Many people suffer from what is known as a weak connective tissue. But what methods exist to specifically strengthen the connective tissue?

Initial situation biliary tissue weakness

A weak connective tissue is genetically determined. This means that the ability to develop weak connective tissue is inherited through the parents.

The weakness of the connective tissue increases with age.
The hormonal situation is also decisive for the development of a weak connective tissue. During pregnancy and the menopause, the hormonal balance of the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone changes, so that the connective tissue becomes particularly sensitive in these situations.

Women are generally affected much more often than men. Behaviors such as smoking, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy and high-fat diets, and some medications can dramatically increase the problem.

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The weakness of the connective tissue does not only show up in one, as is often assumed Cellulite (Orange peel) or the formation of Stretch marks or stretch marksbut can also be the training of Inguinal hernias or Herniated discs favor. Also Spider veins, Varicose veins, hemorrhoids and the Uterus subsidence are more common in people with weak connective tissue.The connective tissue weakness is therefore a cosmetic and a medical problem.

Read more on the subject here Connective tissue weakness.


Since the quality of the connective tissue is inherited, there is no causal therapy. However, there are methods that at least have a positive effect on the connective tissue.

Weight normalization

In overweight people, the connective tissue is permanently under tension, so that it becomes permanently weak and weak. The consequences are not only stretch marks and cellulite, but being overweight is also a risk factor for the development of inguinal hernias and herniated discs! It is therefore important to either maintain or achieve your own normal weight. If weight loss is necessary, a change in diet should definitely be made. Strong changes in weight, such as repeated zero diets with a subsequent yo-yo effect, are very harmful. This is because the connective tissue is alternately stretched and loosened, which wears out the non-elastic connective tissue fibers and thus weakens them.

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Diet and amount of water you drink

In addition to weight normalization, attention should be paid to a balanced diet. Lots of fresh fruit, vegetables and a reduction in the intake of sugar and animal fats promote the healthy development of connective tissue. Vitamin intake is important, but this can usually be covered by an adequate supply of fruit and vegetables and does not require any dietary supplements. It is also important to drink enough water. This should be around 1.5 to 2 L per day - a little more with physical activity and on hot summer days. The connective tissue stores water and appears firmer when it contains enough water. In addition, this is the only way in which metabolic waste products, which also accumulate in connective tissue, can be flushed out of the body via the kidneys.

More about this at: Strengthen connective tissue through nutrition

Strengthening connective tissue through sport

More regular Sports is essential for tightening the connective tissue. A mixture of these is ideal Endurance sports and Weight training. As an endurance sport, for example, three quarters of an hour twice a week to jog, Walking, swim or To go biking on. gymnastics, Stomach-legs-buttocks Courses, Aqua jogging and many other offers specifically promote the tightening of the affected body regions. Sport requires a lot of discipline and patience, but it is essential to strengthen the connective tissue!
The so-called Blackroll can help strengthen connective tissue.

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Also read: Double chin exercises and Exercises against cellulite

Alternating showers

Warm-cold alternating showers promote blood flow to the connective tissue and the removal of lymph fluid. To do this, hold the shower jet on the affected areas after showering. You always start with warm water and finish the alternating shower with cold water - the whole thing 4 to 5 times alternately. As a side effect, alternating showers wake you up and they are said to harden the body against cold, warmth and colds.

Read more on the topic: Alternating showers


Many experts recommend regular massages.

Many sufferers swear by massages. These stimulate the blood flow to the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles and thus stimulate the connective tissue. There are numerous massage techniques, whereby a simple brush from drugstores, applied daily in circular movements under pressure, is sufficient to show the desired effect. Seaweed wraps and the use of lymphatic drainage massages can also help to remove excess lymph fluid from the connective tissue.

Skin care

The skin should be regularly moisturized for care. Creams, etc. Anti-cellulite creams, are available in all price ranges. However, one should be aware that this is only a support can cause skin tightening and NOT be able to remodel the body alone. The lifestyle changes mentioned above are therefore unavoidable in order to keep the connective tissue healthy and firm, despite the creams.
Read more on the topic: Skin care

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Other methods

There is a wide range of Nutritional supplements, herbal and homeopathic remedies and Minerals against connective tissue weakness. Please keep in mind, however, that there are often no clinically proven studies on the effectiveness. The discovery that special is quite new Ultrasonic waves to help tighten the connective tissue. The blood circulation and thus the transport of substances are stimulated through painless irradiation with ultrasonic waves.
It works like that Stimulation current. This method comes from the sports medicine. Weak electrical currents stimulate muscles to contract, causing it to Muscle building and to strengthen the connective tissue.
When training in vacuumWhat some gyms are offering these days is during the Steppes or Cycle exerted a suction on the legs and buttocks. This leads to increased blood flow and warming of the affected regions. These procedures are partly right expensive, however, positive effects have actually been proven.

Home remedies for connective tissue weakness

Some home remedies can also help against a weak connective tissue.

For example, alternating showers or brush massages help to promote blood and lymph circulation. This removes any water retention that may occur in connection with a weak connective tissue.

Herbal applications can also strengthen the connective tissue. To do this, you should put ivy leaves from the pharmacy in water and let them boil. Now you can dip compresses in the resulting brew and then apply them to the areas of the skin to be treated. The compresses should act on the skin for 20 minutes. You can repeat this process every day.

Which medications can help?

Various tablets can also be taken to strengthen the connective tissue. There are, for example, over-the-counter tablets from the drugstore that contain biotin and silica.

Biotin is also called vitamin B7 or vitamin H and helps strengthen the skin, hair and nails. However, the intake of biotin and silica does not necessarily have a noticeable effect.

The preparations only help if a vitamin deficiency is the cause of the weak connective tissue, but this is often not the only cause.

The effect of silica has not yet been scientifically proven. There are also preparations that contain hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is part of the "basic substance" of connective tissue and helps to bind water. However, the effect of adding hyaluronic acid to strengthen the connective tissue has not been scientifically proven and a noticeable effect is questionable.

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Schüssler salts for connective tissue weakness

Basically it can be said that the effect of Schüssler salts, similar to the over-the-counter tablets from the drugstore, has not been scientifically proven. A weak connective tissue can usually not be remedied by simply adding preparations.

Among the Schüssler salts, however, Calcium sulfuricum (No. 12) and Kalium chloratum (No. 4) can help to regenerate the connective tissue.

The Schüssler salt No. 11, Silicea, is said to stimulate collagen formation and thus contribute to the formation of new connective tissue.

The build-up of protein and thus the build-up of connective tissue can be supported by the Schüssler Salt No. 2, Calcium Phosphoricum. Cuprum arsenicosum, Schüssler Salt No. 19, can also strengthen the connective tissue.

Homeopathy for connective tissue weakness

Regarding homeopathy, it should be noted that the subject is not a scientifically proven area. This means that the homeopathic medicines have no proven effectiveness.

An improvement of the symptoms through homeopathy alone is therefore very unlikely. Homeopathy includes Schüssler salts. These are already described in the section “Schüssler salts”.

Globules can also be taken. The active ingredients are similar to those of the Schüssler salts. For example there is Silicea Globuli.

Mercurius solubilis globules can also help strengthen the connective tissue. However, the main area of ​​application is to combat inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes. It is therefore questionable whether Mercurius solubilis leads to a clear improvement in the connective tissue.

Surgical measures

In severe cases, cosmetic surgery can also help Connective tissue tightening achieve. There is no special connective tissue surgery. However, in unsuccessful attempts at weight loss one can Liposuction come into question. To Pregnancies or stronger Weight reduction can a Tummy tuck favorably affect the cosmetic results. There is also the option of one Thigh lift or Arm lift.

Strengthen connective tissue for a firm chest

Weak connective tissue of the breast is an important issue, especially in women.

Since the female breasts do not contain muscles, but rather consist of connective tissue, fat and glands, a targeted muscle building in this area, unlike in men, can rarely achieve a satisfactory improvement in the stability of the connective tissue.

Many women fear that pregnancy, breastfeeding and other factors could affect the connective tissue and the external appearance of a "drooping chest“Could occur.

Studies from the United States have shown that the fear that breastfeeding has a negative effect on the connective tissue in the chest area cannot be maintained.
Instead, the genetically inherited breast size and external factors such as individual diet and cigarette consumption have a proven influence on the texture of the skin and connective tissue.

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Reaching menopause also has an effect on the connective tissue of the female breast. During this time, the glandular tissue within the breast recedes, which is why they become smaller and the connective tissue loses its firmness.

Read more on the topic Connective tissue of the chest


It is believed that the nutrition has a great effect on connective tissue and the general health status of the skin.

Apart from the fact that the diet can effectively help to reduce one's own weight and thus has a positive influence on the appearance of weak connective tissue, certain food components are said to have a positive effect on the texture of the skin and to have on the connective tissue.

So is a sufficient amount of it Vitamins, especially the vitamin C, an important part for tighter fabric.
However, a normal, balanced diet should generally contain enough vitamin C. It should be noted that a Overdose of vitamin C. in no way has a positive effect on the body and possibly even that Development of kidney stones can cause.
Eating citrus fruits regularly provides the body with sufficient amounts of vitamin C.

It is more important to avoid certain food components in order not to put additional strain on the connective tissue.
So is one low fat and in general healthy eating essential for tighter tissue, as less fat accumulates, which could then be perceived as unaesthetic due to the genetic weakness of the connective tissue.

Since the connective tissue can also store water, it appears firmer if you drink enough, which should be around 1.5 to 2 liters without excessive physical strain or high temperatures. Apart from the positive effect on the connective tissue, a sufficient amount of water is recommended for health reasons.

What foods can you eat to strengthen connective tissue?

A healthy diet plays an essential role in connective tissue weakness. In general, very high-fat meals should be avoided.

It is also important to drink enough water and refrain from consuming nicotine.

A lot of fruits and vegetables should be eaten, as the vitamin C they contain is important for building up the connective tissue. These include, above all, broccoli and berries. In addition to vitamin C, they contain many trace elements that promote blood circulation in the tissue.

Oatmeal and nuts also help to strengthen the connective tissue.

Nuts are high in healthy fatty acids and are a great alternative to fatty meals with unhealthy fatty acids. But if you just want to lose some weight, you should only eat the nuts in moderation. Salmon is also a good diet for people with weak connective tissue, as it contains many proteins that are required for cell renewal.

Which vitamins help with connective tissue weakness?

Some vitamins are needed to build connective tissue. Therefore the intake of vitamins can help with a weak connective tissue.

Vitamin C, which is found in lemons or black currants, for example, supports collagen formation. Other foods high in vitamin C include spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale.

Vitamin B3, which is found in nuts, for example, also helps with collagen formation and is still important for the moisture supply of the skin. Vitamin B3 is also found in meat, poultry, fish and eggs.

Exercises for connective tissue weakness

Exercise is generally recommended to strengthen the connective tissue.

Which exercises should be performed naturally depends on where on the body the connective tissue is particularly weak or where you want to combat the weakness.

Fascia training is helpful for strengthening the connective tissue, although you still need a so-called fascia roller to carry out the exercises.

For example, to combat weak connective tissue on the thighs and buttocks, the so-called “leg roll” can be performed as an exercise. Here you sit on the floor and place the fascia roll under the calf. Then you slowly roll yourself up to your bottom and back towards your calf.

In order to strengthen the connective tissue on the buttocks, lunges can be made forward.

To tighten the connective tissue on the arms, exercises with small weights are suitable, which can be lifted upwards with arms bent at 90 degrees, for example.

Strengthen connective tissue in the face

At a young age, the skin is still firm.

With age, the elasticity and firmness of the connective tissue also decrease in our face.
This becomes noticeable through wrinkles, with a large branch of industry concerned with combating them.

Basically, the weakening connective tissue in the face belongs to the Aging process however, there are some ways to mitigate the effect. So some exist Ointments and creamsthat promise tighter connective tissue on the face.
Realistically speaking, these creams usually help better with smaller wrinkles and at a younger age. The creams often contain substances such as Coenzyme Q10, Vitamins A, E, C and B. such as Hyaluronic acid and Collagen.

They all have in common that they are Lessen the depth of wrinkles want, although some creams can actually keep this promise to a certain extent.
However, none of the creams available is likely to have a drastic effect.

Another method for combating wrinkles and tightening the connective tissue in the face is a therapy that promises Building the muscles in the face aims and thus promises effective wrinkle reduction.

Surgical measures of tightening the skin on the face, as well as that Injections of botox Under the skin there are ways to hide the weakening connective tissue, but are associated with their own side effects or surgical interventions.

Connective tissue and varicose veins

The concept of varicose veins (medical: varicose veins) describes a medical phenomenon that can be triggered, among other things, by a congenital weakness of the connective tissue.

The veins in our legs are responsible for pumping blood back to the heart. Since this has to happen against gravity, there are mechanisms that facilitate this process.
With every muscle contraction, a little blood can be transported further upwards.

So that the blood does not immediately flow back towards the feet after the muscle slackens, there are venous valves that close the vein downwards.

If the connective tissue is weak, the walls of the veins lose their elasticity, which ensures that the venous valves no longer close properly and blood flows back.

This means that there is a higher pressure on the next, lower flap, which then gives way more easily. This higher pressure in the superficial veins creates so-called varicose veins, which can be seen from the outside as a tortuous vein.

However, varicose veins are by no means just an aesthetic problem; they can have some health consequences.

In order to prevent the development of varicose veins due to weak connective tissue, sufficient exercise and strengthening of the muscle tissue is crucial.
Through the movement and muscle building, the veins can be strengthened in their task of transporting the blood back and thus the development of varicose veins can be effectively prevented.

Strengthen connective tissue during pregnancy

It is not uncommon for so-called stretch marks to appear during pregnancy. These are small tears in the connective tissue that usually appear on the abdomen.

The streaks can hardly be avoided due to the rapid and large increase in waist circumference during pregnancy. Furthermore, the female hormones that are released during pregnancy encourage the loosening of connective tissue in order to prepare the body for childbirth.

In order to prevent stretch marks, one should not completely forego sport and remain physically active during pregnancy. There are special courses for pregnant women that also optimally prepare the body for childbirth.

Of course, it is also important during pregnancy to drink enough and to eat a healthy diet. This also supports the connective tissue.

It is also important to provide the skin with sufficient moisture, as dry skin tends to tear more easily. Fatty creams or oils are suitable for this. If stretch marks have already developed, they can also be treated with special oils or creams. However, it is very unlikely that the stripes will disappear entirely.

Do you want to read more about stretch mark treatment? - Then visit our article:

Prevent stretch marks

Figure strengthening connective tissue

Figure strengthening connective tissue

Strengthen connective tissue
I - skin with strong
connective tissue
(Firm skin surface)
II - skin with
Connective tissue weakness
(Dents on the
Skin surface)

  1. Skin - Cutis
  2. Strengthened fabric fibers
  3. Normal fat cells -
  4. Deep layers of fat
    (Fat reserve)
  5. muscle
  6. Enlarged fat cells
  7. Weak tissue fibers
    Methods affecting the connective tissue
    at least have a positive influence:

    A - weight normalization
    B - Balanced diet
    (fresh fruit, vegetables, reduction
    sugar and animal fats)
    C - Sufficient drinking amount
    (about 1.5 - 2 liters a day)
    D - Exercise regularly
    (Jogging, walking, swimming,
    Cycling, gymnastics-stomach-legs-buttocks,
    Aqua jogging)
    E - massages
    (Seaweed wraps, lymphatic drainage massages)
    F - skin care
    (Anti-cellulite creams)
    G - Surgical Measures
    (Liposuction, tummy tuck,
    Thigh and upper arm lift)

You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations

More interesting information

You can find more interesting information at:

  • How to best tighten your connective tissue!
  • How does a connective tissue weakness develop?
  • What is the optimal diet for strengthening the connective tissue?
  • How does a tummy tuck work?
  • Everything about the connective tissue

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