic remedy is made based on the context in which the vertigo occurs. The situations in which the dizziness and accompanying symptoms improve or worsen also usually matter.

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Means to be used

If the dizziness is caused, for example, by overheating of the body, for example by sunstroke or heat stroke, Belladonna and Bryonia alba can help with other therapy. Belladonna can also be used in the event of a fever and should be selected especially if the dizziness gets better from standing up and moving, but worse from lying still. Bryonia alba, on the other hand, is used for vertigo that improves when lying down and worsens when standing. Aconitum napellus can also support recovery from heat stroke. This remedy is also used in the case of dizziness caused by mental health.

Read more about this under

  • Belladonna
  • Aconitum napellus

If the dizziness occurs as part of overstimulation, Argentum nitricum is recommended as a remedy. Such (mostly nervous) overstimulation manifests itself through accompanying symptoms such as migraines and headaches, a nervous bowel or diarrhea or tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Arsenicum album and Carbo vegetabilis can help with dizziness caused by poisoning (e.g. food poisoning). The latter remedy is mainly used in connection with circulatory problems associated with sweating and paleness.

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  • Arsenicum album
  • Argentum nitricum
  • Carbo vegetabilis

If physical overexertion is the cause of the dizziness, Rhus toxicodendron can help. If the legs feel heavy and standing up is associated with uncertainty or even fear, this remedy can help. The symptoms improve with standing up, exercise and fresh air. Rhus toxicodendron can also have a supportive effect in the case of dizziness in older people. China officinalis is also used in cases of physical overexertion with dizziness. However, the dizziness is accompanied by a cold sweat and improves when lying down and with warmth.
Dizziness can also have a psychological cause, such as stress, anxiety and panic attacks, or test anxiety. If this is the case, Gelsemium sempervirens can help.

Read about this too

  • Rhus toxicodendron
  • Gelsemium sempervirens

Finally, two remedies should be mentioned that some readers may find particularly practical and applicable in everyday life. Nux vomica can help with dizziness after heavy alcohol consumption and little sleep. The substance cocculus is the preferred remedy for dizziness caused by jet lag, lack of sleep or motion sickness.

Read about this too

  • Cocculus
  • Nux vomica

Complex remedies

Complex products are combination products that are tailored to the treatment of a specific disease or condition. Such preparations are available in various compositions and usually contain several of the individual substances described above. Well-known complex agents are, for example, Glonoinum Pentarkan (contains i.a. Glonoinum, Nux vomica and Cocculus) from the German Homeopathy Union (DHU) and Vertigoheel (contains i.a. Ambra grisea, Cocculus and Conium maculatum) by the company Heel, both of which are primarily manufactured for the treatment of vertigo attacks in old age and their accompanying symptoms. These substances and complex agents in general can be used for vertigo attacks of any kind and can therefore be a practical companion when traveling.

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Nausea in addition to dizziness

Nausea often occurs together with dizziness, since the brain usually reacts with nausea to circulatory or other supply disorders of the central nervous system. So the dizziness can cause nausea. Alternatively, dizziness and nausea can be caused at the same time by poisoning - cause and effect are sometimes difficult to differentiate at this point. Generally good remedies for the treatment of simultaneous nausea and dizziness are arnica montana and (especially if poisoning is suspected) arsenicum album.

Read about this too Arnica montana

Circulatory problems in addition to dizziness

If circulatory problems occur in addition to dizziness, Carbo vegetabilis is a proven remedy. Particularly suitable for the area of ​​application of this agent is that the person concerned faints or has collapsed or has the feeling that they will soon pass out, and as a result, are cold sweaty, have visual disturbances and cold hands and feet. In addition to the administration of Carbo vegetabilis, other measures to stabilize the circulation, such as elevating the legs and drinking plenty of fluids, are recommended at this point. If the circulatory problems are the result of excessive alcohol consumption, Nux vomica can also provide relief.

Neck pain associated with dizziness

Neck pain in conjunction with dizziness should always be checked for other signs of meningitis. Fever, fatigue and headache can be such indications. Another clear sign is the inability to lift your head while lying flat without pain or pulling in the spine and sciatic nerve. If such symptoms are present, a doctor should be consulted immediately! However, if the symptoms are obviously caused by a different cause and the symptoms described are not present, the homeopathic substance Gelsemium sempervirens can help to alleviate the problem.

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  • Signs of meningitis
  • Meningitis symptoms

Dizziness combined with headache

Dizziness and headaches are common symptoms on their own. As with neck pain, however, the possible risk of meningitis must be taken into account. So if there is stiff neck, fever, fatigue or even neurological symptoms such as apathy or visual disturbances, immediate medical treatment is urgently needed. Otherwise, there are extremely many substances that are specifically used for headaches and can even be combined with substances to treat dizziness. These include Nux vomica, Belladonna, Bryonia alba and China officialis. In addition, there are, as indicated, a large number of other applicable substances. In order to strive for a more precise and targeted application, a suitably trained specialist should be consulted.

Drowsiness along with dizziness

If drowsiness and apathy occur together with dizziness, the ideal remedy is Gelsemium sempervirens, a substance made from the yellow jasmine bush. This affects, among other things, the nervous system and the psyche and can thus help to alleviate these symptoms. Common areas of application of Gelsemium sempervirens are sunstroke or heat stroke, fear of an upcoming event such as an exam or an operation, sleep disorders, depressed mood in the event of bereavement or a "nervous bowel", i.e. digestive problems or diarrhea when nervous. You can also try to treat drowsiness and dizziness separately from one another with combined preparations. Substances that specifically target drowsiness, such as Acidum phosphoricum or Kalium phosphoricum, are suitable for this.

Read more about this under Acidum phosphoricum

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