
Nausea as part of premenstrual syndrome is less common than other symptoms, but those affected often find it particularly bothersome or stressful.

Fortunately, there are simple measures that can be effective against nausea. In many women, the use of certain aids reduces nausea, in some it even disappears completely.


The cramps in the abdomen that are triggered during menstruation or the premenstrual syndrome are related to certain messenger substances or hormones. It is believed that the same hormones can lead to cramps in the gastrointestinal tract in addition to the pulling pain in the lower abdomen.

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The result is a feeling of nausea or discomfort in the stomach. It is also believed that the hormonal reversal that usually occurs before your period also affects the digestive tract directly and can cause nausea.

The brain can also react to hormonal changes. The nausea is controlled in certain areas - hormonal influences or changes can lead to irritation there, which can then become noticeable in nausea.

Find out all about the topic here: The premenstrual syndrome.


The diagnosis of premenstrual nausea results from the description of those affected. Nausea cannot be measured by special tests. Based on the story of those affected, the doctor can diagnose premenstrual syndrome with nausea.

A brief neurological exam and hearing and balance test may be performed to rule out other causes of nausea.

Aside from the doctor's diagnosis, women can also conclude that they have PMS with the help of various (online) tests. Read our article about this: Test for premenstrual syndrome

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Other accompanying symptoms

Typical symptoms of premenstrual syndrome include abdominal pain or cramps in the lower abdomen. A feeling of tightness in the chest is also a common symptom. Headache and back pain are also characteristic symptoms of PM syndrome.

Diarrhea, circulatory problems and dizziness can also occur. Sweating can also occur. It can also lead to food cravings, loss of appetite or a feeling of fullness.

Many sufferers also feel tired, exhausted and powerless. Some women experience mood swings or even depressive moods as part of the PM syndrome.

Find out more about the topic here:

  • You can recognize premenstrual syndrome by these symptoms
  • Premenstrual Syndrome and Depression.


Home remedies such as ginger or peppermint can be used to treat nausea. In the case of very severe nausea or failed attempts to use the home remedies, the doctor can also prescribe medication for the nausea. The anti-nausea preparations are called Antiemetics and can be purchased in the pharmacy, some without a prescription.

They should usually only be used for a few days. If there are other strongly pronounced PMS symptoms besides the nausea, you can consider giving a hormonal contraceptive, i.e. the birth control pill. This affects the hormonal cycle and can lead to a reduction in PMS symptoms.

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Home remedies

Ginger is one of the most popular home remedies for nausea in PMS syndrome. The tuber can be prepared in different shapes. A variant is the preparation of a ginger tea. To do this, the ginger is cut into small pieces and hot water is poured over it. The tea can then be drunk after about 5-10 minutes.

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Peppermint can also help with nausea. Those affected can make tea from the mint, which is then drunk in sips. The smell of a fragrance that contains mint (e.g. peppermint essential oil) can also help relieve nausea. Likewise, the aroma of a lemon is said to have a healing effect on nausea. The lemon is simply cut into pieces. This allows the smell to develop and, in the best case, help relieve nausea.


For the homeopathic treatment of PMS nausea, Nux vomica (vomit) can be used. It primarily helps against abdominal discomfort. In addition, it should also be effective against chest and back pain in the context of PM syndrome.


The duration of the nausea depends, among other things, on the treatment. Many women benefit from using the above home remedies and can successfully get rid of nausea. Others resort to medication and may be able to fight the nausea.

Without treatment, the duration of PMS nausea can, in the worst case, extend over a longer period of time from several hours to a few days.

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