Latin name

Tilia Platyphyllos

Common names

Bast tree

Plant description

Linden trees are well-known trees and a detailed description is not necessary. One distinguishes between Winter linden (Tilia cordata) and Summer linden tree.

Heyday: The winter linden tree is more common, has smaller leaves, flowers more profusely and about two weeks later than the summer linden tree.

Occurrence: in the forests of Europe and North Asia

Plant parts used medicinally

The inflorescences of both species of the linden tree can be recognized in full bloom with the bract opposite. You dry very gently and keep the drug in hermetically sealed vessels on around Keep moisture away.

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Occasionally, limewood is used to make so-called "coal" (Carbo tiliae) the powdered at diarrhea is effective.


  • Volatile oil
  • Flavonoids
  • Tannins

Medicinal effect and application

The linden flowers are effective sweaty and will therefore be happy to participate febrile colds used which make a sweat cure necessary.

The immunity are activated and a cold can be overcome faster. A tea made from linden blossom can help as a preventative measure Hypothermia and Soaking Act.


The flowers of the linden tree are used in the form of a sweat cure for febrile colds:
1 heaped teaspoon cut linden blossom is poured over with a large cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 5 minutes and drink the tea, sweetened with honey, as hot as possible.

Combination with other medicinal plants

Linden blossoms go well with Elderflower Mix in equal parts in a tea. Preparation as described above.

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Other combinations:

  • Linden blossom 20.0 g
  • Mallow flowers 15.0 g
  • Chamomile flowers 10.0 g
  • Peppermint leaves 10.0 g.

Pour 1 tablespoon of this mixture with a cup of boiling water, let it steep, strain, with Sweeten honey. For colds up to 3 cups a day drink.

Use in homeopathy

The mother tincture Tilia of the linden tree is used for

  • rheumatism
  • allergic rashes
  • hay fever

Side effects

Basically none are to be expected when using linden blossoms, but people should with Heart disease consult the doctor before sweating cures!

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