
Mole, spider nevus, melonome, skin changes
Medical: nevus
English: mole, nevus, birthmark

Remove birthmark

Whether a treatment, i.e. removal, one Birthmarks or Mole the dermatologist (specialist in dermatology).

The focus here is not on cosmetic componentbut rather the risk of degeneration. If necessary, suspicious spots are surgically removed. This removal is usually done completely, so that no new formations appear in the same place. The removed material is microscopic (fine tissue) examined for goodness or badness.

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However, there are also forms of birthmarks that should definitely be removed. This includes the congenital (innate) Giant pigment nevus.

Shape and appearance of birthmarks

Epithelial (epithelium = top layer of skin, Mucous membrane; epithelial = starting from the epithelium) from melanocyte (starting from the melanocytes) birthmarks.

Epithelial Male are divided into epidermal nevi and special forms. Synonyms are too hyperkeratotic nevus or Striatus nevus.

First, the epidermal nevus should be described. This is a congenital, sharply defined thickening of the epidermis. The epidermis is the top layer of all skin. Familial accumulation is usually not observed. These nevi are common in the population and appear as soft and brownish protrusions or WasZen in appearance. Excision, i.e. cutting out, is available as a therapy. If the Birthmarks disturb, they are excised in series.

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In the category of epithelial nevi there are also Special forms:

The so-called one should be mentioned here Nevus sebaceus. This time it occurs medium-often in the population and is just like that epidermal nevus, mostly congenital.
Dem Nevus sebaceus The cause is a malformation of sebum glands, but also of the upper layers of the skin. These marks appear as circumscribed, streaky or irregular and always sharply delimited, often spherical structures. They are very often found in the Scalp. They are then missing in the affected area hair mostly complete. Is the puberty these nevi often recede when closed. However, if they persist into adulthood, they should be removed because 15- 30% the cases from it malignant tumors (Malignancies) can develop. Here is that Basalioma or Spinalioma to think.

Continue to step melanocytic nevi on. This category includes, on the one hand, epidermal melanocytic nevi and, on the other hand, dermal melanocytic nevi. Epidermal melanoma nevi go out Melanocytes (pigment-forming skin cells) of the epidermis, the uppermost layer of skin, while dermal melanocyte nevi arise from melanocytes of the dermis, the layer under the epidermis.

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For example, epidermal melanoma nevi are common Frecklesthat use medical term Ephelids be called.

Ephelids are small, round, sharply defined, brownish spots in areas exposed to light (face, forearms).
This Skin changes are permanent, i.e. always present. However, they fade in winter, but reappear when the sun is exposed again. They are caused by an increase in melanin. The number of melanocytes (pigment-forming skin cells) is normal.

More times that belong to the epidermal melanocytic nevi are the so-called Lentigines.
They are similar to the ephelids, but are larger and darker. They arise from the multiplication of melanocytes. There are different types within this group:

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  • Lentigo simplex usually occurs individually in childhood and independently of UV radiation. Multiple, i.e. several, lentigines usually occur everywhere on the body and are also UV-independent.
  • Lentiges seniles are the result of chronic UV damage in areas of the body that are particularly exposed to light.

Café-au-lait spots are light brown and sharply defined. These spots can appear individually or as a partial symptom of certain diseases.

Nevus spilus is a relatively common, congenital pigment spot. It is approx. 2-10 cm tall, sharply defined and usually light brown with small, dark indentations. These blasts could increase over the years.

Of the Becker - nevus can be the size of a palm. It is also well demarcated and is characterized above all by the accompanying hair growth on the affected area. It usually develops in young men in the 2nd decade. About 2% of the population are affected.

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Dermal melanocytic nevi represent the second group of melanocytic birthmarks. There are three different types:

  • Of the Mongolian spot is slightly bluish, blurred and flat. It occurs in the sacrum area and regresses in childhood. Within the Mongolian race it occurs in 90-100% of the cases, while it occurs only rarely among whites.
  • A Fusco- coeruleus nevus common among Mongols and Japanese. It appears as a blue-black, flat spot. It is called nevus ota when it appears on the face. In the shoulder area it is called Ito nevus.

Under a Nevus coeruleus one understands an accumulation of melanocytes in a certain skin layer, the dermis, which can be found below the epidermis. This birthmark is acquired, has a bluish color and occurs in approx. 2-3% of the population. Usually it appears in the form of a nodule, which has a smooth and shiny surface.

In addition to the congenital birthmarks, there are also acquired forms. These moles are called with the technical term Nevus cell nevus.

It should be mentioned here:

  • Of the Halonevus (halo = gloriole) is easy to distinguish from the other birthmarks. It has a light halo around the brownish nodule. In this case, light means that the edge has no pigment. As a result, the edge is even lighter than the normal one skin. This nevus, also known as Sutton nevus, usually occurs in children and adolescents.
  • The congenital (innate) Giant pigment nevus occurs very rarely. Usually it comes to his training in the lumbar and buttocks area in the context of a neurocutaneous melanosis.
    This nevus is speckled brown and is often associated with hairiness. Therefore it is reminiscent of animal fur. These nevi should be removed as much as possible in the first week of life.

Methods of removing the birthmark

It is usually removed surgically.

There are essentially two indications for the removal of moles. First, the medical-diagnostic indication if there is a suspicion of a malignant skin growth. Furthermore, the increasingly important cosmetic mole removal, which can be carried out not only by dermatologists but also increasingly in cosmetic institutes. From a medical point of view, the diagnostic removal of birthmarks is more important and is always carried out when a malignancy is suspected.

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There are two different ways of removing moles.

On the one hand, there is an operative method that has existed in dermatology for a long time. Here, the suspicious skin area is separated from the rest of the skin using a cutting technique and then sent to a laboratory for micro-histological determination. There, the origin of the tissue is checked using microscopic and staining techniques and whether it is malignant tissue. The procedure takes place after the skin from which the birthmark was cut has been anesthetized. A local anesthetic is injected under for anesthesia and the appropriate exposure time is awaited before the mole can be cut out. After cutting out, one or two stitches are usually necessary to close the cut again. The procedure is generally considered to be low-risk. However, it can always happen that secondary bleeding occurs and appropriate surgical measures must be taken. In rare cases, infections occur. Depending on the suturing technique used, there are larger or smaller scars. The intracutaneous sutures, which are often used today, usually lead to minimal cosmetic scarring.

Today, skin removal by laser is used, especially for cosmetic mole removal. This destroys the skin pigments in the skin that lead to the birthmark. This then leads to peeling of the skin in that area. This can lead to skin irritation, even days after the procedure. In this case, special anti-inflammatory skin creams should be applied to the skin.

In both surgical procedures, it is necessary to apply an appropriate protective bandage to the treated skin. This should then be in place for a few days and can then be removed. Since the laser method destroys skin pigments, a histological-microscopic examination of the tissue is not possible with this method.

Laser birthmark

Basically exist two possibilitiesto remove a mole that surgical removal and the Lasers.

If that birthmark is suspected viciously degenerate always has to be completely surgically removed (cut out) be, there is only one histological tissue examination on malice is possible.

The Lasering birthmarks is used when the birthmark is out cosmetic reasons should be removed. Here is the Burned tissue and can no longer be examined histologically. With this method, the birthmark can be largely painless and without creating a scar removed. Because of this, the laser method is widely used in face or Cleavage area used where a scar like the birthmark would be aesthetically disturbing.

The technology behind lasers is that photodynamic therapy, the resulting heat will make it Superficially removed birthmarkwithout leaving a scar. However, the laser beam often does not penetrate deep, which is why the laser method is not used to treat malignant (malignant) degenerate birthmarks suitable.

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The laser treatment is usually done without local anesthesia carried out and lasts just a few minutes. The properties of the laser such as intensity, wavelength or pulse frequency can be individually adjusted.

In order to prevent scarring, the sensitive, lasered area of ​​the skin should absolutely from exposure to sunlight and Infections protected become.

Read more on the subject here Laser birthmark.

Pain when the birthmark is removed

Depending on the selected method, the Removal of birthmarks varies in pain be. The Cutting out birthmarks usually happens under one local anesthesiawhich guarantees freedom from pain during cutting and sewing. If the effect of the local anesthetic wears off, depending on the size and location of the mole mild to moderate pain occur after a few days should.

In the Laser treatment is generally no local anesthesia necessary and the treatment is more likely to be perceived as slightly painful by a few patients.

Cost of removal of moles

If the dermatologist suspects that a Malignant birthmark (malignant) could be degenerate, the cost of removal will be the Covered by health insurances.

Consists no medical reason to remove the birthmark, but a purely cosmeticthen need the cost of the removal borne by the patient himself become. If the removal is for cosmetic reasons, then Lasers mostly the method of choice, as it gives better results minimal scarring be achieved.

The Prices differ from practice to practice, so it may be worthwhile to inquire in several local practices. Per birthmark can cost roughly 20 to 60 euros However, the prices depend on the particular practice, the method used and other factors.

Scars after a mole removal

One differentiates with the Removal of birthmarks basically between two procedures, the Cut out and the Lasers.

The Cut out is the older and conventional method and the method of choice when having a birthmark Suspicion of malice (malignancy) Will get removed. With this method, the tissue is preserved differently than with laser and can be histologically examined for malicious changes.

Depending on its size and majesty, the Scarring is very different be. Large birthmarks that are a little raised will be generously removed and it can be a slight hollow arise. However, suturing techniques are advanced these days, so a good dermatologist can do the Minimize scar can.

In the modern laser technology is a scar formation even more unlikely, however, this procedure can only be used when the removal is off cosmetic reasons happens and the birthmark is not suspected of being malignant.

Removal Cream - Is It Possible?

There are a few on the Internet over-the-counter creams which, according to the manufacturer, remove birthmarks painlessly and inexpensively. It is questionable, however, why this apparently so simple method not recommended by doctors and pharmacists becomes. Anyone who has a noticeable or visually disturbing birthmark should definitely do so examined by the dermatologist let and find out about the Find out how to remove it to let.

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