This topic mainly deals with the medical and medicinal uses of ginger.

The ginger comes from the family of Zingiberaceae, the ginger family.
It is also called gber, imber, periwinkle or ginger root.
In the English language we find the term Ginger for ginger.


The ginger that goes with the Chinese medicinal herbs is a creeping, and perennial plant on a thick, bulbous rhizome. The fresh and dried roots are also called rhizomes.

In spring, an upright stem grows out of the rhizome, about 60 to 80 cm high, with narrow leaves. The plant is annual.
At flowering time, a flower spike develops directly from the ginger root, which has a white or yellow flower.
The medicinal plant ginger used medicinally, as well as the spice, come from cultures. The plant part used, the rhizome, grows flat and branched out in the ground. For cultivation, pieces of rhizome are put into the ground in spring and harvested a year later in late autumn.

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Ginger root

The medicinal plant ginger, like its Latin name Zingiber, can be derived from the old Indian name "Shringavera“Return.
Ginger has been valued as a valuable spice and medicinal product for thousands of years because of its special properties and effects
Ginger is already mentioned in ancient Chinese texts and later in ancient Greek, Roman and Arabic medical literature
The crusaders brought the medicinal herb to Central Europe. The seafaring colonial powers traded ginger as a valuable product.
Today ginger is grown in Asia, Africa, Brazil and Jamaica and is known as Medicinal plant and an indispensable spice in the kitchen.


The medicinal plant ginger, which is incorporated worldwide, has its power in the roots.
The spice and healing power are obtained from the yellow-brown rhizome.
The proportion of essential oils is large (e.g. Zingiberol and Zingibere). Other ingredients of ginger are the pungent substances (gingerol and shoagol), to which the taste is attributable.
The many active ingredients in ginger stimulate the appetite, increase gastric acid production digestion promoted and eventual nausea and Nausea mitigated.

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Medical and medicinal use the ginger finds from the underground branched rhizome.
You can use it freshly peeled or dried. The ginger root acts as a tea or tincture against Upset stomach or Loss of appetite. The ginger belongs in the exotic kitchen.
You can always find fresh ginger roots in grocery stores and markets.
The smell of the medicinal herb ginger is very aromatic and the taste is sharp and spicy. The pharmacological ingredients of ginger mainly consist of essential oils such as zingibere and zingberol, the piquant gingerol and shoagle and diarylheptanoids.

Therapy, application and effects

ginger promotes nutrient absorption, it is often used with other herbs.
The ginger root gets that digestion promoting enzyme zingibain. When ginger is consumed, the saliva and stomach production are stimulated. This stimulates the appetite, reduces nausea and nausea and promotes digestion.
Also with the travel sickness the medicinal plant ginger is widely used. Ginger root is an important remedy in Chinese and Indian medicine. The digestive processes are stimulated, and the ginger roots help people with a nervous stomach suffer or from constant Flatulence are plagued.
Ginger promotes cell regeneration and the Cycle. It is antiseptic, diaphoretic, expectorant and vasodilator. Ginger promotes blood circulation and the metabolism of the skin.
When coughing, ginger is an expectorant. Also for period pain and a headache can ginger be used effectively. As a spice, the medicinal plant ginger helps people with sensitive stomachs.

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Side effect and interaction

During the pregnancy you should refrain from taking ginger supplements.

Information on alternatives can be found on our website: Homeopathy in Pregnancy

Also at Diseases of the bile it is advisable to be cautious about ginger preparations. If you at Gallstones or take medication to prevent blood clotting, consult your doctor before taking ginger.
In some cases, too heartburn occur.
At high fever no ginger should be used.

Please ask your doctor before you start taking the medicinal herb ginger.

Administration and dosage

Finished medicinal products (capsules) or loose ginger powder are used.
In acute nausea it is enough to chew a fresh, thin slice of ginger.
A tea will help relieve

  • Motion sickness
  • nausea or
  • flu-like infection.

Making tea:

  1. 1/3 teaspoon loose powder
    150 ml of water
    Drink two to four cups a day
  2. Cut about 5 cm piece of ginger into thin slices and pour boiling water over them
    Let it steep for 10 minutes
    Maybe something sweet (honey)
  3. Tea for urinary tract infections
    Bring fresh pumpkin seeds to the boil with fresh, grated ginger
    Let it steep for 10 minutes

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