Dietary supplements cannot replace a balanced diet.


Under the term "Dietary Supplements" is grouped together a number of products that from nutrients or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect exist and usually contain a large amount of these substances. Dietary supplements can for example Vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, fiber, plants or herbal extracts contain. As a rule, food supplements are taken in dosed form as capsules, tablets, powders or other forms of administration that are not typical for foodstuffs in measured quantities. Are dietary supplements no medicines but foodthat used to be the normal nutrition to complete. Since they come under the grocery category, they must above all be sure and may no side effects to have.
Food supplements go through unlike drugs no admission procedure and are subject to only one Registration requirement at the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL). The manufacturers are responsible for the safety of the products, while the food control authorities of the federal states are responsible for monitoring the food supplements. Excessive intake of vitamins and minerals can have a negative impact on health, for example in individual cases a Overdose harmful be (e.g. from Vitamin A). Current studies indicate that too many elderly people take dietary supplements in too high doses, especially magnesium and Vitamin E. overdoses occur.

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Depending on the region of origin, food supplements differ significantly in terms of their composition and intended use. In Germany, food supplements are allowed no therapeutic benefit while in the USA, for example, many products are available that would be considered pharmaceuticals in Germany.

Vitamins and provitamins

Vitamins are used by the human body for vital functions needed. They cannot be produced in sufficient quantities and must therefore ingested with food become. Some vitamins are given to the body in the form of Preliminary stages (so-called provitamins) and only then converted into the active form. Vitamin D can from the organism self made if a adequate sun exposure exists and is common with calcium and Vitamin K important for the healthy functioning of bone, Muscles, annoy and immune system. Vitamin A is involved in the visual process and has an influence on the Reproduction and the Thyroid activity. Vitamin K is important for that Blood clotting, the various vitamin B classes mainly work in Carbohydrate-, Protein- and fat metabolism with. Folic acid will be for the Blood formation needs and plays a role Growth and development, Biotin is part more important Enzymes. vitamin C is important for the Tooth-, Bone and connective tissue formation, for the healing of wounds and injuries and improves iron absorption from food.
However, taking high-dose vitamin supplements as dietary supplements can also be dangerous to the human body. A balanced diet is usually sufficient to adequately supply the body with essential vitamins.

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With one established Vitamin deficiency individual vitamins can be supplied in the correct amount; this should always be discussed with a doctor.

List of different nutritional supplements

  • amino acids
  • BCAA
  • CLA
  • Glutamine
  • HMB
  • carbohydrates
  • Creatine
  • L-carnitine
  • protein
  • Pyruvate
  • Ribose
  • Weight gainer
  • Tribulus terrestris

Bulky and trace elements

Bulky and trace elements are essential inorganic nutrients that the organism cannot produce itself and must be supplied with food. Some of these minerals are in a functional control loop in the human body and influence each other (such as sodium and potassium, which act as antagonists in nerve signal transmission). Others are components of hormones, such as iodine in the thyroid hormone. The quantitative elements include, for example, chlorine, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, sulfur and magnesium. Trace elements are iron, iodine, fluorine, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium.

Read more on the topic: You can recognize a magnesium deficiency by these symptoms

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Those who fear a lack of minerals should not resort to food supplements indiscriminately, as certain minerals can be harmful to health if a certain amount is exceeded (e.g. selenium). In any case, it is advisable to consult your family doctor before adding magnesium, iron, iodine or calcium in the form of dietary supplements, for example.

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Fatty acids and phospholipids

Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids provide a lot of energy, support the immune system and have a positive effect on many metabolic processes in the body. Omega-6 fatty acids (e.g. linoleic acid) and omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids, as they cannot be produced by the human body and must be taken in with food.

The essential fatty acids lower blood lipid and cholesterol levels and are involved in building cell membranes. Phospholipids (such as glycerine) also play an important role in the construction of cell membranes. In principle, healthy people with a wholesome and balanced diet do not need any additional intake of fatty acids or phospholipids, even if little or no fish is eaten.

Overdosing with fatty acids can lead to prolonged blood clotting, nausea and vomiting, so dietary supplements with fatty acids or phospholipids should not be taken without consulting your doctor.

Omega-3 fatty acids fulfill a wide variety of functions in the body and are indispensable for humans. Among other things, they are an important part of the cell membrane, which gives all body cells their shape and has an important function in signal transmission. Read more about this at: Omega 3 fatty acids


Dietary supplements can support both strength and endurance training.

Antioxidants inactivate the organism reactive oxygen radicals, whose excessive occurrence too so-called oxidative stress leads that as jointly responsible for aging processes and has been associated with a number of diseases. Some antioxidant substances are essential for the human organism, cannot be produced by the body as required and must be supplied with food. These antioxidants include the Vitamins C and E, carotenoids, trace elements (like selenium, copper, manganese, zinc) and some phytochemicals (e.g. carotenoids, flavonoids). Dietary supplements that contain antioxidants are called, for example "Anti-Aging" Preparations offered on the market. As a rule, however, there is no shortage of antioxidants, as they occur naturally in food and are added to many foods.
Scientific evidence of a health benefit by taking antioxidants are not present. In certain cases, antioxidant supplements even seem to have a detrimental effect, so have been reported at Cancer patients Interactions with chemotherapy-Medicines and a counterproductive influence of vitamins C and E on the training effect in athletes.

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For some ingredients of nutritional supplements, the need or benefit of a nutritional supplement could previously be determined not scientifically proven become. Some of the substances fulfill important functions in the human metabolism, but unlike real vitamins, they are in the body formed in sufficient quantity. This means that they are similar to vitamins and are known as vitaminoids or pseudo vitamins. This group includes, among others Coenzyme Q10, carnitine, inositol and choline.

Secondary plant substances

Secondary plant substances such as Amygdalin (Lätrile) and chlorophyll also occur as ingredients in dietary supplements. These connections will produced by plants and play in the human body not a vital role. Amygdalin is even to be regarded as harmful to the human organism (e.g. Nicotine or atropine). However, some studies show that some phytochemicals have certain health-promoting properties.

Flavinoids are also phytochemicals that have a special effect on the permeability of the Vessel walls have in humans. For this reason, the flavinoids also belong to the group of vitaminoids.

Dietary supplement for building muscle

The branched-chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine are used in the term BCAA (branched chain amino acids) summarized. The BCAA are essential amino acids and are metabolized directly in the skeletal muscle.

Read more on the topic: BCAA-You have to pay attention to this

  • Valine is a component of many different enzymes and is used in industry for the fermentation of alcoholic beverages.
  • Leucine is important for maintaining and building muscle tissue. In addition, leucine participates in the protein synthesis of the liver and has a supportive effect in various healing processes.
  • Isoleucine is also involved in the energy supply of muscle cells, especially during prolonged exertion. In acute phases of hunger, the body falls back on its reserves. This leads to a breakdown of isoleucine and muscle mass.

These amino acids cannot be produced by the body itself, but must be taken in with food and are found in all protein-containing foods. BCAA are used by strength and endurance athletes as a dietary supplement because they hope for improved muscle building, less muscle breakdown and later onset of fatigue during sporting activities due to the essential amino acids. There are contradicting studies for the effectiveness of the functions of BCAA, an advantage of taking BCAA in the form of dietary supplements has not yet been scientifically proven.

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For more information, also read our article BCAA - effect and function!

  • Muscle building can also be supported by dietary supplements containing creatine. The creatine content in the skeletal muscle is particularly important for short, intense and interval-like loads (e.g. strength training), as it plays a role in the rapid rebuilding of the energy supplier ATP. ATP provides energy very quickly but only for a short time. Creatine is produced by the body itself and is found in many animal foods. An additional nutritional supplement with creatine should increase the creatine stores of the muscles and lead to fast and vigorous movements being carried out longer or more frequently. However, the performance-enhancing effect of creatine is only to be expected with high-intensity loads; there are no effects in endurance sports. Side effects can include an increased tendency to cramp, diarrhea, water retention as well as tendon and ligament injuries due to excessive strength development

You might also be interested in these articles: Protein powder for muscle building

application areas

For healthy people who care eat normally, Dietary supplements are usually superfluous because the body has a balanced nutrition gets all the nutrients he needs. A unbalanced or unbalanced diet cannot be compensated by taking dietary supplements. Statements on Effectiveness of dietary supplements can be hard hit as the products usually rather unspecific and individually different Act. For certain groups of people with increased nutritional needs, dietary supplements can be useful if the diet does not provide sufficient nutrients. An undersupply of nutrients can lead to a decreased activity of hormones and enzymes lead and thereby lead to fatigue, lack of energy and reduced performance. Pregnant women, children, seniors, the chronically ill and competitive athletes are particularly affected. In Dependence on phase of life and physical strain the use of dietary supplements can be useful to meet an increased need for nutrients and vitamins.

Whether an application of dietary supplements sensible and functional is, each user or user has to decide for himself an assessment of a possibly present Deficiency in minerals, vitamins or trace elements by the attending physician seems to make sense in any case.

Endurance sports

Vegetarian athletes should consume sufficient milk and milk products.

At intensive endurance sports reactive oxygen compounds are formed in the body. This so-called "free radicals" can trigger negative chain reactions and destroy various cell components. To protect the organism from the negative consequences intense physical exertion to protect, antioxidants can block this reaction process. Antioxidants can be taken in the form of dietary supplements and become one increased performance in endurance sports to lead. However, all nutrients with an antioxidant effect (such as vitamin E, vitamin C, provitamin A, selenium) must be present in sufficient quantities excessive intake of individual antioxidants does not lead to increased performance. Also dietary supplements with the ingredient L-carnitine are used by endurance athletes. L-carnitine transports fatty acids into the mitochondrion ("powerhouse of the cell"), where fat is burned.

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The healthy body produces one of its own sufficient amount in carnitine, besides being carnitine with animal foods recorded. Athletes who are eat a vegetarian diet, should be regular Milk and milkproducts Consume, an additional food supplement with carnitine preparations is generally not recommended, but can be useful in the event of a carnitine deficiency. An increase in performance or increased fat burning has not yet been proven through an additional intake of carnitine. The effect of Caffeine as a dietary supplement on the other hand, is used in many sports. Caffeine can increase mental performance, suppress fatigue and activate fat oxidation during exercise, which in turn conserves glycogen stores. However, are high doses of caffeine are necessary (about three to seven cups of strong coffee). Maltodextrin (Carbohydrate mixture) is a dietary supplement that is quickly broken down by the body into glucose and can improve endurance. Glycerin is also said to be the Improve stamina can and the Improve fluid balance.

Food supplements in pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women ask themselves whether dietary supplements are necessary or whether a healthy diet will meet the need for all nutrients. Studies have shown that over 80 percent of pregnant women take dietary supplements.

In principle, however, if a normal weight woman eats a healthy and balanced diet before and during pregnancy, then needs it no food supplements. In most cases, however, it is advisable to take a dietary supplement with the nutrients that are also recommended Iron, iodine and folic acid to take. An additional intake of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy is usually unnecessary. A lack of nutrients due to inadequate nutrition can manifest itself in the mother as tiredness, exhaustion, cramps, reluctance or difficulty concentrating, in the child it can lead to serious disorders (e.g. a neural tube defect). Taking nutrient-rich supplements such as iron, folic acid, iodine, and multi-vitamin supplements can never replace a healthy diet. The absorption of the nutrients is proven better through food than in tablet form.

In pregnant women who belong to a risk group, such as women who underweight, food intolerant, vegetarians or vegans vitamin supplement is recommended during pregnancy.

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