
The Nasic® nasal spray for children is a nasal spray specially developed for children between the ages of 2 and 6 years. Due to a lower dosage of the active ingredient compared to normal nasal spray Xylometazoline the child's nasal mucosa is spared. At the same time, it contains ingredients that promote wound healing in the area of ​​the nasal mucosa. It is mainly used for a blocked and runny nose, as it occurs as a symptom of a classic cold.

Areas of application

Due to its decongestant effect, Nasic® nasal spray can be used for children in the context of various diseases. Most often it is used for stuffy and runny nose and runny nose.
In addition, the nasal spray is also widely used in clinics. In addition to the supportive effect in the treatment of skin and mucous membrane damage in the area of ​​the nose, it can also improve restricted breathing after surgery on the nose.
The nasal spray can also be used for other diseases in the ear, nose and throat area. In the case of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, the nasal spray improves the symptoms due to its decongestant effect. In the case of otitis media, the decongestant effect allows the middle ear to be better ventilated and thus the infection to heal.

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Read more about this under Treating otitis media and Treatment of a sinus infection


The nasal spray for children by Nasic® combines two active ingredients: Xylometazoline and Dexpanthenol. Xylometazoline is found in numerous nasal sprays and causes the vessels in the area of ​​the nasal mucosa to contract. As a result, less secretion gets into the nose and the mucous membrane swells. To protect the child's nasal mucosa, Nasic® nasal spray for children offers xylometazoline in a significantly lower dose.
By combining with Dexpanthenol the damaged mucous membrane is also spared and wound healing is stimulated at the same time. As part of the infection, small tears develop in the area of ​​the nasal mucosa. The healing of these wounds is supported by the action of Dexpanthenol. Nasic® nasal spray for children contains the same dose of dexpanthenol as Nasic® nasal spray for adults.

Side effects

With the proper use of Nasic® nasal spray for children, side effects are rare. Occasionally (1 to 10 in 1000 patients) hypersensitivity reactions in the skin and mucous membrane area may occur. These are intolerances to the ingredients of the nasal spray. The hypersensitivity reactions can manifest themselves as a rash, itching or increased swelling. In addition, in rare cases (1 to 10 in 10,000 patients) side effects in the cardiovascular system are to be expected. These can be felt as palpitations, a faster pulse, or a slight increase in blood pressure. These side effects are due to the fact that the active ingredient reaches the bloodstream even in low concentrations and can affect other vessels and the heart. In very rare cases, restlessness, insomnia, fatigue and headaches are also possible.
With long-term or high-dose use of Nasic® nasal spray, the nasal mucosa increasingly dries out. The immune system is weakened locally due to the reduced production of mucus in the nose. There is a risk of colonization by other pathogens and, in some cases, severe inflammation.
In addition, abrupt discontinuation of high-dose therapy can lead to a so-called Rebound phenomenon come. This means that shortly after stopping the treatment, increased swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs reactively.

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The nasal spray should not be used more than three times a day for a maximum of one week.

According to the manufacturer, Nasic® nasal spray should not be used more than 3 times a day and for no longer than 7 days. One puff per nostril is injected into the nose. The effectiveness and individual sensitivity may vary depending on the child. After stopping the nasal spray, you should pause for a few days before using it again.
The use of Nasic® nasal spray for children should always be discussed with a doctor or pharmacist before using it for the first time. In exceptional cases and in consultation with the doctor, Nasic® nasal spray can also be administered in higher doses over a longer period of time. In general, however, it should be ensured that nasal spray should only be used in children if possible.

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Nasic® nasal spray for children is available in pharmacies and does not require a prescription. It is available in 10ml spray cans. The price for a spray can is around 3 to 5 euros, depending on the provider.


There are many nasal sprays made by different manufacturers for children. Therefore, the first-time use of a nasal spray should always be discussed with the treating doctor or a pharmacist.
Depending on the medical indication, there are three different types of nasal sprays: decongestant nasal sprays, nourishing nasal sprays (with seawater) and hay fever sprays. Decongestant nasal sprays include Nasic® nasal sprays as well as numerous other sprays. The effect of this is based on the decongestant effect of Xylometazoline. Nourishing nasal sprays with sea water, by treating the nasal mucous membrane, slowly clear the nose and heal the mucous membrane. Hay fever sprays are used to care for the nose and improve breathing in case of allergies.

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Read more on the subject below Hay fever in children and Therapy of hay fever

Further information

Further information on the subject of Nasic® nasal spray for children can be found at:

  • Nasic® nasal spray for adults
  • Hay fever in children
  • Therapy of hay fever

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We would like to point out that medication must never be discontinued, applied or changed independently without consulting your doctor.
Please note that we cannot claim that our texts are complete or correct. The information may be out of date due to current developments.

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