
The pregnancy (Synonym: pregnancy, gestation; Latin: graviditatis) is an absolute exception for the woman's body, albeit a completely natural one.

Over a period of 9 months (288 days) the fertilized egg matures into a child.
The following article looks at the causes of pain in pregnancy.

Pain in Pregnancy - General

Pregnancies can be very different.
While some women take the time to birth Others complain of a number of problems when they spend as much as possible symptom-free. These problems range from one moderate nausea (Hyperemesis) up to high blood pressure (hypertension) and rib pain.

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Read more on the subject below Pregnancy Complications - What Are The Signs?

But what causes pain during pregnancy and what kind of pain is it anyway?

Pain can e.g. caused by the ovaries.

As the unborn child grows, the uterus expands. This can be painful.

Natural abdominal pain during pregnancy

You can during pregnancy stomach pain be quite physiological. Just think once that the body is put under very nice extreme conditions.
The unborn child grows over time and one comes into being Mass in the abdomen. Be there other organs compressed and the uterus expands and adapts to the new conditions.
This stretch can be painful under certain circumstances, it is a normal muscle pain.

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Read more about the topic here When does the belly grow during pregnancy

The child also begins to act after a certain time to step and move. This is clearly felt by expectant mothers, and the baby may also draw attention to itself in a painful way.

Such complaints can usually already be resolved by a Relieving posture alleviate. The pregnant woman can Put your feet up or yourself to put aside.
Also help Hot water bottles or warm baths.

However, if the pain persists or is very severe, a doctor should be consulted. Are also questionable Burning sensation when urinating, Bleeding or severe nausea. These can be indications of more serious complications and require medical supervision.

Pregnancy myomas

Fibroids are benign tumors of the uterus.
They can be called benign muscle tumors that are found in the muscle layer of the uterus (Myometrium) arise. They are made up of smooth muscles.

About every fourth woman knows after the age of 30 at least one fibroid, about 25% of these women have complaints.

If there are many fibroids and the uterus is enlarged as a result, one speaks of Uterus myomatosus.

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Fibroids can up to 20 cm get big and so faking pregnancy.

Among the ailments that fibroids can cause is one heavier menstrual bleeding or Intermenstrual bleeding, Urge to urinate, Pain and Constipation.

Fibroids can occur during pregnancy between the third and sixth month of pregnancy cause additional discomfort.
They can be the cause of severe pain, isolated in the fibroid area.

This pain is caused by the fact that the fibroid tissue perishes when there is insufficient blood supply (infarcted). This is known as red degeneration.
These cause very severe pain, especially if they are Peritoneum stretch.

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The increased hormone production During pregnancy it can promote the growth of fibroids and thus lead to previously symptom-free fibroids causing complications.

In rare cases, very large fibroids that lie down in the uterus can cause one Caesarean section (sectio caesarea) make it necessary. This is always the case when the position of the fibroid obstructs the birth canal.

In addition, intrauterine (located in the uterus) Fibroids the likelihood of one Miscarriage or Premature birth to have low.
From a certain size the fibroid can namely premature labor to be triggered.
In addition, this allows the child to enter a abnormal location advised, such as the Breech position.

In very rare cases, they cause Bleeding or a premature detachment of the placenta. So-called subplacental myomas are responsible for this.
Due to their location, such myomas may hinder the implantation of the embryo and thus lead to them Ectopic pregnancies.

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What can you do about it now?
There are numerous therapies, starting with medicinally conservative ways up to surgical interventions.

The type of therapy depends on the location, the general condition of the woman, the symptoms and of course the desire to have children.

In pregnant women, care must be taken not to endanger the pregnancy.

The basic rule is that with untreated fibroids, at regular intervals Check-ups should be carried out.
In this way, the growth of the fibroid can be observed and complications can be avoided at an early stage.

The breasts and nipples also change during pregnancy and can lead to problems.


The term Gestosis Generally denotes pregnancy-related illnesses with an unclear cause.

One distinguishes one over time Premature gestosiswhich in the first trimester (the first three months of pregnancy) occurs from a Late gestosiswhich manifests itself in the last trimester.

An early gestosis usually shows up as Hyperemesis gravidarum (excessive vomiting on an empty stomach during pregnancy) and Ptyalism (increased salivation).

The hyperemesis gravidarum usually ends in the 14th week of pregnancy.
The women affected complain of one constant nausea, Vomit, stomach pain and Drowsiness.

In most cases, it is sufficient to admit the pregnant woman to the hospital and to provide intravenous fluids and electrolytes.
In the case of persistent hyperemesis, medication is also used Antiemetics.

Late gestures express themselves as so-called Pre-eclampsia or Eclampsia.
Preclampsia is a hypertensive condition that causes it to increased blood pressure (hypertension), Protein in the urine (Proteinuria) and Water retention (Edema) is coming. These are the guiding symptoms.

Those affected also complain about dizziness, a headache and nausea.

Since the cause is not fully understood, one should be careful with therapy.
The pregnant woman's blood pressure must not be lowered in an uncontrolled manner using medication. A life threatening situation can arise for the fetus, which ultimately results in a Premature birth or one Emergency caesarean section ends.

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The mother's blood pressure is at constant values ​​of over 170/110 mmHg lowered. But care must be taken that the blood pressure does not below 140/90 mmHg sinks.

Since 2009, however, the Pre-eclampsia possible with a blood test.
Furthermore, there is a risk of a late gestosis Eclampsia developed.
Eclampsia is Seizureswhich require constant monitoring of the expectant mother and the fetus.

The seizures can be administered intravenously with medication magnesium be treated.
However, it is important to ensure that the Reflexes let the woman trigger well. Otherwise there is a risk of one Respiratory failure.

Another important symptom of the gestoses are general Pain in the upper right abdomen.
Under no circumstances can one conclude from unspecific pain in the abdomen that a gestosis is present.

Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's pelvis is exposed to great stress.
Estimated one in 600 pregnant women suffers a so-called symphysis loosening in the course of her pregnancy. The symphysis loosening is an extremely painful affair, which causes pubic bone pain during pregnancy but also afterwards.

The symphysis forms the anterior connection between the two halves of the pelvis. It is a kind of intervertebral disc made of fiber cartilage. This articulated connection is called the pubic symphysis (Latin: Symphysis pubica).

The joint is strengthened by tight ligaments, which is why there is usually no great freedom of movement between the two halves of the pelvis.

However, the symphysis reacts to hormonal influences. During pregnancy, more oestrogens act on the fiber cartilage of the symphysis, which loosens as a result. The symphysis gap becomes wider in the course of this.
The idea behind this is to make the pelvis more flexible for the birth of the child and to adapt it to the new circumstances.

It is believed that the pain when the symphysis is loosened is caused by the pelvic bones shifting unevenly against each other.

However, imaging diagnostics such as X-rays cannot depict this. However, an enlarged symphysis gap may be seen on X-rays.

The symptoms usually appear in the middle of pregnancy and can vary in severity.
Women who suffered from it in their first pregnancy have an increased risk of suffering from this pelvic pain again in a second pregnancy.

The localization of the pain is not limited to the pubic area. Affected women also have pain in the groin, pelvis, back, hips and sacrum.

The pain can radiate into the thighs and is mainly localized on the inside.

Furthermore, some women complain of a kind of rubbing or grinding in the pubic area, which can be very uncomfortable.

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The pain intensifies when the legs are spread apart or during physical exertion.
They are also stronger at night than during the day and can rob you of sleep. Sleeping on your side is next to impossible.

What can you do about this painful matter?
First of all, analgesics (Painkiller) given to quickly relieve the symptoms.

However, it is important that the person concerned takes care of himself and does not under any circumstances carry out heavy physical activities.
A support corset is used as part of an orthopedic treatment to stabilize the pelvis.

Pelvic floor exercises and light back exercises can alleviate the symptoms. However, it is important to ensure freedom from pain.

Activities that cause pain should be avoided by the pregnant woman.

Usually the symptoms subside after the birth.
Only a few women still have pain in the year after giving birth. Physiotherapeutic exercises can help here.

"Maternal ligament pain" in pregnancy

This term describes a rather unspecific symptomatology. It is a stabbing and pulling pain in the abdomen, which is about from the 20th week of pregnancy can occur.

Basically, such pain can have very different causes. One of them is a painful stretching of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus.

These include above all the ligamentum teres uteri (Also called the rotundum ligament in gynecology) and the ligamentum latum.
Of course, like the uterus, these ligaments become increasingly stretched the larger the child becomes.

Read more on this topic: Pulling the mother ligaments

Warmth can provide relief here.
A gentle posture and avoiding frequent changes of position can also alleviate the pain. However, therapy is not necessary.

Low back pain in pregnancy

Low back pain often occurs in the third trimester.

Unfortunately, low back pain during pregnancy is not uncommon. They can be absolutely harmless and disappear overnight, but they can also be an indication of a situation in need of therapy.

in the first trimester of pregnancy can lower back pain through one rapid growth of the uterus or one unfavorable location be conditional.
However, such early low back pain can also reflect one Ectopic pregnancy be.
They can also be an indication of a Miscarriage be.

Lower back pain is all too normal later in pregnancy. Increased stretching of muscles and ligaments, as well as shifting the body's center of gravity forwards, can cause lower back pain.

In any case, a doctor can provide certainty and show the pregnant woman movement sequences that can relieve the pain. A physical therapy and light fitness training can also help.
In any case, lifting heavy loads should be avoided.


Miscarriages manifest themselves somewhat differently depending on the week of pregnancy.
In the Early pregnancy show up clinically vaginal bleeding and labor-like pains in the lower abdomen as well Lower back pain.

In late pregnancy the main characteristic is the Departure of amniotic fluid as well as that Onset of labor.

A miscarriage requires immediate medical supervision.
In early pregnancy there is usually one curettage (a scraping) of the prematurely deceased womb.

However, in late pregnancy a natural birth must take place.
Since an abortion is a highly stressful event for the psyche of the expectant mother, one is recommended psychological care after this.

Premature birth (23-37 weeks of gestation)

Back pain, pain in the lower abdomen and pelvis, diarrhea and labor-like pain show from the 23rd week of pregnancy on a Premature birth down.

Hip pain

During pregnancy, the pelvis is exposed to great stress, in some cases the symphysis loosening occurs, which can lead to severe hip pain.

The pubic symphysis (Pubic symphysis) is a cartilaginous joint at the front of the pelvis. During pregnancy, the body produces the hormone relaxin, which makes the ligaments and in the pelvis softer and more flexible. The hip pain is probably caused by the fact that the loose ligaments mean that one side of the pelvis has more room than the other when walking or moving the legs. The pain usually occurs in the pubic area and in the groin area.

The hip pain during pregnancy is often worse with certain movements such as during Climbing stairs or turning around in bed. They can also be more pronounced at night.

In rare cases, diastasis of the symphysis can occur, with the pubic symphysis loosened to such an extent that there is an unusually wide distance between the pelvic bones.

The hip pain caused by a symphysis diastasis can be alleviated with an orthopedic support belt for the pelvis. But other therapy options such as acupuncture, osteopathy or chiropractic can also help. Regular pelvic floor exercises can reduce the stress on the pelvis during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, hip and buttock pain can occur in the course of piriformis syndrome. The growing child presses on certain structures in the pelvis, which has the result that a nerve is compressed. In most cases, the hip pain subsides quickly after the birth, and the symptoms rarely last for up to a year.

Read more on the topic: Hip pain in pregnancy

Headache in pregnancy

a headache can occur more frequently during pregnancy. Some women complain of headaches, especially in the first few months of pregnancy. The causes of the headache can be diverse but are usually not dangerous. Since there can rarely be serious causes, you should consult a doctor in the event of headaches that have persisted for a long time or that worsen significantly.

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Pain during pregnancy can have many causes.
Many of these causes are physiological and harmless. It is normal for the child to grow and grow Stretching of the uterus Pain in the abdomen and abdomen may occur.

Added to this are the additional weight Lower back pain. Pregnant women should therefore take care to protect their bodies sufficiently and avoid lifting heavy loads, for example.

The localization of the pain differs from woman to woman and has different causes.

Pelvic pain can express a Symphysis loosening For example, abdominal pain indicates one strongly stretched ligamentous apparatus towards the uterus.

With accompanying symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, Burning sensation when urinating, nausea and Vomit however, caution should be exercised and a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Labor-like pain accompanied by bleeding in early pregnancy can affect one Abortion Clues.
Pain of this type in late pregnancy and the leakage of amniotic fluid may also be the cause of an impending miscarriage.

Continue to cause Premature births Pain in the back, lower abdomen and pelvis and are accompanied by diarrhea.

Also can Gestosis of pregnancy Cause pain.

Fibroids The uterus, depending on its location and size, is the cause of a painful pregnancy, as it has an adverse effect on the position of the child and the uterus, for example.

So you can see that there are numerous reasons for pain during pregnancy. Since the pain is very unspecific, only a medical diagnosis can provide certainty about the cause.

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