
Especially patients with accompanying severe underlying diseases, such as Cancer can get dangerous infections during chemotherapy, which can also affect the eye area (infections of the eye).

Causes of Infections of the Eye

Straight through to long wearing or improper cleaning from contact lenses severe eye infection can occur.
So if a patient with inflamed, severely reddened If your eyes come to the doctor and indicates pain, as well as poor vision, clarifying the cause is often expedient for a correct diagnosis.

You will be asked whether the recommended wearing time and the necessary hygiene measures for contact lenses adhered to were.
In addition, the so-called Slit lamp examines the irritated eye. The ophthalmologist will recognize a possible Opacity of the cornea of the eye through a Corneal inflammation (Keratitis).

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Soft contact lenses in particular can lead to a Infection of the surface of the eye. It plays a role here that the material of the contact lenses is only made for one certain wearing time to survive and then no longer suitable for the eye and exchanged must become.

This is due to debris on the Lens surface that can no longer be removed even with daily cleaning measures. Various germs can then multiply in these deposits. Due to the soft material of the lenses, the pathogens can also get into the Inside of the contact lens immigrate.

Then there is the Hygiene factor in dealing with the Contact lenses: It is important to check the. Before inserting and removing the lenses Washing handsto clean the lenses properly and keep them clean. So the containers of the lenses should be replaced regularly with new ones and the Do not mix lentils with tap water come into contact that is not sterile.

The Contact lens prevents the Surface of the eye when blinking Regularly wiping through the eyelids, making it easy Germs in the humid chamber multiply between contact lens and cornea.

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Possible pathogens for infections of the eye

Various pathogens come into consideration when the eye is infected. After investigating other causes, such as a Injury from a foreign object or one chronic disease (e.g. incomplete eyelid closure) have been excluded, the ophthalmologist will clarify through Conjunctival swab from which pathogen is present. In some cases this is the case additionally a tissue sample necessary.

They are particularly common for infection on the eye

  • gram negative Pseudomonads and
  • gram positive Streptococci, Mushrooms, Parasites and in Drinking water occurring acanthamoeba responsible.

But also one Viral infection (e.g. Herpes simplex) is possible and would then not be related to the contact lenses.

Chlamydia as a causative agent of eye infections

Chlamydia belong to a different family of pathogens and, if left untreated, can lead to blindness in the eye. However, treating the infection of the eye quickly can prevent this.

Chlamydia are only sensitive to antibiotics for a short time during their multiplication, so that treatment for an infection with chlamydia in the eye must be carried out for 2 weeks and not just 7-10 days for other types of bacteria.

  • Please also read our detailed article on the subject: Chlamydia infection in the eye

Symptoms of eye infection

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Conjunctivitis and eyelid edema are typical of an eye infection.

First of all, with an eye infection, these so-called phlegmons are caused by inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye and a doughy swollen lid in aEyelid edema) noticeable.

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Furthermore, a restricted mobility of the eyeball is diagnosed more often. In this case, the ophthalmologist should definitely have a CT scan of the head performed. In some cases, fungal infections must be considered, which can also trigger such symptoms (aspergillosis).
If there is no evidence of fungus after taking a sample and the symptoms are increasing (Increasingly restricted mobility of the eyes), a phlegmon of the eye must be assumed, which is an absolute danger to life.

The eye would also be increasingly pressed outwards by swelling (exophthalmos) and the patient would complain of a rapidly increasing deterioration in vision (infection of the eye).

Read more on the topic:

  • Eyelid inflammation
  • Inflammation of the eye
  • Pus in the eye
  • Watery eyes

Therapy eye infection

As soon as the pathogen has been identified, targeted treatment with antibiotic eye drops can be carried out. It is important to start directly with a high concentration and only treat it over a short period of time, as this is the best way to combat the pathogens that cause infection in the eye. If the doses of therapy are too low, the pathogens can become resistant to the drug, making subsequent therapy more difficult.

The eye drops are initially given every half hour and then the interval is extended to every two hours. This frequency should be maintained until the end. Therapy can then be ended after a period of 7-10 days.

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The patients with the so-called mucomycosis must be operated on immediately, as the time pressure no longer allows drug therapy.

Sue also read more on the topic: Foreign body sensation in the eye

Correct dripping technique if the eye is infected

In order to combat the infection of the eye as effectively as possible, it is important that the drug is the Surface of the eye Reached and covered in the best possible way.

Therefor the patient looks up, The lower eyelid is pulled down a little so that a gap forms between the eyelid and the eyelid. In these the drug is then in the form of eye drop dripped in. The dropper bottle should do not touch eyelashes or eyesto get a Ingress of pathogens to avoid in the bottle.

Then the eyes closed and for closed for two minutes held. This takes the natural Tear film the medication so that it can work very evenly. An additional temporary print of the Tear-nose-waysWhile the eyes are closed, that can help Do not drain eye drops down your nose and so fully in view of the effect come.

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