
A deficiency in Calcium phosphoricum manifests itself mainly in problems with the bones or teeth. This can include growth disturbances or pains, teething pain, nocturnal teeth grinding or even osteoporosis. In addition, this Schüssler salt is also used for muscular-nervous complaints, such as tension, tendency to cramps or numbness in the limbs ("asleep" arms or legs). This stems from the fact that, from a biochemical point of view, calcium plays an important role in the transmission of neurological signals, both in the transmission of such signals from nerve to nerve and from nerve to muscle.

Pregnancy is also less of a disease, but also a situation in which Calcium phosphoratum can be helpful: In preparation for the birth, it can help to avoid stretch marks and ultimately support the birth process.

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Symptoms of deficiency

With the Schüssler salts you can recognize - similar to homeopathy - a person who needs a salt by certain external and personal characteristics. However, the so-called Face analysis most of the consideration. These characteristics are caused by certain (sometimes compulsive) behaviors that lead to a higher consumption of certain trace elements. Face analysis means that the features can be found on the face. With Calcium phosphoricum such features are a pale and “waxy” skin and a whitish coated tongue. The underlying behavior is a high need for security and a strong preference for known and proven activities. People who are deficient in calcium phosphate also show a strong desire to be popular with others. Both can be traced back to a certain fear of uncertainty and ambiguity. However, these character traits are, according to the teaching of Dr. Schüßler are not diagnostic criteria, but should rather serve as an indication of a possible deficiency.

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Read our article to find out which homeopathic remedies can help with anxiety Homeopathy for anxiety.

Active organs

Calcium phosphoricum has the strongest effects on bones and teeth. Since the body's largest calcium stores are found here, a deficiency in this salt is logically most likely and quickest in these areas. Calcium is also bound to phosphate and stored in the bones. This Schüssler salt thus provides exactly the components that are required for physiological bone structure. In addition, the muscles and the motor (responsible for movement) nervous system are the active organs of Calcium phosphoricum. Calcium ions, i.e. charged calcium atoms, are important for the conduction of excitation at the synapses (nerve-to-nerve connection) and at the motor end plate (nerve-to-muscle connection). A deficiency in calcium phosphate can therefore also lead to disruptions in this mechanism.

Do you want to lose weight? You can read in our article whether and how you can lose weight with the help of Schüssler salts Losing weight with Schüssler salts - does it really work?

Usual Dosages

The Schüsslersalz No. 2 is most often used in the potencies D6 and D12. The lower potency D6 can help especially with physical and physical symptoms, while the potency D12 helps with mental and psychological symptoms.

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Since calcium phosphate deficiency triggers physical symptoms in most cases, D12 is a less recommended dose. However, a trained alternative practitioner or other specialist should always be consulted for a well-balanced dosage. This is especially the case when higher potencies like D30 are to be used.

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There are also doses such as C30 and C200, but these only play a subordinate role in therapy with calcium phosphate.

Use as an ointment

Like most other Schüssler salts, Calcium phosphoricum can also be given as an ointment and thus help with muscular tension, pain caused by growth, as a support for bone fractures or to prevent scarring on the skin. Calcium phosphoricum ointment can also help with itchy skin, especially in older people. In all cases, the ointment should be applied thinly to the appropriate parts of the body two or three times throughout the day. By applying the ointment, the salt is brought directly to the point where it is needed and can thus provide quick and acute help in the event of corresponding complaints. However, the ointment can also be used long-term, for example to prevent discomfort: for example, those who tend to have muscle cramps during exercise could get relief with this ointment. The dose of the Schüssler salt in the ointment is the D6 potency, as this, in contrast to D12, usually has a better effect on physical complaints.

Use in babies

Calcium Phosphatum is often used in children and babies to relieve growing pains or teething pains. It can help speed up the eruption of teeth and make teeth stronger and less prone to tooth decay. Calcium phosphatum can support healing after broken bones in children. It also helps prevent rickets in children, a disease in children and adolescents that is mostly caused by a vitamin D or calcium deficiency and triggered by impaired mineralization (calcium incorporation) in the bones. In this case it is ideally combined with the first Schüssler salt, Calcium fluoratum. However, this combination can also be useful in supporting tooth development.

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