What's this?

Lean in sleep or the insulin food combining is a diet developed by the internist and nutritionist, nowadays Dr. med. Detlef Pape was developed. The focus of the controversial nutrition plan is not only what you eat, but also what type of food you should consume at what time of day. Through this change, the body should burn more fat at night because the energy is mainly taken from the fat cells, hence the name.

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Course of the diet

The focus of the diet is the hormone insulin. It is produced by the pancreas and allows the cells to absorb nutrients from the blood, thus lowering the blood sugar level. Insulin also causes the body to store fat and it inhibits fat burning. Especially after meals rich in carbohydrates, more insulin is released. The slim-while-sleep diet is designed to better control insulin levels in order to lose weight.

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During the day of the diet there are 3 meals, between which you should take a break of 5 hours. In the meantime, no calories should be consumed, so you are limited to drinking water, unsweetened tea or coffee. Breakfast should consist largely of carbohydrates, e.g. Rolls, jam and juice. Animal protein, e.g. Sausage or yogurt, however, are taboo here.

For lunch it can be both carbohydrates and animal proteins in a mixed diet, e.g. Rice, pasta or potatoes in combination with meat and vegetables.

In the evening, on the other hand, no carbohydrates should be eaten, preferably meat or fish with vegetables and yogurt. The theory behind this is that you have a low insulin level in the evening and at night and the body has to fall back on the fat cells to generate enough energy. This leads to weight loss.

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Side effects / risks of the diet

In principle, there are no side effects or risks to fear for healthy people. The slim-while-sleep diet is a varied and wholesome diet. There is no risk of malnutrition. In diabetics, high insulin levels can occur after breakfast, as a large amount of carbohydrates are to be consumed here and these increase the insulin level particularly strongly. People with kidney disease also have to be careful because the diet is very rich in protein. Long breaks have to be observed between meals, which can quickly lead to food cravings. However, there are no exceptions, so implementation is difficult for some.

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Criticism / Does this diet really work?

From a scientific point of view, there are some doubts about Pape's slim-while-sleep concept. The German Nutrition Society recommends eating 5 smaller meals a day. This contrasts with the 3 large meals of the slim-while-sleep diet. It is true that insulin inhibits the breakdown of fat, but the exact biochemical processes are not yet fully known and documented. In addition, one is divided into different metabolic types in the diet. However, the criteria for this are not clearly defined.

Read more about this under: What type of metabolism am I?

Another point of criticism is that the daily amount of calories put into the body does not play a role in the slim-while-sleep diet. However, it has been proven that the daily energy balance is a central component in weight loss. It is also questionable whether the diet is suitable for everyone, as it must be strictly followed. You can't make any exceptions and you have to stick to the 5 hours between meals, which can mean a lot of preparation and additional stress in everyday work.

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How much can I / should I lose weight while sleeping with Slim?

How much you can lose weight with the slim-while-sleep diet cannot be clearly stated. It depends on several factors and varies from person to person. On the one hand, there is the initial situation. If you are very overweight, you lose weight faster and more than people who only want to lose a few pounds. How much exercise you do and burn calories with it is also an important factor. The energy intake, i.e. how much you eat, is of great importance. To lose weight, you have to burn more calories per day than you get from food. About 7000 kcal must be saved to lose 1 kilogram of fat. In order to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way, a weight loss of 0.5 kilos per week or one to two kilos per month is recommended.

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How can I avoid the yo-yo effect with this diet?

If you stick to the guidelines on the slim-while-sleep diet, the yo-yo effect should not be a problem. The yo-yo effect occurs when a lot of weight is lost in a short period of time, usually by consuming less food. The metabolism goes to sleep and when people eat normally again, the body absorbs all the nutrients and stores them as fat. With Slim in Sleep, there are no restrictions on calorie intake, which is also a major criticism of the diet. It is a balanced diet, with which you should eat yourself full at every meal. So you don't go hungry and the yo-yo effect does not occur.

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Medical evaluation by

With the slim-while-sleep diet, if you look at a few testimonials, you can definitely achieve weight loss success. However, the concept raises a number of questions scientifically. It is true that insulin inhibits fat loss, but the exact processes are not sufficiently known. In addition, there are currently no controlled studies that prove the diet's effectiveness. Failure to observe the daily energy balance, i.e. how many calories you have consumed and how much you have consumed, is also questionable. Because this plays a central role in weight loss.

Failure to do so also creates one of the greatest benefits of dieting. You can eat so much at each meal until you are full, as long as you stick to the food specifications for the respective meals. The yo-yo effect does not matter. In addition, Slim is very strict in sleep. You can only eat these 3 meals and have to go without food for 5 hours in between. A meal plan that cannot be implemented for everyone. In summary, it can be said that you have to decide individually whether slim is useful in your sleep and you can adhere to the strict rules. In order to lose weight safely, one should rather rely on a calorie deficit and exercise.

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What alternative is there to slim while you sleep?

In addition to being slim in your sleep, there are countless other diets, such as Paleo diet, Atkins diet, etc., with sometimes outrageous promises like: "Six pack in six minutes". There is no such thing as a magic bullet for weight loss. The most important principles for losing weight are a daily calorie deficit, i.e. consuming more calories than you eat through food, and exercise to burn calories and thus increase the deficit. Diets can help one achieve this.

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In general, you should eat a balanced and healthy diet, i.e. lots of vegetables and long-chain carbohydrates that keep you feeling full longer. Starving, on the other hand, has the exact opposite effect of losing weight. You lose weight initially, but you gain weight again as soon as you eat normally again. This is called the yo-yo effect. In order to lose weight sustainably, you should aim for a weight loss of 0.5 kilograms per week. So it takes longer to reach the desired weight, but it remains the same for the time being.

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How high are the costs?

With the slim-while-sleep diet, there are usually no higher costs, as you do not have to buy special foods. You just have to pay attention to which foods you buy or how much carbohydrates they contain. There may be higher costs if you buy more meat and fish than before for the protein-rich meal in the evening, as these are among the more expensive foods. In general, when you sleep, it is not the food that changes with Slim, but the period in which you eat them.

Where can I find good recipes?

Since you can eat both carbohydrates and protein-rich foods at lunchtime with the slim-while-sleep diet, you do not have to adjust yourself for this meal or there are no unusual recipes. It is different with breakfast, since you are not allowed to eat carbohydrates here but no animal protein, and for dinner, only animal proteins and no carbohydrates are allowed.

There are numerous recipes for this in numerous books. Depending on the situation, such a cookbook costs around 13 euros. For those who do not want to deal with the paper form, the Internet presents many different recipes for a slim-while-sleep diet that can be easily cooked.

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Important meals of the slim-while-sleep diet

Breakfast in the slim-while-sleep diet

Breakfast is the most substantial meal at Schlank in sleep. Most of the carbohydrates are consumed here. Especially after a low-carbohydrate dinner and fasting while sleeping, it is important to consume enough carbohydrates in the morning to have enough energy for the day. Since you have to wait 5 hours until lunch after breakfast, you can eat your fill here to prevent food cravings. That's why you should rely on long-chain carbohydrates from whole grain products, which fill you up longer. Animal protein is taboo here. So you are not allowed to consume sausage, cheese, yoghurt, butter or milk, as it is assumed that the combination of many carbohydrates and animal protein increases the insulin level particularly strongly.

Instead, one should use herbal products. So in the morning you either eat muesli, e.g. with berries, nuts and soy milk, or bread or rolls. If you like a sweet breakfast, you won't have any problems changing here, because jam and nut-nougat cream as well as juices are allowed. Any type of bread can be used, from wholemeal bread to croissants. Those who prefer a hearty breakfast in the morning tend to have difficulties. Since cheese and sausage are taboo, you have to switch to vegetarian spreads.

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Lunch on the sleep-in-sleep diet

Lunch follows 5 hours after breakfast. In contrast to the first meal of the day, a mixed diet is on the menu. Carbohydrates such as Combine potatoes, rice and pasta with protein foods like fish, meat and dairy products. So you don't really have to change your diet for this. A sweet dessert and a coffee are also allowed.

You still have to pay attention to the carbohydrates, as depending on the BMI only a certain amount of carbohydrates can be consumed per day. The situation is similar with fat, a maximum of 60 g per day is allowed, which ideally is divided into 20 g per meal. Salads are recommended as a side dish as they are low in calories and still fill you up. Stews are good for lunch as they contain a lot of vegetables and are very filling. Here, too, you should eat your fill, as dinner may only be eaten 5 hours later.

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How does it work with working people?

It can be difficult to stick to the slim-while-sleep diet, especially for working people, as you are often under time pressure. As a result, it can be difficult to stick to the rather strict rules of being slim in your sleep. Breakfast is the most extensive meal on this diet, but many people find it difficult to eat large amounts of high-carbohydrate foods right after getting up, especially if you don't have much time and have to go to work.

The time of 5 hours that should lie between meals can then be very long and food cravings are inevitable. Snacks for in between, like those found in many workplaces, are then taboo. Since you can eat both carbohydrates and animal protein at lunch, it shouldn't be that difficult to find something suitable during the lunch break.However, the 5 hours must be adhered to. For the protein-rich and low-carbohydrate dinner you then ideally have to plan ahead and here too it is important to keep the time.

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Sports exercises that can be performed at work are especially recommended for working people. In summary, it can be said that slim while sleeping can work for working people, but it takes some discipline and planning and maybe even a change in the daily routine.

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Is the slim-while-sleep diet also vegetarian?

The slim-while-sleep diet works for vegetarians too. The same rules and food restrictions apply as for non-vegetarians. Breakfast in particular benefits vegetarians, as animal protein should be avoided here anyway. You just have to adjust to the fact that butter, cheese and dairy products are also taboo. Lunch is mixed food and therefore vegetarians can eat normally here as long as they are careful not to consume too many carbohydrates and fats. The most interesting meal for vegetarians is dinner. No carbohydrates are allowed here and there should be a lot of protein-rich food on the table. Since this protein often comes from meat or fish among non-vegetarians, vegetarians have to find alternatives here.

Salads and lots of vegetables are recommended here, as they are low in calories but fill you up. Dairy products such as quark or goat cheese should also be consumed. You can also replace the meat with tofu in some dishes. Tofu is also rich in protein, but compared to many types of meat, it has less fat content and is therefore well suited for being slim while sleeping. As long as you stick to the time limits and food, slim while sleeping is also suitable for vegetarians.

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How can that work when I'm on night shift?

The night shift can be a problem for many who follow the slim-while-sleep diet. Because sleep, on which much is based, is shifting. According to the inventor of Slim in Sleep, Detlef Pape, it can still work by postponing the 5 hours between meals. This means that when you come home after your night shift, you should eat the most carbohydrate-rich meal before bed. A mixed diet after getting up and then the protein-rich meal at night. You can also make a broth for in between meals, if you can't get through the night without it, or eat an egg. However, this should only happen as an exception.

Slim in sleep and alcohol - do they get along?

Alcohol should be kept to a minimum while slim while sleeping as it prevents fat burning. In addition, alcohol is empty calories, meaning it has no major nutritional value. Nonetheless, it is allowed during sleep, even if only in small amounts. For dinner you can drink half a liter of beer or a 0.25 liter glass of wine, but not more. However, it would be ideal to do without it completely during the diet.

Slim in your sleep during pregnancy and breastfeeding - is that possible?

Diets during pregnancy and breastfeeding should generally be avoided as certain things often have to be avoided. A balanced diet for the mother is very important for the baby. When you are slim while you sleep, you always consume carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities so that it would be possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, there is a risk of hypoglycaemia going unnoticed by eating low-carbohydrates in the evening while sleeping. Also, it can be difficult for pregnant women to stick to rules such as 5 hours between meals and food restrictions, and can create additional stress.

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