
EMS is the abbreviation for electromyostimulation, where "myo" stands for the muscle. So it is about electrical stimulation of a muscle using current pulses. This method is currently very popular in German fitness studios. The aim of EMS training is to burn fat and build muscle. EMS training can be performed without dumbbells or weights.

EMS training can be seen as a useful addition to an existing training plan, but should only be carried out in isolation in the rarest of cases. A doctor should always be consulted beforehand in order to exclude and minimize health risks. In addition, such training should always be carried out in the presence of a specialist, so that correct execution is ensured. Ideally, 100% cotton clothing should be worn during the implementation, as this guarantees optimal conductivity.

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In terms of price, you have to dig a little deeper into your pocket for EMS training than for conventional training. You have to plan between 20 and 30 euros per session.


With electromyostimulation, the user wears tight functional underwear on which Electrodes are attached. The smallest current pulses are fed into the Skeletal muscles cleverly. There the muscle cell gets right through electrical stimuli excited. EMS works with so-called Low frequencies of up to 150 pulses per second and low currents below 100 mA (Milli-Ampere).
Usually the muscles get through during exercise Nerve impulses excited and thereby activated. In EMS training, these impulses are set externally and last longer than the nerve impulses normally do. The additional current impulses are intended to activate the entire musculature and thus the Muscle building accelerate - significantly more effective than normal Strength training.
The different frequencies with which different Muscle fiber types can be addressed. Both slow and fast muscle fibers can be trained in the muscle. Fast muscle fibers are e.g. responsible for the ability to sprint, slow muscle fibers for the Endurance. In particular, the stimulation of the fast muscle fibers is responsible for the faster muscle building through EMS training.

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EMS training can without dumbbells or weights be performed. However, the necessary equipment and specialist knowledge are required for implementation, which is why the training is mainly in Gyms is completed. In addition to the current pulses, the athlete can use Squats, push-ups, and sit-ups work to optimize the result. The power surges are usually carried out for four seconds and then there is a pause of four seconds. This change is then repeated as often as required. For one optimal effectiveness the muscles should be tensed during the current pulse and breathing should not be forgotten.
To safety this training method can be said that only the superficial skeletal muscles are reached - organs and also the Heart muscles remain unaffected and do not suffer any damage.


This type of training is not equally suitable for everyone. As numerous studies show, they are Training successes strong on that individual starting level the athlete coupled. This means that the more trained a person is, the lower the effects of EMS training and the shorter the period of time in which adjustments can be expected. Laypeople, amateurs and occasional athletes In contrast, benefit significantly more from EMS training. Especially in the first few weeks there are significant increases in Efficiency and des Muscle building a. Only after about half a year of EMS training does a former beginner approach a threshold from which EMS can hardly achieve any notable increases.

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EMS training is also not feasible for all people. With certain pre-existing conditions, such as cancer, epilepsy, Cardiovascular diseases or does the person own one PacemakerEMS training should be avoided immediately. Here you can significant health risks occur that no longer justify EMS training. Pregnant women should also have a workout with Electromyostimulation dispense. In the Pregnancy regression it can, however used again without any problems and achieved good results in doing so.

Generally you should before starting EMS training first with his Check the family doctor before considering training with this method. All possible risk factors can be excluded, so that during EMS training no dangers may occur.

So EMS training can useful addition to be seen in an existing training plan, but should only In the most rare events be carried out in isolation. A doctor should always be consulted beforehand to exclude health risks and minimize. In addition, such training should always be in Presence of an expert carried out so that correct execution is ensured. When performing one should ideally 100% cotton clothing as they guarantee optimal conductivity.

You have to pay for an EMS training dig a little deeper into your pocket than a conventional workout. You have to do it per session between 20 and 30 euros plan on.


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Benefits of EMS training

In the last few years a large number of studies have taken place that have shown positive effects from EMS training. The muscle building should be possible much faster than with a conventional training plan.

In addition to building muscle, it's also about that Strengthening of different Muscle groups. These include back and abdominal muscles, leg muscles and pelvic floor muscles, which are not sufficiently developed in many people. The effects can be seen in an improved stability and posture. When balancing muscular Imbalances EMS training can also make a good contribution. Through the targeted control of muscle groups you can Misalignments be corrected due to incorrect posture.

Positive side effects are also the release of blockages and Tension and the Pain relief, such as at Back pain. In the range of Prevention and particularly rehabilitation EMS training has been used for a long time. In the area of ​​rehabilitation, this form of training serves as a rock-solid option, especially for building muscle Injuries to optimize.

An important area of ​​application of EMS training can be found in Fat loss and Body sculpting. There are hardly any disadvantages and the results are positive. The electrical impulses increase the Metabolic activity and remains elevated even hours after EMS training. This leads to an increased energy requirement, which also stimulates fat burning. Of the Basal metabolic rate increases sustainably and promotes weight loss. In women there were especially good improvements in the area of Problem areas (Waist, hips, stomach).

This form of training is also called gentle or gentle form of training referred to because various loads are significantly reduced compared to conventional training. The Cardiovascular system is exposed to significantly less stress and is protected by the EMS. In addition, lower loads act on bones, tendons and ligaments. Because of that, that too Risk of injury enormously diminished.


Aspects that are cited as an advantage on the one hand can also be viewed as disadvantageous.
When aiming to increase muscle mass, it does not always make sense to only use gentle and gentle training methods. The grows Muscle mass, should also Holding apparatus of man. Tendons, ligaments and bones should therefore feel the same strain as the muscles, so that these tissue structures can also adapt to a higher level. Otherwise you can Fatigue injuries such as broken bones, torn ligaments, and torn tendons occur.
Overuse of EMS training is good for that in the long run Cardiovascular system not optimal. If the cardiovascular system experiences hardly any medium or high loads, it loses Efficiency and adapts to it low training level on. Above all, the Endurance and a weak cardiovascular system also has significant disadvantages from a preventive point of view. Especially people who do sports that require high loads on the locomotor and postural apparatus or the cardiovascular system should never do EMS training in isolation. Exercises for Strengthening the holding apparatus should have at least an identical share in the sports mentioned.

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