
Imipenem belongs to the group of substances called carbapenems. These antibiotics currently have the broadest spectrum of activity. Imipenem is also known under the trade name ZienamR.


The Carbapenems (Meropenem, Imipenem) are among the widest looking Antibiotics and reach almost all gram-positive and negative pathogens. This substance is also often given to patients who have been infected by the Pseudomonas aerogenosa germ.

Side effects

Because not only pathological germs through Imipenem be killed, but also bacteria that live in the mouth and Intestinal flora are natural, there is a risk of fungal infection with prolonged use of imipenem. The Mushrooms usually spread in the areas where the natural bacteria were killed (mouth, throat and intestines). In this case, an antifungal drug must be added to the imipenem. Especially in patients with pre-existing nerve damage to the central nervous system, there is a risk of further nerve damage, which manifests itself in the form of Seizures can make noticeable. Even patients with pre-existing kidney damage are more at risk of developing nerve damage from imipenem.

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Please also read our article on this Antibiotic side effects

Areas of application

Carbapenems have a broad spectrum of activity in both the gram-positive and the gram-negative range. Bacteria that grow particularly well in the absence of air (anaerobes) are also among the treatable germs of imipenem. Imipenem used to be just a reserve antibiotic. Today it is increasingly included in initial therapy. It comes i.a. blood poisoning (sepsis) and life-threatening infections, such as with severe lung infection, for use. Imipenem is also used for mixed infections and infections with unclear germs. Imipenem does not work with mycoplasma, MRSA, Clostridium difficile and some enterococci. In Pseudomonas, carbapenems must be combined with aminoklycosides.


In combination with antivirals (treatment of viruses), seizures can occur.


Imipenem should be at Pregnant women and at Children not be given. With an existing Renal failure and with known Convulsions Imipenem should only be administered with careful consideration. Imipenem should not be given if hypersensitivity to carbapenems is known.

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