
Regardless of whether starting a family has been planned for a long time or whether the offspring is unexpected and unplanned - especially at the beginning of such a far-reaching personal change, many women are unsure whether they are really pregnant and will be mothers or not. Some physical signs - such as feeling very warm or sweating more - can occur during pregnancy, along with other physical changes. These are often noticeable even earlier than confirmation from a doctor. At the beginning of their pregnancy, many women report a pleasant feeling of warmth, which is particularly noticeable on parts of the body that otherwise tend to freeze (e.g. hands, feet). In the further course, hot flashes and night sweats occur more frequently. Sweating at night as a pregnant woman is nothing unusual at first. The increased sweating at night is an expression of the hormonal changes during pregnancy. For this reason, therapy is usually not necessary, as this condition is mostly due to the new hormonal fluctuations.

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root cause

The cause of night sweating lies in the enormous hormonal changes that women experience when they are pregnant. The placenta uses hormones that it produces to ensure a permanently slightly elevated body temperature and increased blood flow to the entire maternal body so that it can also take care of the unborn child. With increased blood flow to the entire body and thus of course to the skin, there is a subjectively perceived feeling of warmth, to which the pregnant woman's body reacts with sweat production. These changes are particularly noticeable in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, which is why sweating may increase at this point.

You can read more about causes of excessive sweating in the following article:

  • Hot Flashes During Pregnancy
  • Causes of Hot Flashes such as
  • Causes of increased sweating


Usually is increased sweating at night during pregnancy only an expression of the changes taking place and do not require treatment or therapy. In some cases, some can Signs of pregnancy however, appear uncomfortable to annoying for the expectant mother. In these cases, knowledge of the "normality" of these processes and the assurance that night sweats and hot flashes after birth of the child or at the latest after the breastfeeding phase has ended will disappear again. Often the prevailing symptoms are then no longer perceived as quite as unpleasant. In addition, a consultation is advisable about the factors that increase sweating, which should then be avoided if possible. Unfortunately, actual and causal therapy for sweating during pregnancy cannot be offered to patients.

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Night sweats during pregnancy there is only one due to the cause temporary problem. Some new mothers also observe varying degrees of hot flashes during theirs Breastfeeding phase. Often, however, all symptoms disappear with the birth of the child. Women in previous If you have suffered heavy sweating during the night, you do not have to experience this problem again in subsequent pregnancies. There is also no connection to later menopausal symptoms in this woman.


To yourself and the unborn child from possibly threatening Dehydration women who are pregnant and sweat a lot at night should drink sufficient amounts. They are best suited lukewarm drinksas these do not make the hot flashes worse. Spicy dishes and caffeine should avoid affected people so as not to exacerbate symptoms. Powerful Antiperspirants (for example from the pharmacy) can help contain the problem as well as one Shaving the body hair, as this prevents sweat from evaporating for a longer period of time. A cool bedroom, which is generally always recommended, can also provide a little relief.

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Pregnancy diagnostics

Ultrasound diagnostics are a good way to determine whether you are pregnant.

The most reliable way to diagnose an existing pregnancy is an early ultrasound scan by an experienced gynecologist. From the 4th week of pregnancy, the embryo can be seen in the lining of the uterus. Shortly thereafter, a special ultrasound technique (suction. Doppler sonography) even the child's heart action can be proven. Even commercially available stretch test strips, which are generally relatively safe, may give an incorrect result. This case is rare and unusual, but still not impossible. If the present pregnancy is confirmed, no further diagnostics are necessary to identify the increased sweating; the treating and advising doctor relies on the subjective feeling of the pregnant woman and her descriptions.

Read more on the topic: Ultrasound in pregnancy

More signs of pregnancy

As classic (and common) Signs of pregnancy are a strong feeling of warmth, uncomfortable breast tenderness and (mostly morning) nausea known to women for generations. These side effects of pregnancy can occur just like the other signs mentioned below, but of course they do not have to. Every woman will perceive the changes in her body to different degrees and react to them in different ways.

Safe signs of pregnancy

As sure signs of pregnancy one denotes all those signs that emanate directly from the unborn child and thus leave no other explanation than pregnancy. As a rule, they can be detected later than the uncertain clues, but are therefore beyond any doubt. So, for example, this is a sure sign of a pregnancy Detection of the nested embryo by means of ultrasound (from about the 4th week of pregnancy) by the gynecologist. Even hearing the childish heartbeat, the Feeling movements of the unborn child or that Palpation of body parts (everything from about the 18th week of pregnancy) are to be seen as unmistakable signs.

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Unsure signs of pregnancy

Less unambiguous, but mostly a lot faster, make themselves felt unsure signs of pregnancy noticeable. These include, for example nausea and changes in appetite with Food cravings the expectant mother. Also about dizziness and a strong feeling of tension in the chest, which can be associated with considerable pain, many pregnant women complain at the beginning.
For some women, it happens long before the actual due date Foremilk leakage from the breast, which can also be seen as an uncertain sign of pregnancy. Pregnant women must also use the toilet more often. Some feel tired or exhausted more quickly and show a show increased need for sleep.
Also Mood swings and a headache are not uncommon during pregnancy. In the further course there are also specific ones Skin changes (for example to the Nipples or on the stomach), which can also be an indication of a pregnancy. Taken together, these clues are already quite suspicious at possible conception.
Does it come to the No menstrual bleeding and a permanent one increased body temperature (Increase in basal body temperature), a pregnancy test and a presentation to a gynecologist are advisable.

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