
Before, during and after operations, homeopathic accompanying therapy can be beneficial for the patient. For example, arnica and yellow phosphorus can help protect against secondary bleeding; Lachesis, horse chestnut and witch hazel reduce the risk of thrombosis and if you are afraid of the operation, various herbal remedies can reduce the fear.

Homeopathics for people who are more willing to bleed

The following homeopathic remedies can help in patients who show an increased willingness to bleed.

Arnica montana (Bergwohlverleih)

  • Arnica prevents infections
  • relieves wound pain
  • The risk of rebleeding is reduced
  • Also recommended before dental interventions

In order to reduce the willingness to bleed, Arnica is given a few days before operations and dental procedures. The dosage is about 4 days before the procedure. Let Arnica D 12 dissolve under the tongue, twice a day, 1 tablet or 10 globules.

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You can find further information under our topic: Arnica

Phosphorus (yellow phosphorus)

Yellow phosphorus is indicated when a general tendency to bleed is known. Patients who have frequent nosebleeds, who have already bruised from minor bumps, or who have had secondary or heavy bleeding during previous operations. However, it can also be taken with light bleeding gums.

The typical dosage at the Phosphorus (yellow phosphorus)that can be used before surgery is: 2 days before the operation 1 x 5 C30 globules or two days before the procedure, allow 1 D30 tablet to dissolve under the tongue. Yellow phosphorus is up to and including D3 prescription only!

You can find further information under our topic: Phosphorus (yellow phosphorus)

Homeopathic drugs for increased risk of thrombosis or embolism

Information on the risk factors for thrombosis can be found here: thrombosis

Lachesis (snake venom)

Lachesis is a very broad-acting remedy. It is particularly suitable for patients who have a have a general tendency to thrombosis and embolism (Risk factors include Varicose veins, Obesity, Menopause). This tendency is mostly due to Capillary damage as part of a serious previous illness, whereby the patients are mostly lean, exhausted or depressed.

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This is particularly characteristic of the patient extreme sensitivity to touch. The very broad-acting remedy is particularly suitable for very excited patients who talk a lot and put pressure on their clothes neck and can be poorly tolerated in the belt region. Very often the complaints are focused on them left side of the body, the sick are excited and talkative. The complaints will be worse in damp weather and at rest, complaints in the morning are particularly bad. Improvement usually occurs through movement.

To prevent and prevent Thrombosis give 5 drops 2 days before and if possible 10 days after the operation in the evening Lachesis D 12 or one tablet at a time in the evening.Prescription up to and including D3!

You can read more information on this topic here: Lachesis

Aesculus (horse chestnut)

When inclined to Thrombosis in existing varicose veins It is advisable to treat with Aesculus as a preventive measure a long time before the operation.
Often the patient complains of congestion and bleeding hemorrhoids with burning painand often stubborn blockages with a feeling of peg in the anus. In general, all mucous membranes are dry.

You can find more information on this topic here: buckeye and Homeopathy for varicose veins

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Witch hazel (witch hazel)

Witch hazel is recommended for general tendency to bleed, quick bruises and nosebleeds. Are typical with the patients congested veins on the legs and the feeling of "heavy legs" caused by the congestive pressure in venous insufficiency. Furthermore, hemorrhoids often occur, which itch and burn severely.
Application: Witch hazel ointment for external use.

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You can read more information on this topic here: Witch hazel

Homeopathics for fear of operations

Some patients feel anxious and tense before surgery. Some remedies can help to endure the stresses more calmly and calmly.

You can also read more information on this topic here: Homeopathy for fear of operations

Aconitum (blue monkshood)

Aconite is suitable for restless patients with a lot of fear, palpitations and rapid pulse. Those affected usually have Fear of death and believe that they will die in this operation. Bad premonitions that worse in the evening and especially at night are also typical.

Prescription up to and including D3!

You can read more information on this topic here: Aconite

Avena sativa (oats)

Indicated especially when the patient Sleeps poorly or cannot fall asleep before surgery. This mostly leads to the consequence nervous exhaustion.

15 to 20 drops of D3 can help in the evening before going to bed.

You can read more information on this topic here: Avena sativa

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Valeriana (valerian)

The patient suffers from S.insomnia, restless and overwrought. Fatigue and weakness in the knees and legs, twitching, and sensation of pulling through the limbs (such as electric shocks / bumps) are common. The symptoms are usually worse at rest and improve with movement. As a characteristic symptom, patients often report a Globe feeling in the throat, so a feeling as if you have a lump in your throat.
For such patients it is Valerian to relieve anxiety before operations very suitable.

You can read more information on this topic here: Valeriana

Coffea / coffee

Suitable for the following patient group: the person affected is Mentally and physically excited and wide awake. The thoughts of the upcoming operation flood him, he sleeps poorly.

You can read more information on this topic here: Coffea

Gelsemium (False Jasmine)

For patients with Fear accompanied by palpitations or palpitationsas if the heart were to stop, very suitable. Fear and fright also lead to excessively rapid breathing. It is characteristic of patients who respond to false jasmine that diarrhea occurs when they are afraid or frightened.
All complaints are aggravated by fear, fear of upcoming events and excitement.

Prescription up to and including D3!

You can read more information on this topic here: Gelsemium sempervirens

Mandragora e radice (mandrake)

The following groups of people respond particularly well to mandrake: The patient develops a depressive mood before an operation, is irritable and unable to concentrate. The person affected sometimes looks sleepy and complains of limbs that are heavy as lead.
Circulatory weaknesses with cold sweat, a feeling of fullness immediately after eating, nocturnal intestinal cramps, flatulence and severe diarrhea with cramps occur in those affected.
The complaints are relieved by rest and warmth, the depressive mood is lightened by exercise in the fresh air.

You can read more information on this topic here: Mandragora e radice

Ignatia / Ignatius bean

It is an agent which is especially useful for dark-haired women and children suitable is. For groups of people who are prone to self-reproach with great irritable weakness, increased excitability, moodiness and an increased readiness, the Ignatius bean can reduce fears of operations.

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Prescription up to and including D3!

You can read more information on this topic here: Ignatia

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