
Red spots on the palate arise due to various diseases and can therefore be an indication of various diseases. Usually red spots on the palate do not appear alone, but the patient also has other symptoms, which together then indicate the corresponding disease.


There are several causes that can lead to red spots on the roof of the mouth. Probably the most harmless cause of red spots on the palate are food intolerances such as lactose intolerance or gluten intolerance. The ingested food, which our body cannot tolerate, can lead to the activation of the immune system in our throat and palate area. One speaks here of the so-called Waldeyer's throat ring, which consists of a collection of several small and sometimes larger lymphatic nodes. The paired almonds (tonsils) are also included. If a patient now eats food that he cannot tolerate (for example, also with a nut allergy), the lymphatic system in the throat can be activated. In addition, the mucous membrane on the palate can be irritated, which in turn can lead to red spots on the palate. If a patient notices these red spots on the palate, usually paired with a tingling sensation in the tongue / mouth area, the assumption is that the patient has a food intolerance or an allergy.

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Read more on the topic: Burning in the mouth

Another very common cause of red spots on the roof of the mouth is an infection, usually with the bacterium streptococcus. A streptococcal infection also activates the lymphatic system in our throat area. Since the mucous membranes in the area of ​​the hard and soft palate are additionally irritated, this can lead to red spots forming on the palate.

Another cause of red spots on the roof of the mouth is scarlet fever. Scarlet fever is an infectious disease that mainly affects toddlers but also children. Scarlet fever is caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes and can reappear in adulthood even after the child has been through the disease, as there is no lasting immunity, unlike measles, for example.

Figure red spots on the roof of the mouth

Figure red spots on the roof of the mouth

Red spots on the palate

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  1. Hard palate -
    Palatum durum
  2. Soft palate -
    Palatum molle
  3. Uvula -
    Palatine uvula
  4. Upper jaw -
  5. Nasal cavity -
    Cavitas nasi
  6. Oral cavity -
    Cavitas oris
  7. Tongue -
    Causes (A):
    Food safe
    tolerances / allergies
    (e.g. lactose intolerance)
    - infection
    (Viruses, bacteria)
    - Scarlet fever
    - HIV disease
    Therapy (B):
    - Ginger tea, chamomile tea,
    - Gargle sage
    - antibiotic

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Red spots as an indication of scarlet fever?

Scarlet fever is an infectious disease caused by so-called streptococcal bacteria and often affects children between the ages of 4-10 years. However, scarlet fever can also cause infection in adulthood or infants.

Learn more at Scarlet fever in the baby

In addition to the appearance of signs of inflammation in the mouth, red spots can also appear on the roof of the mouth and in the throat with a scarlet fever infection. Characteristically, in scarlet fever, in addition to the infection in the mouth area, the so-called "strawberry tongue" occurs. The appearance of the tongue is compared to a strawberry: the tongue is very red. In addition, the small papillae on the tongue become more visible. Symptoms on the face are also typical. There is reddening of the cheeks and pallor that can be seen around the outside of the mouth.
In addition, after about two days, a fine-spotted rash appears, which initially appears on the neck and then spreads to the rest of the body. The rash is then strongly found in the groin region. If these typical symptoms of scarlet fever appear in addition to the red spots on the palate, a doctor should be consulted who will assess the course of the disease and possibly initiate treatment with antibiotics.

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For more information, see: Scarlet fever, scarlet fever rash

Red spots on the roof of the mouth as an indication of HIV?

Red spots on the palate can sometimes occur in acute HIV disease. In the case of a fresh (acute) infection, flu-like symptoms often occur. Since the throat and pharynx become inflamed, the palate can also be affected by the inflammation and present with red spots. In most cases, there is also a whitish-greyish coating on swollen tonsils and swollen lymph nodes in the neck area. Nevertheless, this cluster of symptoms can also be an infection of the Eppstein-Barr virus, which causes the disease "Pfeiffer's glandular fever". To be on the safe side, however, a doctor should be consulted - especially if the symptoms mentioned occur and previous, unprotected sexual intercourse (without a condom) has taken place.

For more information, see: HIV symptoms

How dangerous are red spots on the roof of the mouth?

Red spots on the roof of the mouth can have many causes. They are usually accompanied by other symptoms, which then provide information about the disease.

Often it is only a harmless allergy or intolerance, then usually additional symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract occur. If the spots appear in combination with a fever, it is usually an infection. If the spots and symptoms persist for a long time, a doctor should be consulted to rule out a more dangerous disease.


If symptoms persist, a doctor should be consulted.

In order to be able to make the correct diagnosis, it is particularly important to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms that are associated with the red spots on the palate. For this it is important that the patient informs the doctor during the anamnese, i.e. the doctor-patient conversation, communicates all symptoms and also explains the temporal relationship, if there is one.
If a patient reports red spots on the palate and possibly also loud ones Bowel noises or increased Air in the stomachso it may be that the red spots are directly related to a Food intolerance or with one allergy.
If there are red spots on the palate and one tingly tongue, this often indicates a allergy, for example against tropical fruits or pineapple. In order to make the correct diagnosis here, the doctor can first do one Allergy test do and then also various tests against intolerance, such as against Lactose intolerance.
However, a patient reports additional fever and malaise and also has a putrid taste in the mouth, the doctor must examine the patient's palate and throat area (inspect). In most cases, an inspection is sufficient to make a correct diagnosis.

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However, if the doctor is unsure which one bacterium the infection triggers, he can also take a swab of the throat and then in the microbiology to get a check up. However, this is only necessary in rare cases, as the clinical picture is usually sufficient to make a diagnosis.


Red spots on the roof of the mouth are rarely the only symptom a patient has. Usually there are other symptoms such as fever, sore throat or a reddened tongue. These further symptoms are very important in order to be able to make a differential diagnosis and thus receive a targeted therapy.

If a patient has a sore throat and fever in addition to the red spots on the palate, this is usually due to an infection. A look into the mouth and at the tonsils usually shows that there are white spots on the tonsils, and the tongue is usually whitish or yellowish. The sore throat usually begins with a slight scratchy throat. In addition to the sore throat and red spots on the roof of the mouth, there are often swallowing difficulties due to the fact that the tonsils swell and thus narrow the path to the esophagus.
Whether it is just a simple tonsillitis or scarlet fever is usually difficult for the layman to judge. In the classic picture, in addition to the red spots on the palate, the pain in the throat, the fever and the red tongue (so-called raspberry tongue), there are also spots on the skin. However, there are also milder forms of scarlet fever in which the patient does not have a fever or a red tongue, but rather only a mild sore throat, in some cases no pain at all. Always present with a scarlet fever infection are the slightly purulent tonsils or, if the tonsils are removed, a swollen and inflamed throat area.

If there are only red spots on the palate without fever, sore throat or purulent tonsils, the cause can also be an intolerance. It is typical here that there is no pain, but rather symptoms such as slight nausea, increased air in the abdomen (flatus), vomiting or, in rare cases, slight shortness of breath (dyspnea). The symptoms usually appear quite quickly after the patient has consumed the food that he cannot tolerate.
If a patient has a pronounced gluten intolerance, loud bowel noises, which are often associated with stomach cramps or nausea, usually only occur a few hours after the patient has eaten. In addition, watery stools may be noticed (diarrhea). The red spots on the palate only develop after a while and are therefore usually noticeable in the case of slight intolerance, when the other symptoms are not so significant.

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Please also read: Scarlet fever in the baby

Red spots on the roof of the mouth and fever

To step reddish spots on the palate combined with fever usually comes up infection as the cause in question.
Most often, the fever occurs first and is then accompanied by reddish patches of skin on the roof of the mouth. The fever can get up to 39 or 40 degrees.
It is usually accompanied by a strong one Feeling sick, and also Headache and body aches. The main triggers of these infections are bacteria, but also in a not inconsiderable number of infections Viruses triggered. Most of the time you can't find the pathogen. The main reason for this is that the search for certain causative viruses and bacteria would be too expensive and would not have any treatment-relevant consequences for the sick person.
In the event of a bacterial infection, you could possibly get one antibiotic apply.

Red spots on the roof of the mouth and uvula

Red spots on the palate and uvula often occur in combination. For example, the palate and uvula can be used after eating from food that is too hot or spicy turn red or swell. However, this reaction usually disappears after a day or two.
If the red spots on the roof of the mouth and uvula are accompanied by a sore throat, fever, runny nose, difficulty swallowing and / or headache, it can be a bacterial or viral infection act. If the uvula is also infected, this is usually clear when speaking: The uvula is inflamed, for example, if pronouncing "Ch" sounds or the "R" causes difficulties or pain.

Red spots on the roof of the mouth and tongue

Red spots on the roof of the mouth and tongue can also indicate a Infection by viruses, bacteria or, rarely, fungi to be led back. These infections are often accompanied by symptoms such as a sore throat, headache and body aches or fever. In addition to the red spots, the tongue can often also be coated. This The tongue coating is usually dry and can be whitish-gray or yellow in color be.
Another way you can get red spots on the roof of your mouth and on your tongue Aphthae - small, rounded sores in the mouth - be. However, this type of red spots shows whitish-yellow center on. Aphthae can affect anyone and occur especially when the immune system is weak or stressed. Although the red spots caused by canker sores are mainly on the cheek mucosa, the inside of the lips or the tongue, they can also appear on the palate. Aphthae are not only visible. They also cause pain for those affected, which occurs especially when touched, for example while eating or brushing their teeth.

Red spots and a sore throat

If red spots appear on the roof of the mouth in combination with a sore throat, in most cases it is one bacterial or flu-like infection. As viruses and bacteria usually enter through the mouth and throat, it often occurs in this area Inflammationwhich are noticeable as red spots - also on the palate. In addition, the throat can become infected.
In addition, there is usually one Swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck and jaw area. These lymph nodes can also be painful. Basically, infections of the palate and throat are characterized by other symptoms like Headache and body aches accompanied. Usually come a day or two later Runny nose and / or cough to. If the bacterial inflammation is severe, one should antibiotic treatment respectively.

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Pain-free red spots

To step red spots on the palate on the painless are, it can be a Virus infection or bacteria act. Even with that Streptococci triggered Scarlet fever a rash in the area of ​​the cheek and palate mucosa can occur. This is usually not painful either. Also can local skin irritation lead to painless red spots. Most of the time, these skin irritations come from specific ones Food intolerance or certain additives in mouthwash and toothpastes. The palate can feel a bit swollen and a slight itch can be felt. Those affected should try to avoid the food that causes the red spots.
When red spots on the roof of the mouth that are painless, occur for more than two weeks without any further cause, a doctor should definitely be consulted. These can be initial changes in the mucous membrane, such as those in the Oral cancer beginnings occur.

Toddlers / children

Especially in toddlers or children, the red spots on the palate can be combined with a purulent one Tonsillitis and a red rash that can extend over the entire body Scarlet fever indicate. Many toddlers and children between the ages of four and seven experience the disease once or, in rare cases, several times. Since the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes has different species, all of which in turn can trigger scarlet fever, the disease can repeat itself more often, since humans only attack one species antibody and thus creates defenses. This is not a bad thing, but the children should receive a correct diagnosis in good time so that they can then receive adequate therapy.


In the Therapy of red spots On the palate, it is particularly important to know what causes these red spots. If the red spots are caused by an intolerance or an allergy, the patient usually cannot receive the right therapy; it is much more important to avoid the food that causes it.

Some patients respond well to one Desensitization therapy on. The attempt is made to get the patient used to the agent that triggers the allergy. This will be done to the patient over several years small doses of the allergenic substance injected into the upper arm so that the body has to deal with it and gradually gets used to it. This therapeutic measure is mainly at Hay fever allergy sufferers successful, but less so in patients with a food allergy, which is why the simplest and best therapy is to use the Avoid foods.

Does the patient have the red spots due to a Tonsillitis, so he can try first with home remedies like ginger tea, Camomile tea or sage Gargle to get the infection under control. If this does not work, the patient should see a doctor early, especially if pus forms on the tonsils. The doctor can then give the patient a antibiotic prescribe which he takes in the form of tablets. If it is a scarlet fever infection, which is more common in small children, the child can either treated symptomatically or it is treated with antibiotics. Symptomatic therapy can, for example, reduce fever Suppositories or contain pain relieving lozenges.

Therapy too using home remedies is possible, but this should be closely monitored by a doctor so that if the symptoms worsen the patient can be contacted at any time Antibiotic therapy can be adjusted.


The prognosis for red spots on the palate is very good. Food intolerance can be "treated" very well by avoiding the food. Also one Tonsillitis or Scarlet fever are no longer a problem in today's world and can easily with Antibiotics be treated. Often even treatment with conventional home remedies is sufficient.

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