
Bad breath is not uncommon in women during pregnancy. Above all, it occurs frequently related to inflammation in the mouth.

The gums are often severely affected by this inflammation, as they change hormonally during pregnancy. Bacteria and food debris can settle more easily. This inflammation is known as Pregnancy gingivitis.

Bad breath is a typical sign of pregnancy gingivitis. Bad breath that occurs during pregnancy is therefore very common and can only be prevented with extensive and thorough oral hygiene.


The body changes a lot during pregnancy. Due to the hormonal change, the mucous membrane in the mouth is supplied with more blood and swells. This makes it easier for bacteria and food particles to settle in the spaces between the teeth and on the gumline.

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Bad breath occurs because the bacteria now have more time to break down remaining food particles that could not be removed with normal tooth brushing. Sulfur-containing compounds are formed as metabolic products, which cause an unpleasant odor.

Due to the increased number of bacteria that could settle in the crevices and joints of the swollen gums, inflammation of the gums occurs in many cases (= Gingivitis). As a result, increased bad breath can occur here. Persistent gingivitis can lead to receding gums or even tooth loss.

It can also endanger the unborn child. For this reason, if a strong, persistent bad breath occurs, a dentist should be consulted in order to prevent the consequences of gingivitis.

Learn more about this under: Causes of Bad Breath


Gestational diabetes is an increasingly common phenomenon during pregnancy. The mother's body develops a resistance to insulin in order to provide enough glucose (= sugar) for her own baby. A few days after the birth, the diabetes subsides again.

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If a diabetic disease manifests itself in a bad breath, you have to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The bad breath lets on odor of acetone e.g. nail polish remover remind and is a warning sign. Other signs of diabetes are strong thirst, frequent urination, fatigue and Weakness.


The diagnosis ’halitosis’ can usually be made very quickly by the doctor. Affected people often noticed their own bad breath in themselves. The doctor can make the diagnosis by taking a smell test of the exhaled air. In order to determine the cause of the bad breath, the doctor must analyze various circumstantial evidence. The type of bad breath can give an initial indication of the cause.

An unpleasant smelling odor from the mouth is usually caused by poor oral hygiene or the like. If the unpleasant smell also comes from the nose, this can be an indication of a disease of the digestive tract or metabolism. The smell itself can also provide information about the underlying condition. For example, diabetes can manifest itself in breath that smells of acetone and breath that smells of ammonia can be an indication of kidney disease. The dentist continues to examine the oral cavity for inflammation, fillings and crown margins, tooth decay and determine the flow of saliva.

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Concomitant symptoms

The symptoms that accompany bad breath depend on the causes that are responsible for bad breath. Is for example a Reflux (= Regurgitation of stomach acid) the cause of the bad breath, hoarseness, frequent belching, sore throat, cough, stomach pressure, burning in the esophagus and an unpleasant taste in the mouth are symptoms accompanying bad breath.

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If the cause of the bad breath is smoking, a yellowish coating can be found on the tongue of those affected. A reduced flow of saliva is often the reason for bad breath. This dry mouth is often caused by snoring, mouth breathing, fasting, due to old age or medication. In general, bad breath is always accompanied by a bad taste in the mouth. Furthermore, a feeling of shame and a strong discomfort accompany conversations.

Please also read: How to fight bad breath successfully

Treatment and therapy

Treatment or therapy for bad breath depends on the cause. In the most common cases, bad breath is caused by increased bacteria in the mouth area due to poor oral hygiene. In this case, the fight against bad breath consists of extensive oral hygiene including cleaning of all interdental spaces and tongue cleaning.

Furthermore, the cause of bad breath can be a dry mouth. In order to combat bad breath here, you should avoid all factors that can reduce the flow of saliva. These include nicotine, stress, to small amount of drink and Medication.

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If the cause lies in dental problems such as tooth decay, the dentist must remove this and can thus eliminate the possible cause of the bad breath. Professional teeth cleaning is also recommended in the case of inflammation of the gums to remove all plaque. For general illnesses such as For diabetes or kidney disease, individual therapy must be applied.

Are you looking for natural ways to get rid of bad breath during pregnancy? Then read on below: Home remedies for bad breath

Duration of bad breath

In general, every bad breath can be defeated in the long run. It varies how long the bad breath lasts in those affected. In most cases, the cause is poor oral hygiene. As soon as those affected have a professional teeth cleaning and then carry out their own daily and extensive oral hygiene, the bad breath disappears after a few days.

However, if this persists despite good oral hygiene, i.e. brushing your teeth, cleaning the interdental spaces and cleaning your tongue for at least 2-3 minutes twice a day, a dentist should be consulted. The cause of the bad breath is then often something else. In general, it is recommended to see a doctor if the bad breath has not disappeared 1-2 weeks after the onset of very good oral hygiene. If the breath smells of acetone or ammonia, a doctor must be consulted immediately.

If the bad breath is related to pregnancy, it often subsides after the birth. However, the dentist should also treat the underlying inflammation of the gums and ensure that the bacteria do not have an easy job.

Can bad breath be a sign of pregnancy?

A bad breath alone cannot be a sign of pregnancy. However, if you are pregnant, bad breath can be accompanied by a number of other symptoms. These include morning sickness, missed periods, frequent urination, abdominal cramps, tiredness or a feeling of warmth in the forearms, hands or feet described as uncomfortable. However, bad breath plays a subordinate role as a sign of pregnancy.

Also read: Signs of pregnancy

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