Synonyms in a broader sense

Medical: Vertigo

To form: Positional vertigo, vertigo, vertigo,

English: Vertigo, dizziness

Definition dizziness

As dizziness one denotes contradicting information of different Sense organs to the brain. Information from the eyes, the balance organ of the ear (ear) and the position sensors (sensors, proprioceptors) of the Musculature, tendons and joints.

In healthy people, the information from these organs is sent to the brain, processed and made aware of the current position of the body. One can even artificially "switch off" an organ, e.g. closes his eyes and moves from a standing to a lying position. The eyes did not notice the change, but we still perceive that our body is now in the horizontal.

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Anyone who suffers from dizziness describes having the feeling of swaying or turning. Not he himself moves, but the objects and the environment itself move around him.

Dizziness or lightheadedness?

dizziness is popularly used very imprecisely and for a variety of disorders. The terms used in English "Vertigo"For the actual systemic dizziness and"dizziness“For unsystemic dizziness or drowsiness give a more precise division.

At the systemic dizziness (vertigo) the cause is found in the area of Balance organ, in the area of ​​the brain stem or in the area of ​​the cerebellum. Patients with systemic dizziness report one Vertigo with the apparent turning movement of their environment, with a vertigo in an elevator, a feeling of being in an elevator and being lifted or lowered in the process, or vertigo with the feeling of losing the ground beneath your feet.

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At the unsystemic dizziness the cause is found outside the equilibrium system. Patients with unsystemic vertigo report one "Turning black before your eyes", Feeling of insecurity and Drowsiness.

What forms of vertigo are there?

  • Attack dizziness Continuous dizziness
  • Dizziness with hearing impairment
  • Vertigo
  • Vertigo
  • Positional vertigo
  • Drowsiness

Causes of dizziness

Dizziness can be caused by the following factors or illnesses:

  • Blood pressure / circulation (circulation and dizziness)
  • Headache (headache and dizziness)
  • Nausea (dizziness with nausea / dizziness and vomiting)
  • Basilar-type migraines
  • Pregnancy (dizziness during pregnancy)
  • Dizziness from anxiety / stress
  • Injury or tension in the neck muscles
  • Disease or injury to the cervical spine (cervical spine syndrome)
  • Beningen paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPLS) / benign positional vertigo
  • Dizziness from diseases of the ear
  • Inner ear diseases (Vestibulopathy)
  • Meniere's disease
  • Inflammation of the equilibrium nerve (Vestibular neuritis)
  • Thyroid as a cause of dizziness
  • Perilymph fistula
  • Space-occupying processes, tumors, injuries, breaks (fractures) of the inner ear
  • Brain tumors
  • Diseases from the field of neurology / internal medicine
  • Dizziness from alcohol

More information on the subject: Dizziness causes

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dizziness is not a rare symptom. More than ten percent of all family doctor visits are due to dizziness. Just at older people dizziness can occur frequently.
Dizziness is a kind of alarm signal in our body, which indicates that something is in the Brain or our balance organ is not working properly. In order for our sense of balance to function well, our brain and our equilibrium organ in the inner ear must be adequately supplied with oxygen and nutrients, i.e. be supplied with blood.
For this reason, for example, a too low blood pressure one Cause dizziness.
Dizziness is often caused by a neurological cause. But also Medication, alcohol, other underlying illnesses or psychological stress can lead to dizziness.

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When you feel dizzy, you also have to think of the balance organ, which is located in the inner ear. Due to disorders in the inner ear, for example, it can lead to the so-called Meniere's disease come. The reason for this has not yet been clearly clarified. Typically, menière suffer from tinnitus (beeping noises in the ears), dizziness and unilateral hearing loss.

Even with one Inflammation of the balance nerve, the so-called vestibular neuritis, vertigo is a symptom. Typically, the dizziness of vestibular neuritis manifests itself in the form of permanent dizziness that can last for days to weeks, which is of course very stressful for the patient. In addition, there is often a pronounced tendency to fall, nausea, and instability in standing and walking. After about four to five weeks at the latest, the dizziness subsides again, either because the treatment has worked or because the healthy side has replaced the function of the sick side.
Furthermore, the vertigo can also be caused by a bilateral Vestibulopathy caused. With this disease, that is on both sides Balance organ, as well as parts of the equilibrium nerves damaged. The underlying cause for this is usually not known. Patients can thereby have a Staggering and a spinning vertigo that is often triggered by certain movements. This is often compounded by a Visual impairment (Dizziness and visual disturbances). The symptoms also worsen in the dark. While sitting and lying down, patients have fewer symptoms.

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In addition to the organ of equilibrium, which is located in the inner ear, this can also be ear itself, as the cause of the dizziness in question. For example, this can be part of a Inner ear infection (Labyrinthitis) occur. An inner ear infection can also be accompanied by earache, fever, fatigue, one-sided hearing loss or tinnitus. In most cases, an inner ear infection is caused by viruses or bacteria. Tumors or toxins also rarely lead to inner ear infections.

Sometimes an otitis media turns into an inner ear infection. At a Otitis media if dizziness does not typically occur, if it does, this should always be viewed as a warning sign. In this case, the ear, nose and throat specialist should definitely be consulted.

Also Equilibrium Nerve Tumors can lead to dizziness. The most typical tumor for this is the so-called Acoustic neuroma. The acoustic neuroma is one benign tumor, which presents itself with the main symptoms of one-sided hearing loss and tinnitus. Dizziness is often the result of a traumatic brain injury, which is often caused by a car accident or the like.

Generally one differentiates one peripheral from a central vertigo. The classification of the peripheral vertigo belong for example Meniere's disease and the Vestibular neuritis, i.e. causes that do not originate directly in the brain.
At the central dizziness however, lies the Cause in the brain. This can be, for example, in the nerve nuclei that are responsible for the balance organ, the balance center or in the cerebellum. The main causes of central dizziness are circulatory disorders in the brain, such as in connection with a stroke.
In addition to circulatory disorders, there are also Inflammation in the brain, as in Multiple sclerosis and tumors in question. A typical sign of central vertigo is that it is itself wavering manifests itself and does not occur in the form of vertigo as it typically occurs with peripheral vertigo.

In some people who are under Migraine attacks suffer from dizziness at the same time, one speaks of a vestibular migraine.

Isn't the organ of equilibrium or an underlying disease or the like responsible for the dizziness, but the psyche, one speaks of a non-organic, psychogenic or somatoform dizziness. This comes for example in the context of Anxiety disorders in front.

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The dizziness goes with a drowsiness and blurred vision in the form of Blurred- or Double vision hand in hand, this can also be achieved by a incorrectly adjusted glasses to be triggered. Sometimes this is also accompanied by headaches and a feeling of pressure in the eyes. This is known as ocular vertigo.

Dizziness can also be considered Side effect of medication occur. Typical for this are sedatives and sleeping pills. Furthermore, dizziness can also occur with drugs such as antidepressants, anti-epileptic drugs, muscle relaxants, antibiotics, diuretic drugs and drugs for the cardiovascular system.

A common cause of temporary dizziness is of course that alcohol (Dizziness and alcohol). Because alcohol has one Influence on our cerebellumwhich plays an important role in the (fine)Coordination of movements takes over in our body. Therefore, excessive alcohol consumption leads to increasing unsteadiness when standing and walking. At some point, the alcohol also reaches our equilibrium organ, so that it comes to a vertigo.

Dizziness can also occur in the context of other underlying diseases, such as the Polyneuropathywhich can occur at an advanced stage of sugar disorder or alcoholism. By increased sugar levels in the blood are increasingly the peripheral nerves attackedwhereby our sense of touch suffers. In addition, our brain receives less information about the position of our joints and muscles via these nerves, which is important for targeted movements and our coordination. Overall, a polyneuropathy can also lead to an unsteady stance and gait, which is accompanied by dizziness.

In addition to the polyneuropathy, a too lower or a too high blood pressure lead to dizziness. This is typical for one too low blood pressureif, for example, you have not drunk enough or get up too quickly from a seat, so that the brain is briefly supplied with too little blood because a lot of blood has sunk in your legs when you sit. In technical terms, one speaks of orthostatic hypotension.

Since that Cerebellum is our organ for the coordination and planning of movements, it therefore logically also occurs in diseases that affect the cerebellum, such as the Cerebellar atrophy, i.e. a tissue shrinkage of the cerebellum, to dizziness. This then usually manifests itself in a fluctuating and non-rotating manner.

In addition to the causes already mentioned, there are also causes that are much more harmless and usually only occur for a short time. These include, for example Vertigo if you are afraid of heights or the dizziness that occurs after a carousel ride. Even with one Seasickness or nausea while driving (motion sickness), dizziness often occurs.

Blood pressure / circulation

Circulatory disorders such as blood pressure that is too high or too low, can cause dizziness.
The dizziness can be accompanied by nausea, fainting, headache and many other symptoms.

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Benign paroxymal positional vertigo

The benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is caused by a disturbance in the organ of equilibrium (vestibular organ). Particles are deposited here in the semicircular canal system (see anatomy of the ear) of the organ of equilibrium (canalolithiasis). The posterior semicircular canal is most frequently affected. The freely movable particles in the semicircular canal system shift when the head is moved in the direction of the semicircular canal and deflect the cupula there. The cupula is a gelatinous structure that is responsible for the head's perception of movement. If it is incorrectly deflected by the particles, it will send incorrect information about the head position to the brain.
Due to the contradictory information between the affected and the healthy balance organ on the other hand, head and body movements lead to unpleasant vertigo attacks that can last for up to a minute.
In addition, the patient suffers from eye movement disorders (nystagmus) and not infrequently from nausea and vomiting.
In the case of positional dizziness, special exercises can also help at home.

For more information read the article: Positional vertigo exercises

Inner ear diseases, vestibulopathy

The diseases of the inner ear include inflammations that either happen locally or have been transmitted through other organs. A middle ear infection (otitis media), osseous inflammation (e.g. mastoiditis) and diseases of the meninges can spread to the inner ear and irritate the organ of equilibrium there in such a way that dizziness can occur.
You can find more information on our website:

  • Otitis media
  • Mastoiditis
  • Dizziness caused by the inner ear

Meniere's disease

Of the Meniere's disease affects predominantly Men in middle age. Noticeably, it often occurs in vegetatively unstable patients after psychological stress, weather changes, alcohol, caffeine - and nicotine abuse or after common infections. A severe one occurs at intervals Vertigo on, which is additionally supported by Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and a diffuse, cotton-like feeling of pressure in the ear.

After multiple attacks, a Hearing loss during the hearing test (audiogram, tone audiometry, hearing test) to be established. Such attacks last from minutes to hours. The cause is still unclear, but suspected a disruption in the fluids of the equilibrium organ (endolymph / perilymph) and their composition (electrolyte shift).

Further information is available under our topic: Meniere's disease

Inflammation of the equilibrium nerves / vestibular neuritis

An inflammation of the nerve that is responsible for transferring information from the organ of equilibrium to the brain (vestibular nerve) can trigger permanent vertigo with a tendency to fall to the opposite side.
Such inflammations have been triggered by viruses or occur spontaneously and without a demonstrable cause (idiopathic).

The so-called vestibular neuritis, the labyrinth failure, is an acute event that can usually be centrally compensated for after weeks at the latest. Due to inflammatory processes of the vestibular nerve (equilibrium nerve), the sense of equilibrium is lost on one side. It comes to vertigo, sweating, tendency to fall and involuntary eye movements (spontaneous nystagmus). A lot of bed rest helps here in acute situations. Dizziness medication will relieve symptoms. Good results are achieved with the glucocorticoid methylprednisolone. Therapy with infusions with vasodilators (vasodilating drugs) is also possible. However, whether the infusion therapy achieves significant success is somewhat controversial. These two forms of therapy are also used to treat tinnitus.

Perilymph fistula

This is a Connection between the inner ear and the middle ear with the exit of the so-called Perilymph, a fluid found in the inner ear. The cause of this can be Infections, Trauma but also Deformities be. Surgery is rarely performed here. In most cases, therapy for the underlying disease, such as an infection, and wait-and-see behavior are sufficient. Generally helps bed rest and a Elevating the head. Children are more often affected by perilymph fistulas than adults.

Basilar-type migraines

This particular form of migraine is more common in children and young adults. It gets its name from the fact that involvement of the great basilar artery leads to its development. These migraines are characterized by symptoms such as impaired speech, impaired vision, dizziness, ataxia, hearing loss and impaired consciousness. This disorder can lead to the so-called locked-in syndrome. This is complete immobility with full awareness. Only vertical eye movement can be possible. This condition lasts for about 2 to 30 minutes. Here, too, the therapy consists of migraine prophylaxis.

You might also be interested in this topic: migraine

Tension or injury to the neck muscles

The neck is a very sensitive area of ​​the body. It can quickly be overstretched or incorrectly loaded and has to withstand a lot of stress in everyday life. After all, he wears his head, which is in motion almost around the clock.

Damage to the cervical spine can be easy to a headache and dizziness to lead. Very often they are plain and simple Tension in the neck musclescausing these uncomfortable symptoms. The neck can be at lack of exercise or one uncomfortable head positionbe slightly tense, for example when doing office work. Relief can be obtained through simple exercises that relax the neck. In the vast majority of cases, your family doctor can show you these exercises. In the case of severe tension, the Physiotherapist With Massages help.

In order to protect the neck, one should above all else Avoid working overhead. Also a matching neck pillow can do very well. warmth generally provides good relief for tension, including neck problems. Finally, a tense neck can also occur in very stressful situations Relaxation techniques help to eliminate the discomfort.

Disease or injury to the cervical spine

The Cervical spine includes the whirl between the head and the Thoracic vertebrae. It is about seven vertebrae, the first two of which, the Atlas and the Axis, differ from the rest of the vertebrae. They form together with the Skull bones the upper and lower head joints and allow the head to move against the spine. The cervical spine is very flexible and can be easily injured in an accident. It is secured by various ligaments, the most important of which are the aliar ligaments. These so-called wing bands secure the head joint in its position and limit movement.

Traumatic injuries to the cervical spine are quite common and lead to those affected dizziness. Especially Whiplash injurieswhich happen, for example, in accidents in road traffic, can lead to this. A so-called Whiplash movement the ligamentous apparatus of the head joint injured. This leads to instability in it, which then causes dizziness. This instability results from a Rupture or one Overstretching of the ligament structures between the base of the skull (Occipital bone) and the first two vertebrae (Atlas and Axis). Those already mentioned are particularly common Aliar ligamentswho have favourited the wing ligaments. If the Joint capsule tears, the movement of the head against the spine is no longer adequately limited. This results in a displacement of the head against the cervical spine or, in the worst case, one Subluxation between Atlas and Axis. This is a incomplete dislocation of Joint. This subluxation may cause a so-called basilar impression. A basilar impression is an upward displacement of the cervical spine towards the base of the skull. The first eddies can put pressure on the Brain stem exercise and such a typical Brain stem symptoms trigger. These brain stem symptoms usually belong to dizziness, Visual disturbances and Vigilance disorders (from dazed to somnolent).

For examining the cervical spine, the Palpation (Keys by the doctor) that CT and MRI. Rarely, other diseases of the cervical spine can also cause dizziness. Metastases in the cervical spine, these can damage and cause dizziness.

Also chronic diseases how Herniated discs of the cervical spine, osteoporosis and Osteomalacia can be reasons for dizziness. However, this is less often the case.

Misalignment of the spine

Posture errors of the Spine, especially the Cervical spine, can arteries to the head (aa.Intervertebrales, Aa. Carotides) irritate in such a way that an oxygen deficiency in the area of ​​the central nervous system (CNS / Brain) results.
The patients also describe them as accompanying symptoms a headache (Cephalgia), stiff neck and pain in the cervical spine.

Cervical spine syndrome

The Cervical spine syndrome often arises as a result of degenerative changes of the Cervical spine. Other causes Whiplash, Tumors, muscular tension, Operations on the cervical spine or Herniated discs of the cervical spine represent.

A cervical spine syndrome primarily causes Pain in the Neck and shoulder areathat radiate into the arms and can lead to numbness there. A cervical spine syndrome can also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as a headache, Vision disorders or dizziness .

Of the dizziness at the Cervical spine syndrome arises as a result of a conflict in the processing of information sent to the brain from different parts of the body. In the area of ​​the neck muscles there are sensory cells that transmit information for adjusting the body's balance. At Tension in the neck area or on the basis of degenerative changes, misalignments and changes in posture can occur. Of the Sensory cells are then related to the spatial location and position wrong information to that brain forwarded with the information from the Balance organ and the Organ of vision are in conflict. The result is dizziness and insecurity. The patients describe the dizziness that occurs as uncertainty, especially when Stand and Go occurs. Of the dizziness redeems Feeling of swaying and a mild, persistent state of drowsiness. This dizziness is in many cases permanent present, sometimes a little more and sometimes less and is not dependent of certain Movements or activities.

Often associated with a headache can he dizziness the patient with a Cervical spine syndrome severely restrict, as the Attention and concentration impaired can be.
Changes in the cervical vertebrae
or tumorous changes of the fabric can Vesselsthat carry the blood of the body's circulation to the brain, compress or constrict. This will reduce the blood flow to the brain and it will result in a Undersupply of the brain With oxygen. This can also make you dizzy and unwell.

Patients at a Cervical spine syndrome owing to muscular tension The cervical spine sufferers often develop as well dizzinesswho made acute stress results in everyday life. In such situations you can too Attacks of dizziness occur. To relieve the dizziness are above all physical activity and physiotherapy exercises makes sense. In this way, possible tension can be released and any existing misalignments can be compensated for.

Space-occupying processes, tumor

A space-consuming process (tumor) in the area of ​​the Auditory and balance nerves (Acoustic neuroma) can lead to irritation or loss of the equilibrium information. A diagnosis is made with a Computed tomogram (CT) of Skull posed.

Injuries, breaks (fractures)

In accidents in which the skull Affected, it can become one Temporal bone fracture (Skull bones of that Inner ear surrounds) come. The equilibrium system is mechanically damaged here. By explaining the course of the accident, the symptoms and a Computed Tomography a reliable diagnosis can be made.

Diseases from the field of internal medicine / neurology

Strength Fluctuations in blood pressure and Cardiac arrhythmias can lead to an insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain, the organ of equilibrium and in the long term Balance nerves to lead.

Have the same effect Medication against high blood pressure (Antihypertensive drugs, antihypertensive drugs) and Drugs for depression (Antidepressants) and certain sleeping pills (Benzodiazepines).

A severe metabolic imbalance (hypoglycaemia / hyperglycaemia) as a result of untreated Diabetes (Diabetes mellitus) the electrolyte balance (balance of ions in the body e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium) disturb the body, causing dizziness symptoms.
In addition, the Diabetes mellitus (Diabetes) a sensory disorder in the extremities lead to a perception disorder of the ground and the joint positions (Polyneuropathy with proprioceptive disorders).

In the Multiple sclerosis (MS, disseminated encephalitis) Inflammation of the equilibrium nerve can also cause dizziness symptoms.
Also migraine sufferers (migraine) report in addition to strong ones a headache from dizziness and Drowsiness.

Anxiety / stress as a cause of dizziness

It is difficult to say for sure whether dizziness can only be caused by stress or fear. Just because you can't always find an organic cause of the stress doesn't mean the cause is purely psychogenic.

It is true, however, that very stressful and stressful situations can make you feel light-headed or dizzy. Often there are also symptoms such as shortness of breath or the feeling of impotence. However, these are acute events that are primarily triggered by hyperventilating.

Certain mental illnesses such as panic attacks and anxiety disorders are associated with a very high level of stress. Such panic attacks or anxiety attacks often lead to a vicious circle of fear, stress, dizziness and shortness of breath. However, it is not known in detail what the exact causes are. In such situations, it can help not to escape from the situation, but to get through it in peace. One must not develop avoidance behavior out of fear. It is important to keep breathing regularly and calmly. Try to relax as best you can. This reduces your stress level and prevents symptoms such as dizziness and shortness of breath.

Further information on the subject can be found at: Dizziness from stress


The "apparent movement" of the environment, which the patient perceives as dizziness, leads to the affected person fear from falls and possible injuries that can result from it.
Anyone who has ever been on a ship in undulating seas knows the effect of constant swaying. nausea and vomiting and sweating and Racing heart are typical symptoms that dizziness brings with it.

Please also read: Dizziness and racing heart

Accompanying symptoms

Dizziness can be accompanied by a variety of symptoms. These include:

  • nausea
  • a headache
  • Visual disturbances

Dizziness with nausea

Nausea and dizziness often perform together. A sudden strong one Dizziness having nausea with no other symptoms can be for that Failure of the organ of equilibrium speak and is a reason to go to the clinic immediately.

However, if no cause can be found in the equilibrium organ, neurological examinations are carried out. Because dizziness and nausea can also be the cause in the brain to have. Bacterial or viral infections, Brainstem infarcts, Tumors and Inflammation can be causative.

But also a phobic dizziness without a physical cause is conceivable. The cause is here psychic nature. Such dizzy spells often occur in the context of Anxiety and panic disorders on. They occur frequently in public places, but their type and rhythm vary from patient to patient. In such psychological causes are Psychotherapies and possibly Antidepressants the therapy of choice.

dizziness and nausea are however Not always an expression of a serious illness. There are situations in which they occur frequently, for example in the pregnancy or in the Menopause.

During the first three months of pregnancy, nausea and dizziness are more common. Menopause can also be accompanied by these unpleasant symptoms.

However, the most common is the so-called Vertigo accompanied by nausea and vomiting. This is usually dizziness with a vestibular cause. This means that the dizziness is due to damage to the vestibular apparatus (organ of balance) of the inner ear. The most common causes here are the benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and one Travel kinetosis. Paroxysmal positional vertigo is one Disturbance of the organ of equilibrium, in which the smallest crystals, the so-called semicircular canals, irritate the vestibular apparatus and thus cause dizziness. This also occurs when lying down and is of nausea and vomiting accompanied.

A Travel kinetosis (travel sickness) everyone has probably experienced it at least once in a lifetime. Unusual and, above all, winding roads Movements such as driving a car, flying or traveling by ship can do that Inner ear strongly irritate. Since these movements are difficult to use with the eyes can follow, discrepancies arise in the brain, which then lead to disturbed stimulus perception. The result is dizziness With nausea and Vomit.

Dizziness with headache

Headaches are a fairly non-specific symptom. They can have many causes, ranging from everyday things like stress or a flu-like infection to malignant diseases like cancer.

Headaches are often accompanied by a feeling of lightheadedness or dizziness. Migraines are a common cause of headaches and dizziness.

Migraine is a neurological disease that causes frequent headache attacks. In addition, there are symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, photophobia (sensitivity to light) and dizziness. Children with migraines also suffer particularly often from dizziness.

Other causes of dizziness with headaches are malignant diseases of the brain, i.e. brain tumors. These are space-consuming processes that can trigger neurological disorders such as visual disturbances, headaches, dizziness or even nausea. Other space-occupying processes such as intracranial hemorrhage (e.g. subarachnoid hemorrhage) or water retention in the head (Hydrocephalus) can cause such symptoms.

Traumatic injuries to the head and cervical spine also lead to headaches and dizziness. Infectious diseases such as flu infections or gastrointestinal infections can also cause headaches and dizziness, depending on the severity of their course. But this does not have to be the case. Meningitis or severe otitis media and inner ear infections can also be possible causes. Finally, there are of course diseases of the vestibular apparatus (organ of equilibrium) that show such symptoms. As a rule, however, dizziness without a headache predominates. So you can see that the causes can be very diverse, including the therapy, of course.

Read more on the topic: Dizziness and headaches or dizziness and migraines - which illness is behind it?

Dizziness and blurred vision

Our eyes and the orientation in space or our balance are closely related to each other. For this reason, symptoms such as dizziness and blurred vision can often appear together.

The dizziness can often be associated with visual disturbances. The reason for this is, for example, clouding of the lens, also known as cataracts, which usually occurs with increasing age. We therefore recommend that you also look at the following articles:

  • Dizziness and blurred vision
  • Clapboard in old age

Dizziness during pregnancy

The pregnancy is a very special situation for a woman. It represents an exceptional situation that places high demands on the female body. Of the Hormonal balance is rearranged to allow the child to develop. The blood flow in the woman's body changes, as the growing child now also has to be cared for. In short: everything in the body is now centered on the development of the unborn child.

Unfortunately, pregnancy is not all about pleasant aspects, Pregnancy complaints are quite common and do not necessarily have to be associated with complications. Just in first trimester of pregnancy there may be increased dizziness. Also nausea is quite common here.

Causes for the dizziness can a low blood pressure (Hypotension) or a Drop in blood sugar levels be. Also getting up too quickly or one Overheating of pregnant women, can Dizzy spells trigger. The further the pregnancy progresses, the more space it takes up uterus in the abdomen. It presses on the surrounding blood vessels and can in particular the inferior vena cava (Inferior vena cava) pinch. Of the Blood flow to the heart becomes so difficult. This can also make you dizzy.

But what can you do about these dizzy spells during pregnancy? And can they be prevented? First of all, it is important that To stabilize circulation. The pregnant woman should be first sit down or lie downwhen she feels unstable. But it can too Dizziness when lying down come. In this way it also prevents a fall that could harm the child. In general, it is important to rely on a balanced and regular diet to pay attention. Pregnant women should have a bite to eat every few hours to keep their blood sugar levels constant. This helps Attacks of dizziness to prevent. They should also be careful not to get out of bed or a chair too quickly. A adequate hydration is also very important. We recommend around 2 to 3 liters of water, tea or juice spritzers. Alternating baths and adequate exercise also help to keep the circulation stable. However, caution should be exercised when exercising, especially in advanced pregnancy. Exercise or sport should be very gentle and not strenuous. It's just about getting the cycle going. Sufficient breaks are an absolute must!

Usually is a Dizziness something normal in pregnancy, especially at the beginning of this. The dizziness usually subsides after the first trimester, so that the rest of the pregnancy is more pleasant. At persistent dizziness and a strong one Drowsiness but should always be a doctor be informed. Especially when other symptoms like Visual disturbances or a headache In addition, it is very advisable to contact a doctor.

Dizziness when lying down

dizziness, of the laying occurs can have many different causes. Next organic disorders, such as one Derailment of blood pressure or one to low blood sugar levels, can also mental stress or a lot stress come into question as a trigger.

One of the most common causes of dizziness when lying down is benign positional vertigo. This is a benign, seizure-like occurrence Vertigowhich is triggered by a disorder in the equilibrium organ. Small ear stones form, which when the head moves Sensory cells in the inner ear irritate and thus trigger the dizziness.
The sudden ones Vertigo attacks often go with nausea and Vomit hand in hand. The Vertigo attacks join Changes in position, especially when turning while sleeping or when getting up from a lying position, as well as with head movements of any kind (see: Dizziness in the morning). The dizziness usually goes away after a few weeks.
However, effective leads treatment to a faster freedom from symptoms. Through a targeted, vom doctor carried out, Storage training the small ear stones that cause dizziness when lying down can be removed.

Dizziness when lying down can also be too high Alcohol consumption occur. Be through alcohol Vertigo attacks which worsen when lying down, especially with your eyes closed. During an intoxication with alcohol, one occurs temporarily Inhibition of some sensory cells in the cerebellum, which makes it difficult to correctly match the position of the body and the perception of the eyes

Exist in Neck or throat area tension, this can also lead to dizziness when lying down. By Tension incorrect signals are sent from the muscles to the brain, which the brain cannot process properly. The result is dizziness. In this case one can use therapeutically physiotherapy exercises and Medication proceed to loosen up the muscles.

In addition, dizziness can be caused by lying down in many cases Dysregulation of the body's circulation arise. Both one too low and one too high blood pressure can at night too dizziness to lead. At Pregnant women can it by lying down increased pressure Inferior vena cava imprints occur in the abdominal cavity. As a result, not enough blood is getting back to the heart, resulting in onset dizziness, Shortness of breath and Racing heart, up to Faint can lead. To avoid this should women with advanced pregnancy long Lie on your back largely avoid. You are advised to take a position on the left side of your body when lying down.

Dizziness in children

Dizziness is not uncommon in children either. It is estimated that around 15% of school children in Germany have already gone through an episode of vertigo. As a rule, the causes of dizziness in children are more benign. Are very common Migraine-associated dizziness with children. They make up about 50% of children's diseases. The frequency is therefore quite different from that of adults. Below is a small overview of the common causes of Attacks of dizziness with children.

Benign paroxysmal dizziness in children

In benign paroxymal dizziness, small crystals in the Balance organ an inadequate irritation causing the dizziness. It comes to brief attacks of dizziness of about 30 seconds when moving the head. Even if the disease can resolve spontaneously after weeks or months, therapy should be started. Positioning exercises and Relaxation techniques can help. In addition, if the course is very severe, a Migraine prophylaxis be performed.

Figure ear

  1. Outer ear
  2. eardrum
  3. Balance organ
  4. Auditory nerve (nervus acousticus)
  5. tube
  6. Mastoid process

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