
Cramps in the lower abdomen are very stressful for those affected. Especially during work or other everyday activities, they lead to considerable restrictions depending on their duration and strength. In the case of cramps in the lower abdomen, the muscles of the respective hollow organs contract (contract) and thus cause the pain perception. The causes of such cramps can be found in various diseases. On the one hand, they can be of bacterial origin, such as diarrhea caused by E. coli bacteria. On the other hand, there are also chronic diseases such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. Stress in connection with irritable bowel syndrome is often a cause of cramps in the lower abdomen, especially in women.

General information about abdominal cramps at: Cramps in the abdomen

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Below you can read about how cramps in the lower abdomen can be accompanied by other symptoms, such as diarrhea and nausea, behavior. Different locations of the cramps also indicate different diseases.


  • Symptoms

diarrhea (Diarrhea) is a very common diseasethat appears worldwide. It is usually a symptom of a disease that is sometimes more serious and underlying the diarrhea. Normally the healthy person has stool three times a day to three times a week (approx. 90 to 200g per day) and this is from a soft to very firm consistency. If you suffer from diarrhea, you have significantly more bowel movements, which of liquid consistency is. also the amount of stool increases noticeable per day. Most of time the diarrhea will go away on its own after a few days. If this is not the case, the Consulted a doctor especially if there are other symptoms like fever available. Diarrhea can affect the patient extremely dangerous be there the body can very easily dry out (dehydrate) due to the enormous loss of fluids and electrolytes. Especially extreme caution is required with children and the elderly required. Very often the diarrhea also go away nausea, Stomach cramps and stomach pain, as well as in some cases fever hand in hand.

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  • causes

The causes of diarrhea are numerous. It is most often caused by a gastrointestinal infection, which in industrialized countries is more likely to be caused by the norovirus, the rotavirus or salmonella. In developing countries, on the other hand, there is usually a disease from cholera (pathogen: Vibrio cholerae) the cause of severe diarrhea, which often leads to death in children and old people due to a lack of medical care. Another common cause is food intolerance. In addition to diarrhea, those affected often get severe abdominal cramps. There is also food poisoning, other types of poisoning, drug intolerance, hormonal diseases and psychological triggers.

  • diagnosis

An important means of diagnosing diarrhea or underlying medical conditions is to take a detailed medical history. It is important to find out how often the patient has bowel movements, what the consistency and color are, and if there are any other symptoms as well. In addition, it is always important to include any recently completed stay abroad. Furthermore, the attending physician should find out exactly which medication the patient is taking.

Read more on the topic: You can recognize a magnesium deficiency by these symptoms

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After taking the anamnesis, a preliminary physical examination is important. The doctor gropes (palpated) the entire stomach and listens to it (auscultate). In addition, especially in children and old people and if the diarrhea has persisted for a long time, one should look for the typical signs of dehydration (Dehydration) respect, think highly of. You can easily test this on the skin on the back of your hand. If you make a crease with the skin and it stays there, the body lacks water. In addition, the chair can then be examined accordingly. If the diarrhea has persisted for a long time and / or if you want to rule out serious underlying diseases such as tumors, an endoscopy can be performed.

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  • therapy

The most important thing is to bring the lost fluids back into the body in which the affected person drinks enough. Since the same amount of electrolytes is lost through diarrhea, drinks containing electrolytes are extremely suitable for hydration. If the diarrhea lasts longer and is more severe, it is of course always important to identify an underlying illness and treat it specifically. The use of antibiotics is rarely necessary.

  • prophylaxis

In order to protect yourself against diarrheal diseases, it is primarily advisable to have a certain amount of hygiene how to preserve yourself wash your hands regularly. This is especially important when looking at yourself to travel located, especially in countries where diseases are still common cholera gives. One should never eat raw things and refrain from drinking tap water. Only boiled or specially purified water should be drunk.

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  • forecast

Usually sounds normal diarrhea by itself within a few dayswithout one Medication must take.


nausea has been associated with cramps in the lower abdomen almost always originates in the intestinal area. It is often one symptom of many, one Abdominal influenza, mostly from Coli bacteria or from Yersiniosis bacteria caused. Still, it is important that you should Symptoms last longer and also with Weight loss go along, one To see a doctorto get a Exclude tumor disease. It can also be a food intolerance, or if you are generally wrong or poorly nourished. Nausea combined with cramps in the lower abdomen can also be an indication of a poisoning his or one Side effect of medication.


As mentioned above, they often are Diseases of the intestinewhich lead to the cramps in the lower abdomen. One distinguishes between left side pain, right side pain, pain in the middle of the lower abdomen, and pain on both sides. This information is of great importance for the doctor when he uses anamnesis to collect the complaints, the history, etc. In this way, one can already rule out some diseases or draw conclusions about diseases.

The However, the final diagnosis always requires imaging procedures and a thorough investigation of the doctor. It can be chronic conditions like Crohn's disease or Ulcerative colitis act, but also one Bacterial disease, which are very widespread, one also speaks of acute bowel disease. The three most common are the Shigellosis, Yersiniosis and Coli Bacteria. Most people become infected with Shigella Vacation in tropical countries. Most other bacteria can also be found in Europe and usually cause cramp-like abdominal pain.

Irritable bowel syndrome

  • Definition

At the Irritable bowel syndrome, IBS for short, there are several symptoms, which is why this disease is called a syndrome. Primarily the irritable bowel syndrome unites Abdominal cramps and diarrhea. As a rule, one speaks of irritable bowel syndrome when all other possible diseases excluded can be.

  • Symptoms

To the common symptoms counting Stomach cramps. They can occur to varying degrees. In addition, the bowel habits change. Many people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome are prone to diarrhea. Others have Constipation. When constipated, the body absorbs too much water, so that the stool in the intestine dries out and is hardly deformable, which means that it is no longer caused by the bowel movement (peristalsis) can be moved. In people with irritable bowel syndrome, the Diarrhea lasts for several weeks to months and cause lasting damage to the intestines. One finds just as often Flatulence that make life much more difficult for patients.

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  • causes

The exact cause has not yet been clarified; there are many different possible triggers, above all Stress and mental overload. Our Gastrointestinal tract has its own nervous system, the enteric nervous systemwhich controls it. If this nervous system does not work as usual, it can cause irritable bowel syndrome. Other possible causes are Medicines Medicines that are not tolerated, incorrect eating habits, hypersensitivity and you see one significantly stronger tendency to IBS in women than with men.

  • diagnosis

The IBS will mostly diagnosed by the process of elimination. First, patients are tested for all possible diseases and all possible examinations are carried out. Only when this Results all negative are, one can safely speak of irritable bowel syndrome. To rule out all other diseases, be Blood tests and stool samples carried out.

Furthermore, a Colonoscopy (Endoscopy), just like Ultrasonic (Sonography) or a CT (Computed Tomography). In addition, the doctor makes a neat and detailed anamnese and carefully examines the abdominal cavity by listening and tapping. But there are also indications - all criteria that directly indicate irritable bowel syndrome should be met. First, it is important that the Symptoms appear or have occurred for 12 weeks. Then there are other important clues like that Change in stool consistency and frequency of bowel movements with the beginning of Pain related and whether a Relief of symptoms from entering or having passed bowel movements.

  • therapy

Depending on the type of complaint, appropriate Medicines such as laxatives for constipation or pain relievers administered. Likewise, a Nutritional advice because correct food choices may reduce symptoms in some patients. Is there a mental illness can be used accordingly Therapies and / or psychotropic drugs be treated.

  • prophylaxis

You can protect yourself against IBS to a limited extent by opening up beforehand balanced, healthy diet pay attention to yourself enough time takes for himself and on Rest breaks respect and take care of body and mind as much as possible.

  • forecast

Irritable bowel syndrome can severely limit and make life difficult for those affected by its symptoms. Still it is not a disease that can lead to death: The IBS does not cause any other diseases.

Spasms in the left lower abdomen

The causes of cramps in the left lower abdomen can be very diverse. Most of time but they concern the Large intestine (Intestinum crassum). Often used in patients Colon diverticulum found the Big pain cause.

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Diverticulum (Diverticulosis) are generally more likely to arise in older peoplewhen the tissues of the intestine become thinner. you are Protrusions of the intestinal mucosa and mostly in places where they too Vessels step through the wall. They are most commonly found in the section of the colon just in front of the rectum lies. This section of the colon is called Sigmoidumbecause it has a corresponding S-shaped curvature.

Mostly go with the diverticula no complaints along, but if they break open, one begins Bleeding. If they ignite, one speaks of one Diverticulitis and this can extremely painful be. With the colicky stomach pain go often constipation, Flatulence or diarrhea hand in hand. Some sick people also show light fever on.

In addition to the diverticula, which are the most common cause of pain in the left lower abdomen, there is also the possibility of one Intestinal breakthrough. One speaks of a breakthrough when the Wall of the intestine tears and the Intestinal contents distributed in the abdominal cavity. This disease is extremely dangerous and must immediately in the Hospital treated become. The intestine is about 7 meters long and has to be put in many loops so that it fits into our lower abdomen. Sometimes the nooses can lay so that individual intestinal sections constricted become and thereby a Limited blood flow is, or the intestinal section no longer supplied with blood becomes. This can turn into one Intestinal obstruction to lead.

Another reason for lower abdominal pain can be a Stool be. these are bulbous structures made of chairthat have become so solid due to the absorption of too much water that they can no longer dissolve by themselves and can also cause severe pain.

Of course you have to benign and malignant tumorsTumor diseases are to be considered, mostly only cause symptoms relatively late.

In women it is important in addition to possible intestinal diseases as well Diseases of the ovaries and fallopian tubes to consider. Usually there is no exact pattern for pain and its associated diseases, so you always have to, with pain in the lower abdomen too Urinary tract diseases and investigate accordingly.

Cramps in the middle of the lower abdomen

Especially in women, diseases of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus should be ruled out if there are cramps in the lower abdomen.

In the middle of the lower abdomen, the organs of the urinary tract are mainly located, and in women, the sexual organs such as the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. In both sexes, the rectum can still be found in this area of ​​the lower abdomen. If cramps occur in the middle of the lower abdomen, all organs located here must be examined.

For example, it can be a bladder stone that does not initially or generally cause symptoms, but this depends on where the stone is. If the bladder stone is located on the lower bladder wall, where it obstructs the exit of the bladder, symptoms arise. If they cause pain, it is colic-like cramps in the lower abdomen.

Many women also experience pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation. In some cases, even in the middle of the cycle for two days.

In general, however, it is important that the doctor always examines the entire lower abdomen. There is no binding rule for any disease according to which it will expand or show the same symptoms.

Another reason for cramps in the lower abdomen can be tumors in the corresponding organs. In colon cancer, for example, the pain comes very late, but can then be very intense. A very common reason for lower abdominal pain can be cystitis - urinary tract infection. It also causes cramps in the lower abdomen in some cases.

Period pains are very typical abdominal pain in women. They occur in most women and vary in intensity. Depending on the age, the pain can also change or even stop at some point. In less common cases, pain also occurs mid-cycle for a day or two. They mark ovulation. If the pain is very severe, it is important to tell your gynecologist about it in order to rule out possible illnesses.

Cramps in the lower abdomen can often be accompanied by diarrhea. This topic could also be of interest to you: Intestinal cramps with diarrhea

Cramps in the right lower abdomen

stomach pain or cramps that concentrate on the right side of the lower abdomen are also usually associated with the Intestines together. But they can too Fractions (Hernias) or Pelvic diseases.

But mostly there is one Inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis) the cause of the pain. Appendicitis is not the whole appendix (Caecum) rather usually only the appendix (appendix) affected by the inflammation. Patients mostly complain about you sharp pain in the right lower abdomen. In addition to the main symptoms, you can still Fever, vomiting, and nausea to be added. As it is a very severe form of appendicitis Intestinal perforation (perforation) can come in which the Intestinal contents distributed in the abdomen and peritonitis (Peritonitis) and this is very dangerous, should be done with one If you suspect this disease, see a doctor immediately. In the further course a Blood poisoning (sepsis) are added.

Another possible reason for right lower abdomen cramps can also be that Autoimmune disease Crohn's disease be. It can affect any part of the intestine but mainly the large intestine. This disease is non-contagious and progresses discontinuously. This means that between diseased intestinal sections there can be some that are completely healthy. The cause of Crohn's disease is not yet known, but it is assumed that the Susceptibility to this may be inherited because there are usually more people affected per family. The most common symptoms are alongside Fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and weight loss also often bloody diarrhea and abscessesthat too surgically removed Need to become. Above all, for therapy are anti-inflammatory drugs used and also Immunosuppressantswho own immune system to prevent attacking the intestines.


Through the Proximity to the spine and the nerve cords that run there, it can happen that the pain is projected into a completely different region of the body. Besides, the Body divided into head zones. That means that the entire body in skin areas (Dermatomes) that is divided over Nerves always in connection with an organ can stand. This creates a referred pain. This means that the symptoms caused by the diseased organ appear completely different. Often they are Urinary tract infections, one Cystitis or Urinary stonesthat cause this combination of symptoms.

There are many in women also one Relationship between back pain, abdominal cramps and menstruation. In very bad cases, abdominal cramps related to back pain can also be a sign of a Aortic aneurysm be. An aortic aneurysm is one pathological dilation of the aortawhich is often found in the abdomen. It is usually the basis for an aneurysm arteriosclerosis and arterial hypertension.

After eating

A healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables goes a long way towards making it easier to defecate.

Abdominal cramps after eating can have many causes. It can either Food allergies, Intolerances or also on Tumors lie that the stomach hurts so much. You can only find out why if the doctor has one detailed anamnesis performs, Allergy tests go through and through imaging Procedure Can rule out tumors or other diseases.

The most common cause of pain loosen in the lower abdomen Food intolerance out. For example, is it flatulent foods, cramps in the lower abdomen can occur, but through Deflating (flatulence) and through Defecation be alleviated immediately, but definitely increase again in intensity.

If a person suffers from intolerance, like Lactose intolerance, it often comes next nausea to sharp and spasmodic abdominal pain in the lower abdomen. Usually this pain only improves gradually after going to the toilet once or several times. Of course she plays too Type of diet a major role. If you eat a very fatty diet, or eat too much or too fast, it can easily lead to stomach pain.

Likewise, a chronic constipation (Constipation) to severe abdominal cramps and feeling of fullness after eating to lead. It is easy to change improper diets on your own or with the help of a nutritionist. Intolerances need to be diagnosed by the doctor and the symptoms can be treated insofar as that the person concerned strictly his / her Diet changes and pathogenic foods are avoided. Of course there is always the possibility of Laxativesif the person concerned suffers from constipation and it is particularly important that you drink enough daily. Because if the stool is softer, it can be excreted much more quickly and easily. If all examinations remain without results, one should always do one mental illness or emotional overload as the cause of the abdominal cramps.


As already mentioned, the symptom in women is abdominal cramps significantly more often to recognize. As a rule, women are more likely to suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. It is said that about 2/3 of women have IBS are. Possibly often lies stress due to the multiple burden of many women underlying. You always have to have one with women Disease of the fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus consider if patient complains of abdominal pain.


Abdominal cramps are usually found in men less often before than with women. This is possibly due to the Multiple burdens for many women and associated Gastrointestinal disorders like irritable bowel syndrome.


Since during a pregnancy much changed in the mother's body, it often happens Abdominal pain in the abdomen. Usually it is Constipation due to hormonal changes. At the beginning of pregnancy, abdominal pain may indicate that the fertilized egg in the uterus nests. Also in a later stage of pregnancy Cramps in the lower abdomen are often normalprovided they occur alone and with no other symptoms. The body has to get used to the growing child and to that increasing stress on muscles, Tendons and Veins to adjust. This form of abdominal pain is called "Stretch pain". In addition, many expectant mothers complain of often great pain when the child begins to move and kick the abdominal wall. Nevertheless, caution is always required and the symptoms should be carefully observed, because cramps in the lower abdomen can also occur in a pregnant woman Urinary tract infection, Bowel disease or Reproductive system diseases Clues. Only a doctor can make a reliable diagnosis.

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