
Pregnancy puts a lot of strain on the mother-to-be's body.
Especially during the first months (so in early pregnancy) some changes have to be initiated within the organism.

Adjusting the hormonal balance in particular can cause various complaints in early pregnancy.
Women who are pregnant for the first time often tend to be very concerned about perfectly normal symptoms of early pregnancy.

Read more on the topic: Early pregnancy

Feelings of tension and slight pain in the breast area are among the most common complaints, especially during the first few months.
Many women report a pronounced one within the first few weeks of pregnancy Breast tightening during pregnancy.

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In addition, it can increase during early pregnancy due to hormonal changes nausea and Vomit come.

In principle, these symptoms can occur throughout the day. However, the majority of women primarily suffer from during early pregnancy morning Nausea and vomiting.

Furthermore, it can occur in the course of pregnancy itching come.
In cases where this itching is mild, women affected should not worry.
Mild itching during early pregnancy can be hormonal and go away completely over time.
Women who are already in the later stages of pregnancy often complain of itchy skin.

The cause of the appearance of this phenomenon, in most cases, is the slow growth caused by the child strain of the skin.
Although most symptoms that occur during early pregnancy are harmless, if the pain is severe, Bleeding or persistent symptoms consult a specialist (Gynecologist; Specialist in gynecology) can be visited.

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Is Early Pregnancy Pain Normal?

Pain in early pregnancy are quite often normal and occur in many pregnant women. The body has to adapt to the new conditions and create space for the growing child, especially in the area of ​​the uterus. The Stretching of the uterus and its ligaments as well as the enlargement of the bony pelvis in the area of ​​the symphysis can be the cause of the pain. As the pregnancy progressed, the body soon adapted to the new situation and the pain subsided.

Nevertheless, you have to Persistent pain always considered serious causes for the discomfort and this medically clarified become. These include, for example, a impending miscarriage, Infections in the abdomen (inflammation of the uterus or ovaries, cystitis, appendicitis) or a malfunction of the fertilized egg cell in the fallopian tube (Ectopic pregnancy). Persistent, worsening, or severe pain are therefore an essential reason to visit the gynecologist.


Pain that occurs during early pregnancy is also complete in most cases harmless and are related to the adaptation of the organism to the growing child.

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However, it must be noted that pain during early pregnancy can also be a warning signal.
For this reason, in case of doubt, a specialist should always be consulted immediately.

In many cases, the location and quality of the pain felt can provide an initial indication of its cause.
Especially during the first three months after the Egg fertilization (so-called early pregnancy) there is a risk of miscarriage.

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harmless causes

Simple abdominal pain, which is common to any woman of childbearing age, can also occur during early pregnancy.
In most cases, young women experience this type of pain just before or during Menstrual period.

During pregnancy, most women affected are confused or even frightened as soon as they experience the same pain.
Still are Abdominal pain not uncommon during early pregnancy and in most cases completely harmless.

After the egg cell has been fertilized, it first occurs Implantation in the uterus (Technical term: uterus).
Then the organism has to adjust to pregnancy and various Pregnancy hormones pour out.
The uterus itself begins to increase in size and put pressure on the still firm tissue and muscles of the Basin exercise. In addition, especially during early pregnancy, the Retaining straps the uterus is strongly stretched to provide enough space for the growing child.

This multitude of changes within the female organism can cause severe pain, especially during early pregnancy (especially abdominal pain) cause.
Women, then menstrual-like pain felt during early pregnancy rarely have to seriously worry about the unborn child.

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The symptoms usually subside within a few weeks and are complete by the end of the first trimester disappeared.

Another symptom that is commonly associated with harmless pain in early pregnancy is Flatulence.

Serious causes

A woman suffers from prolonged and / or particularly severe during early pregnancy severe pain, so these can have serious causes.

Regardless of whether the symptoms are limited to one side of the abdomen or occur on both sides, a gynecological evaluation should not be delayed for long. The most common conditions that cause persistent and / or severe pain during early pregnancy are:

  • Strains of the Mother band
  • Ectopic pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy)
  • Miscarriage
  • Premature Labor pains
  • Leiomyomas (benign tumors)
  • Placenta detachment

Especially in the case of an ectopic pregnancy (Implantation of the fertilized egg within a fallopian tube) it is a potentially life-threatening situation that requires treatment as soon as possible. Otherwise there is a risk of Rupture (Tear) of the affected fallopian tube.
This in turn can lead to tremendous bleeding lead to death.
An early presentation to a specialist can be life-saving in these cases.

Causes of middle abdominal pain

Many women suffer from severe and / or severe pregnancy during early pregnancy sharp pain in the middle of the abdomen.
In most cases, this pain is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The causes of pain during early pregnancy, which are mainly localized in the mid-abdomen area, can be varied.

Even with this form of abdominal pain, harmless triggers have to be distinguished from serious clinical pictures.
Common causes of mid-abdominal pain are mild to severe Constipation and heartburn.
Also the presence of one viral gastrointestinal infection or one caused by bacteria Food poisoning can be a cause of such pain.

Diagnosing pain in early pregnancy

In order to be able to ensure whether the pain felt by the expectant mother in early pregnancy is harmless or of a serious origin, an extensive Diagnosis be initiated.

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The diagnosis of pain in early pregnancy includes individual examinations that relate to both the expectant mother and the unborn child.

In this context, the most important Vital signs of both patients. Important steps in recording these vital parameters are the collection of the Blood pressure, of Pulse and the Oxygen saturation mother.

In addition, the Heart sounds of the child be monitored for the time being.
In addition, the diagnosis of pain in early pregnancy includes a laboratory check of the Blood count and des Urine. Also on performing a Ultrasound examination should not be waived in pain in early pregnancy.

X-ray examinations and CT are not available during pregnancy because the radiation exposure could have an adverse effect on the fetus.

With the V.a. a tumor of the unborn child, an ectopic pregnancy or the like can be a strict exception MRI in pregnancy be performed. However, there are clear restrictions for an MRI during pregnancy, so the MRI should always be considered carefully.


The treatment of pain that occurs during early pregnancy depends largely on the underlying cause.

However, since in most cases the pain is completely harmless, a waiting Posture to be taken.
If there is pain in early pregnancy that is caused by the hormonal change, the symptoms usually disappear by the end of the first trimester.

Medical intervention is not necessary.
Pain in early pregnancy based on the ascension of Stomach acid in the esophagus arise (so called heartburn) can in most cases through a targeted Change in diet be treated.

In this context, expectant mothers who suffer from frequent heartburn should refrain from spicy or acidic foods.
Persistent heartburn may damage the lining of the esophagus.

Menstrual-like pain in early pregnancy can be reduced by taking Painkillers (Analgesics) can be alleviated.
However, pregnant women should be aware that even pain relievers approved for expectant mothers may damage the fetus cannot be ruled out.

For this reason, both the intake and the dosage of the pain reliever should be carefully considered.
For pain in early pregnancy, drugs that contain the active ingredients are particularly suitable Ibuprofen or Paracetamol feature.
Severe or recurring symptoms that occur during early pregnancy must be clarified by a doctor.

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For some diseases (for example in an ectopic pregnancy) must immediately receive a operative treatment be initiated.
Slight detachments of the placenta are treated in most cases by observing strict bed rest.


Pain in early pregnancy is completely harmless in the majority of cases.
However, if the symptoms are due to a serious illness, the fetus may no longer be cared for.

The occurrence of a miscarriage is possible. Depending on the underlying disease (e.g. in the presence of a rupture of the fallopian tubes after an ectopic pregnancy) the mother's life can also be endangered.

Pain similar to menstrual pain - what can it be?

Early pregnancy pain that feels similar to Menstrual pain, can have different causes. Mostly they are harmless nature, however, should medically clarified if they persist or worsen for a long time. For example, the pain can be caused by the Adjustment processes in the area of ​​the uterus and their holding apparatus. The uterus enlarges and the mucous membrane is loosened in order to create the best possible growth conditions for the growing embryo. The ligaments that hold the uterus in place are also stretched. This can pulling and uncomfortable pain in the abdomen that may resemble period pain.

Many women are unsettled by this common sign of pregnancy and fear a miscarriage. In most cases, however, the symptoms are nothing to worry about. But they should with other symptomssuch as vaginal bleeding, general malaise, fever or other symptoms of illness urgently consulted a doctor become.

Generally, abdominal pain in early pregnancy must also be used thought of an impending miscarriage so that in case of doubt, and especially to reassure the pregnant woman, a visit to the gynecologist is recommended. Ultimately, with such complaints, you must also other diseases of the lower abdomen be thought, for example one Urinary tract infection or one Appendicitis. Many pregnant women also suffer from Flatulence in pregnancy. The pent-up air in the intestine can also trigger pressing or pulling pains, which can have a character similar to regular pain.

Lower back pain in early pregnancy

Lower back pain in early pregnancy can have a variety of causes. For one thing, they can directly caused by pregnancy be because the Body adapts to pregnancy and the uterus and ligaments in the pelvic area are stretched. The course of the ligaments and nerves can also cause pain in the lower back.

The symptoms are the most common orthopedic in nature. The lower back is exposed to special stresses every day. There is a lot of weight on this area, both when you are seated and when you are standing. Benefited by muscular weaknesses and bad posture it comes to quickly excessive load on the lumbar spine area and thus to pain.

In this case it is important that on Good footwear, a gentle posture and sufficient physical activity are respected becomes. The targeted Kstrengthening of the muscles in the abdomen and back helps to stabilize the spine and can quickly provide pain relief. If you have severe back pain, this must also be used Pregnancy complications (Ectopic pregnancy, impending miscarriage) and one medical clarification. It could also be one Herniated disc during pregnancy act. In such cases, you should definitely go to the doctor.

Upper abdominal pain in early pregnancy

There are also different causes for pain in the upper abdomen in early pregnancy. Quite a few women suffer from it, especially in the first few months of pregnancy Abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting due to the hormonal change. Abdominal pain in particular is more common in advanced pregnancy because of the growing child increased pressure on the internal organs exercises. However, upper abdominal pain can also occur in early pregnancy, but this often has other causes.

One cause that needs to be considered is Heartburn during pregnancy. Due to the increased production of gastric acid and the relaxation of the esophageal sphincter, stomach acid can flow back into the esophagus and cause burning pain. Also one Inflammation of the stomach lining can cause upper abdominal pain. In both cases, a Inhibition of gastric acid production alleviate the discomfort. The therapy should be clarified with a doctor.

A pregnancy-related condition that can cause upper abdominal pain is the so-called HELLP syndrome. As a rule, however, this only occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy and should therefore only be mentioned briefly here.

Ultimately, it must also be used for epigastric pain Gallbladder diseases and biliary tract as well as the pancreas. Also one Appendicitis may start with upper abdominal pain that later migrates to the right lower abdomen. Persistent and severe pain should always be clarified by a doctor.

Pain in the groin in early pregnancy

During pregnancy they will The pelvis and its numerous ligament structures are exposed to enormous loads. Already in early pregnancy, the body begins to loosen the ligamentous apparatus so that enough space is created for the growing child and this can exit through the maternal pelvis at the end of the pregnancy. The Loosening of the ligaments can be associated with pain and can be very uncomfortable at times. Since many muscles pull through the groin area and many ligament structures are anchored in this area, the groin can also be painful in early and late pregnancy.

This is usually nothing to worry about. However, pain that is persistent and / or very severe should suggest other causes. So there is also a for groin pain Inguinal hernia as a cause. This can be caused independently of the pregnancy or also by the loosening in the pelvic area as well as later the increasing pressure in the abdominal cavity by the growing child. In the case of an inguinal hernia, the pain is often exacerbated by processes that increase the pressure in the abdomen, for example coughing, sneezing and straining when defecating. In addition, the Feel the hernial sacthat bulges outward through the abdominal wall.

Also muscular tension or swollen inguinal lymph nodes can be the cause of the complaints. The latter can enlarge, for example, as part of infections in the urogenital area and then cause groin pain.This can be determined during a physical examination by a doctor. If the symptoms do not improve within a few days, this should definitely be done.

Leg pain in early pregnancy

Many women suffer from various symptoms, particularly at the beginning of their pregnancy, which are related to the hormonal change in the context of pregnancy. Also Body aches such as pain in the legs can be among the early symptoms of pregnancy. Are in advanced pregnancy Pain and heaviness in the legs often through Water retention or obstructed venous outflow of blood from the legs.

In early pregnancy, however, leg pain can also go through Magnesium deficiency be caused. It happens more often Leg cramps during pregnancywhich can subsequently trigger unpleasant aching muscles. Ultimately, the complaints can also be related to a Restless legs syndrome occur. Especially in the evening when they lie down, the pregnant women feel tingling, pain and an urge to move in their legs, which urges them to move their legs or even to get up and walk around.

Another diagnosis to consider for leg pain during pregnancy is this thrombosis. However, this rarely occurs in both legs at the same time. It is usually one-sided and can then lead to leg pain and swelling. A leg vein thrombosis can usually be recognized well through an ultrasound examination. Persistent leg pain in early pregnancy should be clarified by a doctor.

Ovarian pain in early pregnancy

Ovarian pain in early pregnancy is not uncommon. The hormonal change leads to the loosening of the ligaments and loosening of the uterine lining, as well as to Stretching of the uterus. Because the ovaries are connected to the uterus, they too can be painful.

Especially with one-sided severe complaints in early pregnancy, however, must also have a Ectopic pregnancy be thought. The fertilized egg does not nestle in the uterus as intended, but rather in the fallopian tube. Since this is not intended for this and does not offer sufficient space for the growing embryo, severe pain occurs. This situation has to be resolved operationally as quickly as possible otherwise the fallopian tube threatens to tear.

Generally are diffuse pain in the area of ​​the ovaries in early pregnancy usually nothing to worry about. Most women feel a pull there every now and then. However, if the pain persists or worsens, it is important to see a doctor for further clarification.

Pain when coughing

Chest pain when coughing can occur in early pregnancy through a a flu-like infection or one bronchitis be conditional. Kick in addition to coughing typical cold symptoms on, it can be assumed that the cause lies in the airways.

However, some pregnant women complain in early pregnancy Pain in the lower abdomen when coughing or in the bar. Coughing increases the pressure in the abdomen for a short time. This puts pressure on the organs and the surrounding structures. Due to the stretching of the ligaments in the pelvic area during pregnancy, the tissue can be generally irritated and painful from the application of pressure. If the pain occurs in the groin when coughing, it may also be one Inguinal hernia act. A loop of intestine everts itself through a weak point in the abdominal wall and can be pinched in this break. When coughing, the hernial sac is pressed into the gap, which is expressed in the typical pain.

Generally only one can physical examination clarify the exact cause of the complaints. If the pain persists, a gynecological evaluation is therefore advisable.

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