
Ovulation is understood as the discharge of a matured egg cell from the ovary. This happens once a month for every woman as part of hormonal changes.

The aim of ovulation is to release an egg cell for fertilization by sperm so that a pregnancy can occur. In terms of time, this means that every sexually mature woman ovulates every 14 days with an average cycle of 28 days.

Can you feel ovulation?

It is entirely possible to feel ovulation. This is due to the fact that tissue tears in order to jump the egg. The egg cell matures in the ovary and gains in size with its enveloping tissue until finally female sex hormones ensure that it is released.

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The increasing size due to the hormones plays a primary role, since the tissue over the egg cell begins to stretch and thin out over it. Finally, at a given time, minimal superficial tissue on the ovary tears and the egg cell can be released.

It is precisely this small injury that women can feel and perceive as an uncomfortable pulling or a short stabbing pain in the middle of their cycle. However, it varies greatly from person to person how and whether ovulation is perceived at all. Experience shows that less than half of women consciously feel ovulation.

In addition, other factors such as taking the pill or other medication can weaken or almost suppress the sensation.

Rather than ovulation itself, women experience physical changes such as water retention in the legs, headaches, or a pull in the chest. This can be explained by the fact that the female sex hormones for the maturation of the egg are also responsible for the development of the typical sexual characteristics of women such as the breast.

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This topic could also be of interest to you: Ovulation pain

The well-known estrogen in particular not only ensures that an egg cell develops completely every month. It also shapes the female breast and builds up the mucous membrane in the uterus.

Most women are very sensitive to these physical changes, so that the rise in these female hormones unconsciously makes them more aware of their bodies and empathize with them. Ovulation itself is perceived as an accompanying phenomenon.

It is typical of ovulation that it does not cause permanent pain or impairment, as can typically be caused by monthly bleeding in women. Ovulation can therefore be interpreted as a sensation that only lasts for a short time and can only cause discomfort for a short time due to the small tissue damage on the ovary. It does not lead to a visible bleeding for the woman, since it is a very small injury that as a rule hardly bleeds.

Are you more interested in this topic? Find out more about this in the next article under: Identifying ovulation yourself

What accompanying symptoms indicate ovulation?

The accompanying symptoms can be explained by the influence of the female sex hormones. They cause the egg cell to mature as well as physical changes during the female cycle.

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Typical is the increase in breast size before ovulation, which can often be expressed as a tug in the breast. In addition, some women feel an inner warmth up to and including heat, which can also be explained by the hormonal changes. The hormones also lead to an increase in temperature, which can be explained by increased blood flow.

If you have any further interest in this topic, then read our next article below: These symptoms accompany my ovulation

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Middle pain

Middle pain is nothing more than any painful sensation around the time of ovulation. It takes place exactly in the middle of the female cycle, so that the temporal component is eponymous.

A woman's cycle usually lasts 28 days, so middle pain can occur about every 2 weeks.

However, the term "middle pain" can easily be misleading as it is not typically severe pain associated with ovulation. Rather, a slight pulling in the lower abdomen is characteristic.

More detailed information on this topic can be found at. The middle pain

Chest pain during ovulation

Breast pain around ovulation can be explained by the effects of sex hormones. They ensure that the egg cell matures and the breast increases in size.

But they not only cause pure growth, but also increased water retention in the tissue. In many women, this interaction leads to tension pain in the breast tissue, as the skin and thus also the nerves in and around the breast are irritated by the increasing pressure. As the hormone level drops, the symptoms go away again.

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Are you more interested in this topic? More detailed information is available at: Chest pain when ovulating

Changes in the cervical mucus during ovulation

With regard to ovulation, the consistency of the cervical mucus changes from viscous to more fluid. From a biological point of view, this makes a lot of sense, as it enables the male sperm to migrate better through the uterus.

The aim of the cracked egg cell is to enter into fertilization with a sperm in order to enable reproduction. If the female body makes it easier for the sperm to reach the egg cell, this increases the chance of fertilization and thus a beginning pregnancy.

Are you interested in this topic? Our new article with detailed information is available for you at: How does the discharge change during ovulation?

Change in temperature during ovulation

Temperature fluctuations can be observed around ovulation. The body temperature rises shortly before ovulation and remains minimally elevated until the menstrual period. Objectively speaking, this is an increase of 1-2 degrees Celsius, which, however, can subjectively lead to a feeling of warmth or even heat.

A reliable statement about ovulation cannot be made based on temperature alone, since body temperature is subject to many other influencing factors such as clothing or the outside temperature.

For more detailed information on this topic, see: Ovulation and temperature - what is the relationship?

Recommendations from the editorial team

Further information on the subject of "ovulation":

  • ovulation
  • Abdominal pain when ovulating
  • Can you postpone ovulation?

  • Anatomy-Lexicon 
  • Urology-Online 
  • Dentistry-Online 
  • Sports-And-Fitness 
  • Neurology-Online 
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