
There are a number of ways to treat gingivitis. The doctor primarily prescribes and uses antibiotics. These are usually only available on prescription. Since the application is not always induced, drugs are often initially not used in the therapy.
But there are also some alternative remedies that those affected can use themselves. The ingredients are dosed so low here that the drugs are over the counter. There are, for example, mouthwashes or ointments containing antibiotics. With herbal or homeopathic substances you can also accelerate the healing independently.

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What over-the-counter medications are there?

An effective drug that is also used by the dentist is the mouthwash solution with chlorhexidine. The duration of action varies depending on the concentration. Mouth rinses with 0.2% are freely available. It should be used twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening. The active ingredient chlorhexidine is also available in the form of a gel. This can be applied directly to specific areas.

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The drug Solcoseryl with the active ingredient Lauromacrogol is also available as a paste or gel. It is used against the itching and for surface anesthesia. Kamisad Gel works in a similar way. Pyralvex is a 60% alcohol solution that disinfects the oral mucosa. Lozenges such as Neo Angin or Dolo Dobendan help for light anesthesia. Some of them still have the advantage that they have an anti-inflammatory effect. They also stimulate the flow of saliva, which carries antibodies that can also fight the inflammation.
Sprays that are sprayed into the oral cavity are used to disinfect large areas. Hexetidine has an antibacterial effect and is contained in Hexoral Spray, for example. It can also be used in the throat area. The advantage is that it also kills any bacteria in the throat. These can then not attack the gums additionally. Tantum Verde with the active ingredient benzydamine is both antibacterial and therefore anti-inflammatory and analgesic. This product is available over-the-counter as a spray, as a rinse solution or as lozenges.

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What prescription drugs are there?

The most common drugs used to treat gingivitis are antibiotics. Most inflammation is caused by bacteria, and various antibiotics can be used to combat this. Below are some medicines that contain antibiotics.

Antibiotics are used systemically in the course of periodontal therapy. Actisite contains tetracycline and is taken for 10 days. Ligosan with the antibiotic active ingredient doxycycline is a preparation for 12 days. A single-use antibiotic is Elyzole with Metronidazole. The advantage is that the side effects are not as severe as with preparations that are used for longer. In addition, arresting with monocyline is also used as an ingredient. Another preparation is a chlorhexidine chip that is inserted into the gingival pocket. It is not available for sale because chlorhexidine is 34 percent. All of the above drugs work specifically against the most common bacterial strain, Aggregatiacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa).

When do I need an antibiotic?

The dentist must make this decision as to whether and when concomitant antibiotic therapy should be initiated. Since antibiotics are always associated with side effects, one has to weigh the relationship between cost-benefit and risk-benefit. Provided the patient is systemically healthy, the body is strong enough to fight the bacteria by itself. Systemic antibiotic administration is indicated, for example, in aggressive periodontitis. It is common in young and healthy patients and, as the name suggests, it is very aggressive. The body therefore needs support in defending itself. In the case of severe chronic inflammation or necrotic ulcerating gingivitis, antibiotics are also used, as the chronic disease cannot otherwise be treated. In addition, patients are treated who show no improvement despite good mechanical cleaning. If the gums fail to recover and continue to recede despite proper brushing, the cause cannot be a lack of hygiene. It is also important that abscesses in the gum area are treated with antibiotics. Otherwise these could spread and lead to swollen lymph nodes.Patients whose general condition is poor and whose immune system is therefore not strong enough are given an antibiotic, as this is the only way to remove the bacteria.

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Which antibiotic is the best?

There is no antibiotic that is considered to be the most effective against periodontal disease. Since there are different bacteria that cause gingivitis, there are also many different antibiotics, because each bacterium is fought by a specific antibiotic. Before the appropriate antibiotic is chosen, a microbiological test in the form of a smear must be carried out in the laboratory to find out the exact bacterial strain that is responsible for the inflammation. A very commonly used antibiotic is amoxicillin. It is often prescribed because it works against the most common bacterial strain, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. Since this antibiotic has no effect on other bacteria, various active ingredients are combined with one another.

Salt water for inflammation of the gums

is considered disinfecting. The way it works is that the salt draws liquid with it. When there is inflammation, there is always swelling. The salt removes the fluid from the gums. This will reduce the swelling. The advantage is that the tissue can then be better supplied with blood. There are antibodies in the blood that can be distributed throughout the gums. Salt also stimulates the body's own saliva production. This is because the saliva contains antibodies that bind and kill bacteria and thus alleviate inflammation. Salt water is also said to relieve pain because the pressure decreases as the swelling subsides. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water. A suitable salt is simple sea salt or Emser salt. The use with salt water should not be exaggerated, as the salt attacks the tooth enamel over the long term. This mouthwash should be used in the morning, at noon and in the evening when cleaning your teeth.

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Medication for pain

A pain reliever is often used to treat pain associated with gum inflammation. Ibuprofen is most likely to be prescribed. Ibuprofen 600 is available from a doctor on prescription. Ibuprofen with 400 mg of active ingredient are freely available. If the pain does not subside after 3 days, a doctor should be consulted. Compared to paracetamol, ibuprofen is also anti-inflammatory. So the cause of the pain is treated additionally. It's the same with aspirin. The active ingredient is both anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Aspirin is also well tolerated. Many of the above freely available drugs are also for pain relief. In addition, the pain is relieved when antibacterial agents are used and the inflammation subsides. The application of the Oralmedic solution initially burns very strongly, but is helpful within a few minutes. It removes the topmost inflamed skin and forms a kind of protective layer that is retained when eating and drinking. The product usually only has to be applied once until it shows its effect. Basically, lots of mouthwashes help the gums fly. The gums are cared for by stimulating the flow of saliva. It is less dry and does not hurt to the touch. Cleaning tooth oils, which are used to rinse the mouth, remove the inflammation and form a kind of slimy protective layer on the oral mucosa.

Further information on the topic can be found here: Pain relievers for toothache and Pain associated with inflammation of the gums

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